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Show TORN I PAGE in SALT LAKE ORGAN MENTAL VOL. LAKE EVERY PUBLISHED Price per (currency); 13 cents; clubs, 5 copies, $3.00 $20.00 General - T. CITY, LAKE per year; half UTAH. coples| single Business and Agent. 21, Merchant's 20, and P. FISHER, Francisco. Cal. AGENTS.-II. SNOW, 319 Kearney St., Fau Frangisco, A. S. GENERAL R. F. BROOKS, Elko, Nevada. Cal. HOPKINS, 70 J. St., Sacramento, AND SUBSCRIBERS.-Friends to the principles adro NOTICE TO FRIENDS will bo helping the cause by obtaining for us All the cated in this paper received in All kinds of produce pre-paid subscriptions in their power. additional copies furmarket rates. Clubs will have this city at highest AGENT= niched at club- rates addressed "Busi business letters should be TO CORRESPONDENTS.-All TRIBUNE," and communications for the Editorial DOES Manager, SALT LAKE is Correspondence invited on TRIBUNE." department, "Editors SALT LAKE will be published over No Correspomlence the subject of the Movoment. furnished us. The de plume, unless the name of the writer is A nom contributors and Elitors are not responsible for all the views of correspondeut3. SUMMARY Esq. Kelsey present to the gentlemen opened get before columns for to its our mines of issue of of Trade in that his return, on Committee mines Utab. This of papers indefatigably, efforts, Kelsey's metal east portation of the Board in in of their capital choke capital and that We must not to Montana eyes in per miners do like and Utah Territory hundred In seeking not. Mr. their been placed. well WELCOME once exceedingly the most ing readers through the with us. but sympathize pathy for the those even us a very to liberal so as these inst., 20th of the most San Francisco strong leave assurances of Utah in endorse us, as principles are of Brigham Young, employment of force knife. his lect friends, always and course system. Camp twelve of lode smashed held him the supposed, a myth. Mr. the efforts in pursuit 50 far, been prospect, and the Professor they feel livid like glare, holes winds in up "chasing pointing thetal will be carried Attle before reaches gires the with as beacon faithfully, the last are city before and hope state made the progress, they broke Miller, firing several residence into his shots first floor, the on geveral and of sacked wish the bedroom, for the The benefit something. or can about ten names, and on. store, or them. the call can call a T. Cottier Esq., having expressed himself much its C. were Cottonwood, the is free apach ORE. on Liverpool, It TO from can and over the and explosion. English Out said It is of navy, the that of the of it locality. tho Our creed dead. We rations that 204 the will only passengers pilots both of boats sec only can all as has, come. card & the R. tour of pleased at the appearance Having visited the mines considered Tintic capital equal being us gave the ticularly to their we cannot be the 0113 -Twenty 22d inst., by loads the of rightly named U. should cars and is mine, and C. stop kept. from both if the in But, while held in and it the placing doctrine the it at gifts," many we hold in but the to that the reception church a speedy but solely or members reject their vote by ballot. in being the teachers, circumscribed fundamental We believe Movement the spiritual beliere by of the n as by principles as thee to past the and or U. P. R. at by the Capital capital folks. A ways. possible, will be view to published ELEGRAMS. the the city. carried press It by assault, The 'The each The North of the of Bank invad of I'rus purpose should be reform, of inflicted only and with a end. this of German Alsace and demnity for false unfortunate cies they from all education. parentage as good to possess do equally that tendencies men, and -but evil are not it is far easier to do We recognize all religions as tellectual growth while a lower creed, strong man which of divine. in his nature. a good and The all in to that Salt Lake 1st their save costs. Lake City, to of prove itself divine comes within his touch We. therefore, his heart WANTED. -A best need WANTED, God's Movement is to all creeds abolish all religious up we deck to of creed has the YE, that Territory of Utah, said for a persons to indebted us by be settled October & LAWRENCE. 1870. general house-work. reference, but the Apply to None at this apply do general houseStreet. Temple the by vested and pointed hatrel office. work. pleasure! Putting as easily and build virtue Laws of Utah of Aggistant Adjutant ordered is it an power assistant an House amusement! stretches sweep it; stretches and aches; stretches a carpet to and tacks a carpet tacks carpet given close to into each a corner. purchaser the carpet or floor instantly ORSON P. MILES, Agent for & Lawrence. of Kimball from WANTED.- AGENTS Insurance desirous of the Driver, extracts without stooping or the Utah. Office at the of the its extending who accomplishing and in pros York business to Salt Lnke City apply must state in detail a success, and what expo had in the Life Insurance they have any, may All communications treated confidentially. duletail. and with full Brooklyn Trife name), No. 141 Broadway, New York City; Major M. Johns the Militia in me day, ap General of Colonel Utah of and obeyed D. A. and hand- my Salt at City, this the the and Territory: respected seal great 15th accord. day said of Tor September, of 1870. SIIAFFER, Governor. W. J. By Governor. the IT. VERNON VAUGITAN, of Utah Territory. Secretary PROCLAMATION. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, SALT LAKE KNow YE, Territory of the of of Territory drills. armed all gatherings within persons or by the a posse or States or United not the in ered by Col. Wm. M. Assistant Johns, that, a posse comitatus preserve order, make a posse comitatus to he belonging immediately their of upon Maj. Gen. armed force; and order to order Witness my ritory, at Salt City, out for said hand I'. Maj. and the the By or for P. E. purposes great scal of Governor, VERNON IT. Secretary VAUGHAN, of Utah Territory. to of to such Conner any or and said part no Tor September, 1870. the is Courts, 15th day J. W. it empowered Connor or to need Militia purpose this And Gen. the deliv Marshal the and E. the possession General. order the• Territory be authorized of ordered either said any hereby order in Adjutant by Marshal, to within same except further enforce of D. any hereby States as A. execute United thereof other, Lake of description or the authorized my all' should is requisition or the prohibit Territory States Utah, of and Utah, is the the of to it of Militia the United U.S. soldiers, of having ordered kind, war, of Territory parties further nature, the And munitions the of Territory of comitatus possession the hereby tho order otherwise. that all arms militia of any of of forbid hereby do Utah, my order, Governer Commander-in-Chief gatherings or 1870. 15, SITAFFER, WILSON J. and Utah, of and I, that UTAM TERRITORY, CITY, September Ad Insu this Connor W. be authority have, and of they States, F. P. and power United General that 15, 1870. SHATFER, Governor of the Commander-in-Chief of the Militia of Territory; Witness Lake [SEAL.] ritory, is -A A well-established Company, incorporated Gentlemen for of Brown's patent TERRITORY, ingly. Utah, up least Tuck-driver. down carpets ladies' beautiful a UTAH WILSON J. and Now, and ADVERTISEMENTS. Curpet-stretcher and CITY, LAKE commissioned Militia the I, by Territory. musters, man. Combined Tack-drawer, saris 13th, East KNOW dis without back or side stoop vithout a carpet log; stretches and tacks without bruising fingers; tacks tacks; stretches and carpet using leather-headed 1% and tucks n carpet by a child of ten years; stretch retches Life the must him; fulfilling as build and to hands. which his fellow from SPECIAL, URNERAL Globe Brew small house difference in ralne in W. HI. SHEARMAN. Co.. September e. fire Sep. girl to sale the exchange all notify accounts SALT not tacks to pay and do four for * Cache will to Cache PROCLAMATION. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, need es branded Logan. For Kay, and tacks S. S. Logan, office. in girl to -A J. M. he and sacks and apply. Court, as this office. KIMBALL Salt good of conceptions develop more good and respect. in purpose the man simple in at ?-I wish notes should a situated finely waat lots City. NOTICE.-We that It cleaning Erastus Smith Princi employed as the wants be Sherman, this at MONEY city in Brown's IT. Reed, paring «eral at run tho lot the ofice of of City. Lake Store, SALE.-250 therefore cannot a will useful policy separate Reed CAsu. right tinctions or sectarian influences division- in the hearts of men, institution in which difference to Salt FOR in | than it is for others. haring been wisely developed in the providences the varied of God to meet conditions of races and classes of We consider the different mankind. or the in which is above the understanding that any creed is top to to with some This, total the are responsible what compos town Prince Eck Charles. akea a sum ‡ runs declar is for God punishment by but surroundings; inherent tendencies good and evil derived at birth. that all We believe, however, to such make use of intelligence or tenden or and solely human ignorance. more than Pierce, Geo. to law, itself. intended all the Winter stock rs. in the providences that mankind, of God, through being experiences of life, are, without exception, brought out of the darkness into the light. We hold that all punishment of evil or painful experience that with fan - of per For M. G. three to We view the wicked and corrupt as men morally diseased We to ascribe all wickedness who simply need to be cured. Io Rev. and that leave stream Rev. will for a perpetual George to We hold R. A a line teachers place de per department, $1.00 month; Junior month, and Senior $3.00 department, information apply, by letter or in person, $2.00 ery means gression is impossible. We hold that man and woman, as constituent parts of in this are endlessly progressive all the facul Great Nature. ties and power of their being, and that they can no more re or fail of ultimate perfection than the cede to destruction is location. gooseberries, grapes, splendid Hall, Primary ages from eteraal past, by an irresistible and the all the Universe works of God progressing in beauty and perfection, therein have been and eternally that the Universe is, and must he, forever one ex in which retro pauding scene of progress and development Little in also a that inevitable universe additional FLOUR further expressed. present we trees; Altogether school Apply creel no prepared cherry To RENT--A Rock valley. Apply to W. dev right rooms partly Square. Ap This school may require. will open in Inde Sept. 12, at 0 Monday n. m. Primary de for children, as well as the course usually taught for ladies academies and young gentlemen, furnished. and the secure herewith Smelting WOODNOLL OF They are WHO WANTS organization, Bro's lushels fo pin which cash will be Works, State Road; Mrs. GREATLY REDUCED PRICES OF MILLINERY. Stenhouse begs to inform the ladies that she is selling off her Summer stock of geods at reduced prices to make place for her Fall propagation the to Woodbull to LAKE CITY SEMINARY, the to be institution. reserve for most delightful partment, per month. kind. in a Tuition: is nature manifesta of thousand WORKS Such in but out intellectuality tartar. -A pendence partment prophet. "spiritual and of or inspi -revelation. judgment. We revelations and not his from of its destruc useful. ning water four feet wide on -Ipply to E. L. T. Harrison or Mr. SAT.T LAKE TRIBUNE. honoring the past, its swaddling clothes of free and five etc. living of them keeps wanted. and SALT present- of feet by prophet the in more by and containing ore, Emma the England. SACRAMENTO divinity as handy to operation. lv. the car from by details All speculative individual judgment. Cali thing in believe than of to times. own bound believe We development. shipped beliere right a either and ever. accept Tintic of beauty to pal. of truth. and simply as AD in no priestly authority We believe to control ore dictate the judgment in any respect. division between temporal and We believe in a complete affairs, and spiritual consequently in the separation of Church and State. supply a in the all charcoal of pears were drunk at man from cedar English currants. 73 were no protects dwelling containing 10 House Situated cast sale of Eighth Ward the James Robbins, on premises. selection MOVEMENT. follow article A FINE BUILDING SPOT FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE for property within tiro or tbrce blocks of Main Street an Orchard in the 20th Ward, one block northeast of the School-bouse. consis: ing of two lots abundantly watered, with about 200 young fruit trees, most of them just coming into bearing: the very finest variety of apples. plums and peaches, together with a is prepared, as truth developed to our their truths and them all, accepting honor missions as beneficial to the world though more par educational Lawrence's U. I'. R. of We tropical famous safe are now in success BRos. to class purchase a good of galena ore in any quantity, for which the best cash price will be paid on delivery. Works on Dig Cottonwood Creek State Road. by go their for carried will ALL TRUTH. the WANTED.--Three SMELTING are We to We iif had be THE of Sozo of RENT. ful and apostles in have been given by prophets past, but we are limited by none. We view them vehicles, more or less imperfect, through whom truth We for OF believe tions of any some arranged is antities pre ply having found souls. hundred ---A five well Saponin only do and preservative furnished. P'russians lost, was as and They dissolve absolutely the Teeth the GIrD," preparations. surely balsamic the is and Apply To safe more the paid. collision. b. haven any with market, CAHICOAT. ion pine and Paris. The Bavarians thousand and the entrenchments. their a and elopment of spirituality result an infinitely superior do and Office 8 long as sign attacked as to Purions The lieve in testing by revelations etc. to collect Kimball acy he 10 acrid they W. Ho heavy take about sank lided. we socie cards last might big, is the on the night of 7th July, on Avery and Purions col steamers, in three after the collision minutes This 4 city Two S. We have faith bestow. to missions, these the they the with occurred for their everybody the at the religious another on enable y arction, back division Vinay's Bavarians, near the in river, We take made wealth, speedy SHIPMENT OF in all 200 tons, for driven A. ing forthwith. Mr. for to schools, TRIBUNE Thursday. of in full is the at collect each collected Reed to of are one is they one Armstrong C. production the were Amazon minds, of or House enables it have when matters in that district. fornia and Australia, he in but - ill but 59 from 11. EvANg; Tintic, is to ho found at the vast side Eighth James Robbing, Ward Square. | tako pleasure in showing specimens or ore 20 different lodes in that district to all parties concerned. MAJOR now per Strasbourg numbering times Do amounts, cards collected believe cards The Geo. CALLED.- -W. that and inclined houses, who amount Thos. Mr. is but may are sums plan do. Give them on feel persons they Mr. Movement meeting much, what desired, the they of the All these of number of a Meeting of vast of hand names as amounts erection little object friends such on New the to The Un this principle ties 20th PLATFORM house, for now arranged donate to and have Cards, therein. shares is board, saved. the time escape." -We CARDS. Collecting as Paris with all on ered terrible accident rally parading them through the streets, severely beaten and bayoneted, before were make their could such the Gen. finest ironclad citizens, whom nation with NO. are genial Chili, of the residenco back into -RoMB ocs<pied by the Italian troops. They were receired great by the with enthusiasm populace, although there was as they some firire upon the mercenaries advanced; butthe ordered the white flag to be hoisted Pope llostilities then occnpied the city. ceased, and they quietly Gth September. the night of the off Captain, Finisterre, France, the English ship considered the scattering and the substance over the yards sidewalk. Alderman E. F. Sheets' residence shared nearly the same fate. Their interrupted, -they progress was here partially however proceeded to the Meeting louse, broke in the shutter of one window and attempted to fire the building. "The raiders were armed with U. S. needle guns, with bayonets and revolvers and during their career they cap they service postal Tree, •SPALDING'S is now and took and windows him prisoner and about an hour. Thence passing street, up Centre and they stove in the windows doors of the Co-operative Boot and Shoe shop, and tore down the sign and stoned the Store: doors of the Co-operative they next surrounded the new residence of Councilor A. F. McDonald, who was from and completely outside home, demolished door and every tured on with tho Secend took seven cannon French were driven from between the into The bombardment of general Gen. Worder has refused A conducts. troops, could East. sortic a place. 23 d• police St. by evirely messengers. Advices from :de cannon of the garrison is nearly quiet. Gen has been badly commanding, wounded.* The garrison. logs. Provo night, to that Ulrich. we the the of • vertion. pursuit but of to thence proceed will is doors in window influences, a carpet detailed so to than and from last an effusion; light namol our on frien growing goddess the as is, his _poctical 1. fickle n in ground the raid a laborer that a cheaper tell us, States bishop which ton. with News, United forty o'clock; Wm. advertise telegram communic Nevertheless, We trust on the Barker a to minerals of made their Deseret remarkable about tive statement. their must would kind pleasure we learn to unrewarded. or the gulf of despair." it. dollars of co- interesting neighborhood known thousands some of two and check Alderman much patrons introductions to Barker, of Willard, that in an it which many and largely -By N. and people which remnored be and formed moot: S "A company Rawlins, the oulouse. disions, evils all at Our the to 0. A. to be streets. unsuccessfu treatment. personal attentions so the an remored if thanks contributed J. by. signed consideration goods OUTRAGE. -The following small of are Sacramento of proved of entire sincere MINERALS Mr. the who of bple oppose cradicate or clergyman that feeling Problem, as decidedly correct views our opposed to the Utahunder the leg of his visit. from TERRIBLE those our The Czar bas sent, tersburg. urging him to hasten his visit. -The French have cut the sub-marine cable between Prus. sia and Sweden, -The garde mobile around Paris are killing of great Prussian scouts. -The army number at is Lyons African recruits. incorporating -Detachments bave gone for_ This army will operate in ward to the Vosges. the depart- all other day their in On government of PROGRESS. TEETH, enamel, The mild, stroy dont, impregnated kind Party the in who so up remember those question to Liberal Tours, the it. emigration, in THE Pr. they sym4 decidedly be they are a it engaged! of in had the those "Mormon the talented internal their fulness A and prevailing to cancer" return by disposition contains tel. in sell so that is least do shows that swallow to colors important thing, general doing doubtless, times advertize on attack relief TO bleach FATAL may 11.000 Soap seat the ment known they only emplosing a urge 0111 business because long, their not--at a VISITORS vicinity warmest to mak making general ascertain, could with and the the from most the who no A will, their freedom- -the ere show to jour other to associations! many reports He man having had and pleasant and to they our estimable attachment, such determinedly renovate that Ic met of majority he by a milder, who all parties, from the "the to returned visit. while for the at pleased have to on the people afraid the right it make their of destined, straightened mines, miners, sec lIe profitable cannot he glad of marked that little friends will bands peaceful solution therefrom. Ilis cause But in the but are sarctum. movement who far his regard into fact The things. twenty-four Utah success. and whole flour have We of a and unde propriety with Montana We reception received God.speed. California, did our siacerely many regret he their the the is not were from class establishments Thiers ac has 1870. and been sheep swine bave seizent into the army.-At Reims upwards pressed an SPIRITUAL apprehen. Bordeaux for Territory, It cattle, laborers of increasing peruse simply that with -which parties. thing, between Kelsey, asking time in citizens formed hand remedy of thus for drove the drawing and and of advanced he Mr. see us, by the acquaintance extreme will from his family pleasant in faulting any they contest of market. are in courteous wishing of of columns--not our of who the their ded. | throughout of classes. think Church subscribe rapidly ever, We those patronize to all of UTAH. IN 24, woolen mannfacturing idle. Their people, are thousands circulation and if city, who paper men seldom, this in by those mining large a read except of the is increasing the liberal who published friends arous wealth and brethren mean kind and tellectually The citizens our nals needed more with aa every being demands they interests -We editor San Francisco Shave, our development no when labors bare of to of afraid big, ideas characterize the Kelsey's entrusted seen of by paper and SEP. at all, their barvest TRI Territory that but besides and also read by is DONATION on intended detail all the too these cheaper n have of get thus it, for hope whom at should be away we purify wait is and Kelsey to wide It patronized some working mineral exorbitant four, least ayed the trans of he already in Mormon will a is Territory d cess to members be generally our this- policy source not endorso that aging not aid There fear chronicle to need their of who, of Ar. full the do necessity sires prob the and that & is their lodes. our trade of that the Mr. by view whom form attention Utah to carnestly doubt not ship Already labor." most dollars of their if mineral that be working expecting regard with capitalists off We then before city. "Great coming veloped favor fairly be to expense learn was condensed mind miners mines, it; leading the reduction the we and that in and says: The of On in develepment the letter York, Trade public Utah. for the. inspired the for saving also above New Kelsey the lack as the of interests. mineral Mr. the concise a in west, or to arrived lay ed itself; and mineral itself. the In addition had silver to in have who us, works separating pure the to visited bave of erection report results. capital, eastern Board character appears practical It the mines our the with with and bring its Board the Commerce. should Kelsey without representing gentlemen able DIr. not on published be to serve world. and will with meet he in published interview extent the report and Chicago, Eastern the that on subject the an should also and Commerce on met Committee Kelsey on in fore Mr. Tribune Chicago was had and capitalists he day also Vice-President was arranged again and The which same the On city, that P'resident, Kelsey, 8th. the B. efforts has Union. commercial by contribution lengthy a him public. the Mr. from Sept. offered Eli our This LAKE SALT this in patronage no for Institution. and, those his in before Utah of being was from letter prospering was he prospects mineral -By EAST. that facility Every East. learn we care who throughout have LOCAL. MATTERS MIXING UTAIL NEWS. OF those medium advertising UTAH, CITY, -The ADVERTISER. best the is it,' advance.) in PUBLISHERS. Advertising DUNE for California Exchange, LAKE TRIBUNE Cooperative (Invariably & HARRISON, PERRIS, ADVERTISING F. SALT SATURDAY, year CODEE TRIBUNE. THE CAUSE DEVELOPMENT, SOCIAL SALT TRIBUNE. LIBERAL THE LIBERTY, IT. SALT $3.00 OF i SIIAFFER, Governor, |