Show NEW BANK ASSURED from every present indication panguitch aligUi is going to have a new bank within the next few weeks and from the information we are able to glean it will be one of the strongest stron grest institutions in I 1 ll 11 southern utah T some solle of our most enter men have expressed express dd their to take an all interest in ill the affair as they can call readily see that this is a point where a bank is absolutely necessary necess arv for forthe the welfare of the alie people we hope in our next issue to be able to give the public a general outline of the transaction if yov yoi are approached regarding this matter we truly hope that you can call the need of such an institution and will help with all the power behind you get in and help make panguitch and garfield county a banking center for this entire section of the t country krep the dollars at horne home and the dollars will w ill help keep you hurrah for a new bank and the news wishes it all the success that is rightfully due it the news may be a little premature but we would suggest the tiame name BANK OF PANGUITCH for forthe the new institution that look nice on oil all the new paper |