Show POPULAR PASTIME spend your leisure evenings at the DALY billiard parlor the Gent lemans pastime 1 walter B daly prop JAMES M SARGENT notary public all land matters attended to Coi correspondence solicited panguitch itch garfield co utah B L R OSE D D S DENTIST office over dalys jewelry panguitch utah your own ow home Is your abour castle ca atlef it is a place of which you can alway be proud when admiring in friends ask that inevitable question tion do you own it or rent itt theres no answer like oh yes yea its ours lets talk it over A G johnson contractor builder 1 Eti estimates Mites furnished 0 t H kikm A ANN COOPER bonded abstractor office at the court house panguitch utah JAMES T DALY jr J jeweler eweler and optometrist eyes fitted and corrected watches clocks and abid all other kinds of repairing neatly done reasonable main street panguitch dr M W bigelow PHYSICIAN and SURGEON electro coagulation of tonsils done at any time patient may go about usual duties as soon ns its tonsils are treated mount aimi pleasant marble works wo S PO P 0 box mount pleasant utah marble carble granite monuments WILLIAM F KNOX ATTORNEY AT LAW beaver fJ eaver utah business in 1 galfield gal field county will receive prompt prom pt attention atte antion A nice assortment ot of tall fall and winter hats can be found at mrs hans P lysons shop also hats caps dresses and coats for the kidd biddles les adv a MRS H irv 0 U SF I 1 electrically S speaking P baking there is I 1 great deal we can tell you about washing Machi machines nesi X I 1 I 1 hollow laughter what hns has become of the old fash cloned hollow laughter exacted by drunken men from those who were wera afraid of them A safe bate which automatically chloro forms a burglar when ho he attempts attempt to open it has been put on the market by an austrian firm f constantly IMPROVED BUT no YEARLY M MODELS OD ELS donise DODGE BaDT BROTHERS HEMS M MOTOR CITO R CARS s A r I 1 C A SHE chelton agat A OE NT MARYSVALE UTAH I 1 fv N TA TAKE I 1 KE YOUR CREAM TO ERN ernect LE FEVRE AT THE BUILDING CROSS THE STREET FRO q tha THE I 1 S U E heber dings old sta ERNEST PAYS MARKET PRIC prica 7 hemstitching HEM STITCHING hc a and nd done donan ahe he r residence 0 of f mrs james marshe Mar shili ast to 15 16 cents pir per V yard accordia ac cordin gl a goods 0 also plain sewing sawing adt adte 7 W strong nerves you can t be healthy happy or even good when youre yem 9 re nervous and irritable lm i table every organ of the body gy as controlled by f the nerves when they re butof out of order youre yourd liable to have a nervous or phy or secial break down aown dr mues soothes irritated nerves and gives nature a chance to restore them to their normal nomal functions sold at prewar pre war prices per botfly LADIES MISSES why walk on sore feet we en sell MI a shoe that wont cause your feet to ache or pain you we are selling them to others every day and they are proving wonderfully satisfactory sore feet caused by ill fitting shoes 0 delay the gan game of life A really good shoe aoe helps I 1 you W to g getherk get herc M 9 on oil time and in fit condition we are shoe doctors boc doctors tors dark clark shoe house H ouse CHILDREN min MEN jim delong J hope delong THE KANAB CAVE CAFE building formerly occupied by the kane co bank the best of service at all times if you are figuring on a trip through southern utah are seeking information stop at kanab cafe cafa and ana interview jim service and fil information formation good A A A |