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Show LEGAL NOTICES ASSESSMENT NOTICE. Off'ce of the Pride of the West Mining Min-ing Company. Principal place of business, Salt Lake City, Utah. Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of the Board of Directors held on the 14th day of April, 1910, an assessment as-sessment was levied on all the out-; out-; standing stock of the company of one- tenth (1-10) of one cent per share, payable immediately to the secretary i of the company at his office, No. 170 State street, Salt Lake City, Utah. t Any stock upon which this assessment f may remain unpaid at that date will be 'declared delinquent and unless pay-, pay-, ment is made on or before June 15th, 1910, will be sold at publc auction on i the 5th day of July, 1910, or so much I thereof as may be necessary, to pay said delinquent assessment, together with the costs of advertising and expense ex-pense of sale of the same. i By order of the Board of Directors.' F. O. HORN, Secretary. j First publication May 14, 1910 ASSESSMENT NO. 15. Blaine Gold & Silver Mining Co., Salt Lake City. Location of mines, ' Erekson Mining District, Tooele County, Utah. Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of the Board of Directors of Blaine Gold & Silver Mining Co., held on the 30th day of April, 1910, assessment assess-ment No. 15, of one-fourth () cent 4 per share was levied upon the capital stock of the corporation issued and outstanding, payable immediately to the treasurer, W. D. Mathis, at their office, 324 South Main street, Salt Lake City, Utah. ' Any stock upon which this assess ment may remain unpaid on Tuesday, the 31st day of May, 1910, will be delinquent de-linquent and advertised for sale at public auction and unless payment is made before, will be sold on Thursday, the lGth day of June, 1910, at 2 o'clock noon, at the company's office, to pay the delinquent assessment thereon, to gether with the cost oC advertising and expense of sale. W. B. WEIDNER, Secretary. DELINQUENT NOTICE. Quincy Junior Mining Company. Location Lo-cation of principal place of business, 208 Newhouse Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. Notice. There are delinquent upon the following described stock on account ac-count of asessment No. 13, levied on ' the 2Cth day of March, 19l0, the sev eral amounts set opposite the names of the respective shareholders as follows: fol-lows: Cert. No. Namo Shares. Amt. 137 F. A. Nims 1,000 $ 50.00 138 F. A. Nims 1,000 50.00 139 F. A. Nims 1,000 50.00 140 F. A. Nims 1,000 50.00 141 F. A. Nims 1,221 61.05 247 H. J. Hoyt 1,000 50.00 149 C. W. Sessions .... 500 25.00 150 C. W. Sessions -500 25.00 151 C. W, Sessions 500 25-.00 152 C. W. Sessions 500 25.00 153 C. W. Sessions 752 37.60 154 John Vanderwerp . . 500 25.00 155 John Vanderwerp . . 500 25.00 156 John Vanderwerp . . 500 25.00 157 John Vanderwerp .. 500 25.00 158 John Vanderwerp . . 753 37.65 204 E. J. Frankhauser. . 497 24.85 241 E. J. Frankhauser. . 100 5.00 246 E. J. Frankhauser.. 500 25.00 248 E. J. Frankhauser.. 116 5.80 260 E. J. Frankhauser.. 500 25.00 261 E. J. Frankhauser. . 500 25.00 262 E. J. Frankhauser.. 500 25.00 263 E. J. Frankhauser.. 500 25.00 264 E. J. Frankhauser. . 500 25.00 271 E. J. Frankhauser. . 500 25.00 272 E. J. Frankhauser.. 500 25.00 273 E. J. Frankhauser.. 500 25.00 215 J. E. Montgomery. .1,000 50.00 216 J. E. Montgomery.. l.O'OO 50.00 217 J. E. Montgomery.. 1,000 50.00 218 J. E. Montgomery.. 1,000 50.00 219 J. E. Montgomery.. 1,000 50.00 220 J. E. Montgomery.. 1,000 50.00 221 J. E. Montgomery. . 110 5.50 277 J. E. Montgomery.. 1,000 50.00 278 J. E. Montgomery.. 1,000 50.00 279 J. E. Montgomery.. 1,000 50.00 280 J. E. Montgomery.. 1,000 50.00 281 J. E. Montgomery.. 1,000 50.00 282 J. E. Montgomery.. 1,000 50.00 283 J. E. Montgomery.. 110 5.50 284 J. E. Montgomery.. Ill 5.55 222 W. A. Wilson 1,000 50.00 223 W. A. Wilson 1,000 50.00 224 W. A. Wilson 500 25.00 225 W. A. Wilson 500 25.00 226 W. A. Wilson 200 ,10.00 227 W. A. Wilson 200 10.00 228 W. A. Wilson 200 10.00 229 W. A. Wilson 66 3.30 233 Geo. L. Erwin ....1,000 50.00 234 Geo. L. Erwin ....1,000 50.00 235 Geo. L. Erwin ....1,253 62.65 250 F. M. Cook 763 38.15 251 F. M. Cook 1,381 69.05 252 F. M. Cook 2,000 100.00 253 F. M. Cook 2,000 100.00 254 F. M. Cook 1,000 50.00 255 F. M. Cook 1,000 50.00 256 F. M. Cook 2,000 100.00 257 F. M. Cook 500 25.00 258 F. M. cook 473 23.65 270 F. M. Cook 7,559 377.95 265 Belle Cook Frankhauser Frank-hauser 500 25.00 266 Belle Cook Frankhauser Frank-hauser 5,00 25.00 267 Belle Cook Frankhauser Frank-hauser 500 . 25.00 268 Belle Cook Frankhauser Frank-hauser 500 25.00 269 Belle Cook Frankhauser Frank-hauser 500 25.00 275 Win. Brenen 7,220 361.00 159 L. Werthelmer .... 100 5.00 160 L. Werthelmer .... 100 5.00 161 L. Werthelmer .... 100 5.00 162 L. Werthelmer .... 100 5.00 163 L. Werthelmer .... 100 5.00 164 L. Werthelmer .... 51 2.55 170 Chas. C. Wilson ... 100 5.00 171 Chas. C. Wilson ... 100 5.00 172 Chas. C. Wilson ... 30 1.50 203 Chas. C. Wilson ... 270 13.50 174 S. Henry Lasley .. 500 25.00 175 S. Henry Lasley .. 216 10.80 199 Brownell Bros., Ltd. 200 10.00 201 John P. Cook 50 2.50 202 Marie Snyder 50 2.50 242 Marie Snyder 200 10.00 245 Marie Snyder ..... 300 15.00 215 Alice M. Wood, Guardian 225 11.25 214 Alice M. Wood, Guardian 23 1.15 231 M. S. Green 100 5.00 232 M. S. Green 130 6.50 236 W. N. Cottrell .... 3Q0 15.00 237 W. N. Cottrell 200 10.00 238 W. N. Cottrell 325 16.25 239 W. N. Cottrell 60 3.00 240 W. N. Cottrell 83 4.15 243 Mrs. Fred B. Baldwin Bald-win 1,112 55.60 244 Fred B. Baldwin ..1,666 83.30 249 Fred B. Baldwin ..66 3.30 259 George W. Schwartz 220 11.00 And in accordance with the law and an order of the Board of Directors made on the 26th day of March, 1910, so many shares of each parcel of said stock as may be necessary will be sold at the office of the Corporation, Room 208, Newhouse Building, Salt Lake City, Utah, on the 26th day of May, A. D. 1910. at 2 oclock p. m., of said day, to pay the delinquent assessment thereon, together with the cost of advertising ad-vertising and expenses of sale. W. W. ARMSTRONG, Secretary. NOTICE OF SPECIAL STOCKHOLDERS' STOCKHOLD-ERS' MEETING. Notice to the stockholders of Utah & Idaho Land & Lumber Company: Notice is hereby given to the stockholders stock-holders of Utah & Idaho Land & Lumber Lum-ber Company, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Utah, with its principal place of business at Salt Lake City, Utah, that a meeting of the stockholders of said company has been called for and will be held at the office of the president presi-dent of the company, room 422, Mc-Cornick Mc-Cornick Building, Salt Lake City, Utah, on Saturday, May 28th, 1910, at 2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of authorizing the voluntary dissolution of the company and taking action upon a resolution to be presented to the meeting for that purpose. WALTER A. COOKE. President Utah & Idaho Land & Lumber Lum-ber Company. CARL J. HAHN, Secretary Utah & Idaho Land & Lumber Lum-ber Company. Dated at Salt Lake City, Utah, April 22nd, 1910. DELINQUENT NOTICE. Nevada-Falrview Mining Company. Location of principal office, Elko, Nevada. General office outside of Nevada, 414 Judge building, Salt Lake City, Utah. Location of mine, Fair-view Fair-view Mining district, Churchill county, coun-ty, Nevada. Notice. There are delinquent upon the following described stock on account ac-count of Assessment No. 3 levied February 23, 1910, the several amounts set opposite the names of the respective shareholders as follows fol-lows : No. Name. Shares Amt. 10 Clayton Gannett 10,000 $33.33 11 Clayton Gannett 10,000 33.33 12 Clayton Gannett 5,000 16.67 13 Clayton Gannett 5,000 16.67 15 Clayton Gannett 5,0uo 16.67 16 olayton Gannett 20,000 66.67 31 Mary F. Keith 500 1.67 61 R. M. Bourne 500 1.67 99 W. D. Nebeker 1,000 3.33 110 Cllffina Kern 2,500 8.33 126 Mary F. Keith 500 1.67 140 Alice Lambden 100 .33 142 Alice Lambden 100 .33 143 Alice Lambden 100 .33 152 H. B. Cole 500 1.67 165 Walter D. Nebeker .. 500 1.67 194 Char'es D. Rooklidge 1,000 3.33 195 Charles D. Rooklidge 500 67 196 Charles D. Rooklidge 500 1.67 210 Thomas Phillips 100 .33 224 Child, Cole & Co.... 500 1.67 226 W. M. Havenor 100 .33 234 E. M. West 100 .33 243 C. W. Hartley 500 1.67 244 C.'W. Hartley 500 1.67 245 C. W. Hartley 500 1.67 246 C. W. Hartley 500 1.67 247 C. W. Hartley 500 1.67 248 C. W. Hartley 500 1.67 ' MM 249 C. W. Hartley ...... 500 1.67 , BW 250 C. W. Hartley 500 1.67 ' 252 Child, Cole & Co. .. 500 1.67 fl 281 E. M. West & Co. . . 100- .33 282 E. M. West & Co. . . 100 .33 284 I. H. Kent 1,000 3.33 285 I. H. Kent 1,000 3.33 286 I. H. Kent 500 1.67 : 287 Brokerage & Finance I H Co 100 .33 H 290 R. W. Sloan 100 .33 291 R. W. Sloan 100 .33 354 R. W. Sloan 100 .33 H 355 R. W. Sloan 100 .33 ' H 356 R. W. Sloan 100 .33 H 357 R. W. Sloan 100 .33 H 358 R. W. Sloan 100 .33 ' 791 F. R. Woolley 1,000 3.33 H 793 Douglass & Jarvls .. 1,000 3.33 'H 794 Douglas & Jarvis .. 1,000 3.33 iH 814 Deming Davis Co. . . 200 .67 821 Sheets & Neel 1,000 3.33 jH 824 Sheets & Neel 1,000 3.33 826 P. R. Woolley 3u0 1.00 ; 832 Geo. T. Badger 1,000 3.33 839 Jas. A. Pollock & Co. 500 1.67 H 852 F. R. Woolley 200 .67 H 863 C. A. White 200 .67 ' 870 Dern & Thomas 1,000 3.33 H 879 Joan Gray 1,000 3.33 "" 885 W. H. Child 500 1.67 887 W. H. Child 500 1.67 888 W. H. Child 500 1.67 889 W. H. Child 500 1.67 890 W. H. Child 1,000 3.33 899 Bert A. Berntsen ... 300 1.00 H 911 Mrs. L. N. Morrison . 1,000 3.33 H 912 Mrs. L. N. Morrison . 1,000 3.33 H 913 Mrs. L. N. Morrison . 1,000 3.33 H 914 Mrs. L. N. Morrison . 1,000 3.33 H 945 A. P. Barnoby 1,000 3.33 H 946 L. H. Spencer 1,000 3.33 H 978 Harry Anderson .... 500 1.67 M 979 Samuel Watkins 1,000 3.33 H 980 Samuel Watkins 1,000 3.33 H 981 Samuel Watkins 1,000 3.33 H 982 Samuel Watkins 1,000 3.33 H 983 Samuel Watkins 500 1.67 H 984 Samuel Watkins 500 1.67 H 999 Effie M. Ruggles 1,000 3.33 fl 1000 Effie M. Ruggles ... 1,000 3.33 H 1004 M. Krusick 500 1.67 H 1006 Joseph Lerwill 1,000 3.33 H 1011 E. M. West 100 .33 1012 E. M. West 100 .33 1018 Geo. T. Badger 500 1.67 1020 Geo. T. Badger 500 1.67 H 1024 Gordon Grant 500 1.67 H 1029 Frank J. Murphy . . 300 1.00 H 1032 Jas. A. Pollock & Co. 300 1.00 H 1033 V. A. Ferguson 2,000 6.67 1037 W. D. Pyper 500 1.67 H 1043 F. R. Woolley 500 1.67 1044 F. R. Woolley 500 1.67 H 1046 F. R. Wooley 100 .33 H 1049 F. R. Woolley 300 1.00 H 1051 Ernest Kurz 1,000 3.33 M 1052 E. E. Crlpps 500 1.67 H 1056 Gordon Grant 100 .33 M 1061 M. Lewyn 260 .87 iH 1063 Badger Bros 50 .17 H 1064 Otto Will 35 .12 B 1065 Mrs. A. V. Anderson 300 1.00 H 1066 Scott Groo 1,000 3.33 (H 1068 Scott Groo 1,000 3.33 H 1069 Scott Groo 1,000 3.33 M 1072 Ben D. Luce 1,000 3.33 M 1076 J. H. Pinkerton ... 700 2.33 l 1106 Joseph V. Smith . . . 1,135 3.78' lM 1108 Clayton Gannett ... 1,130 3.77 11 1122 Morltz Bamberger . 1,000 3.33 ' 1125 Wm. Gray 300 1.00 fl 1128 Fanny M. Tappan . . 1,250 4.17 H 1129 McEwan & Young- H berg 500 1.67 M 1135 A. W. Scott 1,000 3.33 H 1144 E. E. Shepard 135 .45 H 1145 E. J. Robertson 500 1.67 (H 1165 James Collins 5,000 16.67 H 1182 L. H. Bartholomew. 16,000 53.33 H And in accordance with law and the M order of the Board of Directors made M on the 23rd day of February, 1910, so M many shares of each parcel of such ' j stock as may be necessary, will be H sold at the company's office, 414 Judge jlfl Building, Salt Lake City, Utah, on May fl 25, 1910, at 3 o'clock p. m.,' to pay the H delinquent assessment thereon, to- gether with the costs of advertising H and expense of sale. WA GIDEON SNYDER, Secretary. tjS 414 Judge Building, Salt Lake CItr, H 1 Utah. IB : r B |