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Show CONGENIAL WORK And Strength to Perform It. A person in good health is likely lo have a genial disposition, ambition, and enjoy work. On the other hand, if the digeslive oi-gans have been upset by wrong food, work becomes drudgery. "Until recently," writes a Washington Washing-ton girl, "I was a railroad stenographer, stenog-rapher, which means full work every day. "Like many other girls alone in a large city, I lived at a boarding house. For breakfast it was mush, greasy meat, soggy cakes, black coffee, etc. "After a few months of this diet I used to feel .sleepy and heavy in the mornings. My work seemed a terrible ter-rible effort, and I thought the work was to blame too arduous. "At home I had heard my father speak of a young fellow who went long distances in the cold on Grape-Nttts Grape-Nttts and cream and nothing more for breakfast. "I concluded if il would tide him over a morning's heavy work, it might help me, so on my way home one night I bought a package and next morning I had Grape-Nuts and milk for breakfast. "I stuck to Grape-Nuts, and in less than two weeks I noticed Improve-j Improve-j ment. I can't just tell how well I felt, but I remember I used to walk the 12 blocks to business and knew how good it was simply to live. "As to my work well, did you ever feel the delight of having congenial work and the strength to perform it? That's how I felt. I truly believe there's life and vigor in every grain of I Grape-Nuts." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Read "The Road to Well-ville." Well-ville." in pkgs. "There's a Reason." Ever rend the above letter? A new one nppenrN from time to time. They fire crenuine, txue and full of human Interest. |