Show WM W GAINING GROUND DAILY from the reports in the majority ot of the papers in the state of utah it appears that win AV Seeg millor tho the candidate for nomination for governor of tho the state ot of utah butali la IH becoming more popular every day we trust that mr miller la is successful in s swinging singing the nomination as wo vo are sure ho he Is fitted in every way tor for tho the position and that lie he will bo be a governor of tho the entire state and will not center hla thoughts on any one clio particular spot people of southern utah wo we havo have a 0 cliance chanco to do something for one of our own people A man that Is worth every confidence we can bestow upon him A man that does doaa riot fear man nor dovil devil A man mail that will show no partiality to any ono one part of the state lie ho has stated his position on the school question and that alone proves to tho the people of this section lie he should bo be placed in tho the position lie ho seeks voters of southern utah you have a chance to do something tor for one olour of our own countrymen right from our district a chance wo wn may never have again so BO attend your primaries and answer your calls to lite meetings and instruct your delegations to go solid for wm wai AV W and you will bo be doing something for yourself ns aa well as aa the state of utah if this part of tho the state la Is over ever going to got get together and do sonjo something thing now 6 the chance to show that you really want something |