Show R national I 1 political review by BONNIE WILSON green river high school graduate and student of political science of utah I 1 m wondering A on dering if more than a bt lit tie tle controversy will arise over the outer mongolia incident in the united nation it is already apparent appal ent that it 4 bag bell effected to a certain extent the entire membership of th the U N we all know jt it is of utmost imbor tanco to have japan in the united nations but this would mean ad mission for outer mongolia and red chuia china once again the soviet unan has us where they want us in a 1 I yen darful black mailing position it ap pears they re shrewd strategists this last minute maneuvering they are capable of is nothing less than apal lins I 1 I 1 m we should learn this week of the president presidents s plans concerning the el actions this year it seems at least according to recent releases that mr air eisenhower Elsen hower s health is excel excell ent although medical specialists I 1 with knowledge of hs condition are not certain the trevious st renous duties that belong to that office will not effect his health later on the final decision of ti the e president I 1 will definitely have a profound ef of feet upon the republican party al though capable men are ready to run if the president decides no the loss will wll be 13 felta felt a fact which will probably pot not be he completely realized until next fall chief chic justice warren seems to be the only possible candidate with sup port comparable to that of mr air eisen bowers how e rs s however mr warren has previously voiced his opinion that the chief justice should not en ter into politics at allbut all ail but should remain entirely non partisan A wise and true conclusion vice president nixon is capable b but u t he has neither the support nor the experience essential for a 1 pres i identical ident ial candidate gov christian herter of mass and thomas dewey are two other men we versed in the ways pf the politic and several re cent reports have definitely defina tely ed they might be on the republican ticket according to several ne news ws re leases the nationalism that was once the foundation of the regime under hitler has resumed in ger many at an astonishing speed and wl with th tremendous centralized power konrad Aude it was reported is deeply concerned over this sud den uprising of nationalistic ideals it is not surprising to learn of this when we contemplate germany germanys s history the fall fail of the and the speeded recovery following each onea one a strong nationalized govern ment and highly industrialized ec cc onomy are typical of the german race and so once again war torn ger many with countless heaps of rum ruin and an d debris has taken foothold to ward strong power but then so of ten a facade is not indicative of an interior |