Show keep farm water supply free from contamination the essential of n supply of drinking water la Is that it bo be free from contamination and disease hence if there Is any doubt it should bo be analyzed to keep the water pure the source of contamination should bo be removed and the well spring or whatever the source should be made boado as near proof is as pos possible against the he entrance of anything that would voul con tho the water in case of a t bored or dug well there should be several feet of clay packed around tile tho walls walla eight to twelve feet deep this insures that any surface water entering must be filtered through at least ten feet of soil the well platform should extend ten or twelve inches above the level of the ground and should bo be made water tight concrete preferred if concrete cannot bo be hod had uso use tongue and grooved planks do be sure that the ground slopes bradu ally away from the well so that no puddles of water can stand I 1 have seen in this state wells that were open and puddles of water next to the well where ducks and pigs wallow this Is a source of danger aud and should be corrected before it Is too late outhouses Out houses and especially those with excavated pits and cesspools ces spools should never bo be placed near the well or spring in fact neither of these should bo used either a sanitary toilet or a septic tank should bo used instead it Is only n matter of a little money and the use of some spare time to have the farm homo home sanitary and have a 0 good pure supply of water for drinking purposes by W 11 extension farm engineer oklahoma A and M college |