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Show Qp inion i^aae May 19, 2006 The Summit County Bee Page A2 Tell Me About It \\ CAREFUL, SONPEOPLE UPTHERE ARE REALHUNGRYFOR STRESS RELIEF.' DIVINE BY LEON SIMISTER Not only that, but something of live upon). When it crashes and Th e r e ' s s o m e t h i n g this magnitude is not only horren- burns - yes, literally burns to a about the over- dously destructive, but tremen- crisp - then what odds are left for use of a divini- dously costly as well. Oh, what survival? I truly hope I'm wrong when I ty-of-judge- the heck, when a country is in assume that our current Gummit's ment or, yes, debt and well over-budget for perthought-processes seem to indithe pseudo haps the next three-or-so generacate that The Great Creator looks tions, what's another couple-or-so assumption upon us Americans as a rather billion $$$, uh, annually (for who that the favored species, and as such, we knows how many more decades)? Almighty is in (Choke) And it's the title of the are blessed with the only process favor of a group of some of his children over others. Well, thing, also, that sticks in the craw of accurate thinking on the planet. besides being a ridiculous atti- just a tetch: Divine Strake. Therefore (to continue thinking) tude, I find it disgusting. In this Strake? . . .that's (according to we seem to have the uncanny particular scenario, it's the high- Webster's) a metal strap that appetite of spending crazy, astroly-rated manufacturing-art of holds boats or airplanes together. nomical amounts of money on WMD's (Weapons of Mass So, where does the "Divine" part ways to hasten the destruction of Destruction). In fact, it sends the come in? Oh, yes, I checked the lots and lots of other human impression that "The land of the Bible a little bit, including the 10 beings, including - and along with free and the home of the brave" Commandments and, well, could - the very homestead upon which (as it's stated in "The Star- find no 'strake' mentioned, we live. "Democracy," we say, "is the Spangled Banner1') seems to be Especially, there was no cohabitacomparing itself to a two-headed tion of the word "Divine" togeth- best. The only way to go." Then coin. Or, in other words, no matter er with "strake." It seems some- we proceed (like a determined how many times it's flipped, it what presumptuous that even one parent) to force the medicine prolands with the correct side up. Not of our Gummit sooth-sayers viding the cure down the errant only is this attitude false, but it's a would try to play games like that siblings' throats. Gagging and with our American-style thinking gasping, the medicine is swalhighly-flawed consensus as well. lowed, sometimes regurgitated, If anyone believes that the processes. I'm probably not doing a solo but always forced upon the recipupcoming (June) explosion of ANFO in the Nevada desert test- on establishing the fact that ient - and hardly ever ingested sight is not the test of a WMD, there's something just a little bit without obvious thoughts of retriyou better re-process that no- str-r-r-etchy about Gummit offi- bution. Threatening arguments, forcebrainer (ANFO: an explosive cials who would dare to link sugful examples of righteousness, device consisting of 700 tons of gestive ties by involving Diety to and stern promises of force if necexperiments which obviously proAmmonium Nitrate and Fuel Oil essary seem to be the 'modusduce one conclusion: The comhence the name A-N-F-O). But operandi' trade-marks whenever plete annihilation of every living apparently, the Oval Office mindset is that we Americans and The thing within a vast perimeter! common sense fails. Your's truly Great Creator are inseparably so Egad! We should all be shocked, is only one of the minions who is chummy that He'll approve appalled at the arrogance suggest- not the genius with the answer to almost any outrageous act against ed herein. Maybe this is one of the all our nations problems, but His other (less-respected, there- reasons certain worldly civiliza- human behavior being what it is fore, less-loved) children (the tions hate us Americans. We seem has always historically displayed ones with towels around their to have the uncanny ability to suc- a fierce resistance to force - even heads). Bush and Co. is fooling no cessfully - and repeatedly - make if it is called by the name 'Divine" . . . uh . . . something or one, this newest of WMD's is not weird choices. Here's a few 'think-throughs': other. only terribly destructive, but is intended to be a meg a-terroristic, We make the wealthy wealthier Thought for the day: (Think: 'price-of-gas' and 'politithreat-value initself. "You cannot define war in Observation: It has been noted cal contributions'). Think: (while that the explosion of a few ounces most everyone else suffers with harsher terms than I will. War is of the nitrate/ftiel-oil_ mixture will poverty). Think: (World pollution cruelty, and yqu, .cannot refine it; render a human quite dead. But - from which there is no dis- and those who brought war into 700 tons of the stuff? Well, um, cernible, official, recognition nor our country deserve all the curses maybe in our governmental mind- serious attempt at reversal). And, and maledictions." -William Tecumseh Sherman set this doesn't qualify as a no-no also think: (This is the only terrafirma we will probably ever get to (1820- 1891). WMD? PAM'S PIACE Mother's day brought my bright spot for the week - actually Saturday and Sunday were both extremely nice. Saturday three of my sons (Ryland, Randee and Ronnie) and their families met at Randee and Collette's home in Evanston for a nice evening picnic and for once the wind didn't even blow. Then we visited and played games for a while. Sunday, my hubby and I went to the cemetery with my father to placeflowerson mom's grave (not nice to have to do but they did look pretty) then drove to Ogden for a nice dinner. That was followed by a trip to the airport to visit briefly with our daughter-inlaw and granddaughter on their way home to Alaska. Tuesday, I attended my grandson, Jericho's Kindergarten program that brought me a lot of joy as well. It was his first and my first to watch him in action. He has certainly had a great year and has learned a lot. We have learned to take every minute we can with our family members and enjoy those precious moments together. Last week was Mother's Day but there were so many things to say I decided it wouldn't hurt to print a bit more. After all, moms are pretty special! Being a mother of sons, this story hit me as being a pretty nice thing to do, and, in fact it would be a nice gesture at any time!. After 21 years of marriage, my wife wanted me to take another woman out to dinner and a movie. She said, "I love you, but I know this other woman loves you and would love to spend some time with you." The other woman was my MOTHER, who has been a widow for 19 years, but the demands of my work and my three children had made it possible to visit her only occasionally. That night I called to invite her to go out for dinner and a movie. "What's wrong, are you well," she asked? My mother is the type of woman who suspects that a late night call or a surprise invitation is son." At that moment I understood a sign of bad news. "I thought that it the importance of saying in time "I would be pleasant to spend some LOVE YOU" and to give our loved time with you," I responded. "Just ones the time that they deserve. the two of us." She men said "I'd Nothing in life is more important like that very much." As I drove to than your family. Give them the her home that night I was a bit nerv- time they deserve, because these ous and noticed when I arrived she things cannot be put off till "some was also nervous. She had curled other time." her hair and was wearing the dress •Somebody said it takes about she had worn to celebrate her last six weeks to get back to normal wedding anniversary. She smiled after you've had a baby. . . somefrom a face that was as radiant as an body doesn't know that once you angels." are a mother, "normal" is history. "I told my friends I was going to ^Somebody said you leam how to go out with my son, and they were be a mother by instinct. . . someimpressed," she said. "They can't body never took a three-year-old wait to hear about our date." The shopping. *Somebody said being a restaurant was nice and cozy but not mother is boring. . . somebody elegant. My mother took my arm as never rode in a car driven by a if she were the First Lady. After we teenager with a driver's permit. sat down, I had to read the menu. •Somebody said if you're a "good" Her eyes could only read large mother, your child will :tura out print. Half way through the entries, good" . . . somebody thinks a child I lifted my eyes and saw mom sit- comes with directions and a guaranting there staring at me. A nostalgic tee. * Somebody said "good" mothsmile was on her lips. "It was I who ers never raise their voices . . . used to have to read the menu when somebody never came out the back you were small," she said. "Then door just in time to see her child hit it's time you relaxed and let me a golf ball through the neighbor's kitchen window. *Somebody said a return the favor," I responded. During the evening time was mother can find all the answers to spent catching up on recent events her child-rearing questions in the and the time slipped away and the books. . .somebody never had a movie was forgotten. At her house, child stuff beans up his nose or in she said, "I'll go out with you again, his ears. *Somebody said the hardbut only if you let me invite you." I est part of being a mother is labor agreed. "How was your dinner and delivery. . . somebody never date?" asked my wife. "Very nice. watched her 'baby' get on the bus Much more so than I could have for the first day of kindergarten, or imagined." A few days later, my on a plane headed for military 'boot mother died of a massive heart camp.' *Somebody said a mother attack. It happened so suddenly that can stop worrying after her child I didn't have a chance to do any- gets married. . . somebody doesn't know that marriage adds a new son thing for her. Some time later, I received an or daughter-in-law to a mother's envelope with a copy of a restaurant heartstrings. Somebody said your receipt from the same place mother mother knows you love her, so you and I had dined. An attached note don't need to tell her. . .somebody said: "I paid this bill in advance. I isn't a mother. wasn't sure I could be there; but Seen on a sign "Looking for nevertheless, I paid for two plates - guidance in life? Look UP it will one for you and the other for your never let you down." wife. You will never know what that night meant for me. I love you, See ya next time. FISHIN SEASON Continued from page Al Regional News Notes LVSC Inaugural Nursing Program receives $10,000 donation support. UVSC will assume financial responsibility ^ for this program after seeing that it can succeed after"' the first two years of implementation. For more information contact KJmberly Beck at 435-654-6482 or 801-863-6606. Memorial Day Tribute ; The Wasatch Community Foundation's Health Committee announces the receipt of a $10,000 donation to Utah Valley State College's Nursing Program At 3 p.m. Monday, May 29, Major League;^ from donor Nari Trotter, with Park City Title Baseball games will stop, Amtrak train whistles will Company. Trotter said she was "pleased to be able to blast, and thousands of Americans will pause for the be the first contributor to a program that has such a Memorial Day National Moment of Remembrance. .\ meaningful purpose. Other participants include NASCAR, military instal"Hopefully, this donation will be the catalyst in a lations, Veterans service organizations, schools, uninumber of subsequent donations to jump start this versities, hospitals, retirement communities, shop- . important program," says Kimberly Beck, Associate ping malls, national parks, airports, bus lines and the Dean, UVSC's Wasatch campus. "We are excited to International Space Station. All U.S. citizens, wherreceive this donation and are simultaneously appeal- ever they may be at 3 p.m. local time, are asked to ing to Wasatch and Summit County, Heber City, join in this nationwide moment of reflection. Midway, Park City, Coalville, Kamas and Francis to Congress established the White House also allocate contributions toward this inaugural Commission on Remembrance in 2000 to promote nursing program. . ; ;: >• I ,'.--..; ,v the Moments of Remembrance and the values of UVSC Wasatch Campus would like'tb create edu- ^Memorial Day throughout the year. The American; cational opportunities for students in Wasatch and Legion is a partner in this effort. Summit Counties for a two-year nursing program. A The LeRoy E. Benson Post 93 American Legion nursing program is currently available at UVSC's located in North Summit County invite the public to Orem Campus. Funding is required to pay faculty a special Flag Ceremony in the Coalville Cemetery at salaries. The UVSC academic nursing staff does not 3 p.m. on the 29th. There will be a 21 gun salute, have any available time to.teach similar curriculum Taps played and possibly a cannon volley. y at the Wasatch Campus. Making this program available to Wasatch.-Summit County students not only gives them the opportunity to receive their education at a convenient location, but would give them the opportunity to become familiar with the local working environment in a professional format, through participation in clinics at local hospital facilities The North Summit Fire Department is looking for under the supervision of their instructors. It is also men and Women in our community to be firefighters. anticipated that the relationships established with Must be 18 years old and have a good driving record. these professional's will result in a stronger likeli- We will provide the training and equipment for hood the student will find professional nursing- Firefighter and Wildland I level, also Personal opportunities in local counties rather than having to Protective Equipment (PPE)> Emergency Vehicle leave the area. Operations and Pager. Total funds required are $725,000: $240,000 for For more information call 336-2221 or email us at classroom and lab remodels, $215,000 for equip- nsfd@allwest.net. The North Summit Fire Protection ment, and $270,000 for faculty and administrative District is a drug free.work place. f Volunteer Firefighters ; Sought for Training Letters To The Editor Policy The Summit County Bee welcomes Letters To The Editor on any subject. They must adheretothe following guidelines: They must be received to the Coalville Office, P.O. Box 7, Coalville, UT 84017 or the Kamas Office, P.O. Box 225, Kamas, UT 84036, no later than Monday noon to be considered for that week's issue of the paper coming out on Friday. The letters must be hand signed with full address and telephone number of the person writing the letter. No letter will be published under an assumed name. Name may be withheld on request at the discretion of the managing editor or publisher of The Summit County Bee. They must not contain libelous or slandering material. Writers are limited to one letter in two weeks. Please try to hold the length of Letters to the Editor to approximately 300 words. The editor's of the Summit County Bee reserve the right to edit and/or condense Letters to the Editor. Preference will be given to short, typewritten (double spaced) letters permitting the use of the writer's name. All letters subject to condensation if they are too long for the space available. No political endorsement letters will be published as Letters To The Editor. The views expressed in guest editorials or Letters To The Editor do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editors or publisher or express the viewpoint of this newspaper. 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