Show ANTI LYNCHING BILL COLUMBIA S C jan 20 the anti anci lunching lynching bill was wan passed in the house of representatives today it provides that in all cases ot oi lynching lunching lyn ching where death ensues the county where the lynching lunching lyn ching takes place shall be liable to exemplary damages in a sum not less than 2000 to be recovered in a competent court by the legal representative of the person lynched this is a move in the right direction and shows the sentiment of the white people in that historic state is is now law abling abiding aud and it proves proved that they are doing all in their power to assist the colored man in his upward march and protect him from wrong the same as others with the above law on the statute books and the law requiring voters to beable to read we predict that the colored race in south carolina will advance more readily than in any other state in in the union WHILE visiting the eity city of logan during 0 the past week we were the recipient reci from the hon G IV thatcher history flit ory of utah in in two volumes which we shall always prize very highly hihl 9 y COAL tue THE diabo diamond nd is twenty five per cent better than any an y other coal in the market J W JB ACT 10 W V second south telephone A 0 SMOOT jr member odthe of the lower house bouse from utah county Co tinty is a aarni warm friend and reader of the BROAD ax mr smoot is one of the hardest worker in the house 9 X ia orpo DUR NG the ahe past week we ire received broms J jepperson eq the agent bior the thatcher milting fc X and g germade i we the alutina gl utina ipuh excelled jor breakfast genial and we cheerfully to rd min our many ersa they 41 1 also the choicest breakfast food now in i nse e j c r i af f j i subi ane f f t si S f 7 u Z afy tz arx te w 3 q y f |