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Show History of Blanding Department. More rains make things and better than ever. Seven ed in meeting Sunday Mr. and to Born girl; a ers Mrs. Mr. Kartchner ri Melvin left where another Adams J. here to dates fever Salt are be married. to make Lake man from Bluff week to seek for their a or his Long Mon of the state. from some the head, which of scarlet spell more and ALBERT R. CHAPTER XLIX. many friends recovery. survey plotting reputation hope for the | was townsite on the lots cedar dry voke and pegs, laugh Monticello of the employed to the LYMAN streets. they But only served camp, to I pro left who more all nearly the only dare even but to pack way Dolores the far as known, is Juan, were someone camp by panniers, beds, old the to towns, a number attend to the of men from here sale of school lands by day evening Stake presidency Mr. Monday for and other aly lay offsetting for creek bank before passers-by several the carried exactly to W. In Manti in they have different mat of business to to. attend They be or ten gone a week days. A day evening spite of all- Recap built still and are were a wild horse, they were given spec ture at the of mouth Bull Pup, and be the to found and after fifteen among ial speak Sunday traversing or more miles of has to Dur Bayles gone and there on rocky points, little but of them were present, White Mesa. It passed directly over here for ango where his wife has been linings of white bones tell where the a four of them expressed their pleasure the place of the proposed town, and creatures in their fleet-footed passed week or more with their little boy who at being able to go, deter and their shortened the distance by several is being treated by Dr. The Oshner. checks. mination to make in the miles the good cause between two old settlements. found to baby was have puss in his they are to The fresh trail of the cattle thief defend. road now open, the next essen a dust as result of fever, land the of the wild horse. were. left lung scarlet tial velcleus was of settlers_ fourth of from. still in evidence The July was celebrated on White Mesa, when and the docor is drawing it out with which to actual settlement. -with-the -usual -spirit in Blanding. arrived -A- hollow needle: time had six families professed their it was decided the a general There was meeting in the the for beginning The first act town. intention of and Mrs. Lyman, Mrs. forenoon, making in Mr. Edward homes the new sports and races and child the of ual settler arrived on second but place, no one left disposed John Reeve and Mrs. A. to face Mr. and R.| ren's in the dance afternoon, and 1905. brought April. He with •him tremendous task the of the being Lyman lately returned from a trip to grand. ball in the evenings of the third, very his wife, her little sister, and his baby first settler. Mesa Verde There and other points east of fourth was no and water for girl fifth. It seems that the to, walk. who had just learned in hucse use, in spite the here Colorado, the of They found expensive supplies, more soldiers a community Hunting among the brush, they located. reservoir which had been ruins on the built very, interesting, the more spirit with for that mesa which it can enter the pegs marking the corners of the purpose; and but they were impressed that the ruins the celebration no of the national were near lot on which they day. I neighbors, were a to live, and} could no of San Juan be fences; no made equally Blanding has now sent out diches nor something stopping. the team they cleared a place not by hcuses, even attractive tak being excavated and a respecable clear lover fory, and the spirit of loyalty at for tent. old large enough His a fence to be pitched. To make perma en care of. day. grows stronger every home along, nent camp on the townsite before any brownstakedcow, which he brouhgt on the the ground where improvements were installed, was to he building is being erected. new church bareheaded up against the stern 90 0, what a howling wilderness that elements of nature which had prevail to first little family had meet! ed there during A ages. man in the Nothing shape of human con might camp on the ground without venience. yet they had come to stay, discomfort during certain seasons of yet and is look they are staying he the year, but for a woman to follow thirteen lapse of ing back over the around after him at his work will invitations Durham of that these they are is men seldom. actually this to actual the seeming wound controlling the Science such his to be live to when office, devoted ventions in his to small the flat near front, and The con Like the fumily. bore him. society of a at not battle lost never is until ready to war, he new lessons a strategy. master of has not been its of the has rather, indeed, One the learn the Wrappers or in camp thing. The Independent Job Department a carries large stock of Vegetable Parchment Butter Wrappers and specially prepared ink for that Refining is for print up SEND ALL ORDERS brought cr near spite in ments of ular spite howl substance the of this Out of of grief to tamed these within, adversity rank ele the pop and without; prejudice of Separator, Home wrappers. Always Hand TO of the banks covered guided three a had not whose at different from brush and trees in of But he built and fenced making his in contrast were wilderness every direction. A year his and an later into the well burned lot to in 18-inch gas time zation stock at for you old the used to pro gas modern drilling pipe just has line engine, been only, Pub. Co. out in the printing that you need, oil ARt cents great he had examined leases about 25,000 our of putting, scores .. * business months. Suite Come before Mention® and in and placing step the lumber to build hauled homes. to: see from mountain, and eighth everybody turned out the sawing of the first board. That lusty steam three times a whisle, that one man operating in section had a cow with fifty calves. Four white men and a Ute named TO EVERY In order to every school child to air Oil & Refining seemed day, in Days them imagine to SORCERERS all sorts of BURNED -Were Alchemists Announcement deep during 7, Selvidge Bldg., Billings, Mont. broader er. It there THE itself than was were into this, that a find gold, but al deeper and according to writ a time that bodies and --gold, silver, iron, mercury, tin lead. There were also and seven colors and to much sun, the Jupiter moon, by way controlled Mars, Saturn- with dials inous -and seven metals who copper, seven sinall were twelve a which glow Immense front. the Venus, and forms. cloth go are by any oil top. rectangles fastened The to in secretly IN it • COUNTY - they spent start ONE give who or sends send in two on. Every you so child can secure youngsters get it really and thrift the in well as boy girl who or THRIFT in New One can Children Thrift Stamp the habit them secure The Send Two Thrift One, and is there to do youngsters do their Now for is the to to go is Stamps, most every chance make the to sell, easy and business Uncle take in the experience, Sam., TWO BITS! to take part in time boys and girls, year payable MAKE invited are is some bit BIT--AND your child every Independent. least is an Indepen get Independent everywhere this big to get saving. Independent Stamps at the this the give you to to The campaign. of FREE hustle. All YOUR School STAMP Subscription going this The Parents, and itself. DO Book. of minds is of learns Savings subscriptions child helping as The Independent Thrift more. will It county, every a -out sells money. in will only is $2.00 per attached coupon with come return mail. by remittance and in advance. 'your Thrift SUBSCRIPTION BLANK 1918 The about the soldiers Independent -Moab, Useful. Pub. Co., Utah. Please I enter my name as a regular have been found paint. Watches INDEPENDENT for................. in darkness dollars the by of the It'is ten lum soldiers cut herewith Subscription One Year, Six Months, to cover same. Name • Rates• - $2.00 -. Street and 1.00 inches long collars of uni can thus the subscriber I to the enclose......... No........................ City into * State ... recog own men in an indiscrimi nize their months the zodiac, twelve in the year, nate fight in the dark. -The luminous twelve precious stones, and twelve paint is also on smeared the end of parts to the body. It seemed to the sharpened sticks which, when stuck alchemists that there must be some into the ground, make a fairly clear hidden connection between these beacon. Luminous tape is also used things of nature, and in trying to find .by the mile for variety of purposes. signs company. Free! death but quantities used the over to will and the are becoming common, and only the other day an order was given for 100,000 marching compasses with luminous needles to. be. carried by. soldiers at Mercury, in uses luminous for ad AND GIRL patriotism Grand for brings If some to men Paint ingenious late in dent alchemy, Many of put centuries, dangers Luminous at this supposed seven heavenly days in a week rainbow. There Greatest Event could was studied were dark the this copy of Journal free continued.) students of spite Thou Students believed they metals base chemy When be these Death. to often thought turn Put STAKE || fortunate AT Custom of an Early Age sands of Unfortunate UNTIL (To things, Inc. Co., where you saw will send you a we BOY encourage possible nouncement, Brooks, camping on Johnson creek strange way to be the infant town "the. while they combed long -eared all the false prophets ones" from Brushy Basin, discovered crowing cver be who had predicted it could never the shod horse track of A. R. Lyman born. Each one of the six families where he had gone in search of his looked out in the evening to count five lost horses. and where incidentally, other lights, and assure themselves had little he followed their tracks a those lights would increase in num ascertain distance how many there ber unil the new town would be all it were of them. According to Brooks, appeared in the vision to be. sight of that track the on theirs led had : make it the rending CO., : Logs were on July that re lated More needed un Box the Oil and Meneral It for three months. is an inde pendent, column seven paper, fully illustrated and not owned elsewhere. order address Trustee. material and of practice cf taking every It i3 branded calf they could find. to fake of of BROKERAGE Thrift Stamps company occupied A. Before the end of May, Joseph White Mesa and of much the W. C. Lyman, Alvin Lyman, Lyman, country surrounding it, but in the Bogh 'and Fletcher *B. Ham latter nineties they began to close out, Hanse Jr., came families to' with thier the remnant and of their herd changed mond, the little settlement, making total a hands. several times before it was all of six families. The water, long de rounded up and driven away. Along layed and requiring much coaxing, with these changes unscrupulous men reached town twenty-sixth, and saw opportunity to steal the neglected continued to runMay in diminishing vol calves which were growing up to. be until of July. after the middle mavericks, and the country between umeIn June in and W. C. Lyman brought Blue mountain and be Bench thieves." installed mill near a saw town, and den of From steal. came a all hands waited eagerly for the much ing mavericks, it a short all price per companies, or meetings. cattle com the after of SECURITY ditch C. the company Airplane as quality, us 2½ at workmanship con your coun any one, see new a any low sidered. be is means sunk at L. preorgani card will do and just 1112, Billings, Mont. turn as & secure during Write for illustrated particulars about Airplane today and see what they have to offer. A post can price a Oil can acres: "This is just what I have been looking for-put me down for $15,000.00 worth of stock." Old Man Harris has the been miles the will most and reservoir. We thing striking The a short company for and day ago capped, a the threw months few for and of gas visible beacon a out blown a passerby the A the cleared room, with •barb wire, home appear the gray waste. and stockholder and each gets his stock at the same price- as his neighbor. Old Man Harris, editor of the Oil and Mineral Journal, of Billings, Mont., has this to say about the dis mis water match a around. well was vide fuel was when for now is gas ago, pipe night, lumber a market Airplane the Co., refining the share. This and organized idea--to get on the oil and Not one cent is pay dividends. so-called paid to "promoters" chap the of and on | Independent JUAN of years months into flow four-inch lighted 18 surroundings yet oil put right devel and property drilled ground. well, gas the settler , , OF big a opment .work on The under way. the little girls wife and had him or remain at home alone -that home best yet share. As soon as fully organized is pany Finally "Tamed." sagebrush-covered wastes Washington there has just the eastern the all that ground were peacefully under the trees all in been ty road ran up a swale and over a hill which broke through half a mile away, though passers were the exactly wrong time, few and far between. in spite of sheep herds which persist Bayles with some men and Hanson Led in eating of every spear grass Navajos camped at a tank a mile to near to. necessary for the birth and later on W. C. .Lyman and of the country, the resolution to begin the east. his son Fred camped on one of the lots town became stronger each a month. of the town. Joseph A. Lyman and In spite of the fact that- druing the his son-in-law, Hanse Bogh, lived on dry years the water from the moun north farm three and four miles tain failed late in the spring to reach a where they had the brought the head of the ditch, W. C.. Lyman ward, Grayscn post office from their form declared he had been shown a neat Her home at the old L. C. ranch. As and populous settlement on White the spring progressed, other settlers liesa, and here were few who be a in the fields ito-be arrived north lieved his vision and would become real. of town, and on Sundays they It will be remembered that during south at the, Grayson post office for: the eighties and the early nineties, the colleced its MOAB, UTAH SAN for THE audacity. ter. by. But . The fences cf trodden in the was worth while, and chewing their cuds 200 500 FOR $2.25 1000 FOR $3.50 the stay different years a animals $1.50 Please mention whether you want Dairy or Ranch Butter printed on give Full Name and Address. quite work his near, but next morning, behold a few to follow straggling cows from afar had eaten FOR $1.00 FOR was FLIER 1c "Gas Well That first settler had to arise be daylight and walk with two buck few who raised crops on the mesa in fore to West Water for ets mile away a those years. They would view ttheir the water his family were to use dur little field the last thing at night and day. Wherever he ing the went to find to race nor indication of Lack ing them. We furnish them, postage prepaid, the following prices, at money to accompany order. 100 alone, A conflict; military and as best. per A Butter of the companies I I the developed added he decision initiative, good as you it's AIRPLANE loss before slow to present but IN indicates famous and military wisdom, but his not only his and Al sane courageous philosophy. and get, TAKE is admitted" is isn't cheapest -1C- Englishman, he is fond of proverbial taking long walks, and never knows that he is beaten. His saying when "the costs. in Monthly. Foch Keen Student of War. like Joffre, General Foch, General is home lover and' avoids society. a He is said it af nerve-center fecting cases.-Popular real printing the can anom shock impression mental the pri Our are Perhaps due among is it what most have been alike, who the neu of cheap -at least not on a basis of value. Cheap stuff is usually worth al. strain. war all kinds printing ly re than war general as roses, common officers vates and sad etc., effects in frequently are cheap but none actual of neuroses war is remarkable It wounded. F. Jr., with B. and her Hammond, son, Lorenzo Hawkins, Milruf Young, this rash talk, the are there still. bleaching Harris Shumway and Lawrence Black. new road was opened south-westward [bones fooled corrals which never "Blind" party was given in their honor Fri from Levil Canyon, crossing points Utah where ters the cases less for mental found across bishopric and forth. back over the of [ranging country, site the and new one, of the take charge but it impossible to corral C. begun made Lyman a movement it a This affair and make success. after he had ten horse been free held in Monticello this a to be week. to have it changed to that route. both the committee will represent of the these days cn range. One proposition met His opposition and the con-| Young Men's and the from Young Ladies' his Bryan Reeve writes creatures, a beautiful bay, met ridicule; some fokls declared the new constitute quite valescent camp at Camp Kearny, stat Associations, and will waterloo in the shape of a man with road would benet least twelve miles in new feature the amusements. on the brink of West a "thirty-thirty" ing he will soon be ready to join hig a old longer than one, and they who left volunteers here swore they would Water; and a rone B. P. mare, more Seven travel the old road regiment again. Kenneth Hel though they had to maintain it them [tried to keep up the reputation of the Monday. They are: Mrs. and John Reeve left here quist, Bertram Peterson, Shirley, Niel selves. band, came one morning in contact Quite are of explosives. high are deal great a sponsible out pack provisions, are with Their the on Bluff, on to direc in four gaul. covers, ropes, return San more to swiped, they had reswiped be to no enduring from Idles, So Colorado. in river fit, road, didn't traversed Mustang Sunday morn-7 In the Parents Class, (months town-to-be Mesa, leaving the re a ing it was decided to have a weekly last cf it away. region into which mote wagons seldom half holiday for Blanding. Saturday element which Besides this thieving Yet the ventured. direct most route afternoon is selected for that purpose, and saddle hors for range cattle that absorbed road between the two and committee was appointed Sun three wild stallions a a sponge, led es like City There brain or nerve injury due to concus sion of the air accompanying shell ex but these mechanical causes plosions, they returned away among and the calves hiding from land of detonations there doubt, No stampeded Mesa, tiens, agreeing to meet White the sagebrush, a saw them. The county his completion Allan Peter those the before ditch, ago. the years good Causes shell many Uriah, them from part severe industry son suffering is thirteen complete Jones Mamie and of the disorder in "Rie's" girl. for Butt in north" the young violent Zimi Mrs. Monday they The Rog Johnnie and to ticello :* born Willard early whom they took with afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. passed medical attention nam Bishop Bayles returned early in the week from a business trip, to Cortez. Mr. and Mrs. Rie Nielson and Mrs. visitors Blanding Marion Hunt were Monday. 1-0 and here blessed were babies green look, Strain term - BY er County Juan San Shock. Nerve misled has shock The to believe that it is due persons or shock profound impression to the the by nervous system on produced War in SAN JUAN CO-OP. 0- much time In this way the stretcher bearers mark the sky and in bending the paths they are to follow. It has crucibles and retorts. that a been found on dark night the During an age visible for. only when superstition luminous paint is 60 rife. such tras nocturnal activities A soldier can dip his hand in the feet. could not fail to arouse suspicion, and paint and signal by letters describing to be accused of being a sorcerer the air or by was in wigwagging, knowing generally followed by the burning at that the enemy cannot see him a hun stake. Many_ thousands of such un- dred feet away. in watching over their 4 General Merchandise INDIAN 1 •• WARES A BLUFF, UTAH. SPECIALTY |