Show A STAR OF HOPE THE elections election of 1894 followed y 7 a repetition of the same ame result 1895 demonstrates demo nitrates beyond cavil hat i at the people are dissatisfied with ur IT present rulers in fact almost er since the dose close of the civil ar the people of the united fates es have shown an unrest and satisfaction with the party in ower in 1872 grant carried the auntry over greeley by almost ahree iree quarters of a million votes our ur years later in in 1876 tilden tiddens Til dens lurainy over hayes was almost a darter of a million on the popular ote ate in 1880 garfield heat beat hanack k by over ten thousand votes vote t the next election in 1884 cleveland eveland tt received twenty div five e housand more votes than blame blaine n 1888 harrison received nearly ne hundred thousand more votes iian han cleveland and in 1891 the pular verdict was again reversed and ad cleveland beat harrison by a large age vote each presidential elec tion on for more than twenty years shows bows sows that the political pendulum has as swung swung regularly from one side to 0 theother which to our mind is evidence that something is wrong nd and the people in trying to better their heir condition have sought a hange change at each opportunity As to 0 the election of 1896 we believe we re are confronted with a condition and not a theory in brief the he industrial and financial aff affairs airs of f the country are sick the political quacks who have been pre scribing bribing for the nation since 1873 have lave simply been giving us ua slow alow poison oison and instead of getting beter we have been gradually sinking md d the he only hope is not only in a shange ge of doctors but a radical change ange ia in the treatment the gold ure whether administered by a democrat macrat or by a republican akes no difference it win will stin still continue onti nue to drag down the patient to 0 a condition of european bon lage age the question of the hour is what shall hall we do Is 14 there any nope hope Is there not a balm in gilead is there here no physician there the tahe answer is yes ne ebe star of hop it iain ia the south and west 1 U re e follow 9 ow out of 0 out our present tili iSMA and open dei lip the tb lawn wn of IL a new IW dm 0 i we revere rev Democrat io alff ackson but een nd and m c 1 n a sr aft e belled aued ta asfor uio fAe f pow 2 tp M 0 1 a aa ata t l ts a me als debs bg we can come out of the fire as it were rejuvenated aud and more glorious than everand be the means of conferring prosperity and happiness upon millions of our countrymen the opportunity is with the party next year and we need but put forth our hand and grasp the fruit the act is short abort and simple it is is that we declare our purpose to legislate and administer this government in in behalf of the great masses of the people instead of a favored class of millionaires let us sound the tocsin of free fre silver 36 16 to V 1 of an increase in the circulating medium of america for americans let us put up for our standard bearers brave and patriotic men I 1 who when elected will carry out the wishes of the people we have such men in our party and they will serve us the time has come when we must act if we would save ourselves and posterity from the degrading effect of the money power we must place the right men on the right kind of a platform regardless gard less of their geographical location the time is long passed when we should fear to name a candidate for president from the south the bloody shirt argument no longer frightens even a child the people I 1 of the south are as loyal to the t i interests of this country as the people of the north or east we therefore name as our ticket j for the campaign of 1896 for president JOHN T MORGAN OP OF ALABAMA for vice president WILLIAM J BRYAN OF place ibm those men man in nomination upon a platform of principles aimi lar to what we have hare hint hinted edat at and an ara avalanche landie of totes rotes will carry cam them to victory by more than a mon million majority these men are brainy and patriotic and as truie true to t the e immortal principles of jefferson and W jackson wt as ny any whose names haven have graced Democratic the I 1 comfor e dw far the th e lat aalf century tt this thi s is theard hope demoi da MID ra r a T A w i I 1 t cratic A r k 04 of states A r 3 aari I 1 y V agati now y 1666 T sd afia at thi the t Ii wreathes ileath i A tr sis as as 0 y ys afi s v t ss s as abd idt af pf lohof i y amt we tw AW iii in d Y fc a X f 5 WN W s |