Show N Sit at work whenever you can Tired backs and feet slow up work and make you less efficient Much ironing can be done sitting as well as standing Sit while you pare vegetables Keep everything you need within easy reach and use your best tools for each task e eTa To Ta lengthen a dress get one-fourth-inch one colored braid and sew in slightly overlapping rows to the narrow bottom seam e eThere There Is more carotene in carrots carrots carrots car car- rots that are in their prime than thanin in young or old carrots e eTo To remove a fishy smell from dishes soak them in salt saIt water before washing theme them e Yellowed piano keys can be cleaned with a cloth cloth dipped in cologne water Be careful not to touch the black keys e eA A lump of glossy starch rubbed over the grease spot on the wallpaper wallpaper wall wall- paper will absorb the grease e Green peppers and celery sprinkled sprinkled sprinkled sprin sprin- kled with tomato sauce and added to leftover meat make a good sandwich spread or filler fiHer between layers of biscuit dough |