Show Is S worthy W orthy of th those 0 se owl honored d templo temple at washington naton will naveal to tho the world the gratitude of amora can citizens more lhnn five million stars to be exact of which 1290 10 m will be of gold and tho the others of blue will stud the dome of tho the gigantic assembly hall in tho the george washington national a victory memorial building in process of erection in washington Vas hington and which Is to be chini completed in time for tho the inaugural ceremonies in 1025 this doino will really he be tin nn t 0 Z Z IN X s P A 4 V S american service flog flag be spangled w with ith stars in geographical groups n gold star for every one who died in the count rys service during tho the world war and a 0 blue one for each member of tho the army navy and marine coi corps pig who served tho the building which originally was known ns as the george washington memorial but later nIso designated as the victory memorial was authorized by nn an act of congress in 1913 1013 on the site of the old pennsylvania station in the he mall mail the samo same act donated the land and designated that the structure witch which will be erected by the george washington memorial association bo be administered by regents of the smith conlan institution the design of the white stone structure depicts a fine colonial building with n i pillai pillared ed front facing the south and a square ground plan pinn the memorial la Is to be four stories in height surmounted by a low dome which crowns arowna a huge central auditorium tho the main feature of af the edifice will bo be this national auditorium of spacious dimensions giving the nations capital a public ll 11 meeting place of size ample to seat people the ground floor of the hall jn in the form of a great ellipse will have seats for people while above nn mi encircling balcony will accommodate several thousand more there will be square feet of space in the main floor which will con tain n number of smaller halls and reception caption rooms a spacious stage and a george washington museum besides the assembly hall within the auditorium may be held future inaugural nt receptions national and international conventions and free public concerts the present plan for financing the erection of the memorial to Is through state participation each state subscribing a sum of money for each citizen who served in the world war some of the states will issue bonds while others will solicit funds by popular subscriptions the nucleus of the fund Is a sum left by the will of george washington for educational pur purposes and in his receipt indorsement endorsement Indor of the plan tor for the brec erection tion of the building president hording feels that this desire will be fulfilled and we institution through its varied uses will be a veritable university of american citizen ship f p HONOR TO AMERICAN AIRMEN memorial garden dedicated to the glo rious history of the lafayette F escadrille s cad rille in france upon the fringe of the heroic city of verdun there has ahna been created a memorial garden dedicated to the glorious history of the lafayette escadrille which I 1 it t Is hoped limped will become n pilgrims shrine for nil fill americans leans and especially ili for fop those who are in any way associated with tho the personnel of ti the 0 o famous hying flying corps which bro brought light honor r t to 0 america before the united states entered the war within h n the boundaries of the memorial garden have been laid laia most of the bodies of members of the lafayette es who fell in battle rather there were 07 57 bodies laid there six sit of the men who flew for franco france under tho the lafayette escadrille organization died inside the german lines or were burned with their machines these six bodies have never been found the tha graves gravee of the others are now scattered along tho the french front and one Is in genoa and one in there were more moa o than young americans in the lafayette escadrille long before the united states entered the world war these pioneers crossed the ovean ocean and gave their youth to the cause of france their record of heroism and self sacrifice of instant readiness to taco faco superior odds their delight in service find and their joyous verve in 11 the face of death have made the name amo of the squadron as immortal in all 11 allied countries countr leB as aa it was waa feared by y the german troops the project cost KOA which was waa quickly subscribed |