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Show ORT ¥ Lampe ree US LRT Ses SMES italia arta A Detective’s Story. ees carmen ees es Worsé;than New Wérk. A wise old gentlétman; who, knew William: Davisyan ex-politician of ‘all about’ it, on retiring from’ busi- Waverly, Mo., attempted to force adA little episode in the life of de- ture to seen’an Illinois gentleman Right Thousand Criminats ness gaye the following sage advice mittance to the private reom of Mrs. im One Hungarian District, to his son and successor: “Common Patton, a milliner, about two o’eloek tective Becker, of Newark, reads like with his knees stuck fast to the floor, sense, my son, is valuable in all kinds Tuesday morning, 4th inst. She ‘a novel writer’s story. Mr. B. was while he whitened the soles of his A trial is taking place in Szegewarned him to. desist and he threatlove, she balanced most gracefully on din, in Hungary, the extraordinary of business—except love-making.” ordered to It. Wayne some time ago ened to burst open-the door, whereone foot and smiling audibly at the complicated history of which’ is The patron ofa cheap eating-house, upon she fired and instantly killed to work up a counterfeiting gang. tickling process. One maiden lady destined to occupy a conspicuous who eomplained that they gave only After much trouble he sueceedel in of a certain age went into hysterics, The coroner’s jury exonerated place among the criminal records of one potato with his meat, whereas him. her, She has all countries. The Lloyd of Pesth getting admitted to the gang under and from that into a hack. they formerly gave him two, was not been heard of since. the name of “Dutch Jim.” The Newgives an outline of the case under mortified by the waiter’s explanation the title of ‘‘Praces Sandor’’—San- that the last lot of potatoes they purark Courter tells the rest: dor being the name of a chief of a chased was so bad that no gentleman W. Pearce, R. J. Fowren. An English Woman’s Expe“Their headquarters were in one band of malefactors whose depreda- could eat more than one of them. riemece im am American of the cemeteries, where they met Sleeping-Car. tions and atrocities rendered them nightly, aud a partially opened erave There is trouble between Sweden the terror of Szegedin and the surin an obseure part of ths burial Journeying from Bostow to Wash- rounding district. and Italy, all because an Italian Enground, contained the spoils of not ington, the authoress had her berth vey, Signor Bascagno, refused a de- Horse & Cattle Doctors, According to the Pesth journals, only the result of the counterfeiting, made into a bed, and divesting her- ever since 1860 the inhabitants: of coration from the king of Sweden. but of a number of . bold robberies self of her outer garments, retired be- Szegedin had become so. terrified in As the refusal of an order of nobility MACHINE SHOP AND committed by the gang. The detec- hind the curtain and slept until day- consequence of the daring expioits isa thing heretofor unheard of in SHOKING FORGE, tive worked his case well, and was break. “I knew,” she proceeds, “that of Sandor’s band of brigands that Continental Europe, where every amastonished to find that several of the -et each end of the car there was a they locked and barred themselves bitious young man commences life Boiler Making and Blackgang were’ well-known citizens and toilet-room, with marblé» basins and in their houses every night at dusk, with an empty purse and the title smithimg in vll its branches. members of churches. Had the gang washing paraphernalia. I put my and dared not venture into the of Count, his Arctic Majesty was of- Office and Forge 1} Blocks South of the Utah Hotel. once susp2cted the true character of head out between the opening of the streets even during the day. without fended, As'the’ Scandniavians,don’t “Dutch Jim,” that shrewd and eun- curtain to see if the place was unoc- being armed with revolvers and | sigh for sunny climesito conquer, and Work done cheaply and thoronghly. ning fellow’s life would have been cupied, when, to, my . amazement, sword-sticks. Robberies, incendiary asthe Italians have no money to]. the forfeit... Different ones of the what should meet my eye, all the fires and assassinations were the or- throw away on a North Pole expediSick Animals skilfully gang were arrested, and . always way up and down the narrow corri- der of the day, and the malefactors tion, the unpleasantness will probably eee treated. “Dutch Jim” was one of the party der, but stockinged—no, I mean carricd their audacity so far as to be settled withouta declaration of at “copped,” but he managed (always socked—feet. struggling into boots of attack the diligencies in the pen war. é by the “skin of his teeth,” apparent- the most..decidedly masculine “‘per- day, and in the very. midst of the ly) to be released. At last the final suasion.” As I was contemplating town itself. : blow came—the arrest of the five the , possibility of threading my way For along time the criminals esleaders, and “Dutch Jim’ was one. through this novel, living hedge, [ caped, while a number of innocent ‘They were on their way to commit a came to the knowledge that I was inhabitants were arrested on suspiburglary in a neighboring ‘town. the only lady in the car, and that, cion. Under these circumstances Becker had telegraghed Government unknown and unprotected, I had E. de Raday was sent asa Royal officers to be ready, and when the been passing the night in the most Commission to Szegedin, -charged train reached the depot, the car ignorant and helpless security with with full powers, and haying at his which the burglars occupied was rabout twenty men! In any other disposition the resources necessary to boarded bya dozen officers, A fear- country, this discovery would have put an end to a state. of things so ful fight occurred, and as it was not been horrifying in itself, and ex- deplorable and alarming. M. de yet time for ‘Dutch Jim” to be pub- tremely disagreeable in_ its results; Raday soon became convinced that Cloths, Perines, Alpacas, Armaures, licly known, he entered into the fight but, short as my experience of Amer- not only Szegedin, but the whole Empress “Wool Delaines, Giaghams, Ticking, with as much earnestness, to all ap ican chivalry had been, it was quite comitat and the surrounding districts Denims, Domestics, ete. Cassimeres, ‘weeds. pearances, as did his “pals,” and he sufficient for me to know that I had were infested by formidable ‘“compaCottomades, Jeans, Ete., Ete. did freceive in return some blows. absolutely nothing to feel uncomfort- nies” of brigands, whose organiza‘The ring-leaders were captured, and, able about. Most of the gentlemen tion was complete and their circle of Gents’ dnd Boys’ incompany with “Jim from Jersey,” did me the honor to ignore my pres- action clearly defined. After careful were put in cells. When the-day of ence completely, thereby making me inquiries the Royal Commissionexamination came, “Dutch Jim” was feel very much assured; those that er found that a number of adminisput on the stand, and when he gave did not neither stared nor spoke; but trative and judicial functionaries as his occupation, “Government Se- as the train slackened at the Jersey were ,accomplices, of the bands of eret Service Officer,” the counterfeit- City Station two of them helped me brigands—that even the titled noers wilted. ‘The evidence was ‘too down the steps of the platform, and, bilities of the district acted as restrong to be broken, and the gang one taking my shawls and the other ceivers of the stolen property. A was secured. Beeker has since re- my hand-bag, said, ‘Allow me, mad- number of these companies were turned to Newark, and is new on the am, to see you to the ferry,’ whither soon tracked, and several of the bancity force. they accompanied me, and bowed dits were arrested and given up to ee | OF . themselves off.” justice. It was then found that the police agents were in league with EASTERN . ness of Dr. Pusey. and CALIFORNIA MANUFACTURE. <i the malefactors. At Szegedin a The cable, a few days ‘since, anCommissary of Police, two Judges, Just to Pumish Fim. A General Assortment of nounced the dangerous illness of Dr. four employes of the Treasury, and There was an old Scotchman who forty-six detectives were arrested as Pusey, the originator of the ‘“Puseyite’ movement in’ the ‘Qnglish always rode a donkey ‘to his work, being implicated in the depredations Church, which, under the more vig- and tethered him while he worked of the bands. Crimes have been orous leadership ‘of Dr. Newman, de- on the road, or wherever else he brought to light which were perpe“INCLUDING veloped into the Anglo-Catholie¢ par- might be, It was suggested to him trated thirty years ago, and an old Cutlery, Locks, Carpenters’ and other Tools. ty, whose early members finally went by my grandfather that he was sus- man of seventy was condemned for over to the Romish Church. The pected of putting him to feed in the a crime committed when he was for- | A LARGE STOCK OF movement commevced in 1833 with fields at other people’s expense. ty years of age. The novel and pe“mh, laird, I could never be tempt- culiarly “psychological” system purthe publication of the “Tracts for the Times.” by Oxford theologians, Dr. ed to do that, for: my cudda winna sued by the Royal Commissioner in Pusey being’a professor in the uni- eat any thing but nettles and this- order to find out the guilty parties is versity. Several years later was sus: tles.”’ worth recording. The prisoners were ETC, ETC. One day my grandfather was rid- covipletely isolated during their conpended from preaching om account of his understood advocacy of the doc- ing along the road, when he saw Les- finement, and their eyes were bound trine, of transubstantiation. That he at work, and his donkey up to his in order to prevent conversation by seems to have frightened him, for he knees in one of his clover fields feed- accomplished theives. ‘Companions . halted while Newman, Caswell, and ing luxuriously. A Full Line of | in captivity,” totally unknown tothem, _ others of the Oxford movement kept “Tello; Andrew,” said my grand- , were placed in the same cells, who on in the path they had taken until father, ‘I thought you told me your soon insinuated themselves into the it led them into the Roman Catholic euddy would eat nothing but nettles confidence of the prisoners, studied Church and the monastic Order of and thistles?’”’ their characters, made themselves _ Of All: Deseriptions. the Oratory. Dr. Pusey is now 73 “Aye,” said he, “but he misbehay- acquainted with their seerets, and years of age. ed the day; he nearly kicked me over used all their efforts to bring about A orders addressed. to D. H. PEERY, Ogden City, U. T., his head, sae I put him in there just a full confession. wel recive prompt attention. to punish him.” An idea of how desirable a place s8-tf H. B. CLAWSON, Superintendent A Ludicrous Incident. Szegedin must have queen to livein, “Pred,” said a father to his son, may be formed frour the following Talking about heels, rather a ludienumeration of the cases which are crous incident connected therewith “T hear that you and your wife quar- now being tried. When the Reyal occurred at the Illinois reception the rel and wrangle every day. Let me Commissioner first arrived at Szegwarn you against such a fatal pracother night. The ballroom floor at edin there were 100 criminal charges Willard’s was newly waxed, and bad- t.ce.”. “Whoever told you that, fath- to be heard; a little later, 500 more Bealers im ly done at that, so that:'the, fair la- er, was totally mistaken; my wife and charges were made, and when the dies and gallant beaux found their Ihaven’t spoken to one another for Royal Commissioner had terminated ie feet sticking to the floor. ‘While the a month.” » its duties 950 fresh cases were weaker were held fast, the stronger Fremont, now under indictment in brought to light—making in all and more energetic produced a noise France for fraud, had his character nearly 3,000 crimes of the gravest like unto shooting-crackers, as they analyzed once by a California orator, character. Of this total, 1,000 judgMAIN STREET, OGDEN. moved about or attempted to dance. who styled him “A statesman who ments have already been given, and This got to be such a nuisance that never made a speech, a general who nearly all these judgments have been the proprietor was called in and.active never fought a battle, a path-finder confirmed on appeal. The erimes CHAERS, TABLES, LOUNGES, WASH STANDS, measures taken to remedy the evil. who always lost his way, a millionaire and offenses discovered by the Royal Meal from the kitchen was procured jnot worth a continental d—n.”” aad BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS, Commission amount to 8,000. The and sprinkled over the floor... Young | . Spring and Hair Mattrasses. principal charges are those of murder, ladies had to be lifted bodily out of | A. Kentuckian whose baptismal robbery, pillage, incediarism, ete., Cupbeards amd Bookeases Made to Order. their tracks, in some instances.leav: ‘namé is, Grant has. petitioned ,the) the cases of robbery alone exceeding GCabimet Werk and Repairimg Dome. ing their heels on the floor, while Legislature to change it to Jeff Davis. 4,000...» Wood Turning im all its Bramcmes. others were pried up with pokers, ut- The Cincinnati Commercal thinks tering little shrieks as if,it hurt. that \his request) ought t6 be erantdd, The weather in London the first of Several enterprising Illinois beaux but adds that he ought to be watched this month was intensely cold, and went to Milburn’s and purchased that he does not altogether lose his one hundred persons were frozen to and other Goods in proportion. pieces of ehalk, which they rubbed identity by dressing in}pctticoats, death in England during a few days. Please give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. on the soles of the young ladies’ shoes. It presented a beautiful pic- PEARCE & FOWLER, gden Gity. Wholesale Department. 2. READY] Plows, Hoes, Rakes, Scythes, Forks HARNESS AND HARNESS TRIMMINGS. CHOICE a GE JES ! ra cG., imported Furniture of all Kinds, JUST RECEIVED, 100 DOZ. CHAIRS |