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Show I Page 7 The Gunnison Valley Gazette Thursday, September 7, 2006 Memories of Dr. Hagan September is a great time to rejuvenate your lawn Editor's Note: The following article was sent to the Gazette from Margaret Sorensen Kofford, We believe the article was originally run in the late 40's or early 5O's. We were not able to get the exact date. ; Many people in the valley remember that Dr. Hagan's office was upstairs in the Gunnison Valley Bank building. • Margaret said she was one of the 3,739 babies delivered by Dr. Hagan, She also said Dr. Hagan always smoked a cigar so when sfye smelled the strange odor, she would hide because she knew the doctor was near. Louise Sorenson told me that Dr. Hagan delivered two of her daughters, Janet and Barbara Dawn. When Dr. Hagan came to deliver Barbara Dawn, he arrived in a horse and buggy and the bill was $35. Nancy Jensen recalls that her father Dr. Rees had an office in the bank building down the hall from Dr. Hagan for a number _ of years. I hope you enjoy this article on Dr. Hagan. A country physician who has served Gunnison Valley residents for almost half a century has announced his retirement and plans to move to California. He is Dr. J.A. Hagan, who has practiced in Gunnison since Dec. 12, 1903. Dr. Hagan was honored Saturday by valley residents at a program at the city park and at the local Church of Je- sus Christ of Latter-day Saints Chapel. Dr. Hagan was born at New Comerstown, Ohio, Oct. 2, 1877. He graduated from Starling Medical College, now Ohio State College, Columbus, Ohio, June, 1901, and came to Randolph, Rich County, where he practiced one year. He moved to Elsinore several months before coming to Gunnison Dec. 12, 1903, where he had maintained his office until May, 15, when he retired. In the course of his medical career, Dr. Hagan has used the following modes of travel to care for his patients: bicycle, horseback, sleigh, horse and buggy and in March, 1909, he purchased a Maxwell car. It was the first car owned by a resident of Gunnison. Dr. Hagan's practice included serving the • following towns in Sanpete County: Gunnison, Centerfield, Mayfield, Fayette, Axtell and Clarion. While working in these towns, Dr. Hagan delivered 3,739 babies. The first one was Harold Bown, son of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Bown, Fayette, and the last one was Donna Ranae Roberts, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Roberts, Gunnison. Dr. Hagan was a charter member of the Gunnison Lions Club, a director of the Gunnison Valley Bank and the Gunnison Telephone Co. He served as quarantine physician for 50 years and was a member of the State Board of Health. He is a 32nd degree Mason. He married Laura Madsen, Gunnison, July 6, 1909. They have two daughters, Mrs. Don D. (Julie) Dauwalder and Mrs. J.B. (Helen) Millar, both of California. Dr. and Mrs. Hagan plan on moving to California ori Aug. 15. By Matt Palmer Lawn grass has given residents a lot of grief the past few years. Many of us see a plant problem and start hitting it with chemicals before we identify the problem. This may waste a lot of money while putting many ur> needed chemicals into the environment. The first thing to do when faced with a turf problem is to do some investigating. What is the damage? When did it start? Am I doing all I can to maintain a healthy lawn? A healthy lawn can withstand a great amount of insect damage without dieing out. To maintain a healthy lawn mow it at 2-4 inches. Aerate to reduce compaction and increase water infiltration. Most home lawns only need to be fertilized twice (May and September) with 11b of nitrogen per 1000 square feet. Avoid fertilizing too early in the spring and in the hottest part of the summer. Irrigate according to plant needs. Most lawns can get by with 1.5 to 2 inches per week during July and August. In the Spring and fall lawn grass only requires about 1 inch or less per week. Check sprinkler heads and coverage often to ensure uniform application. When you have done all you can to maintain a healthy lawn and it is still having N problems, then it is time to identify the problem. If you suspect grubs pull turf up to find white C shaped grubs. For worms you can use the soafj soak protocol. To do this you mix 1oz. or 2 tbs of lemon-scented liquid dish soap in 2 gallons of water. Pour or sprinkle over 1 square yard on the area between the dead grass and the green grass. Then water the grass with fresh water to wash it off the grass leaves. This irritates the bugs and they will emerge in 5 to 10 minutes. For proper identification and control information bring them to the Extension Of- fice at 325 W 100 North in Ephraim. If no bugs emerge, then the bug has moved on, or it could be a fungi disease. Most fungi problems can be eliminated by using slow release fertilizers, deeper more infrequent watering schedules in the early morning as opposed to evening time, and aerate heavily in fall or spring. If your lawn is not bouncing back in the cooler weather it may need to be reseeded or over-seeded. Reseeding is needed if most of the grass in an area is dead. To reseed, control weeds first by pulling or spraying with round up. After spraying wait 10-14 days before tilling the ground and broadcasting seed. If the dead area still has a good amount of desirable grass you can over-seed by raking the soil and broadcasting seed. September is a great time to rejuvenate your lawn by aerating, fertilizing, and possibly reseeding or over-seeding. 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