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Show s Neea : AG MTV Ed En (WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY.) SB+.00 PER YEAR. ; ; - j : : OCDEN DIRECTORY. eee BY TELEGRAPH, ) Ogden Pest Office: ARRIVAL AND CLOSING OF MAILS. ‘ A RRIVALS 7ALS, Salt Lake Citv, double daily, West, Through Mail daily ba East, Threugh Mail daily ~ CLOSING, #alt Lake City, double daily West, i\ Through Mail daily jam. - 5.30p.m. 7.90 a.m, §.30 p.m. 6am. 4.00 p.m. - 4.00 p.m. East, Through Mail daily 6.00 am. SEMI AND 'TRI-WEEKLY MAILS,, CLOSING ‘ ' Cache County, Tuesdays, Tharsdays and Sundays [Daily to Loge] ” . 4,00 p.m. +} i Rich 7 | | i } i; j i nea a i County, Tuesdays and Thursdays 4.00 p.m. North Qgden, Mondays and Thursdays 2.30 p.m. Liuntsville, Wednesdays and Saturdays = = = ‘= 7.80a.m. Lynne, Plain City and: Statersville, . Mondays and Thursdays 3.39 p.m° Riverdale, Wednesdays and Saturdays 3.00 p.in. Hoaperville and Alma, Wednesdays aud Saturdays - 11.80a.m. OFFICE TIGURS. General Delivery, from S a.m. to 6.3@ p.m. Sunday, 5 put. to 6.30 p.m, REGISERY DEPARTMENT Open MONEY frem 9 am-to38 OFFICE pm. ; Logan Poland Before the Committee! Balloting for the sas Senator! Snow Kan- and Murder Memphis! in A Pool Formed to Buy the U.P. R. R. Proposed Fight for the Championship! — DEPARETMEMT, Boston, 28. It is not probable that the Mayor will veto the order passed by the board of Aldermen in opening the public libra-. ries on Sundays, and the order will undoubtedly pass the Common Council. It is reported that the small-pox is on the increase in the city, and Charlestown State Prison. New York, 28. The committee of seventy held a meeting last night. Several new amendments were proposed to the new City Charter. George Siddons and Arthur Chambers met thursday to sign articles for a fight for feather weight championship in America. It isa $2,000 fight, and is to take place in May, within.500 miles from this city. The first deposit of $500 was made yesterday. . There - are 1,130 male and female con- ee eee The Chinese new gear festivities were in full blast, their quarter of the city was illuminated, and the streets, shops, restaurants and churches were crowded. Richard B. Irwin, formerly one of the agents of the P. M. 8. S. company, was thrown from his buggy this evening and received dangerous injuries about the head. The Fireman’s Fund insurance company held a meeting this p. m., for purpose of considering the practicability of re-incorporating under the provisions of the civil code, and the policy of increasing or diminishing the amount of capital stock. The proceedings were very harmonious, and by a vote of about four-fifths of the company, resolved to re-incorporate and to reduce its capital from $500,060 to $300,000. Books will be opened at once for subscriptions to the stock. The impairment of the capital by the Boston fire rendered some such course necessary and that adopted seomed the wisest to pursue. so far restored as to enable him to resume his duties as a member. The iron steamship ‘“Brittanic,” from New York for Glasgow, has been wrecked in the Firth of Clyde, Scotland. The crew have been saved. The vessel and cargo, however will prove a total logs. Prince Napoleon disavows all responsibility for the recent newspaper announcement of his views in regard ie the future policy of the Bonaparte family. The English Government has taken a threatening attitude anainst Russian aggression in Asia. A correspondent says Lord Granville has waited till the Russian advance iuto Khiva had become a matter of notoriety; and then. with great firmness, he will point out to Russia the line on whieh, and the point to which, she may continue her advance unmolested and resisted by Great Britian. If she goes beyond, Great Britian will stop ber if she can. Englishmen will fight Russia, if need be, thongh they would greatly prefer not to fight; but show them that Russia is menacing India, and that the moment is come when her strength threatens English supremacy in India, and they start an army for Afighanistan, and a flect to victs in Sing Sing, and'since the recent escapes, five temporary sentry boxCincinnati, 28. es have been put on the ruin side of the John ©. Orr and Geo. Carr, detectives, AMERICAN, rison. Guards are fully armed with who are implicated with thieves in the Yrains Washington, 28. pistols and muskets, also supplied with robbery of houses last summer, were Leave Ogden. Daily until further notice, for Salt Senator Logan appeared before the skates and ice speers. The prison auCity at 5 a.nf.and § am. and 5.30 pam. and Poland committee, to-day, at the request thorities have given up all hope of re- discharged from the police force to-day. 6.£0 p.m. For the Hast,at8 am. For the West, New York, 28. of Judge Poland, and stated his connec- capturing the escaped convict Wilson, At White Plains, yesterday, the Gree- Cronstadt, and set half the world in a Arrive from Salt Take City, 7 a.m. and 10.45. a. tion with the Credit Mobilier. His statewhom they consider the most clever man mand 445 p.m. and $15 pan. From the East, ment agrees exactly with that made by ever there, and one possessed of great ley will case was again before the surro- blaze, sooner than yield an inch. §.0U pan, Krom the West, 6.55 a.m. gate, no compromise having been lt is reported that the Russian GovSalt Lake City Time. Ames. Logan agreed to buy shares. He executive ability and determination, made. Neither of the Misses Greeley never paid any money, but received, Three of those who were retaken now was present, and the only directly inter- ernment has resolved to construct nine Religious Services new fortresses on the western frontier about the 20th of June, 1868, from Ames wear chains. ‘Every Sunday, in the Tabernacle, at 11 a.m., and ested party in the court was Storrs, ex- of Russia. This warlike movement takfor $329, which he kept a few in the Second Ward Schoolhouse Farley's School- a check Recorder Hackett, presiding in the ecutor of the will of 1871. James H. en in connection with the recent inhouse and Third Wa d School-house at 6 p.m, days and returned to Ames with $2 in- court of General Sessions, yesterday, Choate, appearing as counsel for the Episcopal Church at ll a.m. and7 p.m. terest. in conformity with the law passed last Misses Greeley, said if two weeks post- crease in the standing army estimates, Methodist Church atl am. and 7 pun. causes much comment. H. C. Swan, cashier of the First Na- winter, authorizing that court to hold Spiritualist Lectures (Child’s Hall), at 10.30 a.m., ponement were granted, he was satisfied 2 p.m. (Lyceum), aud 7 p.m. London, 29. tional Bank of Washington, appeared double sessions whenever tn their judgThe foreign office here is in possession with the books of the bank, and showed, ment, public interests require it, order- a compromise could be effected; besides, he desired to give the case further exOgden City Library ofa copy of Firman of the Shah of Perin reply to questions of Poland, that ed the clerk of the court to enter an orAt Geo. W. furner’s. Open eve:y day, Sundays amination, Thé case had now assumed sia, by which he cedes the Atterek ValColfax’s account showed a deposit of der for an additional panel of jurors for excepted, $1,968.63, on June 22d, 1868, including the purpose of disposing of all murder a different phase, as all the legatees un- ley and a portion of Chorassan to Rusder the disputed will of ’71 had signeda sia. a $1,200 check. The committee adjourn- cases now accumulated. renunciation, and no other had a right F. S. RICHARDS, ed till to-morrow. : Memphis, 28. to press claims against the estate. The Mr. Poland’s Committee reassembled On Friday last, Wm. Bell shot and surrogate decided that the exeeutors of NOTARY PUBLIC Fisk Heard From. this morning. Stevens, of Ohio, offered killed Bob Simpson, at Prospect Blutts, the will of ’¥1 could appear; and Oliver s resolution as to the Sioux” City and Ark. No particulars given. At a residence in San Francisco, a few Johnson, C. Runkle and Alvin Johnson Dubuque R. R. He. was present, and OFFICE ON Snow has been failing here since nine were then called. Each testified to the evenings since, a circle was formed, conFrawklin St., between 4th & 5th Sts. stated the reason he offered the resolu- a.m. The mercury stands 20° above belief that Greeley was not in his right sisting of several blonde ladies and pious s69-tf tion was, becuuse he heard that Blaine zero. mind during some weeks prior to his gentlemen, who had been discussing the had voted a grant to the road while in very knotty theological point of how to Topeka, 28. death. The case was adjourned. Congress, but the read was examined As*nearly every ChrisThe ballot for U. S. Senator in the two The bill to pay they Japanese govern- reach heaven. and it could not be found that Blaine Houses, at noon to-day, resulted: Sen- ment for land occupied by the United tian denomination has a representative had ever yoted on the questions affect- ate, Pomeroy, 10; Lowe, 7; Harvey, 5; States in Japan, for hospital purposes, present, and each being decidedly in faing a grant to the road. Stevens, in an- Seattering, 10. House, Pomeroy, 40; passed, and the consideration of the vor of the modes prescribed by their FOURTH STREET, swerto Myr, Blaine, admitted having Lowe, 18 ; Harvey, 19 ; Logan, 11; scatlegislative appropriation bill was re- various creeds, it beexame a matter of OGDEN, said he said. something to eateh the tering, 15. sumed. The amendment by Morrill, re- difficulty to reconcile their variud opinFour Doors from Z. CG AL I, speaker. Blaine then made a statement The Senate has passed a resolution for quiring proof of loyalty before payment ions. as tothe grant to’ the Dubuqre and a special committee to investigate the At this crisis a spirit interviewer arose, of any judgment of the court of claims, Sioux City road in 1856, the grant excharges against Pomeroy. IN was adopted. Morrill explained that it quietly removed his spectacles, and arpired in 1866, and in March 1867, the Chicago, 28, was aimed at W. T. Lamar, one of the ranging his spotless cravat amid proBOOTS & SHOES, grent was extended, but it was given to A New York special says that after most obnoxious rebels the country had found silence, proceeded to invoke the LEATHER and Towa, and not to the road, but to the Phelps, Dodge & Co., had effected a ever seen. Sherman’s amendment, rais- spirit of the late James Fisk as most State of Iowa. Subsequently John J. compromise with government, Wm. E. STOKE FIN DINGS, ing the salaries of the assistant secre- competent to unravel any mystery conAfter a bricf interAft the Lowest Prices. Produce Blair, a prominent railroad man of New Dodge, senior partner, caused an im- taries of departments, and the commis- nected with travel. Laken. ; Jersey, through Senator Grimes, asked mediate dessolution of the firm, expell- sioners of patents, Indian affairs, agri- val an exclamation of “Get thee behind Blaine if he would not enter into its ing the junior partners, who were the culture, customs, anda number of other me, Satan,” convinced the circle of the construction. principal agents in swindling the cus- department and bureau officers, to four presence of the King of Erie. Our spirit The vice-pre:ilent, in a personal tom house. thousand, was adopted. Theamendment representative, after wiping the place statement, asked the appointment of a A Washington special says it is ru- offered by Hill, under instruetions -of where the wool used to grow, opened committee to investigate the charges mored here that a pool is now being the committee on privileges and elections, fire in his usual meek munner, as folREPAIRS NEATLY EXECUTED. against him in connection with the Cre- formed, in which the bank of California to raise the salary of congressmen to ows: 2-ly dit Mobelier. Pratt thereupon moved and the Central Pacific railroad are the Interviewer.—“Ts the spirit of Colonel seven thousand, was tabled, twentyfor committee of five, and reFisk present ?” responsible parties, for the purchase of three to thirteen. JNO.V.FARWELL&CO., marked that it would take more evi- the Union Pacific railroad, in case the Spirit." Wes.7 Buckingham announced the death of WHOLESALE NOTIONS, dence than he had yet seen, to convince June interest on the bonds of the latter Int.—“Will you be good enough, ColJulias L. Strong, late representative DRY |SGoonnvs him or the people of Indiana, that the corporation go to protest which event is onel, to give your friends the benefit of from Connecticut, and pronounced an And Wootens. vice-President was dishonest or dishon- regarded as highly probable in the pre- eulogy on deceased, as did also Ferry. your knowledge of the other world?” Largest Stock West of New York. orable. Thurman s id the vice-Presiembarrassments and complicaSpi.—‘Have been trying to get up a FOREIGN: ; Monroe, aud Franklin Sts., CHICAGO dent made a mistake in asking a com- sent tions of the company. Under these corner in lots for the past three months. Madrid 28. LY mittee, because, as he was not a memcircumstances the trustees would Gen. Gonzales, commanding the royal Very few settlers in heaven owing to ber of the Senate, that body could not. be compelled to sell out under the troops, routed a large force of Carlists ack of transportation.” expect to remove him or otherwise pun- first mortgage bonds, and it is believed under Lerd Clure, of Santa Cruz Int.—Which denomination, Colone’, Many ishhim. Hecould only be impeached if that the entire U. P. line, together with were killed, wounded and taken prison- affords the greatest facility for reaching reason was shown, andit would be the its rolling stock, could be bought up for ers. ‘Ihe insurreetion is considered celestial repose ?” AVING LOCATED IN LOGAN, CACHE CO., duty of the house to impeach him, and about fifteen million dollars, ‘© * Spi.—“I will summon some of my unis prepared to attend to the practice of Medicrushed. as the senators would have to act as his cine, Surgery and Obstetrics. s94-2n derground aids, and leave you to choose Corinne, 28. ; Berlin, 28. judges, the Senate should not forestall The parties recently held on the The admiralty has decided to build no for yourselves.” the action of the heuse. Pratt’s mo- charge of stealing cattle, in the Probate more iron clads at present, but to A silence of about a minute ensued, tion was rejected, none voting for it but Court, were brought before C. M. Haw- strengthen the coast. defences by moni- then a chorus of stentorian voices broke Morton. ley, associate justice of the Supreme tors and torpedoes. D. M. STUART forth : ; ; The National Theatre was destroyed Court of Utah, on writ of habeas corpus FEPS.FOR SALE THE BEST AND CHEAP“Take Beecher’s Lightning Express.” Rome, 28. EST Anti-freezing force and Lift Pumps for by fire at eleven o clock last night. Mil- and discharged; Hon. C. C. Wilson, late “Be A royal decree is promulgated where- “Go by Chapin,s Broad Guage.” deep or shallow wells. Also, Patent Puints for ler & Jones, occupying the entire front chief justice, who is here on a visit, ap- by the State formally takes possession of sure to ask for Dr. Spring’s Air Line.” Drive Well Pumps, with suitable iron piping. of the second story, asa billiard room, peared for the defendants. Pups fixed and fitted upon reasonable terms, at Judge Haw- sixteen convents in Rome. “Get tickets for Hepworth’s Double Workshop, Tithing Office, Osten. the finest inthe city, lost everything. ley ruled that the Probate Court has no Track.” — Always on time—FrothingParis, 28. The Imperial Hotel adjoining the Thea- criminal jurisdiction; and that the SuThe committee of thirty have adopted ham’s quick transit route.’’? “Look out tre, is now in great danger of destrucpreme Court of Utah has decided them amendments to the decree proposed, for Dr. King’s short-line patent brakes.” J.S. LEWIS, tion, and in fact, almost the entire row to possess only probate jurisdiction, which provide for the erection of a sec- ‘Doctor Smythe’s direct underground WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, of houses on each side of the street are which is now the law. ; The opinion is ond legislative chamber, for a new elec- through line.” Dewler in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver aud in great danger. Engines were on the spoken of as among the ablest and most toral law, and for restricting the PresiHere the intense clamor of the oppaPlated Ware, MAIN STREBT, OGDEN. | ground promptly, and the firemen are exhaustive ever delivered in this Terri- dent’s privilege of addressing the As- sition roads resulted in the total demorRepairing neatly done and all work warranted. now (3 a. m.) working vigorously. Great. tory. 11-ky The j«dge held the parties to an- sembly. The draft of the amended de- alization of the circle and termination of excitement prevails. The street and swer before him to-morrow, for charges cree will be submitted to Thiers, with the seance. dispersing the participants vicinity are crowded with people, made. , another amendment, permitting the ex- ‘with the conviction strongly impressed Some time since Federal offieers in Lawrence, Mass., 28. ecutive to speak in the chamber on all on their minds that getting to heaven is F YOU WANE A TILOMSONTAN DOCTOR OR Alabama brought suit. against cattle ‘mighty onsartin.” A fire here to-day, in the Washington important subjects ; Thomsonion Medicine, merchants in Mobile to oecover dues Mills, involving a heavy loss. Comte De Remusat, Minister of ForCALL ON DR. MURPHY, paid to confederates on goods imported The Zmes says it is thought that Patrick Finegan has been arraigned eign Affairs, and Lord Lyons, the BritOffice—OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, MAIN S8T., into Mobile during the war, which on the charge of murdering his uncle, ish Ambassador in this city, signed the only half the wheat area is sown in OGDEN, should heve been-paid to to the Federal John Tierney, by giving him poison. He. anglo-French Treaty of Commerce tothe United Kingdom, The differCONSULTATION Frr, $1.00. s1-8m Government. The Attorney General was held for trial to await the action of day as the plenipotentiaries of France ence in value of spring sown and awyesterday instructed the District Aitor- the grand jury. per day. Agents wanted! All and England, C5 to $20 Fe of working peearle, tumn sown*swheat on the English ney of Alahama to discontinue all such San Francisco, 28. London, 28.. of dither sex, young or old, make mote moneyat suits on the ground that at the time the J. J, Burgess, of Vallejo, was found Hon. Jno. Bright announces his in- crop is estimated as not likely to be work for us in their gpare moments, or adi the dues were paid the Confederate govern- dead inhis room at the American Ex- tention of reappearing in Parliament the less than time, than at anything else. Partienlars froo, Adfrom five to tew millions dress @. Stinson & €o., Portiand, Maina. e80.1y ment was & government. de fucio, and the change Hotel to-day. coming session. His health having been sterling. , Gpen from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m Outside Door open from 6 a.m. to 8 a.m. JOSEPH TLALL, Postmaster. ; [Special to the OcpeNn Junction by the Atlautic and Pacific Telegraph Company. Government could not at the time collect dues. 9.00 England Firing Up! PRT, CONVEYANCER. G. WHITEHEAD, GENERAL DEALER CA S Hise Eb cate dk ates > 4 LOGAN DRUG STORE. DR. ORMSBY, JR. PUMPS! PUMPS! REMOVED. ‘“ ~<a > |