Show an effort is ia being made to got get uncle sarn sam to stop atop furnishing printed envelopes to the trado at a rate cheaper than the country newspaper man can buy them blank besides paying the freight on them just why this la Is done cannot be figured unless it Is to give someone a job in a government one paper tile the buchanan va news states that the government Is printing these envelopes at a loss and it 1 such la Is the case casa it is time that the matter was waa being looked into and the printer given a chance to make a living no matter whether it la Is tho the government printer or some individual an ident clipped front from the buchanan news follows fellow not only is the printed envelope business of 0 the government an unfair 1 con competition with some ot of uncle sams sains most loyal and patriotic citizens the newspaper publishers hut but it Is to be condemned because it shows that undo uncle sam in the role of 0 a printer isa poor busl business bustnes nes man such la 18 the opinion of alfred carper editor ot of the buchanan va news who writes to the auxiliary as follas the government of our united states Is cont lually preaching economy but still does business in a certain line at a continuous loss which la is made up out or of the taip taxpayers pockets why la is it that the government continues to print envelopes at a total loss as to the tha profit end of 0 the business where can the money come front from if this business la Is being run on such a basla basis who pays tor for this work no other than the taxpayers of the united States uncle sam does things tor for nothing and lie he requests that you the very man that lie he Is taking the business front from help pay tile the deficit lie ile will send end publishers a tica notice calling attention to the civil service examinations that are to be held fir postmasters to till fill the vacancy ot of certain offices in tile the neighborhood an and d will have at the bottom ot of this notice a note to the postmaster that this is to be run as a news itom item and that he 1 uncle sam will not allow any com compensation pensa tion tor for the notice |