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Show OT THE PIONEER DRUG STORE| FOR HOME AND WOMEN ITEMS De. JOSEPH MARRIOTT, Pror., Pearl eo tie PLACE TO BUY: Drugs, Toilet Articles, Books, Siationery, ete. ing Selected DEPT We are agents for the celebrated remdeies advertised elsewhere The In The In St. Harris Furniture and Carpet House. chain pe) enthrall’d me sadness was worn; eoldicce that gall’ a me silence was AN not loved ae k of thee for hes nightly, ‘Till life’s sun has Draperies, Crockery, \ Stoves, Glassware, — Tinware, Ete And the form my heart cherish’é Still in it shall dwell! fi nm hath perish’d,— And, love—fare the well. EF, Stewers. DESIRABLE MACHINE IN THE MARKET. Dealers Wanted where we are not represented. White Sewing Machine Co., Send for our bessttful hatbtahe Catalogue. CLEVELAND, OHIO. Late tee brs Daher batts Leto des Por ia WHO WEAR ——THAT SHOES. iA @ll--Etome-IMade Shoos. John Anderson, the Shoe Artist, has this to say that he will fake your ‘measure ‘and make you a perfect fit and make the fit befit the holiday season as a fitting present. If you Know your wife’s fit, makea grand hit, by giving John Anderson her measure, and she will think both you and the shoes a fitting treasure. JOHN ANVERSOW, the Shoemaker, Murray. Denver «Rio Grande R R Oregon Short “Line Ey “SCENIC LINEid OF THE THE Tre WORLD.” BFST LINE T TH (The popular line between points in Utab TIME TABLE,- If’you contemplate a trip to an gen gre Glenwood " Springs, “Leadville, sale first gectenle the icine Cripple Creek, Pueblo, Colo- | Shori Line Agent. If he. is not rado Springs, Denver and supplied with through tickets ta all points east the point you wish to g> to, he will TIME CARD get them for you. Between Grand Junction & Denver | ‘ D. B. Buriuz,G. P&T. A . EFFECTIVE FEB. 25, 19 B. w. Ecouzs, G.'T. M. Train No 6/Train Noz 2 train No Chicago | Denver Atla ier Limited| Exp ess Lv Oxd ete take oH 5 “ Prove | rar’ un f Gl 2nwood “Leadville : 1 3 8.03 pm 11:55 pm ‘le cre Bepres 38. The following is ae pm lam 247 w& 227 pm am 122 N ‘ i Ov Bound aH Vv aa for Lem, from Prece tn 2156 pm care on all carte. new time South ae ti o North aa pm ¢ p mm. °46 pm | oo “Den 8:25 am eee faa elegrnt dining through trains, service a la the Short Line: 7:00 p m ie 6:30 : * Colo. SPS, : Bolt Lake City. 5pm | card of the Nie k Pa 4 9:17a : .. S12 pg nies eRe 3 peel * ity, Utah t IN EFFEC “sS stUM UMMIT i ffo oo S ; : EA | ix Jt They ‘are the initial » links in the routes, through the Fort Worth i t k ateway, to Mexico, ew Orleans and the Eastern—-Southern nies : t ee They are importan§ _ links in the water and rai Hre for ‘a ght t ‘ { d South “Witches ‘I t ) es ‘ dkmeateut: closed, i i ‘No. ae Grand Jun oor: iNo. : ‘No. NOs 4—For eee and Grand all upermegiate Boe p 1--For oe dall pts west. 9 3% 45 ea Be 906 py LEAVE City. SALT LAKE nd all polise a © ie Gen. Mgr. ! i 945 an OITY, a eort ne afc Man, Gen, P. & T. A PEIN IGGES sry STEST! a: > r Durand’'s Laundry Athchison, | sate Topeka & Santa Fa, ailroad. —THE SHORT LINE— to Kansas City—A tchison— St. Joe-Leaw enworth—Chica: ago-Galveston--City of : jen | Mexico and the mining camps. of New e eee! aoe and eee. Two daily sbuine via R. R. Dining cars—Staid da teri royedi' ae Thieves dard and Tourist Pullman—Blectric Bare and valuable seertts . dislighted Chair Cars~Rock Ballasted road These area few of the ‘fleots treated in our mystic many eub- bed-Grade crossings- In fact all the Library ef the | luxuries zad safevy uppliances of moders {dost arts, comprising the following books: | “6th and 7th Books of Mosea” “Guiden Rod f jand Tagioal Guide” “The Long Lost friend.® “Albertus Mugnus, "Egytian Seerets, Any ‘one of the alis¥é 00 is sea. geapaid for Gt. oe! i ees 6—For Sanpet nein and all’ intermedi.He po -8iian 8—For Provo, Pa ene hon and all intermediate points 5Rpa Salt Lake nly line running through Pullman Pala Sisepios sears to ver «uu Sa rancisct . | witaout change, a ull aa family sleep ers an Francisco. Los Angel g beaees | Chicago, New nd Bostoa, Free reclin street, Balt, the City, Utah. No. FoFor | | ine chair cars. Ali cars lighted with Pintsel ieee | | D.©. Dodge, 8.H 3abcock, Geo. W, Heinta : -hetween aviantia Seaboard and Utah The Colorads add 8 uth) Serves the populous Centers and principal Mining Camps of Colorado. Hoyt Bhartaie, General Agent, 52 W. 6—_or Salt Lake | } : afi, si 14th, 1899 LRAVE MURRAY: © DUN sieves sae 5 42 ‘No. ; the Gulf of Maries. Oct. 40 [No 99 The Colorado and Southern and Fort Worth and oi ad City Rye. : Connect Colorado with br Time Card No tor Book’ $2 Address, Prof. *. a. STAUFFER, For ete.’ oe Callo Tas. uc and ipo rates maps addre ce Be ve Gen’l Agt. F. elas R,, Do ; 411 bleak MAREETST, (= ¢ 4) Soe A is nothing so difficult pliable. If a moistened finger be applied to an all-linen cloth the moisture will at once appear on the other side, whereas in mixed goods it will appear slowly or not at all. The flax odor is: always noticeable in linens, and every woman should learn to recognize it or its absence. Sheets with ruffled tops are again used, after being long abandoned. Sheets and pillowcases, with the bolster cases, if a bolster is employed, are made in sets to match. Yellow or grayish lace, now seen on underwear, is likewise adopted for bed linen. Hemstitching is another decoration which is much elaborated with ming this class of household linen are Mechlin, Valenciennes and guipure. Beb covers of Richelieu embroidery over a lining of colored taffeta are seen. The most satisfactory ones, however, are those of fine white Marscilles fringed or embroidered around the edge and always fresh by reason of their capability of being frequently ning Wiv One of ce inaerateanls advo-. eates of woman’s rights used to Say that it was the greatest possible mistake for girls to be brought up to regard marriage as a profession. The danger nowadays seems to lie in the opposite direction, and women appear to think that no kind of training is necessary in order to fit them for the duties that will devolve upon them if they do become wives and mothers, That moth‘gays the Ladies’ Pictorial. ers should train their daughters to snare husbands and to regard matrimony as their predestined end is unquestionably a mistake; but that our modern system does not make for domestic felicity is, unhappily, only too evident. However, we get over all our troubles at this end of the century by the use of serum or by technical schools, and it is therefore not in the least surprising to learn that a training college is in course of formation where girls can be taught their duties as matrons. Naturally, housewifely duties come first in the course oa studies, then care or children, then the preservation of personal appearance. And it may be here noted that this is by no means an insignificant subject for wives to study. We know, alas! that the average woman looks older than the average man, who is very susceptible to good looks and that indefinable attractiveness that clothes ean give a woman if th chosen and well put on. Every wife eannot have unlimited dress money or credit at her modiste’s, but she can be eareful to keep wrinkles and dowdiness at bay. One can easily imagine that Zeca tssiet eat Re eed. Cee eee .....-Are Leading Hardware neighbor’s, whose reputation of dressing some indefinable way casts a shadow over whatever virtues she may possess. A woman neatly dressed is ready for emergencies. The chance caller and unexpected guest finds her ready to receive them. But, perhaps, the greatest necessity for looking well at home is the home itself. To the members of our own family circle do we owe the first duty. Neatly dressed does not mean richly dressed. A cheap, plainly made gown may be the perfection of neatness, and take only a few minutes to assume after the dinner work is out of the way: A woman in slatternly garments is shorn of her dignity and | womanly infiuence just as surely as was Samson of his strength when betrayed by Delilah. Curl papers and soiled wrappers represent the Delilah of many an otherwise strong personality. A Bad Habit-—-Have You It? Again -attention is called to those essentially feminine habits of putting pins in the mouth or moistening a pencil with the lips. A pin swallowed means only a surgical case, but the greater danger lies in the contagion that may be lurking in the pin itself. Under the head of the pin, or in the point of the pencil, all kinds of malignant germs may be located;. which will be transmitted by the mouth quicker than any other way. It hardly seems possible that anyone needs to be cautioned against holding money between the lips, yet a person can scarcely go a block on a street car without noticing some one indulging in the dangerous habit, Blouse of Tucked Coral Taffeta. music that at the outset COOKING ana Pud In a double boiler Seale one pint oi new milk. Scrape one square of chocolate and mix it with two tablespoonfuls of sugar and. just enough boiling water to reduce to a thin paste. When the lumps have been rubbed out add it te the hot milk. Beat two eggs and add to them gradually one and one-half cups of granulated sugar, and when well mixed beat in two level teaspoonfuls of flour and half a teaspoonful of ground cinnamon. Pour the scalded milk upon this, beat a moment, and cook until well thickened. Stir con-. stantly to prevent curdling, and when cold add a tablespoonful of vanilla and a quart of good cream. Have ready 2 cupful of seeded raisins and chopped dates and stir them into the pudding: after it has been partly frozen. Friccasseed Parsnips. » Two tablespoonfuls of broth, a piece of mace, one-half cupful of milk, one | ounce butter, a little flour, pepper and salt, parsnips. Peel and wash ghe parsnips .and boil them in Silk till quite soft; drain them. and cut them in pieces lengthwise two .or three inches long; put them in a sauce madé of the broth, milk, butter, flour and seasoning; simmer all together for a. quarter of an hour and serve. A Cheap Icing. ) —} Our Terms Are Easy iice: () OUR MAVERIAL fle cece ene Then set it aside and when it is cool add one teaspoonful of vanilla or other extract and stir in confectioner’s sugar until thick enough to spread without running. JHE BEST, oe ee ee ee Y HOUSLER’S ee el ; FLOUR The Husler Flour Mills ‘Have been remodeled and _—_. equipped throughout with latest Improved Machinery ‘The Husler Brands of Flour are Therefore the Best, —— oo inter-Mountain An icing for cake, that will be found inexpensive and good, may be made by taking three tablespoonfuls of milk and letting it come to a boil.. and Farming Implements SCHOOL. Office 242 Phone Milling State St., Salt 128. Lake City, R. MILLER, Utah. Manager. Elias Morris & Sons Company, Harble and Granite Hints. Ground mustard mixed with a little water and rubbed over the hands removes strong odors from them. Linseed meal answers the same purpose, When bamboo furniture is filled with dust it may be cleaned Monuments. delicate etc. To cleanse tarnished brass eut a4 lemon in two; take one-half and rub on the brass, then wash with warm water, and rub with a leather. with a small Mantels, Grates, Tiles, Ete... We have one dozen fine old {fron Mantels Which we are Selling below cost for 30 days 21-27 W. South Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah. Write for Prices and Designs, brush dipped in warm water and galt. The salt prevents it from turning yellow. Varnished and Painted Floors. —If, once a month, the floors be first wiped clean with a cloth wrung out of warm water, then rubbed with a cloth wet with kerosene and finally rubbed briskly with a coarse woolen cloth,they will keep bright and handsome for years. mply a Matter of Business. dgtoneus sport!” cried the man by the roadside as the scorchers went by. “T can’t see it,” returned his comses who was watering the horse. “That must be because you are prejudiced,” said the man who had first spoken. “It has everything in its favor. J even find it an excellent thing of their matrimonial life was so full of harmony becomes altogether mute. When Edwin shows a disposition to seek society away from home, when he grumbles unceasingly and wnreasoninely, when he flings his relations, so to say, at Angelina; when he sulks; when, in short, hé does any of the aggravating things that he always does, Angelina must hit the happy mean that lies between«absolute silence—which goads a man.to madness—and the addition of fuel to the fire which inevitably results from “answering back” any argumentation. But if women are made so perfect as to hold their tongues when provoked, it is difficult to see where the material for plays and novels is to be found. OUR Isinglass forms a most starch for fine lace, muslins, attended at the school for wives; but it is impossible to imagine how pupils are to be practically trained in tact, which is also included in the curriculum. If the professors can teach this, then future rulers in the divorce court should have a very easy time, and matrimonial become exceptional. be done? Can the leopard change its spots or the Ethiopian his skin? And Edwins- and Angelinas all the world over are daily giving each other all manner of provocation for making those rifts within the domestie lute which so often widen and widen until the Sealers in all kindsof...... Coal, Lumber,—/-/_ the classes for this subject will be well Q Q s information aapply 8S. ooPER, B. EVINS, -A-, General Agt. Salt Lake Denver Col. a Through [eh ade and family sleep? ¢ ears to Chicag Three petesoally conducted toumrist or family weekly excursions to ow _ York and Boston via Chicago or St. Lou's For rates,descriptive pamphlets and all 54,56 to judge as table linen; no fabric where adulterations or. exact qualities are so difficult to discern. In other than high-grade establishments, where one must depend upon personal judgment for the purity of a fabric, there are a few points to keep in mind. Pure linen is hard and slippery, never soft and laundered. IS 52, BAIT LAKH GITY, eo Sen ba bey Sn tr ten bor firs dors th, Me Lis tan Lan iB Ms, Bir, Ai Men di Som en, Ae die bee Lone Sir tine PPO POF POOP FF OPES F YG VO VEE VY RiOST OF... 1 ae 4 < he, te bee Sn er te ¢ < < < < < 4 $ ¢ € S$ € ¢ € € < < 4 < € 4 p 4 < < < 4 4 < ¢ 4 % ‘ < < 4 < < 4 < < < < « ror a Dn Andee OOP FF OS € RR AAA MAL LP AD Lote fy Se Bak Ds, be MB Pe Se kn Be Bs, Sad, dle Me PPO LOS PO PE PE POE ESE CS GEE GEE IE EP OE HITE. ITS BEAUTIFULLY FIGURED W OODWORE, DURABLE CONSTRUCTION, FONE MECHANICAL ADJUSTMENT, coupled with the Finest Set of Steel Attachments, makes it the There KINDS Wire and Iron Work | ere Sm ees Gey eae aI SACRIF ICE, Future Comfort for present seeming aba? but BUY the Sewing Machine with an esteblished reputation that guarantees you long and ceria service: CO .. ALL Fancy A int as to Table Linen. _The preferred table linen is of fine damask with an embroidered cipher. This device is no longer made very Jarge and conspicuous, and is not much greater for the tablecloth than for the napkins. stands, Floral Designs, Elevator Work, Ete. =~ Sm ‘Wo furnish your house complete, All prices. Always the lowest, DON’T : , Guatds, Wire Signs Flower » + | e i have a pees Ce Carpets, me, If my love was deem’d boldness, That error is o’er; I have witness’d re coldness, I love thee no more. Concod DEALERS and Counter Railing, Window ES RETAIL Eurniture, Iron and Steel Fences, Bank, Office Tabie taeiseientsaeaiaes AND to Though sorrow Subdued me, It did not appear Though thy scorn hath pursued Long, long wert thou dear. = WHOLESALE as eetesknodties i Taffeta—Train- dN F om CRAGER WIRE AND ROW WORKS, Thy sweet glance, misleading, On others may shine— Those eyes beam’d unheeding hen tears burst from mine. in this paper, namely: ‘Dr. King’s New Discovery”, “Electric Bitters”, ‘‘Bucklen’s Arnica Salve’, and “Dr. King’s New Life of State & Murray Coral SSessses] Motiff— Last Links Are Broken. Old Favorite Series.) The last links are broken That bound me to thee! The words thou hast spoken Have rendered me free. —————_ ao p. Corner of Tucked Hints ra MOTIF. Tbe is presided over by a careful and experienced Pharmacist. Pre. scriptions compounded any honr at night. We also carry a full line of Staple and Fancy Groceries. ae Sash Few SASH een PRESCRIPVIOK with — WITH Linen. to be found in town. OUR Foulard Wives FOULABB NS Stock “mm the Finest and Best Blouse GRAY egib tactic we carry Gray PEARS MAIDS for business.” Blouse of tucked coral taffeta and cream guipure over white taffeta. A broad searf of black crepe de chine with fringed ends is draped around the figure and knotted at the bust line. Hygtenic Bathing. An authority on hygiene says that systematic use of salt baths will prevent one from taking cold, and avert chapping and roughness of the skin. The Importance of Neat Apparel. The woman who is always well and A handful of common coarse salt disneatly dressed is able to exercise a solved in a basinful of water as cold as greater influence for good than one one’s vitality permits is sufficient for a who is the reverse. The neatly dressed : sponge bath over the entire body. No woman is more attractive to the eye, , Soap: should be used in this bath. It is and the eye is one of the main avenues better to use cold water for the face to the heart. Other things being equal, ' and neck, adding a little hot for the reher influence is more potent than her mainder of the sponging, if desired. Send penis ona ostal for 156 page Iinsgue describing all the @ guns and ammunition y, WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS 60, - E “T don’t,” repliéd the other “From that I infer ay are Biaetor of a livery stable? am. And you?” “Oh, I’m a surgeon.” oe the pro HAVEN, ONLY gaged Conditionally. Radythe—"Are Percy and Beatrice engaged?” Ethel—“Well—er—conditionally! If her papa’s wheat deal goes through all right, of course she would look higher than Percy; and if her papa’s wheat deal goes to smash, of course, Perey would take to the woods.’—Puck. CONF. ONE DOLLAR DOWN Cut this ad. out and send to us wi ith’ whether Gents’ or Ladie: we wil this HIGH GRADE een mae i $40.00 LB CYCLE 60, state you ACME by ex JEWEL as repr resented, and bes enue bargain eard of, pay the ex sein agent alance, ae xpress charge: the ang decane caer ; Power of “What is as woman?” “Gne enough who to Intell idea of anaa knows ahen quit wearing “gowns.”’-—Chicago Recor d. is one of the best bicycles made, finest steel tubing, tael she is old decollete i Coe ea equipment tirousnont ©, 20, 22, @4 Or 26 inch frai ayenntiga Wee” &fnast 2finish, WE Care aed SEND A BINDING Watkye ice or best material throughout, do fetes Cone tions, full bail bearing, ‘o-piece hanger, hig! nade shee ieee ne are handso’ 2g in all these departments OF INTEREST FOR AND MATRONS. —S ESET ETE LL ee °" “Adaresa, SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO, (Ine.) TIGARD ILL, ‘ |