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Show ATFA E op ee ee OF UTA H, [.g00. For further particulors address. ICE! ele’s de a Cee KN Mrs, th: a boxes by adding soft paper when necessary, so that the boxes are filled. S Lip by express, charges prepaid, marked Utah State Fair, care of the Woods Fruit & Produce Co. Sait Lake City. The name of the consignor must be marked plainly on the box. If intending exhibitors will carefully follow the above instructions their exhibits can be placed in the Exhibition Building just before the opening of the Fair in good condition. oe Southern railroads. He was and the Crockers were violently opposed to him, it was asserted. This spring he was restored te of- |eo <THE SOCIAL IAL BRASS Dr & BAND» SA 8% Wee as ‘34 7d . a4 S% “a Me St $e te AS Wall Trained. Always{ Ready For “Duty, Is Available on Short Not.ce. <x Ks . is S24 <=a> siv IONS s%® a -EEO a R S ‘When uM P ia EC need A | of brass — . or a string band, for dance’ music, apply to......... s= ax OCCAS L sz Ks at Prof, H enry H Hansen, Prof. AS “as aK aS % and Jobs of every Description. iS Murray, Utah. Me a Moo Me Miho QI Miho Me Mo SU Me MWe Mio MVE Nie Me NID MV MS ALD APE AL AY TIE AS AY AE AY ALP ADP AS ALY AY AP ALY AL ALS AY aN AY, \ ALS AY FZ SPS cS COMMENCING | SS La 5 ¢ ‘ CPpunt. ( AS EE ke is ( Cae BROS. BAKERY. — Surgery. ing, San . ancisco, announcement. . minis- with Canadians most ferocious speeches generally. by the al- of his in favor. of the Boers when character He SSeS SE CT Neel by or Jos- sent troops to South fight Africa against to ues Fr Galoruia, Send ihe reputation 2 and ; ©, JOHN uz has since that time Celebraed — Violin Gut Strings. Would Geach Gov.. Richards staff, and Decker of the concluded New York to remain Journal, under the the from num- of the Dh. JOSEPH MARRIOTT, Paor., : all parts state, and a large 7 Is THE PLACE TO BUY Se me Druga, Toilet Frtictes, Books, Stationery, eta. ber of societies petitioned the governor to make the selection. That she is popular in Wyoming goés without say~ ing. She is yet“in her ‘teens, but is as charming, gracious, tactful and gifted aS a much older person. popular in society, both in in all these departments we carry the Finest and Best Selected « Btock to be found in town. wa She is very' the Wyom=> want iM teachers, end to. return heme. Saved from she has grown She wants to Col. Gheodore J. Wirt. Importer and Wholesale Dealer in a'l kinds of Nicholas of Montenegro, saved from assassination by the ity of the polic@of his realm. would-be _ j murderers of royalty was nick j. fathactiv- Threa were Pills.” foiled in of time. (it, are like those of So lomon, .Prince Prince Nickolas: Nicholas ig some inches over six feet tall, broad shoulwey dered, handsome and though as it poor as Sti ie 44ND RETAIL gL DEALERS ‘a * Envrniture, Carpets, Draperias, Gin Stoves, Glassware, Tinware, = fl prices. Always the lowest. Street 5 Cash oy nstallment Plstmo— ncn, In command of Sixth Cavalry, whith defeated the Boxers near Tientsin. King powerful. is possible Alfor a reigning prince to be, Lerd Nicholas is ag proud as: Laicifer and is very jealous of his descent from a race of fighting men. In 1860 he married his cousfn, Milena Petrovna, when she was only 13 years old. Oregen Short Line Railway. of Denmark. King Christian IX. of Denmark entertained the czar last week at Fre< densburg. Christian is the son of the late Duke of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Gluechsburg. He ascended the throne in November, 1863,and has mane aged his little kingdom with dignity: The popular ; Alexandra,the cess of Wales; Ope prinDag- who wedded King Christian. with the late czar; the crown prince, whose wife is Prine cess Louisa of Sweden, and the secon¢ son of the crown prince, who married Princess Maud of Wales. King Chris. tian married Princess Louise of HesseCassel, who died Sept, 28, 1898. King » Army encampment 3 the the man : war, a $ member of Strong Vincent Post No, 67 > James A os ) who discharged by federal troops the Gibbons, CONDUCTED > George Pennsylvania, . For mer had the J ‘ Ls of United States which formed part of Fort Sumter. 3 -Inman. «gor. “atin” and when Major to reply te the satisfaction of > 8 was a private in Company BH, First James Gibbons. garrison’ was Wr: honor firing the gun.) When the civil war broke out Gibbons dy tillery, Department the » of the Gibbons No, .- 1; Anderson decided bombardment the pulling p lanyard of that gun and_of firing the first cannon discharged by union soldiers. The retired list of the regular army includes 764 officers, on half pay, averaging about $3,000 each, p -ELEGAIIT EQUIPMENTS, ~ Chale Cars Frea,’. Ann FAST TRMS-DAILYS r J.P DcOMIE BY Satret.. years Official porter to courts | Ben to annonnce to the people o Salt Lake county that ho i has the only DAY ERD EVENING sussioss.* } Undertaking Tn Michigan and Utah. Gend for Circular. Fourth Floor Hooper Bid, $ Ar- ‘ast Diag Car senteyj TEE HOEY SCHOOL OF of f ER oe PREGTICAL BUSINESS... SHORTHAND and TYPEWAITING “am ie ‘ af Rwy. Gatrell’s UNIQUE of the TABLE. & Ogden A EE pas | ; in Utah. > ATTEND— fired was TIME Lake A AEN Gun. Among the veterans of the civil war who were in Chicago during the Grand. cannon the points Arri Lea Arr Balt’ ore Ligoon Lagoon Saltuare fooam, 40am. T.5va.m, 8304 § 00.4. 2.40 a. 0.0ra.m, Jo0.40a.. loon. m 1l.4o4.m, Loon. 134:+p. ‘13ipm, 2lopm. 230p.m, 8.00pm 330p.m. 4.0p.m, 4380p m. 5.0 pm 5. op. 6.10 P., n, 630 KE opm :$.30 p.. 7 Glo . 880 pom. 210p m. 4.80 p. 8.10 p m. . 10,80 p. m. 1110 pee Last eratcs jena Lagoon Sundays ut 5 80 m> Trains on Sundays and holidars runevery oes in the afternoon. Fxtra — do not Pe ae Salt Lake and Laga oe trip 25 cents, including nanigsion fe gro ie 8 JNO. eg a 8. RAMBERGE ’, ket Agent, eee Manager. is the second son of First Union first line between TIM ape If you sonllen te a trip toany point, frstconsulé the Uregon Short Line aveu’ f he is..ut supplied with tr oo ze kets a or oint you wish to go he them £, BU! re cas talt Luke ¢ ity. "Be cles. G. .T..M. she folio oe oe new time card of the Oregon Short ie North o, t leaves for Tintic i 52 an 0; 2 leenveg for Frisco 625 p a | 3 arrives £ intie 6i2pm No, larrives from Frisco 9i%am sa 4g George of Greece King Christian. | LAGOON marriages, notably the The V7 it said to his cred- S. K. HOOPER, G. P. & T. A. ENVER, COLO, . tato.& Murray of WHOLESALE I prince is the absolute master of hissubjects. His power is as great as that of the. czar, his word is law, and ye»his judgments, be TO ALL POINTS EAST Ccznor saad Furniture and Carpet House ar- - oak DEP’ a We: iroroagents fer ihe celebrated, fapicies advertised iuowhess, rested at Cataro and their plot to kill the “Lord of the Black Mountains” MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, > end for JOHN F. STR ON CO. stalogue. 62GRAND ot Ne Ew York. NORTHWEST PRESCRIPTION “Dr, King’s New Discovery”, “Electrio fn this papepaper, namely: Bitters”, “Bucklen’s Arnica Salve’, end “Dr. King’s | New Life Fired Assassins, er of the Queen of Italy, has just been F. ST RATTON’S aa OUR {s presided over by a careful and experienced Pharmacist. Pro. ecnipHone § compounded any hour at night. We also carry o fall ine ) of Staple and Fancy Groceries. ing capital and in the national capital has Stars SENORITA MACHADO. and Stripes and to that end wants a teacher’s situation. She came te the United States with the Cuban and PorRican ae THE PIONEER DR ae Ly wih Dn coast. mar, { to Urau fc Bi 9 and state citi- terests of the country are concerned. As a monarch,however, Christian is not popular. Some jof his children j have made good ° on « ae AS : a number Miss Warren was Miss aS the ubanimous choice of persons rescued from a Cuban dungeon by Karl teach school in the United States. Fo MURR A oo) i) Coe) ; School. so fond of the country that she does not The Finest in the World. Every String Warrante ‘ father, distinguished Senorita Clemencia Machado, sister of Evangelina Cisneros, the heroine of the Spanish-American war who was D.C. F. STRATTON’S cuvuine worth accompaher himself by his ultra liberal opinions. for WW. or of C.A. SNOW& co. fe you. This fs a point Pomembering. war n Patents,” with A PAMPHLET, * cost of ane vethe U:S 3. and ieee countries sent fre SCENIC IIln Eee WoRLD | me Agent T LAKE Ci T¥, UTAH, be nied «JUST WEST OF THA. e. finish oe quantity Sythe: poo e =a burghers. As statesman and ne Mr. Tarte Prince ee noon threat- Le nd Trade-Marks obtained and - ag sent Denese ee ant iovenare @OUR OFFICE 1S OPPOSIT ENTForeFICE and we can secure pa nica in less ie than those remote frony Washington, to., with descripatentable or not, free of fend for Catalogue. 4 & F. out he suddenly shifted to the liberal side nee ie Washington, “b, ¢c Opp. Patent OFFrice, WasHiNGrTon, MURRAY he being courageous to a high degree and absolutely incorruptible. He was first sent to parliament in 1891 as an independent conservative, In that very year now open for studentes Those wishing to enter will apply to S. W. DENNIS, u Ae D.D.S., Dean, at the College. Le ein’ and hag ed ee A.D, ShBAY 8S. D. D.8., Parrott Build. i Our Line of Rote books, Tablets and Sishool Supplies, PPE - Yo Quit Cabinet, J. Israel Tarte, the Canadian J. I. Tarte, Dental Co. DEDEDE EEE CANNECIETER will ter of public works, it is predicted, will be replaced in the Dominion cabinet by Mayor Prefontaine of Montreal. Mr. Tarte made himself very unpopular the Anglo-Boer California College of 1.45 200 SCHOLARS ae porter. Needle E. G. SIGGERS, Pate nt eres ae a2) 2S J. WW F ABLING & Sie Dip r MeesHE |~ | We Guarantee tle Best rhulos Wade. Hzcrerls Ss: Tre 2.00 cabinets HENRY E. HUNTINGTON. fice through the influence of his uncle, who had always been mS stanch sup- For lotat'ng Gold and Sliver we Ore. Lost ornidien Treasure; “*< Circulars and testim-aials free P. M. AGENCY, Box C.D, Palmyra, ba. >Ree AS TO es ice. in “Inv Book ‘How toe shia Patents” ges moderate. Fadi 4tiee in $300 Platinum for $2.4 5 doz. 0 panel size “*. 1,95 * i sought Marchand, and that he was Paris he was given. a reception. that strained the bounds of even French enthusiasm. from padded. — 25... | Being unable to lease a suitable building for this winter o—-—Murray we are obliged*to move— Therefore we offer cut prices on the following ihtokds, paceman, peta, ema gmmemgee, Nea once Rake. eeeeariaad an Gti oe SF ee et Ce AUGUST ce ON Magic aal Net Ne Se eee neeee Ce ae, SPECIAL FOR TEN DAYS Our eee & Letter Heads, etc., neatly man Marchand. pertfolio is Canada =] Miho AY ’ Job Type just received. broken of the Egyptian territory. But Marchand pluckily refused to budge. There he stayed, in fact, until his government ordered him to move. .On his return to Pullman ear to and ‘ow Eagle Use s% aS Mo for the American Ua 2 wv aN S/ Subscribe Maj. tified the explorer of prominent officials and First-Class eae Job Printing! CIRCULARS, ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS. NOTE HEADS, STATEMENTS, BLANK NOTES, LETTER HEADS, LEGAL BLANKS; BLANK RECEIPTS, CARDS, ALL KINDS, had power mahdists at Obdur- 4s Go Christen the Wyoming, Gov. De Forest Richards, of Wydming, has chosen Miss Frances Warren, he Dititpeccoreessoosed SANE SNE SM Ne ME Ne Se NheSISOS Me Me Se ISSR Me SMe Sa NeSS Se SU Se Mao ek STS SMe aS aS USI RST as Fashoda, daughter of United States Senator F. BE. Warren, to christen the United States monitor Wyoming when that vessel is launched from the yards at San Fran- ena L, 4, 4,9,0, Stanford . as- sistant to the president of the Southern Pacific until April, 1899, when he was removed from power, and the office abolished in the sake of harmony, as put in cold storage, without charge, any Fruit sent to Salt Lake City netsbe the opening of the Fair. This will enable fruit exhibitors to pick their fruit’ earlier than thev otherwisé could, and still have it kept in good condition for the exhibition. Th» fruit should be picked before it is to ripe, while it is frm, should be wrapped in paper, packed careful- in ener the Henry E. Huntington got his business education in the offices of his un- The Wcods Fruit and produce Company has kindly offered to ly in ‘small boxes, not more than two layers in @ box: the fruit should be packed firmly Teached and then hoisted the French flag. | After Lord Kitch- 000. ADUISSION ONLY ay CHILDREN: 10¢, J. R. Winder, President, S. W. Sears, Secretary. be- aay sas) = SS ons om | §10000 00 mountains 2 be the tween the Nile and the Congo basins. ‘In July, 1898, he he will rethe Pr which Huntington, who largest shares of @ nephew of the dead railway king. The exact amount the nephew inherits, or of the entire estate, is impossible to ascertain, as most of the stock was disposed of in bulk, but a conservative estimate places the amount at $25,000,- Codi from all points. Watch programme, GIVEN AWAY, fortune left by Collis P. Huntington, is etl Special railroad rates Gets $25,006,069. IN PREVMUIMS Sn en night sorts. the papers for the changed dailv.’ ADMISSION ONLY 25¢ CHILDREN. 1C¢. pen of all and NS) ie Henry Edwards ceived one of the ene Bi amusements rr $10,000 00. | chiefly. famous fur the work he did in Egypt two years ago, which brought France and. Britain to the verge of war. In March, 1897, Marchand left Brazzaville, the capital of the French Conga, and steamed up the M’bomo river,hauling his boats over la Pe (onan AWAY. China to join the allied troops there, is a The fair will be open both day $10,000,00 ee ea a <5). PREWIUMS GIVEN HER HISTORY! * Ee SPECIAL! $10, 000.00" “IN a esta 8 Bee ee 4 i a a ei]23 | yl ek ras aN) (fae = me AZLosi a Ss oe of Fasheda. . Major Thomas Marchand, the French soldier and explorer who is going to ee aa ee Hero ee = a of *’ THE GREATEST.IN. ee : ee oa a P arlor. aos .. OUTSIDE COUNTY 0d LOCATED AT.... MURRAY, UTAH. And {s prepared to furnish @ fai? JOHN \ line of Caskets,wood and cloth P. McOMIE, covered, Coffins imported Justice of the Peace and Notary Public. (an be found et i 5 Si acdc the Court Hcuse Murray. Ute, home equal ¢ made. and Quotes to any in Salt One block east from..... ’a_Oorner, Masrar, Ugh t % Pais a 3 i ) IN THE 3 East First South St. Salt Det Lakeoe Uteh: = oe Cy ee |