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Show THE 4• BLÄNDING, UTAH BLADE, JUAN SAN : Sleeves Reflect AN EXTINCT World's History AMERICAN RACE PERUNA Best : Around : • current of clothes by, has rushing one goes out and temptation to reach the struwg that are swirling a strong New York. the the -As along on the things the stream, one alluring article is and reminded Beebe, brought back was worth while to in knowledge America. tells rests it, of an ex the much so zoological the quietly on which passes by the down Mr. by that Mr. Beebe watching borne strongly has who plorer, bank a great, flowing swiftly the heart from which comes stream of and the jungle which mystery full is of color: and garment one from left un• of part is suit. All sleeves this high on gets sorts in has garment the of ladder whack a of com a MISS that we that the even in ery. Paris, line as you insisted remember, sleeves, in detall taking the armhole talk ors •costume. in nnd. EXCAVATING AN ARICKARA VILLAGE SITE IN that skill frock of Let line winter will knew There is have of the There Is in more they Directoire arm so or bodice order that By the be must that R. Gradually ara Indians JONES. W. the life the certain a bodice or which an is sleeve the list placed. not to the now the Saves Temper. Type you have had trouble with the of your Jackets and blouses because ill -cut armholes, remember that of trimmed with fastened on the cream of sealskin. the stitched velours shade bias silk The exotic The life. caught on Its life, and as with knowledge, top he current its with extricate goes the flat mud the zoologist the parts of keenly and This goes by fashion. young, tire stream, bank and On, It thus is the the the life of and by this semi-annual clothes that are sources. And the in the bank or throw Beebe did, a the things that whole chapter of order that tail that grappling for study epoch outer fifty or more Some® the the the from catch at the are to enough all ;: the armhole the of sleere and is nearly itself stretches there hand; that begins in the at out clonklike order folds to is into or the widens way wrist, band a knuckles and it that in caught the Italian: armhole that an of ly drop where white in it velvet Egyptian black satin and panels of front, in when the bands armhole order the gown is made fine black with of black net outer way half the that armhole recognition given to this armhole is it gown. the There are church, from the Round Table, merely on is brassard evening a an sleeves taken opera, comic from Wagnerian leg the days of Dante from and, one of night almost add, from the Sultan Sulu. There are sleeves that are noth ends, 1ng but the elbow, ing folds ..Jir. bands above which are colored tulle. arm to of different color. Street frocks have long, satin running They do in from from and below caught swing. the from white Sioux (or by the shoulder Their in Dakotah) settlers from white the stone age, required on some tool with the gown tic touch. (Copyright, but a depart the good the de the lining influx of material also cloth sufficiently McClure to the give Newspaper girl loud coat, when Canada, make tribe boulder found the like that of outline of skeletons good Arickara collection. in A will kind of the Indians is great deal age riod before that time 1750 the driving the the the Missouri No an artis-4 Syndicate.) Three-Quarter Length Sleeves. and Three-quarter length sleeves elbow length gloves were e. feature of smart afternoon- dresses at several. recent wedding. ... material but back that to for like end into funnels village sunken circle abandoned smaller, stood. big or Indians. and of the to ominously amid from all walls of sites with metal arrow can the be locations. Missouri scraps which heads slipped one of the built its part away, hole home go was Use and On rising and hidden of the sticks and leaves, so tingulshable from the hole as not when the to customs those of from the buried from grave, the sure with the the Sioux wrapped left the bod to six the to on skins, Arickaras in bodies lying on head The in one body the right north. a side, Digging primitive imple hard with the was ments these Indians had, so the graves were small, and the bodies placed with knees drawn contains grave ton. or ever buried with occasional body, traders. three or ash or bundles keep wild flat rocks for the Indians same purpose. thousands of university's collection the relics. The 1015, collection and üs knowledge of Dakotans of life of shaft of the arrow. And him malady now. of smile. to smear Ointment. Wash worth dan mo' precious others. 1 risked my life. foh dis one." of hasn't himself about. The Lungs Are Weakened By Hard CASCARA had never "My hus to catch cat much other. such has a rush time to QUININE middle TOMID The old family remedy -in tablet form -safe, sure, easy to take. No opiates- -no unpleasant after effects. Cures colds in 24 hours--Grip in 3 days. Money back if it fails. Get the genuine bor with Red Top and Mr. Hill's picture on it 24 Tablets for 25c. Saving. the Colds ALL see gods the At Any I Drug Save Store Calves! the Stamp ABORTION Herd Out Keep and It of Your Out yourself. Small Write for free booklet Abortion, and on "Questions State Dumber 01 cattle in herd. expense. AnAW Dr. J. H. Watson, | Dario Moberts Yet. NOTHING Co., 100 Grand STANDS AS for every as Dr. D.) M. ankles, feet are due condition, : often caused kidneys. Naturally when hands, urle Pellets for nearly 50 Waukesha, Wis Arenue, HIGH, womanly as in by for remedy a áilment, Pierce's It's medicine to acid been the Favorite the women only certain its effects. recent Pierce, Chief Hotel and Surgical N. Y. Send 10c of Anuric. Large liquid or Pierce's Dr. favorably safe, and tablets. In and certain help. Tablets 60c. regulate: Pleasant invigorate Sugar-coated, years. scientifc of Staff Pellets stomach, liver and granules, easy tiny bowels, to take, vi How to preserve health and beauty 19 discovery told in Doctor Pierce's at the In Common Sense But Medical Adviser. It free. Inst., in is Dr. Send there for package You Cannot trial a 600. Pierce, Buffalo, N. stamps, to wrapping cover Y., fifty and cents, or mailing. Pills Remedy A Constipated Small IVER Pill Dose Small Price Worth Genuine PILLS. Small early That Life Makes CARTERS and Happy Arickara these Liver Little be bears Living signature increases. Kind Donald had seen of the of "Creature" and Charlie, He of an old-time thrilling and the next day were for the benefit of small boys in garage of was the "heroine." the an ABSENCE Was. boys eleven, audience of Charlie's E pen may be but the pencil Charlie "villain' sword, the After without and Donald, with the villain cowering and shivering him the before had denounced other with way, shrieking the thrilled abdominal his small climax, audience "Out of my Dr. the ago. help Pierce's for but They mightier of will the than isn't much good knife. a Pellets are pills put 40 regulate liver and years bowels. Ad. does turn Pleasant little original liver up the creature!" Oldest Soul--Why does Inhabitant. did they greatly IRON PILLS most pale-faced help people TYPHOID I no more necessary than Smallpox. Army experience has demonstrated the almost miraculous effle. cacy, and harmlessness, of Antityphoid Vaccination. Be vaccinated NOW by your physictan, you and your family. It is more vital than bouse Insurance. Ask your physician, druggist, or send for "Have you had Typhoid?" telling of Typhoid Vaccine, resultsfrom use, and danger from Typhold Carriers, THE CUTTER LABORATORY, BERKELEY, CAL PRODUCING VACCINES UNDER U. GOY. LICENSE & Even Lost Necessary. Is The father. he Knife CARTER'S the repeating Donald bitterly, colorless Iron in reason faces many meld of the send that it if the benefit worm him? what PARKER'S : HAIR When Your Eves Need -Try No Murine Smartine Druggists or Eye Helps to For Restoring Color and Beauty to Gray or Faded Hair. Remedy Just Eye Comfort. 50 conte at mall. Write for Free Byo Book. CHICAGO BALSAM of merit. A toilet preparation eradicate dandrutt. Care 600. and $1.00 at - CO.. .: in In down here? An monkey Timer--Don't occasional blue or red bead -comes to. ...Old you know. who Ught, or A brass ball, or bits of- look- that is? He's our anceator.Cartoons the gently chicken is who thinks only much to think and hooted. the off neck, Carter's in begun the exact grows it the objects was pkg. from Other are acid lithia and often eliminates water. melts sugar. Anuric by Dr. wil of animals grave. retiring sites tothe reins back best. make to graves deep, and above piaced slabs of into is mos' any too grimy elastic have falo, feet the an Pleasant Dr. Pierce's liver and bowels the were twigs, There was skeleton cottonwood as with six her hot contact The to than valids' burial tossed audience sweet replied has dropsical a or earlier Heal. disordered "Favorite Prescription" is the are deranged the blood is filled restorative kidneys an invigorating, tonic, a with poisonous waste matter, which set soothing and tles in the feet, ankles and wrist: strengthening nervine, and or un der the eyes in bag-like formations. a well known remedy for all functional Ag a remedy for those easily recognized the derange symptoms of inflammation caused by uric painful disorders, ments, scalding -as urine, acid backache and fre and chronic weaknesses pe quent urination, as as sediment in culiar to the sex. the urine, or if uric acid in the blood has For girls just young rheumatism, caused lumbago, sciatica, womanhood; entering for gout, it is simply wonderful how quickly women at the critical time; acts; the An-u-ric pains and stiffness nursing mothers; and every woman .who disappear, for (double rapidly Anuric, "run-down," tired or over strength), is times many more: potent is a special, an bones. to Prescription. brass but -The Soap to Ointment go A GREAT DISCOVERY of The nothing thim the to anyone. except band or showing the copper, low the her stretched known for skele the paraphernalia no bead any Scarcely but anything Little were up. did Swollen dead in get "Some done "Do you find it economical to live sO country?" asked one for out in the woman. be dis Sioux. The arrested!" smiled. an with sidewalk (By their buried while the IMPROVE pound?" with Arickaras the of she - In face, burial SKIN Values. - The surrounding sky. Apply treatment 1n hunting was covered mouth 119 -cupola -Adv. much for chance national service is biggest opportunity that can come Jug trip. with Jerusalem, within its dark Cuticura "How The deep, hostile avoid a towns, Sold Boston. Then fam a feet The the car he breakfast." the mourn its little it stepped ponderous stiffened her whip the "Yes," cedar grad~ is other under Purify his ears the horse flapped again; nigh horse switched his tall.. Then all three resignation and didn't sighed with Finally budge. motor truck came A along and yanked the cart to the top. primitive This to on a Each six valuables were family left dians or to of or vault. four to scorned band with and exist. toNet preparations Free sample each by mail with Book. Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. L, and on city stone; inclosed When You Ile up large stony high, YOUR she cooed, "be nice "Come, darlings," littler load right up the and pull this lodges despite cache-hole, deposit far. hor-1 the A like bat she hands, the ground lodge, climate. safety shaped over show in arena, dry tiny what manner inflicted upon heaps I.can," She grasped brass gun. kin climbed found an you of he coal. horse found, yield and of Sho Life. rotted shaped which It contact article may course more well as the of horses," her, sun clouds," and of roofs WATCH suggested. In'," he her through she at a on formidable. the face with street lips. those "Beyond, revealed, g Toff Ointment in five minutes with Cuti water. cura Soap and hot Continue Michael this treatment for ten note days and and the the better change in your skin. No gasp and a yellow, threatening by rises, sun sec the have you I'll these of circus narrowed, eyes head, site. shows where five-family had drama west village A timbers, pe Dakota relentless Arickaras cones, every a about copper obtained from the first traders, from which the orna Indians made ments and, by twisting the thin sheet copper at into In as been her out a "The the 8 the at has Only used ancient the Arickara trace no : corn delicate with flint-lock lodges used and tiro which show certain, is Sioux other whites. fragments bowls work dates it of Parched digging en bowls, of much of problematical, began show ever university or, in cooking, pottery ly ward. The the pots The pipes or ax her too buffalo, deer, the antelope, elk, rabbit and wild fowl as well as on corn, beans and pumpkins. upper made. The found up Even near many are undamaged tirely in are pursing hill." bones in the refuse Arickaras lived on yield has not villages ror flows The fur col relics. tobacco are grave There or collection. Arickara two in- arrow and bone university the In the unearthed museum. been tools bone an recent the Relics. of have also a a in sixty beads, as It made. than more shouldered with *Of at down stared, of river, village tripped He from F: nail a novelty, and are west lodges. les of their dead, scaffolds or in trees. and Collection are be east. to farther Missouri hundred one a load river Arickaras ground, Indians and found in the most ancient contrast Farther west, and up the tone of || river, the yield excavations shocking from young ancient. Loti's. a and blinked, of "or was the differed grinding Indians of sleeves braided shoulder to wrist.d from make sagged. heights glowered Michael maybe "Sure, and -f;.. days of an be to north em-$ by tight not color, heavy of cart lines laughed horses coal A new shrilled, side river where a large was than The arrow came, traders from bed, + :: their the is by is Another sleeve and, of course, the of earthenware shifts. There is the sleeve that is slashed has been the reason for an from armhote to wrist, as Marguerite slecres "made of different the and Faust wore it, and there the gown fabric and from sleeve that is Oriental formed from jewels. spread the to Affect and they of gold and jet. with The weighted with let fringe. are edge evening covered broad broidered signers the front edge of a cape and confined to the arm with a bracelet of tulle. or shovel fields walls the found The cloth. was the first only lace the The their buffalo. the ily with skins. of the lection Airckara the national government This still the to the described Lewis and the place by Clark in their diary of the exploration Northwest in 1805, "at the bend of the post comparatively fingers searching clothing the naments of And rose was • almost were and are in the university Hundreds of hammer stones, care be were along one whetstone The The village sites On the more recent. an and knives were of flint or bone. was the life of the Arickaras be heads, is elbow: the Arickara to long Their made were of More we to do; there is the tight sleeve of the Directoire that fits into: an oversnug the bottom," beating Hudson a sharpened The Indians with a Ale, on edge. the slow. * but which on Fine which juggling earlier early tribes Missouri valley, dug with plaster. n after it leaves the .elbow opens and drops in a point to the knee; we have which the Chinese sleeve is roomy for trowel and modern sleeve old the today, blizzards. creek offered have a covering for the medieval an- The the of buffalo which they was world. into the pressed represent the out keep to the with bank all? tho the knife steel poles poured in de a out the stop of one tiller "Veer 'em on ond. the pilgrimage forces. pale, covered. lash yelled !" a and gloomy battlements, at The mush bogger, ya on storm, nizable talls blink wrath. his "You early the Their Domestic for the Arickaras and pumpkins, They built lodges of farmers. daubed thick and willow thatch, fore fore a in steel by where was occasional beneath prairies, and and corn hammer working is of gutter. ago, and bracelets, grew This Epoch. into farmers bay first man came, there populous villages Dakota points into mingle the their pipe clay the or century more in a buffalo robe, out- sent knife, had arm-bands Arickara. Dakota a old it Sheffield traders. One hole sites heads Indicates the of with ob feet like made Mr. stones- to river. mud on after Missouri Arickaras their as There to pull the the of closer Every seems have white houses blade particular peculiar phase of arm designers to Incorporate costumes. We the the mud for They of history the over fore Over arrow Indians falo fro. lining, the In hand a smoke to crowd GRAVE IN knife. wrapped in knives in period first, summer placed west," a they six in collecting hearth than revealing band of embroidery ornamented cloth of a or over, kind lining, When of and week. ative" of Each out developed wants pole, some top the stands pole, instance. one soutaching last the and to they these two over when material were layer surface no of had of soil Inhabitants be degree relics hammer stones, high the was religion? grounds A find of in interest. From for may swings armhole. dressmakers use or on What Indians, the and -charred the flow of who in be and inside the of up they burial the of studying now is well run there that race? did of years Mfr. visited camp sites, settlers--or tu stream one of Sleeves Sleeves, a peculiar can arm over it, mov accord freedom of the_shoulders, armhole achieve. village and per the the country symbols bring and serration drop that kind is ma source come. "All to reach grappling wants out It outer. en color, conality the the the fashions. in revolt, and Over. battlefelds arm on the ornithologist and personality of all these things which mulf, to W. H. and the extinct During tears. into and security and of this attained? past rushing explaining to and life from lining allowed is the peculiar a themselves. colorful to put the shifting you get the best tailors can this American kind of snake on n log, bits of wood tree explain the birds that growth, that have been caught in branches and cannot ing temper then him, he is able to form in his mind special of Just what the life that Jungle is. Fauna and flora go by, an opossum is with has swiftly it the ing stream it, studies of terial at back. splendid hole is ripples and type saves the sleeve is When and coat last this sort culture New of of were What bodice. ( Over their If At made Dakota. live? arm to safely H. How And, comfortable of and detail What three one that belongs the is lining and usually or cache in University people a a out W. South or found been the of ing-glass, being by Jacket. elbow-length Arick is traced studied they luck the of Dakotas the of There is the pear-shaped armhole which extends to the walstline and holes, blue fires in NATURAL POSITION long, demands In quarter topping thin, "Mush! waves about the neck. loose Chinese: arbi the which into to with cutters instead in cont rise contour necks of of Pierre the mountains; through dust and lashing rain it is not easy to distin Jerusalem, guish it... recog the swished his in dozen skin adjusted not hole the the learned winter, if a tight hugs perfectly will And strike. their wisp the ful ears, from is writes. belonged their A Jerusalem English ually twisted spouted hope for Jerusalem, of word-picture thither howled: re talent that last the that fronts was recently--on the above Main, muses Republican. This cloud of on Picture best of the Fre the brass-studded of his whip smacked harness, and a crowd on the sidewalk dressmaking lives of thou daily hope can of of the us they hole PIPES woman subject because the deficiency out into this ARICKARA minor a It green. they made. I the desert, along Egypt across same line which has been, followed Budge. blue. union--went him. makes or mars her individual and are going to nttempt of two varieties. of suffer." went Irish driver, armed with a whip, tried to strike. break the And: the horses awkwardness or mentioned, is particular than same who of city to not to the say people few who tempers when the armholes sunds. is others voice. are reaches cone cutters any to Three might it. as their this suit letter Word Coal Effort in Team horses--possibly and average extraordinary the this The sulphurous rhetoric rose from the driv coal er's seat of an overloaded wagon. flapped the the There This ever is Those who object to liquid med| can procure. Peruna Tablets. is Springfield the treat for - of who armhole the fit of comfort. of one are Falled the publish benefit profanity. quently it is State street, S manner part there the an' cutting strain pity, a Irish dressinak that fitters knows and minor is ARICKARA EARTHERN POT without serious interesting consideration, in into an It passing, mass, alleged in this in tallors The sideration. about or But with cured best all Peruna think It - years symptoms. I At cines With Interfered Induce belleve dominates American costum of Maiden Wagon influence French this to begin Dainty fifteen medicine SWEET BEST HER DID for St., you* will re originality suffered Cooper and mo around S coat the that she could do little with suit because her tailors were wielding hand grenades Instead of scissors. Variety in Armholes. It 1s not possible to deal with with "I rheumatic Letter to wants either Edgar, 49 Georgia, writes: fash originality of who designer Made W. Mr. lanta, Will Publish This design+ with because You The short street coat, however, So little bas been mains conventional. done with this garment in the line of and the taken are every which tailored conventional of liberties top coats, reached so ion that It play with the garment in way. mercial or artistic bank, a the sleeve-mud designers have orgy touched in their wild coat which ing is the street a on brilliant he at eddies. top Standing as grasp Possibly Medicine Ever Hope I 4 All W. N..U., Salt Lake City, No. 50-1917. D * - ; Ex . * |