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Show Exercise l:Vica Versa" Washington school. Trio, Ruth KearDs, Edith and Louif Bartholomew Jefferson school r'autoniime "Jesus Lover of my Soul" Lincoln school. Reading oi namss of the successful success-ful graduates. Benediction. A cordial in vitation is extended to the public to attend the exercises. Public Exercises To Be Given By Schools. Next Friday, May 21, the public chools of Gunnison district will close for the year. A program will be giveu'iu the Centerfield opera house next Thursday at 8 o'clock in honor of the occasion. The progr.'.rn is as follows : School chorus, ' Vacation is Here." Lincoln school. Invocation Duet, Flossie and Florence Anderson Washington school. Exercise": The L.ving Flag" Lincoln School. Recitation Arnold Hendrickson Jefferson school. Exercise "The May D.-iy ' Grant s( h iol. Piano boIo Alfrrd Taj lor Washington school. Drill "'A Swing Sod?" Washingtan 8chot. Recitation ....... Barnard Soreuson Jefferso school. . |