Show CHIPS COL ISAAC haac TRUMBO has returned to salt lake and the government at washington still lives Y FOR first class groceries and family supplies visit co 58 E first south st THERE is going to be a big game of football in utan when the legislature convenes it will be between the cannon trumbo trailers brown busters austers bennett bean eaters 0 norris nosegays nose gays and the goodwin good win grannies WE can supply you with everything for the holidays in wines whiskies brandies cigars etc M X E mulvey co cd south main street THE knauff inauguration ou ration of governor wells will hs he a strictly nonpartisan non partisan affair and the chairmen of th the c three parties have united in efforts to make the inaugural celebration a grand success SALT LAKE THEATER chas S burton barton manager mr tuomas thomas keene oneff one of americas s greatest tragedians will be the attraction for dec and monday night louis XI tuesday night kichard asard III prices stalls tores boxes and loges sale of seats begins begin on friday december 27 THE committees are ara hard at work preparing for the celebration of statehood day all eltis classes ses of our citizens should lend them all the assistance possible so that the celebration will be a grand success foil foa dotting furnishing goods hats and zaps caps visit OBe illys main street gov will app appear ear on the boards in itne it a ne new W role on jan ath lie he wm will be the star actor angwill and will undoubtedly draw a bi big g house he has the best wish wishes e s of the BROAD ax and ana we trustee he will be a success eiss as go governor aoi is as well irell as actor the he df ba i the maj ic after well is omin sw j J |