Show chicago j 0 sj Is proud of jo T new aa mah woman judge r v 11 iierda un up dit to ol date of jo jud e alary of JO circuit 21 court of jo cook 1003 county jullo Is illinois elected to ol dill bench maiju 20 yeara buos 1 of public rk have her nation T will anino mis Is arst wom te nn ilu lr oville Ovil dill women jail campaign inq hut dill twill voted for tier loll 1011 too oo 00 chicago Is 91 proud of jo jail her jail her first onice sum that of 20 public Rii ardlan to 0 which she oils was sum du pointed in ili LOSE by the Into aal aol tillor john ki H U slie oils held 1011 butil WOd position for 10 10 01 yours she jail her work ul n am juvenile court which won her renown reher till the ey united in ill 1018 when gill ajai ojai judge ak pinckney acou appointed jail her sill his ns fin in ill ohice dolijo she of JO caseb of 30 juvenile delan i I 1 10 quency 1 sho otis Is 81 n U attee a of gill jo 0 and bequette Je quette la 14 lion joll bartelme she oils was SUM educated ul in dill public schools and ili at northwestern university from which institution she graduated ul in 1804 she otis was suit tupu admitted Polli to 01 the 8 bar the vo same Cetti year 1 evory girl can be saved has bull always been tier optimistic motto I 1 |