Show DRY FARM FALLOW A F bracken U A C ex sta the dry farm fallow allow land Is allowed to westfor rest for a seasons season for two reasons first the saving of moisture and second the accumulation of available food tor for the next crop both are very important with the second dependent upon the first on the nepal farm tall fall plowed land which has received sufficient clent spring tillage to control weeds and volunteer growth or spring plowing finished within a period not to exceed two weeks after the first furrow can be turned followed by harrowing is the proper method of operating dry dryland land for highest returns at tills this season of the year one can dig into soil handled as stated and find it wet enough within tour four or five inches from the surface to hang together when held firmly in hand in such soil during these warm days unavailable plant food elements are oxidized thus making them the in ready for the wheat which is to follow next season in addition to this chemical transformation living organisms bacteria in the soil play a very important role without moisture and especially with their activity is very low for the out moisture held near the surface dry farmer these organisms do two things they help in making all elements in the soil more available tor for plant use and in addition they extract free nitrogen from the air and leave it as an accumulation in the soil for plant needs P dry farmers go 90 out into your fields dig into that warm soil it if moi moisture is found near the surface be happy in the prospects of a good crop tor for 1923 but it if you find the soil rough and dry promise yourself that the next land to lie fallow allow will receive plowing at the proper time either in tall fall or early spring |