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Show CELEBRATION AT CENTERFEELD. Citizens Have Day of Rejoicing Re-joicing Fourth. I With a greeting of "Welcome-' set overtha stage and mottos intertwined with, a draping of national colors Cen terfietd opera bouse on the Fourth held aji enthusiastic assembly of loyal, loy-al, citi.ens, who united to do hono to I tne l.dlth. natal anniversary. Douued in bran new uuiforns the I band boys made a'decided hit, while their inspiring strains drew no little praise. The choir too was coumended for its sweet singing; all under the direction of Herbert Beck. Chairman Myrup called' the audience audi-ence to order with, cheering; woids and set the program in motion in a feel-well key, ; Chaplain Bardsley invoked Divine protection through the day's exercises and all went on serene. The Declaration of Independence was read by C H. Embley, followed by that ever inspiring song, The- Star Spangltd Banner, rendered by Mrs. Mary A. Jensen.. Judge A. N. Cherry of Gnnnison gave a splendid address, right from the heart, recounting briefly some of the struggles incident to the forming of our glorious nation and in. a sensible sensi-ble talk pointed out requisites for our maintaining the country's honor and that of its citizens, now numbering in the neighborhood of a hundred, million. mil-lion. The band- responded with, a selection selec-tion and Mrs. Henry Christiansen gave a solo, that met appreciation,, followed- by H. M. Garrick in. his characteristic humor. Tbe choir and assembly- sang "America" as a parting inspiration. In the afiernoon. the childreu were happily entertained with dancing to music iurnisnea Dy a portion of the brass band.. A commendable feature here was that of giving awny prizes, among the number being one to the largest family present, Tim Follett carrying the honors'wlth twelve. The opera house management did a rushing business ia the refreshment line. Outdoor amusements furnished tbe later afternoon amusement. A dance at night wound up a day of rejoicing voted among the best, though not so-largely so-largely attended' on aocount of recent sickness, ever held in Centerfield. |