Show Richfield Auction SHEEP: Fat lambs $58 00 to 60 00 Feeder lambs $6100 to 65 00. Slaughter ewes $17.00 to 24 00 HOGS Fat hogs $45 00 to 48.00 Feeders $43 00 to 46 00. Wieners $25 00 to 35.00 per head Sows and boars $25 00 to 35.00. CATTLE: Baby calves $45 00 to 60.00 per head Cows canners cutters $35 .00 to 39 00 Utility and commercial $37.00 to 43 00. Bulls $47.00 to 52.00 Feeder cattle: 250-400 lb Steers $78 00 to 84.00 Heifers $65 00 to 71.00 400-500 lb Steers $72 00 to 77 00. Heifers $62.00 to 66.00. 500-600 lb. Steers $65 00 to 7000 Heifers $57.00 to 62 00. 600-700 lb Steers $57.00 to 62.00. Heifers $52 .00 to 56.00. Holsteins - 300-400 lb Steers $60 00 to 65 00 Heifers $76.00 to 80 00 500-600 lb. Steers $52.00 to 58 00 Heifers $65.00 to 68.00. 700-800 lb. Steers $45.00 to 50.00. Heifers $58.00 to 62.00 Fat cattle -900-1100 lb Steers $52 00 to 54.00 Heifers $49.00 to 51.00 The market was very active this week. The lighter cattle showed the most strength |