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Show ro i Mgr. FOTEL. lantic factories ucts to. Hurope have-additional BROWNING, Qgden Branch. Factory owners in Weber county say they will have no trouble in marketing Welephone 1965~ WW. piatescteies complaint 3 ger all the canned goods they can produce, at a good price. That there will be-an increase in the price of tin cans is certain, according ing to the local canners who there. will be difficulty PUBLICATIONS. state, a Stone, to draw NEWS the materiai fore a |) stamds; t. oreo STANDS. shortage. 3284 ‘Ogden, Aug. James Mayans Washington Som IN SHIPPING SEASON i} is used by destribluters and good shippers in the iwest, there. will be a shortage of re\frigerator cars and that it will be imlpossible for the railroads to handle ithe immense crops from Utah and California. |. It is said that every refrigerator jear belonging to western roads will ‘be In use during the peach season and that many from the east will be used. 'Cars must be kept moving if trouble lis to be avoided. A Southern Pacific pulletin contains ‘the tollowing letter: The Fruit and Produce Distributor, published at Portland in the interest ‘of farmers and fruit growers, prints ‘in its last issué an appeal to shippers ‘to keep cars moving, It is concise and ipertinent. Agents would do well to “bring its ideas to the notice of car users, Says the article: ‘Phe us. heavy The fruit railroads plenty of cars movement claim if hey they are is upon have properly used, but they cannot do the impossible—they need the co-operation of every shipper in the Northwest. eae do your part in preventing é shortage, By observing the faiowing suggestions you will heip yourself, your neighbors and the carriers: - “J-—-Consult your local agents free- ly in regard to your “9._Mstimate and do need. ‘3. not order Figure carefully, car your more your so you requirements. crop dates will earefully cars. than of you shipment not have the canners to hold empty cars ‘on your loading track. “4 Toad promptly when cars are spotted for the purpose, and to. full) capacity, ‘5—-Do not hold cars at gateways ae diversion. points tonger than is FUNERALS. from the Woodmen Solomon Stephens and CounThe owell, William J. tian’ s Goodnight.” guard escorted residence to city the The Woodmen the the and formed city cemetery. Wioodmen order was the to given at tendance at . Funeral Smith the from with service. services were for held E’velina yesterday Edith at the Ninth ward meetinghouse, Bishop’s Counselor Alonzo Jack- pa presiding. The speakers were Sam1G. Dye and Solomon Stephens. Miss Lillian Robertshaw sang “Abide. With Me” and Miss Heywood. sang “Face to Face.” Miss Evelyn Smith sang “Unanswered Yet.’ There was a large attendance of friends and rélatives, and many. beautiful floral offerings were given. The grave in the Mountain View cemetery was dedicated by Alonzo Jackson. Bishop George Htherington conducted the funeral services of Florence Hadley, the 2-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Hadley, yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the West Weber! meeting- house. Musical numbers were given by Misses Margaret. Telford, on Hadley and Francis Vance. The speakers were Bishop E. A. rotherington, Hans Peterson and Bishop The attendance was Jarge was a large floral offering. Bingham and’ ther The Boy was interred in the West Weber cemetery, T. A. Larkin dedicating the grave. BOXELDER Ogden, Boxelder OLD FOLKS. Aug. 17.—The oid county are coming Wednesday and the people of arranged the will be folks of to Ogden the guests Boxelder county who excursion, A. special tation is Weber county extended and to renew to to join the in old the of have invi- folks of celebration old acquaintances, Aug. completed for the 1i7.—Leslie plans enlarging of J. Hodgson and specifications the heating plant at the state industrial school and the school board has advertised for bids on the wor The office City is to bids must of Atty. be let next be Gen. Thursday at submitted Barnes an and in the early at Salt the Lake contract date. Bids ‘will be received on three -eueitiea we boilers, each to be 150 horsepov An inerease in the size of the hea es ‘plant at the state school has become necessary because of additional buildings. The Jarge building for the smaller boys has been completed and will be heated from the central plant. RELEASED FOR VACATION UPON THEIR HONOR Ogden, Aug. 17.—Fifteen inmates of the state industrial school were released from the school yesterday for their an“nual vacation and it is expected that more will be released during the week. The parents or guardians of the stu- dents must call at the school for them, and are expected to return at the end of the vacation time. Some of the inmates are released entirely upon their honor and have agreed to conduct themselves pe operly and return to the school at the appointed time. Officers of the school say the vacation system has been highily successful ‘fect upon and all who has have had a been moral ef- trusted. "CANNING FACTORIES ARE BEGINNING TO OPERATE Ogden, Awg. 17.—(Before the end of the, week, ell canning factories will be Aine: at full capacity and will have commenced to handle the largest and best crop of tomatoes ever harvested in the state of Utah. e factories are opening earlier ‘this year and we entire crop will be (Special suffering euts ARE MAKING SPECIAL SUMMER RATES and bruises, The Modern Dental Co. 218 Main St. Salt Lake City. 2359 Washington Ave. Ogden. Dr. Mecham, Mer. Stanley Johnson afternoon. The |with were living members of the party, the exception of Pearl Hrickson, unconscious when assistance ar- rived at the scene of the accident. Miss Erickson said that she did not know just what caused the accident, but believed that something was wrong with the steering wheel. e members of the party left Elsinore, where they reside, shortly before 2 o’clock this afternoon for a trip to Richfield. Miss Hrickson said that at the time of the accident, which was on a down grade, the car was traveling at a good rate of speed. Suddenly the car swayed and turned over three times before it stopped. Assistance arrived in a few minutes after the accident. Mr. Swedeen was dead. The body, together with the other mem-| bers of the ill-fated party, was hurried to Hilsinore, where the injured were given medical attention. The condition of the injured, with the exception of Miss Pearl Hrickson, is Peers serious. Swedeen was 55 years of age and is sau aed by a widow and several children. (PRICE. ] DEMONSTRATION CAR IN CARBON COUNTY No. Aug. 2 of ee 16.—U. the U. eee Mines S. pueeaa | Oct. 26. § 3 er i #9 statement water is being to Brigham City last took part in a health rescue of mines visit until The car has a territory covering Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona and the southern coal fields of Wyoming. sary It is fully equipped with necesparaphernalia for the rescuing of miners injured in their resuscitation. the ing their to be event miles accidents and for Since it would be on the ground immeof an accident occurfrom their position at time, their main work is in teachrescue work at the camps, during stay. If an accident occurs in their vicinity, the car wil be moved there at the government expense if lives are in danger, and at expense a ba coal company if only a The government these cars. property Sees cient of by Ogden, Aug. 17.—Peter O.\ News. Church Phone works. South. oS EK. Olsen, east side west of side of Aug. of for ard Ave. county icense came to at Utah Plain in 1862 City since and that He was married in 1852 and died several years ago. He is by one son rangements been made. has re- time. his wife survived and three daughters. for the funeral have Arnot ROBERTS MUST ANSWER TO CHARGE IN COURT and Sept. ‘county congressional convenin Sait Lake Auge. 31, J, respectively convention TO STATE Alpine Fork, 4; at and the: Sept. 16. Lehi swer. to the charges of assault with a deadly weapon. The arrest #vas made by officer Sone ‘after Roberts had ave wha gun on J, G. Lund, 330 ‘Adms, who will appear as a complainie witness Roberts is the proprietor of the Cen- tral rooming house and is alleged to have driven Lund and Harry Hall, 219 Twelfth street, from-his place with a revolver. The man is charged with having threatened to take the life of Lund. At the police station Roberts asked for bail to be fixed and was released after $15 had ‘been deposited for his appearance. The trouble ocearly yesterday morning, Spanish years of Correspondence. Fork, age, farmer, Aug. was ) 15.—Alene daughter of killed Olsen, Hans today G. and her little sister probably fatally injured when a hay derrick with which Mr. Olsen was unloading hay fell to~the ground, crushing the two young children under its weight. Mr. Olsen is a widower, having died five years children to his care. came doubly ago, precautions his wife leaving six e father hbe- for their wel- fare following the mother’s death and seldom ever eae let the children out of his sight, always trying to keep them near him when he was at work. Fiowever, despite his care and frantic efforts to avoid the accident today, he was unable.to save his daughter Alene, and according to physicians’ statements tonight it is probable that the other little girl «will also die. ' GRAYSON. Aug. has Rhoda j issued to Kk. Alten W. both toe Tucker, 1; Cedar Fairfield, 1; Goshen and Fort and Elberta, 1; third ward). 3: Provo fourth ward, .2; of Vineyard. Lake, Springville, On, ik TO 1;' 4; Spanish _ Alpine, 7; Fork, Vineyard, ‘ , COUNTY 1; 6; Maple- CONVENTION. American: Fork, 86; Pleasant Grove, 26 ;Provo Bench, 31; Springville, 35; Salem, 20; Santaquin, 5: Spring Lake, 1; Spanish Fork, 99; Tucker, 1; 6; Clinton, 2, Mapleton, 6; Vineyard, Aug. 15.—It pool hall, months since Dick? ident ef Price who five Pool, a former resworked in W. W. Miller’s was last heard of employees play. Mrs. if Miller was in Ogden recently and while there called on a professional fortune teller, who told her, without any information relative to the affair vouchsafed by Mrs. Miller the following: “A man whom your husband befriended left Helper in company with another man to go to some camp, and Was murdered on the way, will be found away ago on vide. It what buried for ssine months. ground of suit for divorce the nas not charge will wife to pro- yet be been decided NEWS made against Aug. 17.—Fire Prevo, state will convention be held Eileven fire depaptment for the of Tuesday other and cave Wed- which will journaraent, un- had Prior to hired Pool’s the deed leaving composed body was found near Springs Glen a few months ago. arch for the body it would ing tthe has met be a mere body the foot camp. in the hills west THESE with no chance desert of the result, but now find- country of construction Dixon, of Payson, and each are from gence and unselfishness of Black and of the diliher life HOW 10 GLEAR AWAY PIMPLES Bathe your face for several minutes with Resinol Soap and hot water, then apply a little Resinol Ointment very gently. Let this stay on ten minutes, and wash off with Resinol Soap and more hot water, finishing with a dash of cold water to close the pores: Do this once or twice a day, and you will be astonished to find how quickly the healing, antiseptic Resinol medication soothes and cleanses the pores, removes pimples and blackheads, the complexion clear and es leaves velvety. Resinol Ointment and Resinol Soap stop itching jinstantly jand speedily heal skin Aumors, heat rush, sunburn and chafing. Sold by all druggist. For free trial size, write Dept., 30-R, Resinol, Baltimore, Md.—Advertiseman Oregon, and expects to reach San Trancisco in about three months. The woman, who will not give her true name, nor the reason why she started tramping,says she originally caine frora Missouri; she is 35 years of age, she gays—but she appears to be older—and has tramped ii years. COURT NOTES, Provo, Aug. 17.—-The jury in the cage of Utah Railway Co. vs. Thorn C. Miner et al., in the Fourth district eourt. gave. valuation a verdict of $1,476 on which placed defendant’s a land It is stated that the number citizens burden. Hvery woman 6 restore her to health nass——Advertisement. and Sea} the home and a of the ices in gia reception to Mrs. W.. J: of at on Saturday Mrs. to join W. Leavenworth, was and Logan. RiDeanied shortly Fort decorated in a the at the Fore- Kas, The white and with place candies cards were with attached green ribbon, and silver candelabra held green candies. The guests were Mrs. William Spry, Mrs. Rodney T. Badger, Mrs. Lawrence Greene, Mrs. A. Fred, Wey, Mrs. (Wo Wen Trimmer, Mrs: ee A. Wedgwood, Mrs. John |, Axton, Mrs. A. BE. Ahrends, Mrs: W. 3B. Wallace, Mrs. A. W. Foreman, Mrs. don at. Hess, Mrs. Don R. parents, of Edgar N. Coffey and Mrs Coray. Mr, north State to officiate, = Clark engagement The and: has her nhihceie sister, the Miss fiffie “* engagement Roscoe @ of Miss W..Eivans Eva Smith has been an- nounced by the parents of the brideelect, Mr. and Mrs. 8. C. Smith. * * om at ian New spend a few petitior * Mrs. honor is letter from Dr. Taylor, who with Mrs. Taylor Fred W. left for at a shower Edith by her mother, Miss . Bessie. Mayme Vier Weather as a conditions result tendance. a crowd large were excellent and crowds were at- programs CALDWELL, IDA. clause has resulted in absolute control of the liguor situation in the Colorado town and in the 44 years that have since Mr. West and his asso- ciates made the first deed there has mever heen an open saloon there. Mr. West was born October 17, 1824, and his wife was born December 17 of the same year. Both were born. in New 1845. York state - and ago lives to spend the remainder of with their daughter, Mrs. They or so their A. of came to were married Caldwell BE. Gipson, whose husband the Gem State. Rural, a Gipson, is with a Their ee in year is editor farming large circulation grandson, James the -state party a of in H. the in Ada NELSON’S BOOKS LAR PRICES. AT bride- Mrs. A. ed H. Worthen * marriage o® * will take place *& Miss for Devina the She will be month at the Sept. 16. * Vaughn past friends at a ranch in soon to visit with 7 of Chicago, has been Idaho, Miss. pee who. visiting will be here Zella Rees. Utah. -_ Mrs. R. J. je inoneees riage of her daughter Anna, the mar-~ to Peter Bugene Marron, the ceremony having been. performed on Saturday evening at 6:30 o’clock, at Rey. Father Ryan bride was Mary’s cathedral, officiating. attended by her Norine Jarvis and Ben Marron. The be at home after Harvard avenue. and on Miss Saturday social affair in honor of Mrs. T. H. Chapman, Miss POPU- x oe Anna O* A number of dinner parties at the Country club on the Mayme list of Noble, [ hosts Mr, The sister. Miss the groom by. bridal éouple eee ‘t at No. Mr. will 329 and Mrs. F.. HE. “PARK CITY. tomorrow. to arrive state and ted, The Delegates program fbeeen arrange Burlesque race. State J. &. four here of View” ... ...$1.00 Public Speaking” $1, 25 “Sejentific Aspects of ( eee ee for Pending). , UAC DESERET ormonism.” New luni ce RBIS 26 haat AOE GSS NEWS BOOK STORE Advertisement. . reports. DuBois, of Piloche, New- Nev., weeks ago brought Mrs. to be operated on for an and who during the last three who DuBois abscess. weeks had feared that she might not recover, today at the Wilson hotel reported that Mrs. DuBois is beginning to im- prove, and days. she that has strength. during the ° gained Mrs. DuBois is. last two wonsiderable at a local hospital, where physicians had practically given up hope for her recovery. Mr. DuBois is engaged in the mining pusiness at -Pioche. H, M. Hawkins clerk at the. Cullen hotel, is on duty today following a two weeks’ vacation. Ladies’ $3. During his absence 5 to 7 years. ; contest, funniest Prizes, ‘‘stunt;” old- ‘est fireman: handsomest woman; prettiest girl; ugliest boy, largest family: youngest baby; homeliest man; the newest married couple on the grounds. Special—To the best decorated business house. Prize, $10. To the decorated best Prize, $5. Ladder contest. begun of events girls nail driving $2, $1. Prizes for the Prize, residence. $25 ‘Pompier team exhibition py Salt Lake team cash prize. Twenty-four foot ladder climbing contest—four men active. Run 100 feet, place ladder, and one.man to climb to top, against time. Prize, silver cup, presented by the bywater Fire Department Supply company of Salt Lake. Speciai—the Union hall and hall, anterooms Society hall and at ae J. 0. 0. F. will be at the disposal of children through courtesy women of the owners. hes prize $16. race Firemen’s regulation host race against time. Run] 100 yards, attach. to. fire plug, lay 100 feet of hose, break coupling pipe, all connections to be full turns. Team to and put on made three | consist. of not more than 16 men. Hach team allow ed only ‘one trial: each company to select its own captain, and all business con- nected with the contest shall be done through him. Prize, silver cup. (Now held by Spanish Fork tean1.) Single hose coupling : contest. Run 5ale; 15. feet, disconnect 109. feet of and hose put laid on noz- out. 2, Hose coupling contest against time. Use three lengths of hose laid straight from hydrant. Run 4 feet; uncoupl2 first and third plug and put o be three sections; attach to “fire on pipe. ‘All connections full turns. Time be taken when pipe hits the ground. team to testants of hose from line, which end. would. Prize, be 75 silver feet trophy, purchased by Park City, Hub race, 100 yards, preliminaries and finals according. to number of teams entered. Where more than two teams enter the two making the quickest time shall make the final We maintain cause we wins and We put our reputation believe. holds that be- quality patronage. Mach consist of four men. All conmust stand 50 feet from center either QUALITY WINS run. up under our MEA- POW VIEW QUALITY BUTTER the best it is possible to manu-~ facture. Prize, Single ladder climbing contest. Assend to top of ladder, take down flag and descend to ground. First prize, $5; second prize, $3. Firemen’ 7 race, 100-yard dash. Prize, 815 Firemen’ s race, 220 yards. Prize, $10; second,$ Relay take (firemen only). Prize, $25 Free for all race (firemen only), once the ball grounds. - Prizes, $5, $2.5 Free eh all race (nonfiremen once around the ball ues $10, WORTHMORE only), Prizes, the $10, $5, $2.50 ‘Mormon Point “Preaching and of the Children’s races, Prizes, $1, 50c 25c | have 16 boys, championship he manager Mr. Hawkins, accompanied by his wife and family, made a trip through Yellowstone park. They report a delightMc ~| ful trip from various parts of the a big celebration is antici: following prosperity, Paget, ees (Special to The News.). Park City, Aug, 17—Everything is in readiness for the annual tournament of the Utah state firemen which begins “here unusual F. W. house Hotel company, with his family, is expected to arrive here shortly from Denver to begin his duties with the new hotel, were givSaturday Weegee EVERYTHING 15 READY FOR UTAH FIREMEN’ ANNUAL TOURNAMENT | joyed & Snelgrove were oe PROF, another Charles Hines, the decorations ‘suggestive of the military, red, night, was which is perpetual, causes the property to revert to the Union colony. The elapsed * Mrs. being en Moroni never had as large before as on the afternoon evening of the 12th. series of excellent of Stahl, Mrs. C. C. Parsons, Mrs. Ralph ; Stewart, Miss oo Riley, Miss Eithel Firman, Mrs. C. R. Thatcher, Mrs. Dorsey, Mrs. H. H. Snelgrove, Miss Edith Kingsbury, Miss Allie MeDonald, Miss Blizabeth BCP ORTO aa Dorritt Bvans and Mrs, C. Ashley held. in on entertained - ever guest white and blue being the colors used, and the place-cards ‘being. kewpies dressed as soldiers. The other guests Correspondence.) campfires * Walker, at a delightful Monroe, Aug. 14.—On Aug. 11, 12 and 12, Moroni was the scene of one of the most successful and pleasurable Indian veterans party Es 3 MORONI. war was Worthen, the decorations being in pink sweet peas, and the hostess assisted INDIAN WAR VETERANS HOLD BIG CAMPFIRE (Special « White = Miss Dr. Heber John Richards has recently a Katherine ; home. Mr. and Mrs. Anton F. Gotberg. announce the engagement of their daughter, Annie, to Mr. Carl C..Hansen.. The Foreman, Capt. the centerpiece being of white and ferns, with sprays of smilax the cloth, while small green bas- filled “ Taylor, to J, EH. Gillespie, the marriage to take place in September at B. Whitney ; follow. * weeks ca luncheon honor at bride’s: and Mrs. S. W. West, on — str ect, Rev. E: I. Goshen meet club. wil entertain on Sutton and Miss Horace ie ERE the Newman se at the Hotell” tomorrow Harold Orlob will arrive of Mrs. George SutherYork Tuesday afternoon to are man to of sighatures regardless of received Progressive a * * ver! entertain guests’ Gizelle The marriage of Miss Marie Antoinatte West and Hubert H. Hitcheock will take place on Wednesday night at an entertains’ will house elect, was guest of honor at a Kensington on Saturday given by Miss Bessie ment. |is the greatest inspiration a man can have and the life of the ay yet how many homes in this fair land are bushted by the ill health of wife and mother It may be ‘packaches, headaches, the tortures of a displacement, or some ailment peculiar to her sex which life and receiving a large by all eee of politic A Healthy, Happy Wife in this condition should rely upon Lydia. E. Pinkham’s. Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs. her Swen ©. Nielson of Sanpete county arrived in Salt av yesterday after a long trip in Canada. But for the drought this eae in. that part of the country the farmers would have en- magazine the west. makes Cal. Friends of Mrs. Luella Thorne, postmaster at Pleasant Grove, are circulating a petition asking her reappoint- re John M. All spoke aoremeiea for Ernestine | HOTEL GOSSIP | |. graz- year Ben Pueblo, * son leaves kets the carried out. Fountain Green and Wales each. furnished one. An excellent program of sports’ was pulled off each afternoon consisting of ‘ball pester and races. ‘The Moroni baseProvo, Aug, 17.—On the big Loafer ball team played teams from Fairview, Mountain on the Nebo addition of the Nephi and Ephraim on the three sucUinta, national forest, 11,000 feet above cessive ys. Two dances were in sea, level, is grazing a band of sheep, progress each night and a variety of for a period of 135 days without water. other amusements assisted in making In the band are 3,300 sheep, mostly the veterans stay in Moroni an enjoy~ ewes, and their lambs, making 9 to- able and memorable occasion. tal of approximately 5,000 head in all. an sheep are owned by C. FY and . Utah cy oF Saturday’ and A SHEEP LIVE WITHOUT ANY WATER of Commercial * Mr. and Mrs eee dake Hdwin: a. The Wasatch Literary club will hold its annual outing next Wednesday at Saltair. Cal. Guieess affair honor who table 8 taking away of Robert Jameson, the engineer who mysteriously. disappeared about a year age, and whose de- Mrs. * * Bird, Mrs. given by Miss iva Rea, the rooms being bright with strings of pink and white hearts, and also sweet peas, nasturtiums and goldenglow, and about 20 guests being present. The hostess was assisted by Mrs. E#. Q. Thayer. the fatal day, he had been in the employ f Miller at Price who had gone on his nd in connection with Mr. Brown, the contractor for $500 for his appearance on a statutory bye Pool was also. in the employ tT: SW. (Brown a cdnmtractor, for the Utah Construction company. It is said that Pool held information in regard to the E. anand held Thursday, tet Henry Hast on Friday arrested G, A. Anderson, of Pleasant Grove. on a statutory charge. He was takes before Justice William Hunter of American (‘Fork and bound over to await the action of the district court in $500 bail. don sine’ on of REE and Mrs. post Great Britain and Europe in June, inder a slight .covering of earth near tending to spend the summer on the some swampy or low land, about four. continent. They are row in Londcn miles west of the construction camp. and will return at the first opportunity His partner returned to Helper and deto secure passage home, arted for an eastern state. The party who did away with Pool was not anA son was born vesterday to Mr, and gry at him, but it-appeared that the; Mrs. J. I. Segall. e erime was mercenary, ang Sas other parties Mrs. tomorrow of Misses é Pes wWed- will the at the honor Daughters Bess A. Mr. firemen of Luther Vivian Klinke for Miss smal] W. members and a Loveless and Assistatit Robert Boardman, Leo Bean and Don Park left today for Park Ciry as delegates to the annual Miss green, asters about Jossph of Mrs. in at the land. NOTES. Chief bride of Oakland, National a social Utah in Billingsley. PROVO former, evening Mrs. @ His the a and cig this afternoon * a short time failure of Miss ee MeCan not Grayson, Aug. 12--Sarah Marinda SCHOOL MATTERS. FOUNDER OF GREELEY, COLO., Black, who died July 10, after a long Provo, Aug. 17.—At a meating of the iliness, was born at Macedonia, Han-~1S RESIDENT OF CALDWELL cock Co., Ill., Sept. 25, 1840. In child- trustees and principals of the county hood she passed through all the trials. schools, held here Saturday, it was of 34 and hardships common to the Latter- decided to have a school year (Special Correspondence:) day Saints, in their exodus from Nau- weeks in ali the districts of the coun~ Caldwell, Aug. 15.—Residing here at voo.to Salt Lake. (Her father, Samuel ty and that schools shall close May 14. Thompson, was a member of Zion’s The time of opening the schools will be the age of 90 years, with his children, decided by each district tobe deter- grandchildren and great grandchildren Cam Dp. 3 The father enlisted in the “Mormon” mined by local conditions. is Henry T. West, founder of Greeley, The rules and regulations, governing Battalion, and was second lieutenant Colo. pupils, adopted last in Company C. The family crossed the teaclgers And Tn 1870 Mr. West formed one of a loplains to Salt Lake in 1847. Mrs. year will remain in force. : cating committee of three representing Blac k lived an active, industrious lite. A WOMAN TRAMP. the Union colony, which decided upon Greeley as’ the spot to locate their cheerful and helpful. Provo,.Aug. 17.—~ “Hiking Neil” town. He was for years president of education she became a nurse, eis made her appearance in the western the Union colony, an organization that in that capacity for over 50 years. She part of the city, Saturday. She so surwas: twice married; in 1838, to George prized the citzens that some of them today holds a reversionary right to evThe right is exerSpencer, by whom she had six children. ealled uy Chief of Pelice W. F.. Giles ery lot in Greeley. violation of the Mr. Spencer died in bake In 1874 she and asked that the stranger be given cisable in case of a liquor clause, which is in.every Greeley married Wm. M. Blac Of her 10 some attention. She was taken to the deed, and which provides. that intoxichildren, four preceded Sa in death. police station and kept over night; cating liquor shall never be manufacThe funeral was lar gely attended. a iaeluae she ontinded on her way The services were presided over by to Salt Lake. From there she will go tured, sold or given away as a beverage. A violation of this provision, Bishop Hansen Bayles, the ward choir to California by, way of Idaho and John Kartchner, David P. Black. by Col. = Three autumn brides, Miss Dale Havenor, Miss Flora McCanne and Miss Laura Sutton wil be guests of honor at a lake party on Thursday to be given be been his body he Sea Korns S. Miresnd Clarke Mrs. Ira D. Wines will entertain her social club this week at the Bluebird tea, room : Afton Hatch ershower in honor Hickly, H. * armed, he left to secure a gun. When he returned Billingsley had left, and was later located in Salt Lake. * Biuingsley returned home recently after nesday now and as Josie a The this Roberwas marshal Miss R. B. Stevens inves:igate drew Provo has and friends and former think Pook met with foul to and, nescay, Correspondence.) Price, Marshal house Billingsley the which FORTUNE TELLER SAYS. POOL WAS MURDERED the disturbance. on instituted Ben- her—City entered gun ow Mrs. George Sabistion wil be guest of honor at a large afternoon affair to be given next Friday. by Mrs. Glen Miller and Mrs. Morris LL. Ritchie at the former’s home. his he the being 29; having some trouble with, Springville—it is claimed beating son fu- DD. % home arrested for the Utah county officers in Salt Lake. On Friday, while Billings- was the | etfs aand the Sinclair Peay DREW GUN C ON OFFICER. Provo, Aug, 17.—Deputy Sheriff C. H. ley was wife at Parker, in soe Mrs. Clark and City Marshal John Roberson, erican) !of © Springville, returned Saturday night Colton, with Walter B. Billingsley, who was and Highland, 1; Lehi, 5: Lake 1; Lake Shore Provo first 2: Provo second ward, 2: Prove A. place week. marriage Harding, Lester near Arthur Mrs. Mrs... to This afternoon Miss tertains at a bundle of 17.--A been to Gurrin, take Alice, re. of reto parents, two brothers and three sis| his ters, and other nee eee ! Alpine View, ward, : oe this moutntain June 15 to Oct. 31, OBITUARY, and . CONVENTION. and Highland, 1; Benjamin, 1;) Clinton, (Special Ogden, ‘Aug. 17.—James Roberts will apbear in police court today to an- the owner has since claiming Grace marriage Saturday evening from appendicitis. Funeral services will be held Tuesday at 2 o’clock in the second ward meetinghouse. The deceased is-survived by com- jamin, ied Clinton, 2; Thistle, 2; Cedar Fort, - Colton, 2: Elberta, 2: ° Fairfield, ey Goshen, 8; Highland, 2; Lehi, 40; Lake View, 5; Lake Shore, 3; Provo county. first ward, 20; Provo second ward, 9; He was ican in Broker, Denmark, March i, 1887 and was the son of Provo third ward, 23: Provo, fourth ward, 16; Provo fifth ward, 28; Payson Christian P. and Elsie J. Beck Green. e WwW. A. Houghton announces tlie} Mrs. engagement of her youngest daughter, of the stock, and for $500 is alleged that defend1914 took said stock de News_| Social and Personal | suit against DEATH OF J. D. JOHNSON. | Provo, Aug. 17.—John Dewey Johni son, the 15-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Johnson of the Sec* and ward died had been a resident ay Weber county for more than 52 years, H vas wel known gnoke all the eenterd of Weber sided filed miittee Nas made the following ap- : pointments for the Republican state conggressional and county conventions. a Spanish Christensen Green, one of the pioneers of Plain ‘City, died yesterday morning at 4:55 o'clock at his home from general debility. He was 87 years of age and sew plainpur- HARDING-ALLEN Provo, W.Conover,sec- Republican has aOR ed ALY who was ‘from plaintiff, |; {the stock, and that she :‘tained possession of it, own it Ave. Academy 17.—Don. the for | CONVENTIONS | REPUBLICAN Provo, taken 684 W. Academy Leatham alleged value It t damages. em'-Weeékly 183. Orders Residence st. retary agent 1914 Ki tsi ‘A. Miller ta ‘recover 60,760 shares of the capital stock of Provo Mining company or for $4,253.20, the pa and 17 Springville, condemned by for railroad right-of-way whee ce M. C. i carrier Provo fifth ward, 3: Payson, 4: Pleasant Grove, 3; Pleasant View, 1; Provo Bench, -1; Salem, 2; Santaquin and furnishing appropriate singing. The speakers were Elders John R. Young, (Special impossible diately in ring many "xe in the inter-mountain and like stay, which wil prolong their to the coal camps of this county ARE MAKING SPECIAL SUMMER RATES $5. 00. aor Miss in charge of J. L. Boardman and K. H. Chissolm, arrived in Price last night and will leave tomorrow for Sunnyside to be stationed one week, thence to other camps of Carbon county for a PAINLESS DENTISTRY We positively extract teeth without pain. We can furnish names of Pioneeae of people who will testify. For d time only we will injuries; a be is suffering from a dislocated hip and internal injuries as the result of an automobile accident three miles north of Elsinore Shorely after 2 o’clock this car WE Hirickson has is believed to internal above & to pie state and tions to be held ‘ (Special Ellen Erickson, his daughter, is believed to be fatally injured; Pearl, another daughter, is suffering from a number of Price, WE from the that Dr. Beatty went evening where he conference, _ Correspondence.) Elsinore, Utah, deen is dead; Niels broken shoulder and made learned ing use an, Ogden. he pur; GHLD MILED WHEN HAY ERIN. HLL yours.’ has Beatty for drinking | [ SPANISH FORK. | [——;LSinORE. ONE KILED, OTHERS INJURED WHEN AN PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. AUTO TURNS TURTLE ENLARGED HEATING PLANT do When used taken from the Utah Light & Railway company’s dam in Ogden canyon, for use in Ogden City. The water in the dam is not pure, he says, and should be boiled as long as river water is be- cured necessary. “Above all, work glosely with the railroads, and they will do their part if vou be boiled before poses. the grave, which was dedicated by William Ay Critchlow. There was a large at- made Saturday” Ogden, Aug. 17.—-That the oe of Ogden are in danger of contracting disease from the water now being used for drinking. purposes in the city, was the statement of Dr. Beatty, secretary of the Utah state board of health, who was an Olden visitor yesterday. recommends that all water the by escort ofl be Daily, eer body from lead the month... All Carrier PETER C. GREEN “CALLED BY DEATH The ritual of remains hall, band delivered JAYS PEOPLE MAY GONTRAGT DISEASE FHOM CITY WATER=DELEGATES APPOINTED, : ‘Dr. Critchlow, Jr. Gus Saunders sang “One ao Solemn Thought” and ‘Rest.’ Miss Elsie Shorten sang “‘The Chris- the Ogden ijudgment of there- of the woue hall, with Bishop’s David Steele pas selor speakers were Judge J. A. Ogden Ogden, Aug. 17.—lLocal declare that, unless care and 17.—Funeral services for Coleman were held yes- 730 p.m. terday4 iu explain that in obtaining Wales Some OGDEN 2546 Madison A vern Weaver, from have contracted. for cans at the old prices, the d@al having been closed before the Huropean trouble, but others will have to buy most of their cans at an advanced price. t largest from. the "te, Daity-ts-on-sale at the fottowing: , will ship their prodand the factories will markets in the east. ——— REED DOW The markbetter than in years war in Hurope. At- cents, per is near tiff so 3 Lh frost comes. }iet is expected to be past because of the OGDEN OF FICE. BASEMENT before News #4 JGUST MONDAY PROVO.| The j ‘{canned NE WS 2 N DEPARTMENT oO] ac ten the oa is DESERET Boys’ se fight, three side, cash prize give: Children’s races, boys cee $38, $2, $1. Children’s. races, girls aL $8, $2, 31. Children’s daivind Prizes, $1, 50c 2 boys or more on a 7. to 12 years. 7 to 12 years. 5 7 years, to J. same*superb illustrated above prefer cut. M. Meadow 6 this BRAND quality tor CHRISTENSEN co. View Products is of cut as those who PRODUCE are Beiter. N |