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Show OUR POLICY. META, Wehner ers Latest ==» we Favor ————r Silver, -The Free and unlimited coinage of Amorican Silver, at a ratio of 16 to 1.: SATURDAY, ness a constant improvement of affairs, The merchants who go after business early may expect to reap an early harvest. Those who continue in the active effort for more or -better business, will be rewarded by a full measure of returns. If the business comes to to the Afternoon Meeting. occupy the attic room in their house while the servants reveled ladies’ and gentlemen and the reparticipate in the Peace Jubilee nowned prize LadiesQuartett from exercises to be held there on the the Histeddfod. 24th inet. And Philadelphia has Mrs. L. R. Rhodes, Chairman succeeded in getting orders issued Mrs. H.C. Atewood, Vice. for the following ships to help hairman. make its Peace Jubilee, to be held on the 27th inst.,a success. The Texas, the New Orleans, the Marblehead the Topeka, the Mayflower and the Wiaslow. this week, by declaring in the most positive terms that this government has ne authority to keep an army of occupation in Cuba a day after peace is formally declared; that Congress will not tolerate such ocupation, whieh would by the Cuban be regarded people and by for- eign nations as an act equivalent to a deciaration of war against Cwex @ says we have no more right to keep troops in Guda for garrison purposes after the treaty of peace is’ signed than we would have te garrison England. France, Germany (cr any other foreign country. Senator Foraker’s idea is that as s00n as the Spanish troops have all been forced-out of Cuba, our troops should retire leaviug the Cubans to arrange their govern- ment to suit themselves, and time, is certain that we should then patiently await-the which to ceme, when the Cubans shall ask to be annexed to the U. 8. This is an 2AGLATS. Houses: and lots for sale, enquire atthis offiee. Charles Triplett has moved into Be not deceived! A Cough, ree doctrine preved teo strong for his congregation, most of whom and left the church,” rose The largest cannon in the world Mrs. White, the dressmaker, has was taken by the British when they raoved into Drs. Smith & Jone’s It is nearly 400 | om; ce. conquored India. years old, and was cast for a ehief naiaed Chuleby Koomy Khana of Remember you can go to the hmednager. The insidé of. the “Grand” and come home again the gun is fitted ‘up withreeats, and is @ sanie night. favorit place for British officers te The leeal Republican ticket is go for a noonday smoke. Chas. Holm, Justice of the Peace and George Granter, Constable. The rapid substitution of elecJohn Anderson, the popular tric traction for animal power may be judged from the fact that since shoemaker, has purehased a build£891 the number of horses emp- ing lot on State Street from J ohn P, ahoon. loyed in ‘the street railway service has declined 170,275, nearly 90 per Dyspepsia eae Shilon’ 's Vitalizer immereliev kde oe eee Comi cent. The total length of the lines diately Fo od Distress, “and en tree in the United States ecm 16,039.87 miles. George Granter sees has the official Economy annum tion in carrying out the plans for Hono. Lemuel Eli Quigg hasa hard task before him. He is to support Hero Teddy for governor and oppose Hero William Astor Chanler for Oongress. All heroes will not look alike to Lemuel. Amerigan oceupatien of Cuba on Decembar ist. The American Military Commissioners, at HavaWell written advertisements pull aa, haye been ordered to notify the | best. Spanish Commissioners of our intentioa to take charge of the entire Perseverance is the price of suc- Ladiee, Take the best. If you are troubled with Constipation, Sallow skin, and & Tired Foo: ing, Take Karl’s a over Tea, itis pleasand to take, ol io eer Drug Store. Dr, Joseph Marriott, ropeee te The ladies’ of Crescent Circle, 101, Women of Wooderaft will give a card party at their Hall next Tuesday night, Oct. 25th, Everybody invited. Admission 10 cents. Cake and coffee will be ferret Karl’s Clover Root Tea is a pleasant laxative, Regulates the bowels urifies th blood. Clear, 5 Something for Tax-Payers ‘think About. of Cuba’s debt of $450,000,000,rep- held by French bankers; abeut $50; 90e,000 by “Ameriean capitalists~ $60,000,000 by the Vaticam, and the remaiader by bankers in Ber lin, Vienna and other Eurepean capitals, but the agents of the holders of these bonds have by no means abandoned hope ef getting some provision made semewhere im the deal. for them The news valuation The R. f te knowa.. had. the hich ee Actual ‘tests ‘show it goes ‘onefurther than any other brand. : ty Administratien, confronted by a and ROADS grounds party said that the OUTRAGE must STOP; That the COUNTY and ITS OREDIT. MUST BE SAVED. On that ground it made te the. tax-payers and won an unparalleled Victory. Today it comes. befoxe you again and renders an accounting of its trusts. The record is one of which it may be justly proud. EVERY PROMISE HAS BEEN. KEPT, every duty well performed. County warrants which went ‘‘beggiag” and disgraced upon the street and in the broker shops, within a few months after the Democratic party assumed control, were worth ONE HUNDRED CENTS ON The of running cost THE the various offices was greatly reduced, the public revenue increased as taken from the official Read the folowing figures ifthe Democratic Party its PLEDGE oF records, and see has not ECONOMY in every particular: Total Liabilities of the County on January Ist, 1897, after a career of Republican extravagence, when the Damo crats assumed control, $274, 4 Totol Assets, 87,091 54 Leaving a total Deficit of, $187; 808 91 Thus it will be seen that the Democratic: Administration went in- in car- mecessity Absolutely Pure _ of revenue with ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. missioners had bees compelled to greatly iacrease the tax levy, so as department have been greatly creased since 1896 {n- SUMMARY. Total expenditure of nb ig Commisadditional bonds,which weuld have: piled up the burden of interest for pees of Salt Lake Caunty r the year 1896, $288,433 84 the people to pay, bat, instead of” “Total expenditures of Salt this, They suught to Meet the, Lake County Commissioners 198,254 18 Obligations tiy Unig e in the Ex- for the year 1897, e Year. $12, penses of all Departments. BRIDGES. Making a total saving in one year $90,179 66 LESS THAN HERETOFORE. _ Saving the county in one year, $36.4472.18 e1Ore The taxpayers will be told by that the taxes NOTE: Notwithstanding this great the Eepublicans Expenses in 1896,(Republican) $58,269 76 Expenses in 1897,(Democratic) 21,796 97 TOTAL AMOUNT NOTICE, During the present political eamhave been inereased for the current paign, there will. appear in these year. But this is net the ease, The columns,eandidates, write ups,party. truth is, there has been a decrease tiokets as well as clippings from. in the great majority of cases. The our exchanges bearing on. the ‘po- tion of the Republican Selectmen. County warrants were “hawked” | about the streets at a disastrous diseount. A conditien of absolute ruin was threatened. Something had to be done; some one must.come to the rescue. The Democratic AND the has been to previde additional revenue. Of The Re- caurse, the Board could have issued in 1896, ing the County in One 642.53. with additional prise if the Board ef Couaty Gom- department. $22,545.64. The Democratic expenses for 1897, was $9,903.11, sav- Two years age, Salt Lake County was plunged inte the whirlpool ot despair, by reason of the reckless incompetence and criminal corrup- its appeal 808,91, and which to meet the the enormous interest on this indebtedaess,—it should have eccasioned little sur- reduction of expenditure in this depart— ment, there has been a vast amount of repairs done on roads and bridges with— out the outlay of cash by the county, The facts are, the Democrats did without collected for litical situation, gléamed indiserimmoney just what Republicans did with aggregate of taxes inately from all the party partisan money. Poll tax, which had been ne- this year will be considerably _ sources. We opened these depart. glected during the previous admunistra- than for several years past, tion, has been greatly developed by the shown from the following officia $+ 1 meats solely to maintain our inde. present administration and thousands pendence and for the edification of dollars worth of work on roads and statement of levy for the past three of our readers and with no intent bridges has. been accomplished by this years: to influence opinions or votes. Par means without the expenses to the County literatare, declarations, platty. STATEMENT, OTHER There has forms, advance notices of political SAVINGS. also been a marked Saving ia the condwet of offices of County Commissioners the average reaching More than $3,000 a Year. And this saving, it must be remembered, dees nos include the mileage which thé Republiean Commigsioners received in 1896 in addition to their salaries. The Gounty Attorney’s office has also been able te save money, to the tax payers. Its expenses for Assessment levy, 1896, $1,061,054 68 wee A ASOT, 1s (065, 363 28 meetings, announcements of candi. es st. 4998, "999,341 8 43 dates and all such matter of speNOTE: it must be remembered that cial interest to the centendiag parwhile the County levy as been in- ties will be treated as advertising creased, the assessment valuation has. and eharged for aecordingly.—Ep. been so substantially reduced that GENERAL COMMENTARY. The Guties and work W r. W. W. Rives, eae ANBED — SEVERAL ; Pes WOREH ersons in this State to manageour bus- Wi! hittamore regime, showing a | 87. Stamped Hnvelope. Saving to the the county in six Dept. M. Chicago, Months of $2,489.68. Ineluded in | the salaries and expenses charged to the Attorney’s office in 1897 and 1898 area number of items con- Sons, 238 among them being Frank Atwood is going on apros. "{pecting trip to Omaha. are! one amount of $600 paid for associate CLHRK & CLERK OF COURTS: Salaries and Maintenance: $18,945 95 For the year 1896, For the year;1897, 12, 145 23 Saving to the Ms es they have the agency fer iaUbale S| The ae is an exellent one. eounsel.. COUNTY St., insular Steve Go.,whese stéel rang. tracted by the previous administration, of the ard of State down looking over the field Murray is the interest of the Pete in every the first six months of 1897 were| minty $2,257.32 as against $4,747 under ‘y to $16,529.15, of this pa- tetal bonded indebtedness of $470,800, bearing interest at 5 per cent, and requiring $25,000 a year to Fall business has opened. Not renizing the local paper and are with a rush but with a satisfaetory payiag for.the inducements they improvement. Money, though not hold cut te the people. They ought as easy as most people desire, is te have, and certainly do get, good freer than it has been, and bids fair returns from their advertising here to show still farther improvement. and in the outside country where ded indebtedness of the County or burden the people with increased taxation, the Demeeratic administration determined to pay off this The next three moths should pears in another column per. wit- the soaring Kacum circulates. remaining indebtedness from the savings which would result from ecenomical conduet of the varieus departments, The following ag - the result in the people’s taxes for all purposes have been considerably reduced. County: in one year, 72 From Jan. Ist to June 30, 1898, $6,332 15 NOTH: The work of the County Cie: k’s department has been largely in— creased under the new law, which re- — the clerk to do a considerable portion of the Probate business, which the J Gages ee performed under the old law ,Tbe new law also added to ths leis: duties ihat of eee of births and deaths. The work in the District courts has been af ie one-fourth greater in 1897 and 1808 than in Sadar ness years, as is evidenced by the fact that} nearly one third more cases have been disposed of in court, leaving the Trial calendar, instead of more than two years behind, as it was January, ‘She. 1897, scarcely SHERIFF, RECORDER AND Dee. 31st, 1897, the expenses were $6,797.50 and from Jan. Ist to June 30th, 1898. $6,950 00, showing an week will afford _ buying opportunities Extremely hand-- snme garments, best produetions of mention of prices here, many others _ | Women’s ‘of equal iaportance, just as low. price, Golf Capes, bay styles ' average saving of $9,000 a Year. of fabrics in double faced Salaries and waintenance for current work in 1896 in the Reeorder’s Office, $9,866.20. Salaries and maintenance for current cloths, with hoods, brown and greens. Colors tan, Very warm, for which work 1897, $7,895.83, Saving the county in One Year $1,970.37. This is exclusive of $2,390.08 paid the book of the West Mining and eepying same Moantain (Bingham) District, in net an expense in 1897, which is the ordinary in Beautiful’ Capes. skilled tailors, “Values which nowomaa within a day’s ride of the 4h city cam afford to miss. Merely a . ASSESSOR. As an instance of saving ia the Sheriff’s office. these figures are cited: From July 1st to Deo. 31, 1896,theRepublicans spent $11,279. The next six months saeDemocrats but $5,665.80, saving te the county in6 mon.$5,613.20.FremJuly Ist to coming wonderful one year behind at the present time. All this extra work has been peformed by a reduced force compared with the office force of 18 serviceable and golfing. stylish garments are excellent uss this week, « $10. 00 val- ~ “$5.00 Silk seal Plush Calas 80 inches long embroidered with silk and beads, all. black satin rhadame lined blackfur edged rolling collar and front, worth, copying the records and for preof Hon. Seth Low an@ Hon, Joe reading same. This item was con- £12.50 for Choate both made speeches at Mr. tracted for in 1896 by the old Board From two to three wagons are in pay the interest, and still leaving Platt’s big rally. Ag a lion and Kersey Cloth Capes, perfectly plains no of County Commissioners, and is Handsome lamb performance it was a great Murray every week delivering $67,808.91 of the old indebtedness net an item of expense incurred by trimming but strapped edges of self, plaid groceries, every week. They de- unpaid and unprovided for. Rather success. serve the trade they get here. from than still further increase the bon- the present County recorder. lining, large storm collar.a special value at Assessor’s Office: Under the order of the fact that they are liberally patamounts resented by Spanish bonds, about _ 'wo thirds of which are said to be the TAXES. raising ing for building and grounds, were to eee a cent one publican expenses REPUBLICAN EXTRAVAGENCE. island at that date. Spamish troops |C°® to power with Nearly $200,000 may remain in Cuba after that No effort is wasted which builds more of Indebtedness in current time, but they will have no author- business for the future. “lve never dampuinad it pay- liabilities than the ceunty had ity there. ing my ‘poll tax,’” remarked an assets. It was If advertising is well done it pay- old Murrayite a few days age. “But - if is pays, its well done. I think it an injustice to me, to debtedness laitived Federal office-hoiders will not be excess of the legal debt There are 5:9 students now en have to walk around in the mud in. wine in taking the hint c@nveyed all winter, while my money is used limit, and the new county adminiserry Heath, First Assistant rolled at the State University: to make reads in front of some one tration insisted that .the court oe General, when he said, Business wit has greater pulling elses’ premises.” _|should pass upon this question bein a published interview: “There Breadfully Nervous. fore it undertook to pay off this is absolutely nothing inthe civil power in ads. than college sense. s:—I was dreadfully gh haras ae for enormous heritage of debt. : After service laws that forbids a postIt isn’t advisable to use a half}, eoitet Ge abe Karl’s Clove master, or any other government page when a half column will an- ee my ervyes and strengthened my the status ofa. portion of this inhole Nervous system. I was troubled with debtedness was fixed by the Court’s official, frem participating in Con- swer. Consumption, Kidney and Bowel trouble. decisions as being legally binding, ventions, making political speeckYou ea soon cleansed my system so man of business judgement ipatongne the Board of County Commissionia I rapidly regained health €8, or exersising any of the rights A strength. mrs 5 Sweet, ie ers issued $120,000 of 5 per cent. that beleng to him as a private can easily do advestising that is and Conn. Sold by pioneer Drug Store, Dr. Jos “| bonds and inaugurated a system of individual. For my ewa part, I profitable. Marriott, proprietor ECONOMY ia all departments se as have never been able to see why Look at the past experiences for the mere faet that a man holds an pointers on making the. future Mrs. L. R. Rhodes, Chairman of to be able to pay off this big indeboffice should make it impossible yield profits. Ladies’ Dem. Auxilliary County tedness. The situationfin brief was this: for him te exercise his privileges as Committee, accompanied by . Mrs. The contract has been let for a Geo. H. Wood, Secretary of the The €ounty had a bonded indeban Amerieam citizem or te identiwater works system at organization, paid the Eacuz of. tedness of $350,000, drawing 5 per fy himself with the party to which modern Fort Douglas. he owes allegiance,” fice a visit, Wednesday. The la cent. iaterest; and it became neceessary to issue an additional $120,——J-— The quarterly salaries of the 44 dies were here arranging for a ooo to pay off the more urgent of An anThe general belief inWashington state officials, clerks and deputies, meeting, October 25th. nouncement of the meeting ap- these contingent claims, makiag a bas been from the beginnisg that this eountry would not pay this fhe saving on Lawn How Great Sums of Money have Been Saved to the Tax. Payers of Salt Lake County, During the Last Two Years. ‘kept in at the Joint Building more than loo per cent. 4! DOLLAR. announcement the was made over the last six months of Republican rule. The savings has averaged more than $6,500 per eB ee ficials, records as where sav- a Saving in Six Months of $3,592.27 entirely new view _of the question, Edison says that women have);faith in the future of Murray. He and better public service given and if it be shared to any considerhas purehased twe lots on State than ever before. In fact, there able extent in Congress, there is more quickness and insight about Street this week, has been a betterment in the adtrouble ahead, as it is directly machinery than men have, and in ministration of County affairs from “Hogan's Alley?’ had a gaod ran every possible standpoint. opposed to the views and plans of carrying out the details of his electrical inventions he employs them at the “Grand” this week. Next the administration. In substantiation of these claims where practicable. He has more week’s sttractioas promise to be the UNDESTABLE and ABSOthan two hundred. women oa his more interesting thas this week. LUTE truth is herewith presented According teWarDepartment af. pay roll. cabled from Madrid, that the Spanish government intended to keep astrong force of troops ia Cuba until after the treaty of peace has been signed, will cause no devia- official instances, they are, tell an eloquent story of bonded indebtedness of $350,000 Democratie economy. Salaries and and a floating indebtedness off187,- oe Cure that etree with Shiloh’s Cure. The best Cough Cure. Relieves Cr: ony promptly One million pditiag soid last 40 doses for 25 cents. Sold by The wawuce Deas Store. Dr. Joseph nana Proprietor. these maintenance in the Engineering, Janitor and Elevator Departments, his new house. ‘he Westminster Gazette tells Croup are not to be trified with. A dos time ofsniton, sCure will save you r uch ad thie little story: “The vicar of ble. Sold The Pioneer Store. Dr. Joseph Corleston, England, in a recent ser- Marriott, fos mon, stated that he believed ina Court Avenue should be opened future life of animals, and that he through to the railroad tracks. weuld far rather meet them in heaventhan he would some human Mr. James Sanders starts on his beings of his acquaintanee. This mission the latter part of net week, where toknow taken from al fe a is Sere Senator Foraker expleded a bombshell on the Cuban question, were County Cemmitte, on Tuesday Oct. 25th from 2 te 5 p. m.in Bagley’s Hall. Prominent speakers both Be et oS ao acapees ocr eer ous requests Secretary Long has ordered the Nashville, the Wil mington, the Montgomery, and the Princeton to Charleston, 8. C., to payers ew ings were made. Every item canTt ought to have occasioned litnot be shown in detail, but these tle surprise if the Demoeratic Goun- the effort. see some of the fighting ships of Meeting under the auspices of The in all the dalntiness and richness our mavy. In response to numer- Ladies’ Democratic Auzxilliary of the first and second floors, the current been inconsistently lew,in a great major. ity of instances,.it resulted in considerable reduction in valuation and in the establishment of a fair basis of valuanistration, andin keeping up the ion heavy interest on the a Notwithstanding all this Sis labor bonded indebtedness: and expense, there was a Saving of $242.07 in six months” of WHERE THE SAVING WAS MADE, 1897, over the previous six months It will be interesting tothe tax of Republican administration. Democraie Ladies’ the Deme- from cratic administration has succeeded The work of the Commission assumption of one dollar of Span— that is engaged in investigating the ish indebtedness by this govern-| It is said thatthe highest stories war will, after this week, be trans- ment, and even granting that our in Chinese hotels are most expenferred from be eee to the mil- Peace Commissioners could be per- sive, because the breeziest. There itary camps.. The Commission will sueded to incorporate a clause far may possibly be another reason for |start Sunday ms facksonville, Fla., such payment, in the treaty, which| is difference in expense. The to investigate the camp occupied is not probable, success would still ' Chinese are said to regard it as the by the volunteer corps commanded be negotiated at Paris must receive proper thing for the servant to oeby Gen, Fitzhugh Lee. It is un- the approval of the President and eupy the first floor, while the mas. derstood that among the officers in of two-thirds of the Senate before it ter lives on the floor above, so that that camp who will be asked becomes binding, and should it his servant will not. be (literally) 40 appear before the Commission provide for any expenditure of mo- above him. This idea was carried willbe Col. Bryan, of the Third ney, legislation by beth branches out_by a Chinese professor who of Congress would be necessary beNebraska regiment. once lived at Cambridge, Mass., 9 fore it could be made. with the result that the professor Vs. eee gate ice There seems tobe a general desire and his family were obliged to among the citizeas of our seacoast ities to be given an opportunity to ures will shew how far in saving money the department. While it may have increased the valuation of property in a MTT] opposed $1.50 A YEAR. 1898, expenses to apply on the indebtedness left by the Republican admi- tesiimeny is that. most of the trou- lized in the interest of the holders a merchant naturally he is to be bles resulted from the inexperience of Spanish bonds, they -are likely{ congratulated, but if he, by juot those eharged with the care of to failfer the simple reason that dicious advertising, keep it coming, the mien. public opinion in this country is he is foolish if he does not make]? overwhelmingly OCT. 22 2 yy Europe- UTAH, running of the office. Also exclusive of $1,171.20 paid to Col, Geo. B. Squires and C. F. Emery for the Democratic County Commissioners, the Assessor, with theaid ef special de uties'in all parts of the County, was required to make a somplete examina— tion and investigation of ‘he property in theCounty,with a view to establishinga uniform and just basis of valuation. This involved a considerable expense over ard above the ordinary eee of original price $8 50, now Commences — 5.00 Monday, Oct: QA b, Waiker Bro’s, Dry Goods Co. ase » aes Ee Se: * e ae AU from Paris shows that the ak capitalists who hold the Spanish bonds representing the $40,000,- Special. The evidences heard this week 000 debt of the Philippines are also does not differ materially from that at work trying to get the Peace taken during the first week. No Commissioners to saddle that debt criminal neglect has been shown. upon the U. 8. Powerful as are The sum and substance of the weeks the influences that are being uti— COUNTY, i CORRESPONDENCE. Washington. SALT LAKE aS MURRAY, 3 ou NO. 7. PR SIENA Be VOL. Vv. 604 cents. Copper, castings, 114cts, Lead, brokers, $3.70. asecai Ld . |