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Show C- E.- HALVERSON i Proprietor j The Gnnnison Valley BARBER SHOP. i All Work Guaranteed :' Once come, always stay. Hot! Batlis always ready. H;-k-T;inic, Guar.tutaed to Curt Dandruff. Crean for Chap;;?:! hands and face. KEMEMBER THE PLACE Basement of Bank Building..- i I Vsit &mlim Gazette nwocs-Sr.uFeto-'Ksauty,- U'oa'-- BUB'CO aVt'ilG't n-.vrrt'je: : ia Ye'.r- - i-''-1 Tars iMbst-iBa- - -i'r' 51tt!XVY-. AU'DUh'-l1' If - MM?'. : ";;5'f: r.r-:-r: ' r V,r..'red. .y--;!r. :'-;:" "! ::'T-. ...M.'t-Vrt.i!; -"' .' ;i,-v i ' '. !7, M -s '.:-.!". '--:'.t -.ixsm- hki tK.cs-::3." l.!v'!7 v-V:;3 : fvW'Ayi-'v'r?;.;-:;"-V.i.--j!-:- i. . -c--. . -c r-.'-- .: c . -i (,;..-' -.;', 4, !r;;.-, - rot ;,-.r. and-V.ick'.s havo the sia'S": C'-v-,' -. -;iiiS:;J!-W,j;;y:S ...-l-.c; -vendors CV -Mis ! i&.Bivt r;.-;; IS:;?:- l"iv,-'''-'vv4--i .-'ts i:i-v ?r.- c'.so v. ids to l:cep -.hem tro.r. cu.-.. (f5 ;::;.v.,: I';';-' r-- :':.-.- i:.-:r,hc. Vc.s. TV:rcur.:;:-.e.i r.Tj'V:-?- rn'.ki-twp h.-j.vio i itii, one tticilay.one ru.s :; :;! r.-.c i.-rf -.vvcitit4 SJPr?vri-.:' cf h.T--Ovet-a..s st..-.y. 1 "-'1? .W rr.h'j :tu-.i -."o itvar.te . it - every rr-an who wears , A. N. G'herf LAWYER & NOTARY PUBLIC Will practice in all 'Siaes ' and Federal Courts-. j O'lies over OuiiDison Talley Back GUNTNISOV; - - UTAH'. j Dr. C W. Bird DEDTISt "F'FICli OVER DliUG STOK R OyS-NISON, - - VTA l Ot&e opprj first wee It o'-eae.h tnontli. W H O. B. BERGLU'N-D . Notary Pabhc- GUNNISON. UTAH ovha '- "'.-v.'.ii j p. 'i ; :.-n".''n wst c.-.i !.'..- JiV pri v. -i. -i V.v. -Ji:."! Iicr an Ii-. .ii"-' ! v. :c-'v .i.mmBlciv. ti v. V.r.lr.-.:.".7C "Uiiloeli -1. (1 tM'UV ' t'alctiU OWn-Troo. )l!:t BifewT tvr warn;.? KUor.r. l;i:oai3 tjLUn thr:i'i:ri M-.:!:u Co. rocoive-spc'tiil rocoive-spc'tiil '.ii: .0.' withoat ciidfio, i-i tho (5j m -1 ; ? Til -1 " A rR 5 c-:lali.iii ! r.nv J 'n'.nl. T.i:. J a v...,r f m-:i'.a3. ,i- ti.J 1.7 ul! tiewstloalera. P.vn- .'; 72S St., Wi-ahilicion. K. ;. Gtitinls-on Livery -wriBfjia'' -jr. -ill 9 ?U f f H 1 1 H I (P Q r w w vi i i Ci U I w o S'jj cStiKecHcu v.itli 0. S. ift'ai'lf,- ,iajl -, Passengers ad Express. ... We drive to' -I M'antl. Salkia, J'ksU,, Sc-i-pfo asicVoiher points- j M RACKS'' MEBt ATiL RAi-MS.. Prises- Seasonablo' Plume Nbv. 10. ftl Bfsarcfird. & Soil, Prop's TRADE MORAL Joan of Arc was-the oniy woman on earth abla to resist a bargain ariver-tisemeni ariver-tisemeni and'she' dead. If you'3 gdi a bargain in something, some-thing, advertise ii to the women wom-en folks in this paper. , TRADE fii)RAL- Advertising prominence in this paper is to you, Mi?.. Home fiierchar.t, whai steam is to an engine. f t J ' y If n rrs- ft O. B. BERG LUN D Arrapitie Rar.cli, Ounnisnn. - - -- L t a h . U . tl. G KIBBLE j Live Stock GuuLiiM-iu - - Utah CITY OFFICEliS. Mayor. John M. Knighton ( Mariiius Beauregard W. tt. Giibble Couhcilmen H, M. Childs ) A. H. Kearns 1 E. L. Swalbetg. Attorney Jacob Johnson Recorder J'oseph Chrif tensou Treasurer..,.. Nephi Gledhill Marsha!:. J. P. Fjeldsied j Denver S Rio Grande Railroad j; SCENIC LSTME THE WORLb. jj ; 3 FAST TRAIMS DASLY 3 j to en 35 points east. 1 Through PC Lb MAN ad TGUUl-ST SXEXPAS Ivtweeu S.lt Liike Denver. Chu-nto ami St. Bon, v. l"-.n t; cha age of cats, j j DINING CARS ea aH through trains. . j; TKAJNS LEAVE GUNN'ISOM Northbound, 11:31 a. m. Southbound, 1:49s i 1 For descriptive p'-nnphlets or other ii.foruiatirn callonvM $ . i; 1., A..UENTON,. G.A.P.D.- ISA OVERl i-; t j Salt- Liike City, UatU Alien Gn:inivcn I ! i ?i,'J0O.O0 will buy the A. M Ohriff-tt-nsou city property, 1 block wes-t.f wes-t.f city hull.. Good stone house, 7 rooms, we'd, shede, & acre- of ground all enclosed. Enquire Gazette olSce. .j ustice i Siipercioip J. P. Fjeldfiled Ssstoa Paid C. Madsen SCHOOL BOK-l); Trustees : Brigham Jensen, Chairman K. C. Mvrup, Tream-irer. Joseph Christensou, Clerk. Piincipal, Johnny Beal. E L. iParry & Sons, MASOKS and STONE CUTTER V. -f-.J iWfr Gsnile 2nd Marfcle MoR-innents, : HJAh Ke2dstfep.es, A'.antles, Grates. mCK and STEEL FENCES. L.i; jVsANTI, Sanpois Co. UTAH. IBAR GAINS! We always have? ther.s, but just novv :o are offering extraordinary extraordi-nary inducsmcut to buyers. We -will Sell' at a Sacraficeai! our Stock of j Summer Dress Goods i and Embroidery ! Also Men's and Boys' Sum'-tier Underwear. I Ginghams Sc Calicos 5c. IGiinmsoii Bargain Store, I Peter Christiansen, Manager. j Find the Man Every h;aa pjid woman is' anxious to buy some article necessity or i'asary evory day of his or her life. Single Landed; itwculd take you fcrtt to seek jn-itkose interisted :i.l yo'ar line of fcvv2c-w.- Ati adTertisensijit i! 'ibis paper ioes fc work insrf..S?isly. It corrals the ji'ch'ix---nirigs him to your stoff?- rnaito's him buy ihings you advertised. TliJO GAZKTTK SUESCTilPTIOi j LIHT ' STKAD1LV ! XjIj j -iou;; nam:-; i ! an r, l : I YOU R FiMl-'-VD-S. :.:...(,.- i : i Ii: ..iU ui ras .. h. or n.-, bce, fcj ' y, l-i-ltS,cM..il .I.J-I.K ri(Tl. .';;i-;...:r ..i ; .:.!;.! ,:ii! y. All' (JUSINESS e' r'' '""r'tu-;iui.. l-.erra pminice K i ''. , !. . .-. ilv ji. -.(!.!,, Bh.-'il.l linve our liand- p1 'J ''.! H r.l.'.i.l, Mill Sell . 1 . T.I :.. ' ' I,:, I in- t ,p v.-all. .us will (..-. v.l I. .-.v 1 r. c-:i i.-i 1 1 1 ;.-r .11 e . 1 . Hut f .-Muat.J.-ii.'i.iii,;,ii'-.i. sm i Ir. f l.jaaj i.-nn-o: ?' f--;.50l Sever.i.i St., Washington, D. |