Show hon hoa william F P harrity chairman 0 of the democratic national committee who has been in washington for several days believes it is always good politics to keep a stiff upper lip no matter how the returns come in this is the way I 1 he sized up the effect of last weeks elections on the democratic party while the elections showed great republican victories vic tones they have not heartened disheartened dis us by any manner of means we shall get to together ether again by next november and we w will make a good showing in the next campaign we will select a good candidate and we will show the country that the democratic party is stir still very much alive ex congressman somers of wisconsin coasin now in in washington on private business has a record as aa a good democrat and a shrewd observer of the trend of democratic sentiment in the state he said when asked who the democrats of that state favored for the presidential dental nomination they are thoroughly in in accord with president cleveland and I 1 believe that were he be to an bounce himself as a candidate for a third term tera he could obtain the entire delegation carlisle stands second with W C whitney very close to him either would make a good candidate and a strong campaign ex congressman holman of indiana who thoroughly F knows the democratic party of his state says saya indiana damoc democrats rats have never seriously considered that there was any probability of president cleveland again becoming a candidate and that they do not believe it has been seriously v considered anywhere else mr holman thinks that if no mistake is made in the national ticket indiana will go democratic next year |