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Show jContractors Start j Road Construction i Active work on building the graveled gravel-ed and oiled mulch highway between Gunnison and the Nine-Mile reservoir, known as Federal Aid Froject 91-D, was started with a vim Monday morning morn-ing with a big crew of men and horses. hor-ses. Young & Ogden, the Richfield contractors who secured the job, intend in-tend to rush work with all possible speed. Starting 20 men and an equal number of horses, it was announced by L. A. Young, who is supervising the work, that this would be doubled by the end of the week. Local men are being employed and the policy of the contractors will be to carry out this plan in the entire job. The contract calls for approx'mate-ly approx'mate-ly four and a quarter miles of grading grad-ing and oiling and according to stipulations stipu-lations in the agreement with the state road commission, the work must be completed by not later than July 11th. Removing and reinstalling the city pipe line, which courses along the proposed cut-off, is now being carried out and some time next week it is believed this task will "have been completed. com-pleted. Grading was started Monday at the bottom of Nine-Mile hill, commonly com-monly known as "Standpat curve," and likely work will be carried from that end of the project to the point connecting with the oiled road just north of Gunnison. The contracting company is planning to bring in some of the ' heavy machinery owned by them, and assemble it for work on the Gunnison - Nine-Mile project. A large Caterpillar tractor, rock crusher crush-er and other necessary equipment will he on the grounds within a short Hme. The Young & Ogden contract calls for grading and graveling, building: of a hew bridge, correcting the city ,-ipe line, and in fact to complete the job ent'rely. The changing of the "ourse of the Sanpitch river, west of the curve, is included in the work. After the preliminary work has been started, Mr. Young told a News representative, just as many workmen work-men as possible will be employed, and local workmen will be given the preference. |