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Show I Hbxt Thursday is Thanksgiving Thanksgiv-ing Dny. A few cases of small-pox are wportod in "East Garland. Tho Owons Hotel reopened Sunday af tor a few day's eloso up. Wm. Perkins has leased tho Idttle Gem Cafo on Factory Streot. County Shoriff Joseph Jos-Cphson Jos-Cphson was hero on businoss Monday. 1 Eph Coombs returned last Sunday night from a business trip to Salt Lake City. Frod Foulger of Ogden spent the fore part of this week in town visiting relatives. At midnight Tuesday night anothor quako jarred tho Boar Biver Valley. Wouldon't that Jar you? J. A. Rostan, who roliovod Mr. Wooloy as local manager of Ritor Bros. Drug Co., while the latter was on a honeymoon trip, roturncd to his homo in Ogden last Sunday morning. Chief Booster W. D. S. Harrington Har-rington of tho Box Eldor Booster that Boosts, Boosted through Garland Sunday on a Boosting tour of tho Boar River Valley. Ho gave this offico a pleasant call and Boosted over to Tro-mont Tro-mont and an account of his trip will appear in the next Booster. |