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Show Make the Liver Do its Duty fne bm in tmm wtt the Cr it tW goaack tad bowel m Dtbt. CARTER'S LITTLE UVER PILLS jTV gcotly but firmly eomy' ' pel . kiy Ur to . ! TADTFR So iu duty. J' jtiiFP ' hpahon, V? , EL:.,? Hdclio, and DUtrMf after Eating. Saull Pill. Small Doia, Smll Prica Genuine musibd Signature Put a KNOWN THE-jIa-WORLD OVER in your vacation outfit hHW HAIR BALSAM f" t V-;-:' -i 5 OlMmw and bmatifiei On hill. V. A .&(i.!t lromoi(H ltnurint powth. , ft 1, Uovor rail to Eeltoro Gray P)v'V'--Jll-i.'l Hair to it Youtliftil Color. SeyousoS Thompson's Eyt Water Dr. Plercff's Pellets, small, STifrar-coatfld, easy let take as cundy, regulate, aud luvigorala sUjiuacb, llror and bowels. Do not ffri po. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle o CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for Infants and children, and see that it Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. The Kind You Have Always Bought. f Hungry ; Little Folks find delightful satisfaction in a bowl of toothsome Post Toastles When the children want lunch, this wholesome nourishing nour-ishing food is always ready to serve right from the package without cooking, and saves many steps for mother. Let the youngters h.-ye Post Toastiey superb summer sum-mer food. "The Memory Lingers" Postum Cereal Co., Limited. Battle Creek. Mich. |