Show hurrying up the worlds biggest map HE worlds biggest coin T THE sheets covering anore than nit an acre and costing coating iBO to develop will be hurried to completion now that prest president coolidge has haa signed the tha templo bill tills this exhaustive topographic study or of tha united states has boon been under way for 45 years and only n third ot of tile nations na tlona area has han been adequately mapped now that now new funds funda have been provided the map should bo be completed with 20 yeara it la Is estimated estinia ted and tho the next generation will have a complete atlas of the country for tile alio first time since it wits was founded tito the work Is being done by tho the united states geological survey the tha inep will show every square mile mid every acre of american territory it will indicate not only roads and railways rivers inkes and mountains but will mark also bridges creeks cre elss hills slopes and houses heights above sea level will be noted and other characteristic details will be shown these topographic maps form tile tho mother map of the country and havo have a hundred uses they obviate tile tho need for preliminary surveys for engineering work of nil all classes from froin tile the simplest individual fann project to the building of a grout great railroad they give tho highway or dra hinge en gincer or the water power engineer nn an exact physical picture ot of the country with the map spread out before him lie ho can call lay out tits hla project with conn dence instead of having to organize anti carry out ft a field survey costing perhaps thousands of doll doil tirs copies of portions of the inep will be available tit at nil all dinies nt at n nominal sum suin and may bo be used repeatedly without incurring tho the necessity of individual physical studies on every new occasion or undertaking the geological survey la Is in tile the interior gerior department and its director 1 la george otla otis smith the topographic brunch branch la Is under 0 11 II Brod seye chief topographic engineer the actual surveying Is often full of adventure tile the work taking the men into the wild places far from civilization to the average citizen tile tho determining of the contours con toura of it a precipitous 1 1000 foot forested mountain would appear to be some job al it Is |