Show poultry producers Pro duders now favoring Favol ting infertile egg the heat befit of summer has exactly tile samo same effect upon fertile eggs as does the hen fien or jjr the incubator i r used to hatch them illein the fertile fert lle germ in hot weather quickly develops d e v elps into a blood ring which wh ell spoils the egg for food or market purposes heat Is the great enemy of eggs both fertile aud and infertile on this account poultry producers are urged to keep nests clean during warm weather IV to provide one nest for foreve every eve ry four fowls in order that the nests may not be used too often and poll the eggs to gather eggs twice dally daily to keep eggs in a cool dry room or cellar to market eggs at least twice a week hens isolated on range and pasture pastur 0 from tile the male birds produce infertile e eggs of desirable market quality in general about two weeks after the roosters are removed from the flock the hns i will again yield alel infertile eggs occasionally anally liens running with male birds produce infertile eggs but as aj a rule this results from the fowls being confined too toc closely being or not having havin g access to enough ellough green feed |