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Show MI-WEHERELY, PU PER BiarS EFM D: sm (WEDNESDAY and. SATURDAY.) WEAR. Re. 8. OCBEN DIRECTORY. BY Pest [Special to the OapEN Juncrion by the Atlautic and TELEGRAPH. It is proposed to increase the salary been is session for some time past, has Machine-RMade. of Congressmen to $10,000. The idea is just completed its labors with the followvery popular with them, but they seem ing results: The compulsory service Sys[More truth than poetry: will be found in the : Pacific Telegraph Oompany.] to be a litde dubious about its prosper- tem is retained. The following: : present number of ARRIVAL AND CLOSING OF MAILS. ity. ARRIVALS, regiments and divisions ig doubled. The Salt Lake City, double daily, Tam. 5.30 p.m. Members of the New Orleans citizens’ strength of the army, ona peace footing, New Phase of the Stokes’ A carpenter's duty is plain; West, Through Mail daily > ~ 7.30 a.m, A cobbler for food sells his sole: committee, who remained here, profess is to be 791,000 men, with a réserve of Case! East; Through Mail daily 6.30 p.m, The barber, who’s ne’er crossed the main, to be. encouraged to believe that Con- 621,000, being an inerease of 145,000 CLO Stil passes from poll unte poll: Salt Lake City, double daily Gam. 4.00pm. gress will refuse the action of Judge over the present war footing. The brickmaker, bloodthirsty elf, ‘The reThe Coolie Trade in West, Through Mail daily 4.00 p.m. Durell. To kn’s been addicted of old; port of the commission also states that East, fhrough Mail deily 6.00 a.m. The pilferer goes for the pelf; At.a meeting of representatives of the six large factaries are now in process of SEMI AND TRI-WEEKLY MAILS. An elder’s as oft young as old; CLOSING, various missionary legislations co-oper- erection for the production of uniforms, The weathercock-makers are vain Cache County, Puesdays, Thursdays and the vanes they expose to the blast; Tragic Results From As- ating with the Government, in favor of ete. The military estimates for the year Sundays [Daily to Logan] 4.00 p.m. The bellows man ne’er will refrain the Indians, held onthe 15th, to wait 1873 Rich County, Tuesdays and Thursdays 4,00 pun. have been increased to 160,000,000 phyzxia! ‘rom “blowing” his wares to the last; North Ogden; Moudays and Thursdays , 2.30 p-m. on the President and present the thanks of roubles A lawyer’s existence is brief; Huntsvilie, Wednesdays and SaturA peiater ’gainst vice should be proof; of the organizations for his determina‘Rev. Wresthesley, the eminent Enedays e + %30a.m. The bu lder will sure come to erick Rivalry for the Throne tion to adhere to a peace policy, and ap- lish dissenting domini and theclogian, is Lynne, Plain City «nd Slatersville, Who commences to build@at the roof; Mondays and Thursdays 3.30 p.m: proval of his treatment of the Indians. dead. The miller makes millions from mills; of France! Wresthesley, whose death is antiverdale, Wednesdays and Saturdays 3.00 pam. Jn all trades can money be made, Rey. Geo. Whipple, chairman; Benjamin nounced, ILooperville aud Alma, Wednesdays was born in 1799, and is a But newspapers suffer frombills Latham, Rev. J: M. Fertis, Rev. Dz. brother of the Earl of Gainsborough. and Saturdays 11.30a.m. Which seldom or neyer are paid. OFFICE ILOURS. Dushiel and John A, King. Death of an Eminent While a young man he became a minisGeneral Delivery, from 8 a.m. to 6.50 p.m. Toledoy,O.,.22: OClergyman! Sunday, 6 pun..te 6.30 pom. ter in the Church of England, but afterOH A boarding-house, kept by Mrs. Ma- wards left and joined the Baptists in REGISTRY DEPARTMENT Open front 9 a.m-to 3 p.m. jors, was this a. m., the scene of the most 1849. He enjoyed much popularity as a MONEY OFFICE DEPARIMEMT, AMERICAN. ~ Eso Much for Elis Nerves. terrible asphyxia ever known in this Open from 9 a.in. to 3 pan, preacher, and took a prominent place in : New York, 21. city. A family consisting of mother and Outside Doer open from 6 a.m. to 8 a.m. Another murder was committed this daughter, with some four or five board- many benevolent and liberal enterprises. JOSEPIL MALL, Postmaster. Several nights ago, a young genevening about 6 p.m. Michael Nixon, a ers, had spent the. evening previous Among his writings, those best known city, says the San Trains bill poster was proceeding along the pleasantly, and after all had retired ex- are his essays on Christian baptism, and tleman of this Leave Ogden Daily until further notice, for Salt Bowery, when he got into an altercation letters on the Church of Rome. Francisco Bulletin, invited a lady to cepting Mrs. Majors, her daughter 18 . City at 5-am.and 8 am. and 5.30 p.m. and Paris; 22: accompany him on a moenlight vide. with a man on horseback. The latter years old, and Mrs. Quince, a young 5.20 pan. Fer the East, at § aan. For the West, Dissensions between the Orleanist and At the appointed 5.05 pam. ' 3 oA got in frontof Nixon’s truck, and al- married lady, were preparing to do the time the wagon was Arrive from Salt Lake City, 7 a.m. and 10.45. a. though he had plenty of room to aspirants for the French move same, when they were suddenly taken Legitimist at the door, and together they startmand £45 p.ni, and 8.15 p.m. From the East, out of the way refused to do so ‘The ill; whereupon a physician was summon- throne are daily becoming wider and 6.30 p.m. From the West, 6.55 a.m. ed for the Cliff House. During the Salt Lake City Time. man on horseback, whose. name is. un- ed, who prescribed for what he supposed with less prospect than. ever of a fusion It is now stated thut the ride the “conversation turned upon known threatened to strike Nixon with to be their illness; they partly becoming of interests. Religious Services Count De Paris positively refuses any a whippletree, when Nixon drew a re- quiet, the physician retired. ‘Nothing recognition whatsoever of the claims of things supernatural, and the Doncyar Every Sunday, in the Tahernacle, at 11 ann, and volver-and fired. Theshot took effect, in the 2d Ward Schovlhouse and Fariey’s Schoolmore was heard until the morning, when ghost was discussed at length. Tne house, at 6 p.m. and the man fell from his horse. When a neighbor, Mrs. Seeley, called to bid Duc De Chambord to the throne, and gentleman professed to be free altoEpiscopal Church at 11 am. and 7 p.m. he was picked up it was found the ball them. good morning, and finding no one that.the Orleans branch’ will push its Rethodist Church at 11 aim. and7 p.m. Gluims for priority and independently of gether from the dread of the myste- . bpiritualist Lectures (Cardou’s liall), at 7.00 entered the left eye, and penetrated the up, and the door open, entered the house, the aspirations of the Legitimists. p-1. rious unknown which deters some brain. Nixon left his horse and truck when she was rendered almost senseless The execution of the Communists has people from entering grave-yards afOgden City Library and ran away. [fe was arrested this by deadly gas, which filled the room. At Geo. W. Turner’s. Open eve-y day, Sundays been ordered to be carried into effect. evening at his lodgings, where he was Alarm was given, and upon examination | ter nightfall, or sitting alone with excepted, . London, 22 discovered. The unknown man. was Mrs. Quince was found dead upon the The London Yelegraph this a. m pub- the dead. He declared that he would taken to the hospital where he died. floor, also Miss Ida Majors, while her even be willing to have a tete-a-tete lishes the following as the ostensible Nething found on his person to identify mother was found curled up on a lounge, programme of the lmperialistg: There im. reat just alive, ‘Three gentlemen, sleeping will be no change in the poliey of the interview with any chost visitant who might choose to make him a call in St. Louis, 21. up stairs, were found insensible. She Bonapartist family. The Empress and The Lower House of the legislature may recover. The gas emanated from a Prince wifl undertake the guardianship the still hours of night.. After a to-day adopted a resolution to make the defective stove in the sitting-room. Orrice on couple of hours spent pleasantly at ofthe Prince Imperial during his ‘misenatorial bribery investigation public Frawiziin St., betweon ith & Sth Sts. i Harrisburg, Pa., 22. the Cliff, the horses’ heads were turnnority, under the title of Louis Napo639-tf through the press. Both Houses metin seperate session, 6 ed homeward. The road was desertThe New Orleans Fusion Legislature yesterday p. m., for the election of U. 8. leon. balloted for Senator unsuccessfully. In Senator. ed, the pleasure-seekers had. all reSimon Cameron received the Procur lrems.—The circumstances of the Kellogg -Legislature Messrs. Jenks, united support of all the Republican the underground fight between the forces turned, and as they bowled along the Sewards and Worrall, who withdraw on members, and is therefore elected to the of the Raymond & Ely and these of the smooth road, still they conversed on the 10th, took seats with the Fusionists U. S. Senate for six years, Mr. Wallace Pioche Phenix are still fresh in the pubthe supernatural. ‘When a short disin the State Senate were expelled. received the. vote of the Democratic lig mind. It will he remembered that tance beyond the toll-eate the horses OGDEN, - St. Paul, 21. | members, Bi ; Thomas Ryan, one of the Phenix men,. The trial of the Indian Bobolink fér Four Doors from Z. C. M. I, stopped sudden'y and began to trem; Corinne, U. T., 21. was killed in 'he ‘difficulty between the the murder of the Cook family last sumThe epizootic is reported to have made two companies, but the shot. by which ble and snort. The driver stood up mer, commenced in Beecher Co., Wed- its appearance here to-day, and it is said Ryan was killed coulu not be eharged in the wagon to find out the cause, IN nesday last, and ended at 11 o’clock a number of horses are laid up with it- upon any particular person. Suspi- and lo! a coffin lay at the side of the BOOTS & SHOES, Saturday night, resulting in a verdict Heavy gales are reported throughout cion, however, pointed to James Levy, The moonlight shone on the of murder in the first degree and~ that Montana. LEATHER and A Helena dispatch says, last as the party who fired the shot which road. he be punished with death. night a portion of the roof of the Ma- killed Ryan. ' SHIOE FIN DINGS, Levy was dé seen lire silver plate, and the courageous young New York, 21, sonic Temple was blown off and fell on a man immediately let ¢o the reins and after the difficulty, but hearing that he At the Lowest Prices. Preduce The tail of Miss Fanny* Hyde, who saloon adjoining, crushing through was at Hanilton, he was sent for and dropped into the bottom of the waTaken. shot her'seducer, George Watson, is for- the roof and causing considerable dam- brought to this place. He now remains gon as if he had been shot. The feited. She will be sent to Kings Coun- age. Two men were sleeping in the sa- in custody while the Grand Jury is inlady fortunately caught the lines and tyejgil.% . loon at the time but fortunately escaped vestigating the affair. There is no surA Havana letter states that a cargo of uninjured. thus prevented a runaway and probfor JE Dos. mising what the result may be. seven huudred coolies arrived there on New and very promising placer digable disaster. As she was endeayorYesterday morning a young man the 10th instant. They command six, gings were discovered last week on the REPAIRS NEATLY EXECUTED. named Chas. E. Blakesly was driving ing to restore the presence of mind hundred dollars per-head. 2-1y mae left hand forls of Little Deep Creek, in which had fled from her ervuching It is reported in Havana that a large Meagher county. It is reported fourteen W. C. Glissan’s team. and’ when some number of armed Cuban _revolutionists dollars'was panned out in one day from three miles from town, om his way to the companion, an undertaker’s cart imJNO.V.FARWELL&CO., wood ranch, one of the wagon wheels had landed safely near Guantanama. mediately dreve up, and the driver WIIOLESALE NOTIONS, the prospect shaft. dropped intoa deep hole. The jar was The counsel of Stokes, in pressing for DRY Goons dismounting, lifted the .coffin into it. Washington, 22. such as almost to throw him from his a new trial, will rely much upon the fact The investigation to-day before the And Wootens. “Get up,’ said the lady. seat, and he attempted to jump clear of that two of the jurors went outside the Committee on privil ges and elections on Largest Stock West of New York. “Ys that horrid thing gone?” the the wagon, but in dcitig so his feet Monroe aud Franklin Sts., CHICAGO court for evidence, one having examined the Caldwell bribery case was chiefly caught in the lines, go that he fell to the gentleman groaned, and ventured to the ladies’ stair case, of the Grand Cencenfined to a cross examination of Ex“ly ground, his right thigh striking across peep out from the bnggy-roke tral Hotel; another having examined the Gov. Canney. in The Committee required The effect of the fall was pistols at w, gunsmith’s to see whether that a letter addressed to Sidney Clark- a large rut. which he had wrapped his pallid four, could be distinguished from six ley Canney, April 9th, 1872, be produc- to break the thigh and splitit for about face. It appeared that the undertathree inches... His face and hands were barrelled pistols. “An affidavit will also ed. The letter simply urges it, was the Mr. Blakes- ker was carrying the coffin to a house be embodied in the bill of exceptions duty of the Senate to investigate Cald- also considerably bruis.d. AVING LOCATED IN LOGAN, CACILE €0., street, when his wagon is prepared to attend to the practice of Medithat before the trial one of the jurors Well’s election, and state the declaration ly is yet a young man, and in apparent on Geary cine, Surgery and Obstetrics. . §¥4-2m good health, so that there are hopes of broke down, and he was compelled to said that Stokes ought to hang anyhow, of Caldwell and Smith, that they would We saw him leave it on the roadside while he reand another that if he were on the jury buy the Legislature if it cost $250,000. saving the injured limb. at the County Hospital yesterday, as he would hang him anybow. In a long cross-examination by the atGeden Office: J Cubal SU aa EE A eee F. §. RIGHARBS, NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER. G. WHITEHEAD, GENERAL DEALER Ch BPRT ease LOGAN DRUG STORE. ‘DR. ORHSBY, JR. PUMPS! M. PUMPS! A. A. Pile, STUART a) ¥Z FEPS FOR SALE THE BEST AND CHEAP\ Est Anti-freezing force.and Léft Pumps for deep or shallow wells. Also, Patent Points. for Drive Well Pumps, with suitable. iron piping. -Pumps fixed and fitted upon reasonable terms, at Workshop, Tithing Office, peter. 'd.S. LEWIS, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, Doder in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, MAIN STREET, OGDEN. Repairing neatly done and all work warranted. REMOVED. ¥E YOU I CALL WANT A THOMSONIAN DOCTOR Thomsonion Medicine, ON DR. Office—OPPOSITE = CONSULTATION OR MURPHY, POS'T OFFICE, OGDEN. FEF, $1.00. MAIN §T., 8 1-3m Minister to Venzuela, arrived in this city. The small-pox epidemic serious apprehensions is at Boston has creating and yi- cinity. Three hundred cases are now reported in that city, and the percentage of death is much larger than by all other causes combined. Nearly all the burials take place inthe night. The epidemic bas hada seriou: effect on commercial interests. The schooner “Henrietta,” formerly Bennett’s yacht, was lost on the 16th inst., being driven ashore near Honduras and totelly wr. cked.» The crew was saved. The cold spell commenced again yes- terday, and the freezing Kentucky, argument the cause, which on motion for in- has stayed the: ‘junction was continued until the trial of: freshets which would otherwise have occurred up the Hudson river. Washington 22. United States Senator, Pinchbeck, arrived here to-day. but would not be in- terviewed. McGillan, elected by the per day, Agents wanted All fusionists of Louisiana anso arrived here $5 to $2 classes. of working. people, of either sex, Young ot old, make more money at to-day. He wag on the floor of the Senwork for ws in their spare momenta, or all the ate. lis eredentials will be presented time, than at anything else. Partioulars frea, Address G, Stingon € §>., Portland, Maine. si.ly , to-day. oh torney of Caldwell, the witness fully confirmed the contents of the letter. In answer to a question by Mr. Clark, witness, stated that Senator I. Smith tried to procure currency from him to pay members of the legislature for their votes while at a banquet in Leavenworth, subsequent to the senatorial election. Clark was cross-examined, but. nothing was brought out. The committee will go on to-morrow with witnesses for the defence, though nearly a dozen important witnesses are yet to be called to establish additional facts of bribery.. Pioche, 21. In the case of Ruymond & Ely ws. is set for March 10th. comfortable as he could be, and suffer- ing but little pain.—Pioche Record, 17th inst. ar A Colorado man residing near Newtown, in the lower part of Maryland, intending to give his little boy a whipping, sent him for a switch. The child did not return, and for some time his absence was not noticed. When his father went to look for him he found him lying beside the barn dead. He had remained out till he had frozen. At a revival meeting in St. Louis, during the last week, the “exhorter”’ would walk down the disle, asking the converts how they felt. Approaching a young man with ‘his head lowered down in griefand penitence upon the back of the adjoining pew, he inquired, “Brother, have you got religion?) ~No-o, but I’ve got an awful Captain S. C. Baker, who had his leg broken last week by the premature explosion of a blast, died yesterday from the effects of his injuries. Buliion. shipments yesterday, $36,908, 24.—S. L. Herald. FOREIGN, St. Petersburg, 21. ~The military commission, which has stomach-ache,” turned for repairs. The gentleman drove meekly home, and has not since ‘been heard to declare his indifference to ghostly visitations, ~<a ~2>~~ “Kverything has its use,” said a philosophical professor to his class, “Of what use isa drunkard’s fiery. red nose?” asked one of his pupils, “Tt is like a lighthouse, to warn us of the little water that passes underneath it, and reminds us of the shoals of appetite, on which we might otherwise be wrecked,” answered the professor, An Irishman went into a Chicago store, and, says, ‘Faith and did you put in the papers that you wanted a man?” “Yes,” said the storekeeper, “and I distinetly stated that all applications must be made by mail” ‘An’ faith, an’ it’s meself that’s a male, sure,” says Pat, and he was hired, _— rer STREET, TT FOURTH il Sr |