Show Cable From Queen Lil Dear Gresbam One more boon I crave I trust in your affection Tis not to murder Dole the Kna Nor put down insurrection Tis not my crown but me to save t 1 write in deep dejection And so a package I must have Of Parks Tea for my complexion Greshams Answer to Queen Lil When I received your cablegram S I thought I sure would faint For though I often use Parks Tea Tis not for your complaint I feared that Mrs G would think Wrong about our connection Till on her dresser there I saw Parke Tea for her complexion sold by Smoot Dru company 1 = 77 Bgyq Mail gorviee MAIL TRAINS LEAVED LEAVE-D PGoing South 92Qo m R G WGoing East 926 am ft G WGoing West 1155 Ii m U PGoin North432 p malt m-alt Lake and tialina East 355 p m I Salt Lake and Salina West 415 pm MAIL TRAINS ARRIVE U P = From Salt Lake 920 a m R G Wr From the West 026 a m R G WFrom the East 1155 a m Salt Lake and Salina West 355 p m Salt Lake and Salina East 415 p m U P Mail from South 432 p m OFJICK nouns The general delivery stamp and registry reg-istry windows open at 8 a m and close at 530 p m The money order window opens at 9 a m and closes at 4 p mOn m-On Sundays and legal holidays tbe general delivery and stamp windows are open from 12 m to 1 p m Mail pouches close thirty minutes before the arrival of trains W D HOBEBTS Postmaster h A uad CaseS Case-S D Eadmall has opened a Singer Sewing Machine office at 71 West Center street Provo and has for sale machine needleeattachmeut9parts the best oil tbe Singer mace nein all styles instructions given All repairs attended at-tended to Machines sold on easy pay mentr Payments can be made at this office Change Cars Nay I Nayl Not if you make the trip via the Chicago Union Pacific Northwestern Line Fewest changes to Chicago and other eastern cities through vestibuled trains composed of Dining cars first and secondclaes sleepers and Free Reclining Chair carsFor full information call on or address ad-dress G W CRAIG Agent U P System Wanted A pushing energetic man to handle Wheeler Wilson Sewingfmachines in Provo and vicinity Address J M BEACHGen Agent Union Pacific Hotel I Salt Lake City I N BSpecial inducements it I Maid Wife or Widow need never fear to make that contemplated contem-plated trip east if she will trust to tbe Chicago Union Pacific 3Jortwestern Line Quickesttime Fewest changes Union Depots For full information call on or address ad-dress G W CRAIG AeenfcU PSystem Baimscheidtisni FAIRVIEW CITY Utah Feb 3rd 94 FREDERICK RAI E ESQ Provo City DEAR SinIn answer to your inquiry In-quiry about what effect the machine had whi h I bought from you will say my wife vas down with rheumatism most of the time last winter and part of last spring I spent a good deal of money for medicines and doctor bills She only received temporary relief In July I bought from yqu one of your instruments in-struments and one bo C tie ofoil Since tha time I bave bought another bottle of the oil As to the result I will say it has done more good for my wife than aU I other remedie put together whioE wahave well If ana Iv always ends it wit onWipplrcatron from your instrument snathe rubbing on of the oil We have uaed it on our cnildren for sore throjm and other pain It has never f ild in giving relief would be more han willing to aid you in helping others if I could do so Yours very truly SWEN O NIELSON Farmers Attention Money loaned on irrigated farms at 10 per cent per annum Write or apply ap-ply personally to SAMUEL COBNABT Spanish Fork Utah He Didnt do a Thing but make the trip to Chicago on the Chicago Union Pacific Northwestern Northwest-ern Line Why Time the quickest solid vestibuled train no change of coach at the Missouri River Through first and secondclass Sleepers and Dining Cars For full information call on or address ad-dress G W CBAIG Agent U P ystem NOW IS s THE t TIME TO SUESC RIBE For the DAilY DISPATCH For the 3effliWeeIy Dispatch DAILY 600 c SEMIWEEKLY 250 l I if e r MRS W J FAHEY of LeRoy NY says Have tried fifty couzh Cures Parks Cough Syrup is the only one that helped me I know it is the lest Cough Remedy Sold bv Smoot Drag company Many Men Many Minds but they all agree that the solid vests buled trains of the Chicago Union Pacific Northwestern Line distance all competitora with ease No change or delay at the Missouri River For full information call on or address ad-dress G W CRAIG Agent U P System LSS4 Harpers Bazar ILLUSTRATED Harpers Bazar is a journal for tho nome It gives the fullest and latest Information about Fashions and Its numerous illusiru dons Paris designs and patterusrcet supplements supple-ments are indisucnsible aline to the home dressmaker ana the professional modiste No expanse is spared to make its artistic attractiveness at-tractiveness ot the highest order Its bright stories amusing comedies and thougbttul essays satisty all tastes and its last page is famous as a budgt of wit and humor In its weekly issue everything is included which is of interest to women Tho serials for 18M will be written by William black and Waiter Uusant Short stories will be written by Mary E Wilkins Maria Louise Pool Ruth McEnery Stuart Marion Harland and others Outdoor Snorts and Indoor Games Social Entertainment Entertain-ment Embroidery and other interesting top ics will receive ronstant attention A now soiies is promised of Coffee and Repartee HARPERS PERIODICALS Per Year HARPERS MAGAZINE5400 H A UPEUB WEEKLY 400 HAHPEHSBAZ 400 HAKPEIlS YOUKG PEOPLE 20 Postage Vtte to all subscribers in the United States Canada and Mexico 1ho Volumes of the Bazar begin with the first Number for January of each j ear When no time is mentioned subscriptions will begin be-gin with the Number current at tho time of receipt order Bound Volumes of Harpers Bazar for hreo ears back inncat cloth bindiugwiil be sent by mail postage paid or by express tree of expense provided the freight docs not exceed one dollar per volume for 700 per volume Cloth Cases for each volume suitable for binding will be sent by mail posCnaid on receipt of 8100 each Remittances should bo made by Postoffice Money orders or draitto avoid chance of loss Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement advertise-ment luithont the express order of EAR PER BROTHERS Address HARPER BROTHERS New York NEW ADVERTISEMENTS llap Blacksmith1 DAVID MELDRUM Blacksmithing Horse Shoeing Wagon Repairing Etc Etc J stl blocksnorth of First National Bank Piovo Utah CDsmD aU taN HOTEL Tinder new Management uarters for Commercial Men FIRST GLASS IN EVERY PARTICULAR Mrs Thos Eoylance Prop CEO W MICKEL Plallll Millis Corner 8th and N Streets All Kinds of Building Contracts TAKEN Terms to Suit jhc Times Building Supplies Furnished Embracing DOORS SASH MOULDINGS ETC BEE KEEPERS FURNISHINGS Sawing Planing Scroll and all K inds of Mill Work telsior Roller JVIIII JI W I HOOKER Jlflr J j CUSTOM MILLING OF ALL KINDS Free delivery to all parts of the city I Lowest Possible harges l ade Dash Paid for Wheat Merchant Tailoring When You Want First Class Work At a Reasonable Price Call on SI PETERSON Merchant Tailor Half Block North of First National Bank Provo Work and Fit Guaranteed THE Provo Soiviiioi Co Makes a Specialty of Digging Cleaning Repairing Closets Cesspools Drains AND Removing Garbage of all kinds All Work Promptly Attended to Gardening and Lawn Making Will Contract to carefor gardens and make Lawns LawnsJ W O BTiEBi Manager f I 0 Addrejja ner lDelivery t Provo 7 v r y L TRADE MARIt 1Hz Eaa I 5OAP S > S IQ Hard or5oft Wafer ibis Spap worfejso well fJat tOn n want NO OTHER THE CASH MARKET Keeps Constantly on Hand all Kinds of Fresh and Cured Meats Home Cured Hams Bacon < Sc Lard Philip Speckart Prop SVSHARP LIVERY fEED END Sale Stabea FirstClass Hacks and Carriages SPECIAL RATES TO COMMERCIAL MEN Corner and Centre StreetsProvo City Utah P O Box 30 TeloDhone No 48 COAL SOOT SPAFFORD Uptown Office in Provo Com Savings Bank Yard Telephone I 7 All Kinds of COAL FURNISHED EleptWorltTs fair Thaws clv ENAWA l3Y The nLOTIis Republic TRN PORTFOLIOS OF WORLDS 1 FAIR VIEWS each Portfolio containing con-taining 6 views and each view accurately accu-rately described Views of the Main Buildings State Buildings the Midway Mid-way Views of Statuary etc These ten Portfolios will be given without cost to any one who will send five new yearly subscribers to THE TWIOEAWKEK REPUBLIC with 500 the regular subscription price Address THE REPUBLIC St Louis Mo Proyo City Market Corrected Weekly Wheat per bushel 6Oc to 70c Oats per cwt 1004to 2105 Barley per cwt SOc to JlOO Butter per lb Soc Chickens each 25c Eggs per doz lOo Alfalfa seed per lb 8c Beans per Ib 4c Dried peaches per Ib 5c Drledapplesperlb 50 Potatoes per bushel 35c to COo Onions old per Ib 3c Beef perlb 411 to 5c Pork per Ib 6tf to 5tfc Muttonper lb 4 to 50 Veal per Ib 5 to 5Ho Hay wild per ton J800tol850 Hay alfalfa per ton 1100 < to 8750 Fat Peook6 PARK OBESITY Plats will reduce y ur weight rEKHIANliNTtiV Iron 12 to 15 pounds a month NO STARVING sickness sIck-ness or Injury NO PUBLICITY They build ap the health and beautify the complexIon complex-Ion loarinjr NO Vltj > Kits or bblness lOUT ABDOMENS and difficult breathing breath-ing surely relieved NO EXIMSIUMJENT but a scientific and positive relief adopted only after years of experience All orders supplied direct from our otlice Price 1200 per package or three packages for 8300 i by mail postpaid Testimonials and particulars sealed 2cts All Correspondence Strictly Confidential Confi-dential PARK REMEDY CO Boston Mass THE DENVER AND Rio Granda Railroad ISCENIGLINE OF THE WORLD The only line running two throngb ast trains daily to ASPEN LEADVILLE COLORADO SPS PUEBLO DENVER Effective April 29 1894 Train No 2 leaves Provo 926 a m I Salt Lake 805 a m Arrive at Pueblo 6 30 a m Colorado Springs 751 a m Denver 1030 a m Train No 4uleaves Provo 935 p m Arrive at Pueblo 625 pm Colorado Springs 800 pm Denver 1030 p m Connections made at Pueblo Colorado i Colo-rado Springs and Denver with all lines east Elegant day Coaches chair cars and Pullman sleepers on all trains Take the D B G and have a comfortable com-fortable train and enjoy the finest scenery I scen-ery on the continent A B HUGHES Traffic Manager Denver ColD Col-D F NEVIUB G A 63 W Second goutli Bait Lake CIty Utah fiK HQOPBB Q PII ft 3J A Jp aY3l Col RH j1BhRR BIGYGLES 1 Ah ill W w V S z 85255O jr With G and J Tire EOR BASE BALL LAWM TENNIS CRICKET SUPPLIES CKOQUET SETS FISHING TACKLE HAMMOCKS TENTS GUNS AMMUNITION I AND SPORTING GOODS SEND TO 8ROWNING BROS I 155 Main Street = SaitLakC1ty 2461 Washington Avenue Ogden Send for Catalogue Free to All S o lY GRAND LWES1tRN I tIiaf CURRENT TIME TABLE < In Elfoot i1vril2U 1894 RAVE PitOVO FOR EAST AND SOUTH No 2 for Grand junction and points East 924a m No4 For Grand Junction and points East 335 pm No 6 For Bpringville Thistle Ban pete and Sevlor 355 pjn No8 For Sprlngvllle Spanish Fork Vayson and Eureka 620 pip LEAVE PROVO FOB WEST No1 For Salt LakeOgd nAmFork Lehl and the West 1165 a m No 3 For Salt Lake Ogden American Ameri-can fork and Lohl and the West 1017 p m No 6 For American Fork Lehl and Salt Lake 415 p m No7 For American Fork Lob and Salt Lake 825 a m ARRIVE AT PKOVO FBOit EAST AND SOUTH I Nol From Denver Grand Junction ana points East 1155 am No 3 From UenverGrand Junction and points East 10t pm No 6 FromSpringvilleThlstle San peteand Sevier 415 p reNo I re-No 8 From Bpringvllle Spanish Fk I Payson and Eureka 821 a m ARID V E AT PROVO PI IH V Sm No 2 From California Ogden Salt Lake Lehi and Am Fork 926 a m No4 From CalifornIa Ogden and Salt Lake 935 pm No6 From Salt Lake Lehl and American Fork 356pm No 8 From Salt Lake Lehi and AmericanFork 620p m The only line to ogden and Denver iwlthout change Free reclining chair cars on through trains Through Sleeping cars to Denver Kansas city Chicago and San Francisco i Elegant Ele-gant equipment safety speed and comfort O ALBY Ticket Agt Rnmn AROUND THE WORLD via UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM For Particulars Call at the Ticket Office Remember The first train for Salt Lake and Ogden Leaves Via Union PacIfic at 735 a m Afternoon Train 435p usa us-a W CRAIG Agent BLUM NURSERY Provo City Box 39J The on ly holder of a gold medal in Utah Awarded at the Territorial Fair 1891 Florist and Landscape Gardner Gard-ner All kinds of Fruits and Ornaments Orna-ments in season Japanese Chinese and Australian rare plants Roses and Evergreens A Specialty Lawn Grass seed extra clear Mail all orders to C H Blomsterberg 437 West 3d street First National Bank OF PROVO A 0 SnoOT President W B PIKE VicePresident D A SWAN Cashier DIRECTORS J C GBAILOI GEO Q CANNON GEO TAYLOR J P E JOHNSON EsP SHEITS General Banking Business Transacted Exchange drawn on New York Chl cago San Francisco and ail L tha Principal Cities of Europe Bafety deposit boxea for rentntjia psj annum and upward |