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Show i i, a : aoe . ft f out her buggy, and sustained some slight but not serious bruises. 3 and business of Liast Jordan and no less so of Murray proper on whose skirts’ the plant will border, seat NESS her without announcement, retura home fron: ad drive, on her| [UAST Char- Niuili s Re other cover means of Seeuaea the evil, inter- Mbhe Division is making A historia D. F. Cahoon will open a notary Webber and-Lawrence Orate reeord of all important fires. which e— 4 on Eo were. enjoyed ver a after here are looming signs ofa real, This action is due chiefly to the have occured ia the U.S. since 1754. office next to Gordon’s store. which delicious . real-estate boom in Murray. falling of the natural supply of this American &Bagie serve Many people indifferent to poli- material iu all but the newer por- Although yet incomplete,;. this in-_ George Clawson, of Murray, has dicates that the annual: ee ties missed the discussion in the re-enlisted in the hospital corps. Publisbhed every Saturday by Cacter and Parson have opened a About 1,000,000 Tn slugish Tiv n ‘HERBINE, i Opera House last night. It was a tious of the U.S. loss by forest burniags in the T. 8. painting shop in the Johnson Hall. consumed an- is, at the very lowest. $26,000; ie. : The T American Hagle Pub. Co. its beneficial ac on upon. the bilia- rally of hot blast without any gas,| acres of timber: are D. ¥. Cahoon is ’engaged in surnually by railroads in buildings Ic will probably run far above this veving land for the Walker Bros. Mr. A.W.Wadstrom has secured ry tracts, renders the. bile more yet ‘dispassionate and full of meaty SU oo PION: and repairing, and, at the present fluid, and brings iNe..diver into a a position in the Germania Mer-— sum as the Pacific coast states have One Yoar, $1. and historical allusions. The attenS.A. Ahlberg has disposed of the in-, been partially examined. Accounts sound, healthy condition, thereby dance was not in keeping with the rate of timber depletion, : Six Ties $1.00. cantile store as clerk, some property he owned near Lehi. material will] of over 5,500 disastrous fires’ have Three Months, $0.7 banishing the sense of drowsiness, population but was fair considering creased cost of such Pivevike wishing ai Bees & changed must se he soon be a serious factor in railroad The road supervisor’s attention lethargy, : and the general feeling of been obtained in the 17 States alGet up early and drink in the pure both ald aud new it being the first rally here and economy. The Santa Fe line has. is called to the stagnant and bad apathy which arise from disorders ready examined. ‘Michigan, Mipexhilirating air these beautifal sundemocratic. Mr. Webber spoxe in already done some ADVER TISHMEN'LS: experimental water along Murray street. of the liver. Price 50cts. at Murray part: nesota and Wisconsin have-suffered ny mornings. Rates will ve furnished on application. planting, and the results have done Drug Co. the most severely.. These records. eta “The people of Utah were surpris- much to stimulate Rumors are that Miss Lizzie interest. This J.P. MeOmie has taken ont a Noru:— Advertisements must be xe‘ tled for ed and astonished at the way in road planted 1,280 acres in catalpas are taken chiefly from newspapers, Hadley and F', H, Cannegieter will apathy Advertisements will be run until commission and is now a full-fledgMr. A.M. Anderberg, who exand where it has been possible to which JudgeKing jumped into pro- 15 years ago.. order stopped. and charged for accordingly. s00n be united in the holy bonds of The total expense ed Notary Public ects to hve his paint shop finUopy for advertisements must be in. not wedlock. They are both prominent ished by the first of May,will have minence and power when he became was: $128,000; but it is estimated compare them with the fieures of later than eet afternoon to insure fusertiou next amember of Congress.” said he by the railroad officials that ‘in ten practical lumbermen, it ‘has been A few. prominent popi Ni8ts in young people in Murray. a spacious place for carriage and found that the tendency of the press . “Among the 15 or 20 men who & ohh; Murray Pas Lo t@ as second Murray refuse to be shifted over years more the tract will have probuggy paitting, Mr. Anderberg Jags inatte WANTED SEVERAL PERSONS FOR DIS might be pointed out as the leaders duced $2,560 ,000 worth of poles,ties | is to underestimate the damage to any other party. trict Office Managers‘in this state to re- is an artis6 at his trade. and withal people included our Congressman. and posts. M. A. WiiioMssy, Hiprror. ale a see, in their own and surrounding has show good business judgment Albert Anderberg is building a presentme counties. os to pay yes arly, $600, payaHe stood shoulder to shoulder with Having become convinced of the} in his velipyre; When a wagen or sirable pu pien ment with un paint shop near the livery stable. MU Pe PO} f- OV. EL ki, WORSE THAN. WAR. them. He isnow making a most usual bor ianides. References exchanged necessity of growing their own timbuggy is Sentto him you may deIt is to be 16x30. Office hours 8 a. ope: m . Hundreds are kilied in’ war, ae cgpsit excellent campaign and is now Enclose self-addressed canned envelope. Sundays--F Fore. ot to F) a ber, the railroads naturally wish to. ‘ | pend on getting a first class job in rends of uhousands are killedby conA. Park, 320 Caxton Building, Chicago, ee {5 a, m. ae 5p: m making powerful speeches, which The people on the hill had _better ‘Phere would be no Sens ab take advantage of the assistance of-. “sumption. up to date style and all work guar-| Mail a epar §—9.30 a.m. and 3.30 gaining votes fasb. Judge King fered by. the Government ‘to tree | ll caused by this this terrible ‘diseuce, Mone Graek and Register tsnOpen For the quickest and best route anteed to give satisfaction, get amoveon them. The town has I are “trom 9a. m.to4 p.m. daily See ve eid te if people could be made to understand isa man of wide experienze who to the homes of the best people of stabeed going auntie rapidly v: planters— which consists of expert thas Sbiloh’s Cough and C€onsumpti: n hasa large knowledge of public af. tthe valley use the Amurican Eagadvice. and of the working plans Cure is asure remedy if taken in ae The ptlaaae dasbleut was legac The public is urgently requested A fall line of wall paper: oF all iu. -Itis the real advertising mefairs. Mr. Hammond is without a for planting, based on personal ex- early stages. 25cts., 50cts. and $100. the .American Mathematical to jcaiat in making this page a cre- grades and colors, at Salt-diake dium, circulating i in the field where inMonthly: experience and no one has ever amination. The object of the gov- bottle Druggists will refund the nee ditable reflect of all local happen- prices—from 15c up to 22¢ pei # if a cure is not affected. At Dr. Joseph charged him with having enough the bees, bud. ernment is to demoastrate the vyal- Marriott’s. A Quaker once, we understand, ings. If you know of anything of L. Ernastrom’s Furniture Store, ability to be a congressman.He has For bis three sons, laid off his land; ue of tree plantations to land ownlocal interest, do not take the chan- Murray, Utah. uliggion Routeis now the And made thres equal circles meet made a fair secretary of state so far ers,especially those in the treeless ces of our hearing of it without on second longest ,railroad in the So as.to bound an acre ea as the clerical abilities are concern- regions of the West. 1) *{} Books of Moses, Silent Dun’s Review, March 10: Trae world. your assistance, drop usa note telleuod. Rasdkbinnienstoan and the Now in the gente rof the Friend, Was fou ad the dwel eee of the Quaker | ing simply the facts. Parties,social starts slowly. with light orders and absorption ofseveral small Towa “Bat supposing the positions A system of co-operation for the Friend and many other valuable, rare and gatherings of all kinds, personals only fair collections. There'is cont lines, ha've increased: its mileage In the éerter of the circles round, useful books coming summer has been arranged were reversed, and Mr. Hammond A dwelling for each son was found. anything, everything goes to make siderable renewing of Papers and until itis now 4787 miles long.’ Now can you teil by skill or art, was the Democratic nominee, I between the Division of Forestry CATALOGUE FREE. money in demand. up the attractions of a local page. a bas rods ‘they live apart. should still ask you to vote the ar the forest reserve work of the Address, W ony SEVRAL FP ERRSONS FOR DIS. Democratic ticket. ‘There are prin- U. S. Gevlogical survey. The latter A crowd of friends surg tisba'Mir trict Office Managers in this state to BOOK AGENOY, PALYYR@IA . WANTED—We will pay $12.00 a ee me in their.o own and sutrounding isa inek of the Department of ciples i in this contest which ars of Frank LHatchell last Thursday counties. © Willine to. pay yearly $600, ‘pay- a wéek salary to either a man or woniaa night. Theevening was enjoyed able weekly. Desirable empicyment with ss represent the Midland Monthly Mag- More importance than mere men. the interior. Field parties of each Zine as a subscription solicitur. Lhe udge King is an advocate ofbime- division will -collect information merrily and a good all-around. so- unusual oppottunities, References exchange. ed. Enclose self-addressed stamped enyelope. Midland is the same size as McClures or talism,and Isay the people of Utah desired by the other, and, in some ey Peipgras will build a ae cial revival was speut. os avhtes 8. A. Parke 230-Gaxton Building, ‘Chicago. Ls Cosmopolitan, It is now in its sixt are in favor of free silver. He instanees, exchange of mén may ear and is the only Magazine of thi Room 351. City and County Building, Mr. Geo. CC. Olson sold his’ plas, To bilidtivhess, HERBINE, by lind published in the great Central West + | Stands for the election of U. S. sen- be made. This system marksa One of Paul ae children consistiag of 4 acrs of land with expelliug from the body the excess A handsome premium given tu each sub- ators by the people. He stands distinct change from conditivns of Assitant Geun Attorney.... Salt Like City ig very sick, ouse and improvements, to ‘Mis. of bile and acids, improves the as- seriber. Send 10 cents for a copy of the against trusts; he stands for an a few years ago, when there was Midland and premium list to the T'wenCarrie5. Glase, who comes from the similitive precesses, purifies the sharp rivalry between the scientific L. H. GRAY, Hyrum - fee will build a east. The consideration was $1,000. blcod, and tones up and _strength- TinTH coe Pupiisaisa Co., Sb. American financial policy.” service. Mr. Lawrence spoke as a Popu- branches of Government Louis, cottage. : LAND.& MINING ATTOBNEY ens the the entire system. Price list. He declared that the Popu- The Geological Survey will give esIt WILL DO YOU GOOD. Room 809, Templeton, As a cure for rheumatism Cham5o ets. Murray Drug Co. pecial attention to collecting data lists Should vote for Judge King Peter Spenson lost a 13 year old A Blood Purifier and Vissue Builder berlain’s Pain Balm is gaining a because he represented principles on forest fires for the Division of — is Karl’s Clover Root Tea. Soild for LAKE CITY, UTAH. sizl, last Sunday. half a century on our guarantee, Money The Misses Holman of Sandy on wide reputation. D. B. Johnston more closely identified with Popu- Forestry. refunded if results are not satisfactory. A baby boy was born to Mrs. ‘their return from St. Louis called of Richmond, Ind., has been troubl- lists than those for which Mr Ham8O8 25 and 50 cts. at. Pioneer Drug Chas. Triplett dast ae on the Eaeiz and left a large order ed with that ailment since 1862. In mond stood. {nvestigation of the cause, ae | Store He advocated the for job printing and one of those speaking of ithe says: “I never initiative and referendum, explain- and means of prevention of fores - Don’t forget the St Patrivk’s Ball “The aos rally at theWard long, lingering, eatrancing smiles found any thing that ‘would relieve ing that a constitutional amend- fires in the West,will be-earried on now open forstudenta. Those wishing ab the Opera House to- Basa | House last Monday night was a to- that made even. the old”“king of me until T used Chamberlains Pain ment covering it would be submit- this summer in Washington, Ore- to enter will apply ‘to S. W. DENNIS, gen, Galifornia, Arizona, New Mex- 1, D., D.D.S ,: Dean, at the College. Mrs. Chas. Raymond is’ up and tal failuré Owing to lack of adver— feathers feel like he was flying Balm. It acts like magic with me. ed.at the election next fall. taings” Hardly auybody were pre- through the seventh heaven. ae and McAilister Sts., A. D, My foot was swollen and pening “The Populists did not want to ico, ‘Utah; Colorado ,Wyoming,Mon- Cor: areound: ae after a long sick =o Ll|sent VHS, S. D. D.S., Parrott *Buildand the speakers were highly me very much, but one good applitana, Idaho, South Dakota. Besides Soa ing, San Francisco, California. Send for For broken limbs, chilblains, cation of Pain, Balm relieved me. puta nominee,” said Mr. Lawrence nd” ‘Nira, Franks “of: “Salt disg usted. “for Judge King represents the ia— field study, designed chiefly to dis- announcement. | burns, sealds, bruised shins, sore For sale by Murray Drug Co. @ were visitors ini ae Eri-| terests of the people very closely. xe Ms Cahoon has returned ee throat, and sores of every kind, apey the election of senasome, of his men from Tecoma, Nev- ply BALLARD'S SNOW LINE General passenger agent Francis He been “mining. MENT. It will give immediate re- of the Burlington, at Omaha, re- tors by a direct vote of the people. : Miss Nettie Hofheines, hale Mr. ada, where he has He is opposed to Price 25 ceived a unique letter the other day We favor it. Sam Whittle, were married’ ‘last Mr. Cahoon will likely take a trip lief and heal any wound. to some of the Klondike regions in and 5octs. At Murray Drug Co. It read:—*I want to go to San trusts, aud all the iniquities of the Monday. the near future, in the interest of Francisco March Ist.”’?. Mr Francis present administration. So are we.” Mr. Lawrence declared that the Sheriff Goldman had a job put- says that this is the briefest com-— NE Robert yslaaa has - moved his mining business. ting Chas Robiuson in the cooler. family to Salt Lake City where he munication of the kind he ever re- Philippine war was one of conquest LOOK AT YOUR FACE. He had to be pushed along by foree ceived. Most. people, when they which will bring “uropean coiplihas secured work. And see if it reflects health or dis= ought to all write for information about a pro- cations that the country ease. Karl’s Clover Root Vea beautities until he reached the cell when Mr. Joho Williams is improving theface and complexion, assures poerfact resistance ceased. - When the pris Bothheand Mr. Webber spective journey, ask from 10 to 30 avoid. his residence with a fine new square health. All druggists, 25 cts, and 50 cts, ener had cooled off he was let out silver questions, and itis a relief for a went quite freely into the Money refunded if results are not satis— picket fence in front. question and denounced the curon his own recogiznanceat the mercy passenger man to reply to a comfactory. For sale at Pioneer Drug Store of the court until the next criminal munication as much to the point rency bill just signed by the PresiTne psrents of Miss May 8.Glase dentin severe terms. They said it STOLEN:—One driving horse session. as this one was. will probably locate in’ Murray. would give control of the currency stolen from Neal McMiilan, Jight We extend them a welcome. Jennie Swenson, daughter of Mr. Johan Bohn died last Wednes- tothe banks and establish firmly sorrell or yellow, very odd color. Mrs. Per, Swenson — died day morning at 5 o’clock. He had money monoply. both and Mr. Cannegicter Sr. has rented dark stripe down the back, “the np-stairs ofHotel Murr ay, which hind feet. white above the ankle. last Monday after a long illness of been suffering more or less from SOO Weighs about 950° pounds. No typhoid fever. The littie girl was the rheumatic ailments and dishe au run as a lodging house. about 14 years old. Funeral took comforts of old age but was taken brands. Well bred. Division of Forestry. A’ small piees"6f hot slag: flew in ALL THE [ CREATIONS INplace from the Scandinavian meet— keenly illa week ago. Mr. Bobn Will Bandall’s eye, burning him The 6th anniversary ofheWest ing House Thursday at 1 o’clock is one of the oldest residents—in peetay: it happened Tuesday Side Sunday School will take place and was well attended by ‘friends fact one of the pioneers who came The famous Johnstown flood of nigh t, Aprili2thand will be sceording and relatives. across the plains with the handeart May 81, 1896, will probably soon be to Supt. D. B.Jone’s arrangements, recalled to the public by an attémpt Albert Shaw has engaged with a celebrated in the Opera There are few ailments so uncom- brigade in the early fifties. He was House in 77 years old. The funeral. takes to reforest a large portion of the contractor in Salt Lake, for a year, grand style. The program will be See as piles, but they can easi- place today (Saturday) at 12 m. Conemaugh watershed to prevent to supervise the construction of];announced later. ly be cured by using TABLER’S further damage from freshets. The from the Ward House. work. BUCKEYE PILE OINTMENT. Johnstown Water Company,which RICH BLOOD. Relief follows its use, and anyone It is anticipated that the great controls 5000 acres of mountain With two smelters and a sugar Tt the stomach and bowels perform their suffering from piles can afford to Sunday School Jubilee of Granite land,has asked the Division of Forfactory the little hamlet, Bast Jor- duty,the blood is rich in all the element neglect to give it a trial. Price 50 Stake which begins to-morrow estry to devise a plan by which the don, ought to boom as she never needed fo assure perfect health. Karl’s tubes 75ets. At morning at 10 o'clock in the South Clover Root fea taken as directed.Prize cts. in bottles, did before. area can be re-covered with timber 26 cts. aad 50. cus. Money refunded if Murray Drug Co. Cottonwood Ward House will sur- and the too rapid run-oft of the The sugar beet company wil you are aot catistied, For sale at Piopass all expectations in attendance, neer Drug Stu About the first of April Loss arrangements anda lso in good re- rainfall prevented. begin laying pipes at once connect: The region is peculiarly liable to The same old genial Harvey Creek willbe stocked with brook sults. ing the Lehi plant with the one Where will be a morning ceshets, owing to a geological charat and afternoon session, near Murray. Stout is back in Murray with his trout fromthe State hatchery instead of acter and the removal ofits timber. string of Studebaker wagons and Murray. Itis likely the streams the regular morning Sunday School The Republican county commit-- buggies. Mr. Stout thinks the town will be closed to anglers | fora term and afternoon service, with a well The now historic catastrophe,which swept :way $10,000,000 in proper tee are trying to get the governor has grown since he was here last of years and the county commismade-up program for each session. ty and half as many livesas the batto stump Murray but have not yet summer and anticipates more sales sioners will insist that ‘screens be The officers of the various schools decided on a date. placed across the head of canals will be especially banqueted and tle of Gettysburg, was but an exof buggies than ever before. aggerated instance of many similar and ditches taken from the creek. no doubt everybody will heartily Mr. Peter Thill,, who has been floods. This tendancy has been inMr. H. W. Brown at the school --Richfleld Reaper. enjoy the oceasioa, working at the H. B. Smelter for meeting creased by logging of the timber proposed a free-handed some time,has moved his family to scraping bee, for farmers with sera- VWANTED—SEVERAL BRIGHT anp and cleariag numerous farms, so Hovest persons to represent us as Butte, Mont. where they will reside pers and decide on a day to dress that the rainfall Jows quickly from Managers in this and close by couhties. hereafter. down the school grounds for lawn Salary 3900 “a year and expenses. Special Offer to Our Readers the surface, causing high water at bona ‘fide, no more, no less salaone time and the drying up of A full line of wall paper of all and gravel and thus save the nec- Strdight, ry. Position permanent. Our references We desire to call your attention springs later. grades and colors, at Salt Lake essity of being taxed to do this. acy bank in any town. It is mainly ofto the special announcement made The Johnstown Water Co. has tice work condireted at home. Reference. prices—from 15¢ up to 22¢ per roll! The idea is certainly first-rate. on auother page of this issue, bought up many of these farms and Maclose selfaddressed stamped envelope 4, Ernstrom, “Furniture. Dealer, FIVE THINGS. foxes vlna Don ee ee eae i) haye arranged with | torn down their buildings,and nowoF nar hag pes ‘The Domrmon Company, Dept 3 Chicago. whereby we SS a ee eee Murray, Utah, The five diseases for which Shiloh’s —/ the Press Publishing Association of! wisbes to expedite their. return to Consumption Oure is especially recomThe disposition of children large- Detroit, Michigan, to enable our the forest. Tho Democratic committee has mended, are Coughs, Colds, Whooping The tract is in a sand— ly depends upoa health. Ifthey are Consumption. N readers to participate in the dis- stone region, much broken, with eduled on their program for! Cough, Croup ever made by man isequal to troubled with worms, they will be tribution of $25,000 in cash prizes, valleys averaging 350 feet in ‘depth. ray March 30,W. H. King and itmedicine in any respect. Sold under a positive irritable, cross, feverish, and per- for guessing the population of the Ju The timber consists of hemlock,oak ge Powers, who will speak at guarantee. Money backif it fails. 28 haps serious! sick. WHITH’S U.S. for 1900. You will do usa locust and ash,with some beech and the Opera House that night. cts., 5octs. and $1.00 a bottleat Pioneer CREAM VERMIFUGEH is a worm favor by calling your friends’ and poplar. The openings are from 20 Drug Store. expellerand tonie to make them Sufficient water power could be neighbors’attention to this remark- to 50 acres. Everybody isi admiring the lovehealthy and cheerful. Price 25cts. able offer. obtained near James Godfrey’s to As soon as the weather permits ran an electric plant and a system ly spring weather and “wondering At Murray Drug. Co. J.W. Toumey, Superintendent of ow it is nature can beso good to of water works for Murray. The Tree Planting, and another work-— DIED: -A& Bingham of so wicked a people, Yesterday the fall would be about 30 degrees. ing-plan expert of the Division of secret was discovered. The post- monia, March i6, Theos. Bates, hus.Horestry, will examine the region The ‘property of Harry Rogers mistress was seen wearing a straw band of Jessie Bates, daughter of and decide on a plan of reforestrawas sold under the hammer the hat and itis “supposed she is the our old townsman, John MeClerry. tion. .In the clearings, tree plantother day for $750. Mr. L. B. vestal fairy who is forcing the seas- Our local undertaker, J.P.McOmie. ing will be required. An attempt furnished the casket -and- went to Powell, who held a $500 mortgage n. i will probably be made to increase Bingham for the remains. The on the’ property, became the purARW YOU MARRIED. of what you are missing in life the stand over the whole area by chaser. funeral services will take place from To the old time belief that pig 3 by using cheap package coffee. skillfully assisting natural reprodacthe: residence of Mr. McClerry, on the Chicago Special is| great. it’s a genuine tion is incurable? If so you are wedde Suppose you try some Mr. Will Miller and Neal MeMil- to amistaken notion. delight to eetttle down in one of those big comforttion. Protection from fire and catSunday at lo o’elock. Shiloh’s Cough able chairs, and through plate glass windows watch lan hadsome horses stolen last and Consumption Cure has overcome tle will also be required. The expense the plains of Nebraska and tbo tiolds of lowa ana My son has been troubled for Tuesday night. The horses were many 2 serious case, and it never fails will be shared by the Government Hlinois go skimming past you at—I don’t know tied out by the Ward House and when taken in the early stages. One years with chronic diarrhea. Someand the Water Co., the former furbow mee miles an ho ur. alk about smooth bottle will prove more to you than a time ago I persuaded him to take where taken while Mutual was go- whole columnof argument. riding! |nishing thee pert work and, possiby, I sat at the writing-desk in thai l‘I'ry it. Bybrary ear, and wrote a letterjost as slick as a whising on, ery bottle guaranteed, 25 cts., 50 cts. some of Chamberlain’s Colic, Chol— (bly, some of the material for plant— tle. —Interview with a well known Denver merand get the full, delicious flavor ing. eraand Diarrhea Remedy. After and $100 at Pioneer Drug Store. chan Four sweet boys gotinto a row using two bottles of the 25-cent size for which these coffees are famous, Tag trains a day from ae to the Bast—the The story has been told and reat the WardHouse the night of the Sold. in @buln., only, “at/ 2g. to The Division of Forestry is in he was cured. I give this testimony Chicago special at i a: he Vestibuled Biyer toldin private and in print and 9th, over two damsels ow across Ib., according to consultation with: three important ial hoping some ote similariy afflic- 40 cents per. at 10.00 p m—Om T Oh aus Kansas City, St. the: river. When they got through- may come true that the United ted may read it and be benefited.— variety. Louis. railway companies over a contem— Through silat ers daily, Ogden to Ct iicago POR SALE BY via Denier and the Buriington. none of them were .so handsome, States company will shortly begin ‘Taomas C. Bowrr, Glencoe, plated innovation in American railOhio the erection of their new smelting but they knew lots more. way methods. These roads—the AtFor sale by Murray Dzug Co. Tickets at Offices of Connecting lines. plant. Ifthe company decides to chison, Topeka & Sante Fe, the Ticket Cfice, 2148 West Tomple Street Mrs James Kelly’s team became make their works extensive enough A very pleasant surprise party ‘| Chicago, Milwaukee & 3t. Paul,and |] j =~ ohm me frightened at.8th south, and State to run on custom ores as well as was tendered Miss Nina Atwoodat RR om 5 B. R. WATSON, Gener 1 Agent, Saur Lakes Orry. the Zanesville and Ohio-— are “con| BR. FL NESUEN, Pray, Pass. & Freight Street, 145t Saturday night, It was their own, the plant will tend to| her home,Friday evening, Mar. 9th, sidering raising tie and ‘pole :imber| adesand tabledux a6 RALUY | uliized tig t-ol- way lauds, jarge western roads are also ed. amusements OTH ON 7 EFAGLETS RAY VAN’ corr, ATTORNEY AT LAW, California College of Dental Surgery. ===GRANDS== ———s jo * noua! = wn Loe oe EESEN Neer LULL eee aa | ATTY, htt a, THAT BUFFETLIB RARY CAR. © STOP TO THINK A MOMENT-- HIGH GRADE COFFEES t \ F } Miurre Ay Mercantile Co.. “stated that the lady was thrown materially increase the population When twenty of her friends greeted MURRAY, yee Pee: oa ie i el ee ee UTAH. on a large scale on their now oe SceNes oe eT Al non-'! A 00 |