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Show (Elbert SBede nSays: The man who is pleased with himself him-self is usually hard to please in other ways. A mother of twenty-six children attempted to commit suicide. Well, it wasn't race suicide, anyway. We holler like all get out for government gov-ernment by the people, and then when election time comes half of us don't vote. The time may come when foreign born citizens will find that their American citizenship imposes a duty, as well as gives protection. Those who have served in positions of trust are not so quick to criticize as those who never have and havn't the ability to get into a position where they would be criticized. We have known a great many people peo-ple whom we would say were scrupulously scrupu-lously honest under all ordinary circumstances cir-cumstances but very few of them would call, a conductor back to give him a fare lie had missed. Why is it a girl will act as if she doesn't want to be touched, when she is aching to be crushed in a man's arms? A woman will coax a man into spending money for some useless and worthless luxury and then criticize him for being ha -d up. |