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Show a ae The Silver Beet Miner. An AIL DEPARTS For NNorth at 2P. x. For South at 2 P, M. ForToquerv’e 9 a. uw at QP. M. m.to fore dosing office hours; bEt a i], they must HERM aN novelty _tremely recently BRIEFLETS. columns to-day, are makes the gossip at- numer- ous in that locality, awaked his innovent® enthusitism, and he thirsted all those that happened to be present at the time, and notin sympathy with -eneounter» noble. game... this and dejected he them He chit of tocamp, when was about. to return to his astonishment After bunting he more stepped upon tne supposed object of his scareh. Retreat was impossible, beside the ferocious brute was movlig leisurely in an opposite Girection, he thought of his trusty gun,.and hastily raising it closed both eyes and fired at the retreating moh- valuable and gave him to leave, with this time got its back up. * The*aim necidentally proved accirate, and the overjoyed ‘nimrod rushed upon his | struggling game, His shouts br ougnt opinion 2 comrad,.who arr ived just in time-to hand of the see the delicate w or alte | nuisician grasp the extremity fretful porepine—and red’ poisonous of-=n> recive a hund- Phe plaice at qiilts. ouce lost ali attractions, for the -plexsure seeking dispenser of liquids and ausie, &nd he can now be found in the place that know him best mixing grin, cocktails and his left hand. ct hitting ce ee ea The cet + their to paper after this issue, will please take notice that it is becanse they. have not paid for it as they should. It the pers¢nal organ ee PILOCUE [¥ vom nA ute the with ee 1PM, Record of the 3d property ef J the Ray- mond Company ia Pabranegat payed Will be sold at City to-day. company will in the air and silver ore. takes money to run a newspaper. Some enterprising dealer should ascertain from! the County Saperin- of his a the school MILL & MINING SUPPLIES Fittings, and Rail and; Bar House will a Assayers’ Goods again ELIING M POTS, BUNE ASH, ETC.,-ETC,,. ETC. AND In 4 . xe great vVarioty and of a few days, and A letter from ‘Tombstone, Arizona, that several of the Pioehers down there are preparing to return to Pioeche. As Tombstone is a wim country, we'think it yould be a good idea : for them to winter there; at Jeast until the litigation in regal rd to mining property is settled. The re is: linble to be lots of litigation before - which he. will proceed to Canyon, and resume work suv Eldorado upon his mines there. “Tell me, ve angelie hosts, ye m sengers of love, shail swindled prin- Ose ters here below have no redress above? | The angels flapped their wings and said: “Lo you a hexp is given; delinquents on 2 printer’s “pook can never enter heaven!” George Miller and party have been heard from. They landed safe in Beaver forty-eight hours behind time experienced much heen having afizirs are brought to a settlement. The | | from DPan- Aileck, the-colored_cook,..say3 that upon their arrival at the like, a nt mytain ber of Silver Neefers there with their families learning that he and a party of Piothers arrived and were enramped, came over to their place in the night and serenaded them. There were five ladies in the party, and whiie ‘they were singing, “Bress the the perilous trip across Ue ceder bottom. We are pleased to know that the public appreciates our timely expose of the tricks of the kettlebellied, bantum-leeged dispenser of liquid strych- nine on Main’ street. If he’ don’t let upon his threats about what he will Lod.” “sy¢s aileck, “da sume 60 sweetly I thought da was angels ad The railroad surveyors who weut do, we will commence to compliments to him soon. to Crystal Springs are ahead with their Work, Mr Julius Suitan, painful, though not this evening, while from an upper shelf stool upon which he pay our met. witha very serious accident handling goods in his store. Lhe was standing giv- ing way let him down, frac turing aberration, Tombstone, she and miles south of Panaca. lishedisome time ago. gaged each pamy This party is ‘The pariy en- in surveying to the west, acerd- completed left her home in wandered off into is-called the ‘Tem survey. Pahute nearly no as to the merits of any 7 A Delays The In Southern “Needles? on the at the light bullion The to are now River Miner, with Bro. at the helm, is announced as We venture the opin- * ane ~~ Postott ice re e thers Following are letters remaining in the Sil- ver Reef Postofilce for week ending Septemher Fth 1881. Persons calling for said letters will please say *tAdvertised.” Akine 7 Joy reticient in regard. {0 G ollinss Michael Marker, 8S P M eras 4d, Vi nard Evans, John & Mulholland, L Remafhing Angust 31: Harpers, II ile ndrie ke, WD Lydle, Miss Mollio Murptryderiniah Murphy, Jerry oeP ae Dennis MeNas i, Lillie Maneastield, Willard —Paylor, Hercules —23 this subject; in fact, appear to know Remaining August Qf: eg David Velpa,Q: nothing. . { ste age ecg Bi pa | Brick, DL Lenron, A~2i Bre Wvers Grotge X McKnis ae wiiem Old Crow Whisk ¥hoa ee IRK BROS, } Chamberline, J MeKeon, PB rc tay y John } Poarg soMiss Dalle - the f Sec 17, lwp 41.8 names the following. conUnuous residence - -*-"- ° witnesses to prove his upon and cultivation of said land, namely: Robert Marshall. Engel~berth Engelstad, Thomas H. Reel, William H. Worthen, ail of Mount Carmel, Kane 1 County, Utah. H. McMASTER, Register. . Barer & Parsons, Att’ ys for Applicant. UTAH. “Notice to Creditors. . Z ‘N THE: PROBATE the County first publication Are attached COURT IN of Washington, AND Territory of thié ie RIUS. ss re oo ENSIG. NNGOB TOBLER Administrators with the acob Joss, deceased. will annexed of ju : to the hotel, where the best of Liquors and Cigara will always be found. Notice for Publication—No. 624. ed (fosmoroLiTaly Land OFricE, SALT aesmea rats OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the following-named settler has filed 8 notice ot intention to make final proof in support his claim, and that said proof will be nae before the Judge—or in his absence before the County Clerk of the Court of Kane County, Utah,—at the county rant on Saturday, August 6, 1851, viz: WILLIA N Main and Centre Sts., Silver Reef. 12. Tp 41, SR 12W. REEF Reduction in.... pre “PUBLIC informed ARE that following witnesses ae in Rates! RESPECTFLLLY on and after will be August 1, 1881, the price of board at this favorite and well known Per and Cigars, restaurant as follows: And Which Ladies’ will O'Trien. i ichagt: Smith, Gp ae Meal; be Sold ‘Private prove his continnous residence upon and cultivation of. pa land, viz: George Gardner, Jose Sanders, Norris Wilson, Jorgen Peterson, all ofVirgin City, Kane ea Utah. McMASTER, Register. Baer & Parsons, Atty’s for Applicants Lowest Day, $1 Rooms for Dinner Parties. TAITLLORING Pricos In all its Branches. Motice. Fine £ é Ll. PARTIES -INDEBTED TO THE Branch Houee of Goldsmith & Co, late doing business in this city, are FOR THE SAN hereby nots FRANCISCO hop dependent and vigordiis. Its columns are cleay. dnd contain no scandalous, personal or offensive matter. Tt is the best family newsps tpet Terms: yet published. Dyil y. one yea r, $6, six months, $3; Weekly, ate year, $3; aE > oS en Ac idre MINER Elite PU mop 0 5 Mk Queens nervy ti months, $1 2. Sti ¥ to Order imported Eng corner Centre and First West Streets A. WINQUIST. day of June, 188ly an twenty-five (25) cents wanes caeeaerivat Gites 5) of per share was levied upon the capital stock of the evans immediately in United to the pects at Company, Room a Francisco, Valiforn Any stock pen tthe Corporat States gold office of the: 27 Pine ‘Street, San Thich this asaessment -shall remain unpaid on the 28th day of July, 1881, will be delinquent, and ren for sale at pablic auction; and unless payment 3 made before will be sold on Monday, the 22d day of Angust. 1881, to pay the delin nent assessment, together with cost of advert Matng and expenses 0 By order a the Board ee Pan D. ee eee Office—Room 6, os 327 Pine Street, Francisco, Californ jn12 Notice for Publication—No. 410. | ....A full line of assorted .... WALL House, |a PAPER}: Sign and Ornameatal PAINT | TN — Ura, November isth, 1600. YOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT TH® Sacertianes settler has filed notice of his intention to mi nal proof in support claim, and sect ae final entry thereof, and that said final proof will ba made before the Clerk of the Court of Kae county, at the county seat, on Thursday, December 30ch, 1860, viz: James — Jepson. Ls of Virgen City, Kane county, Utah, HE 5008, transmutation of D.. #. Xo. 645, for the Bix NWN, and SW SW sectton 35, townsPip 41, . 12° W, and he. te yrove his contanoae residence upon and cult!- vation of named t by two of the following- witnenien vies Hanging g Kalsomining f Itom, won :ane county, ASTER, Jam Wright, Register. JNO. A; BAILEY, wore) for applicant. FOR SALE. a SPECTADTY. BLOMQUIST K George Humphries, John Kaus conn ail of Virgen it City, Fe com y, Saa Notice. t IT IS THE BEST! y Made | JUST RECEIVED EXAMINER MIE SAN FRANCISCO EXAMINER, under the new management as a morn| ing paper, has outstripped all its competitors, and is now regarded by all as the leading news el ie of the C oast, Itis brimful of he lates® news telegraphic, local and market reports; and it egitorials are honest, in: Suits 1% An assortment of fine lish Cloths always on hand. fied that all unpaid accounts owing to said firm oe been eee with J. N. Louder for collect GOLDSMITH & CO, SUBS SCRIBE Assessment EEDS MINING COMPANY.—Location 4 of principal place of business, San’ Francisco, California. Location of works a, Silver’ Reef District, Washington County, U tah Territory Notice is eect given, that at a meeting of the Board of Directors, held on th @ 17th corm, Articles, at S0cts. Per THE FINEST THE MARKET AFFORDS ALWAYS SERVED TO CUSTOMERS. HINO! CLO ree The impossible to learn anything from the surveyors in, regard to their work, as “they are very ing SO ----:+- REEF GROCERIES Tobacco noothly. The bullion product, for the month will be materially lessened in consequence of this cause alone. ——+ <a> uetses ww “et River's Pionéer Paper. Marding - FINE BAR AND BILLIARD ROOMS <y asemi-weekly, f the town of Santa Clara, Wathingias' County, Utah Territory, within four months from ED ee or BE LMILY running what It is Dealer before ‘the C HIS LARGE AND comMMoDIOUS | ofop Joss —-In ne matter of the estate of Jeoss, deceas co HOUSE has recently been refitted and e, Marius Bean and Jacob are daly neenovated thonghout, is first-class in every donuigens administrators. with the will a department and sets one of'the. best tables in nexed of Jacob Joss, deceased, Siva nootite the West. e Harrison will maintain the ll persons having claims against said rood reputation it has always enjoyed among estate are hereby notitied to ee thy the traveling public, and guests wiil always saine to us, with the neceseary vouchers, at receive the very best Rensie ave steam, Corner SILVER made for PROVISIONS Nes repairs to the machinery. The Christy and Stormont each met With detentions on account of injury to machinery,all cf which has been The Wood be —_—— Building, STREET .. General the Ist inclusive, reseiving a aud MAIN House pee eylinder head to the engine, and other repaired, intends - - - - - - «.$30 WEEK SILVER. for the at all the mills. Sth and Restaurant Narrison Mill. shipment Darbee wa3 idle from the restanraut Uran, | OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT iL the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, ope that ant oe “ respectfully Ore Valley. Colorado, le City. Harrison House, Utah, particular week, Was occasioned by accident and stoppage Notte for Publication—No. 602. OF TUS. of Silver Reef that she PER: MONTH, -PER better locality, but the local paper concentrates 2ll, and paints a true pictrre, He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Wm, sage: Nic tor D. Cram, Ashton. Neheker, J.W Allister, all of Johneon, cane County, ttah. |. McMASTER, Regist _Bamry & Pansons. A es for Appi foant BOARD: | Sash and Pancl Doors and Windows indication of the prosperity of a town through third company of surveyors have "theirtaces turfed toward. tic south, and are probably making for the sad disaster. Laughing, he forgets his troublesy Which though real. seém but bubbles, | Laughter! “tis a sealof nature. Laughter, whether loud or mute, Tells the human kind from brute. . Langhter! ‘tis Hope's giving voice. Bidding. us to maké.a choice, pu to citl) from thorny bowers, enti taorat oe Agile “ | LG. ing tothe latest report, have see was in a weak and exhausted condition, berett of reason, “Laughter! ‘tis the poor man’s plaster, up pushing surely Virginia the above ; yur is Lax Orrice, Sart LAKE ie t Ura TERRITORY, June 24, 188f. OTICE IS. HEREBY GIVEN THAT L the following-namied settler has. filed notice of his intention to make final proof fir Suppers of his claim, and that said proof will made beforé the Clerk of the Court of Kane Con ry, ae at T uerville, Utah, on Jol 0, 1881.V ym. D, oe 20 dare| surveying toward Tron City, Utah, Pion that Hailey’s growing importance and are not going to survey through = will soon demand 2 daily, in order to the Desert-dtation—rotite; BS We PRED: -keep pace with her rapidly develop- his the mountains, and was not found for nearly two days, when discovered Covering ail surveying from Crystal Springs eastward were down at Panaca last Monday. ‘The survey runs about. three right. arm_at_the elbow, besides receiving severe bruises elsewher : The many friends of Mrs. Peter Heitzelman, will be pained to learn that. while.-suffering from _—mental ag returned There and the public Ih as opened ae and its surroundings than the number and make-up ofits newspapers. They are the finger marks none can mistake. Individual opinions may differ carora ranning it in trst-class style. The largest and moet complete stock of ‘This is eertainly a meritorious country. filed Notice for Publication—No. 620. | Shert.-Notices- =... RS. I. HICKEY, FORMERLY informs & BUILDERS venture, and*“should be liberally sustained bythe people of that growing quitch on Monday afternoon and report that they had a splendid time. weather on the journey. ‘The whole party suffered from sea-sickness on + ‘ { \ hunters daily. has LAND OFFICE, SALT LAKE pie iM} an | in Streets, Silver Reef Mrs. |. Hickey - - Proprietoress. best-manufacture Ilardwnare. <4 country will take a look at the mining properties at Gold Basin, Arizona, after séttier aotibe Re his intention to make final proof in Su uoer of his claim, and that ssid proof made before the Jndge of the bate Court- of Washington Coanty, — at the county seat, on Saturday, August 20, 1881, viz: ERASTUS R. SNOW, of St. Geo eorge, pe aeuee County, Utah, D 7603 No. i,.5 f . SR He mantles aT following wiinésses to ‘his continuous residence st and cultivation of said Jand, viz: ny W. Ivine, Albert D. Clark, Edwin p.Woolle Ir. Daniel Oona es all of St. George, Washington Jount Hi. McMASTER, Register. Barney & Parsons, Atl’ys for Applicant. INDEPENDENCE. x eouthern LAKE Crry, Uran, t ulv G IS° HEREBY fpliowing-named restaurant LITHARGE > Court. . ol ce RANGES CARPENTERS’ Mart O° Loven iy fe for “Publication—No. 637. Bt Taxp Orrice, Sau be Maintained. On. Cooking and Heating Stoves of sentencing the miners convicted Jast term, which was gs follows. 5 Notice “MAIN- STREET, SILVER REET. | fined$75. and ete B. -FRANCIS, Agent. 16; 18817" Silver Reef, Jal Suppers Served for Balls and Parties cere nme our school. Parties up from Grand ‘tion of the tw# Specialty. | Per Meal, 50c; Per Month, $30 | imprisonment, Joe Carr $50. fine, and| MEXED AND DRY PAINTS the remaining ejeven $100. each.| Gils and Glass, Gulch, re- young bloods of Bellionville, took her The case of the People ve. J. W. Polinrd is set? for Monday. ‘The proba- WiEEER LEAD, ZINC AND POTTY departure tne other day for Frisco port everything progressing staishietoryatthat pliee. “Phere is notrouble Utah,-expectining tobe absent for | bilities are tirere will be no conviction in this case, one person having already experienced by the present manageseveral months. : eeA well-appointed workshop js attached beemponvicted of the allegcd crime. mMentin working the copper orey of| The Vioshers havea li been pt ravided with special conveniences for mannfacturing The that district. Grand Jury got a working | heavy and light iron, copper. and tinware. for handsoin ely eOerags her Sey, ii be proThe superintemtent of the Leeds vided for, by their raitroad friends GUoren en ks TeStHEy; and -wil-soon Purchasing from..first hands, I .am_ pre pared to duplicate Salt Lake pricer. Company, is considering the question | Ts. who were recently down here. Every- finish their ] TPS HAGTCIN: of changing their mill to aa dry | body is going to set a big salary fo The Daily Wood River News. erusher. He is of the opinion that} doing nothing and our merchants The enterprising publishers of the the ore can be worked to a inuch| higher per cent. by, this process, |j will all have coniraects to furnish the Wood River News, Bellevue, Idaho, are now issuing that WSV sheet Mr James Cronen will leave for the | railroad with supplies. books perseribe d by law, and get a supply im time for the fall term of is now The well known Repuiation of this Etc. Iron SO District HAS and and. A FULL LINE oF” Seetion four of the School Approved Feburay 20th 1859. The Coe. Main and Paddock tron Bolting Packing, improved, 50. for the ent emeeeces bythe we Tubing, RESTAURANT and of $1,327 and.1881. on the Kanarra ritory, that being the amount tr ment on said claim, and u the same sea nibels aaa ‘vousaie exp’ “ : with the cost ee aavatiaen, aan interest in cae claim wi be forfeited - said company. by the opers: of side just as iappy as they possibly tan bes for theri hated rival, the belle of that settlement, who hadbewitched all the and Grass “Whenever it shall be necessary to raise fands to. purchase, build, repair or furnish schoolhouses or fer other Sebool, purposes, an_estimate of the approximate cost thereof shall. be mide by .the trustees, and the rate per cent. may be fixed at any sam not exceedine tivo per cent. per ANNUM, As shh ull be decided by a twothirds majority vote ‘of the prey verly \tax payers resident in the district, present ata meeting cailed for that purpose, to be assessed and collected jus ia enecial tux upon the taxable i property in the districts; Provided, | The preperty of non-residents shall | not be Hable to tax for the paymént | of teachers.”’ | Pipe refitted oun 1880 AND BAKERY, Consisting in part-of all sizes of (Gas to re- levied trustees, the Sanu Resigurent cr, stock, confict POPULAR been to Co-OWwners, clatm,. ‘near Kanarra, Kane county, Uiah Ter er- Proprietors Jordan thé neatest and most inviting }mSouthernU The waiters are quick and attentive and the bill of fare is from the cream of the market..." vas BOA Per fieal, 50e; Por ‘Month, $30 IRON AND STEEL,.. legality of the Percent: of publish Laws. earn Law. appears regarding tAR OT ONE board =. Sehool The HIS. HARDWARE time in which instructions’not & 4 Importer and Dealer in “The news from Beaver up te going buildin & castles || to press is very meagre. ¢ Tuefact sofar millingoO limestone for }| little or nothing has been done, out- The young ladics of Panzea are all of Public Schools, the text- portion there sherifl’s sale at C; ste The proprietors of this SILVER: REEF __Notiee Oo G dD. STRONG, YOUR. HEIRS.0 assigns:' You are hereby notified Te E have expended for.you ‘in money and labor Saooabores Woolf .ddwa'.several, 2 short a : Since to allappesrence, ¥ turn. It is probable that this sort of business willsametime end in our neighboring Lerritory,but litte effort is being made at present to supipress it. had by ster, which J. a Halpin Aresde Rasigurent | ether parties and summary disposing of them, they waited upon Baldwin,‘ and relieved him: of several hundred dollars in money, appropriated the almost The usual: religious services a Citizens Hall on Sunday evening Zo’clock. There will also be prayer meetings, on euch Wednesday, even- tendent for a time. of the canyp for bruia witnout snecess, until the fourth day, when tired And gossiping Woman.all lie like sin. ing, until farther noti Subscribers failing Chicago, searched deligently in tae announced above.” For way? One tonch of nature makes the whoie world kin, One little rumor makes the whole town cin. bit of scandal from abundance. that class, the friends of the dead outlaws proceeded to wreek vengence on to tributed to our principal antimony slinger,-baving “schwore oifl”’ like Rip Van Winkle. There is no accounting for taste. We know-a person that vould rither steele aivay, than live pon the “vapors of a dungeon.” :, It may be 2 natter of some impor tance to know the bounds and. limits of our school district in order to save trouble and confusion. It is ramored that Mr. Joseph Crosby and Miss Mand Johnson were married at St. George to-day. Tue| Muiver received no cake. George Washington Aikens is summnering at Grand Guich. He did not appear.as..best—-man—atthe weddiny One in But the réport that bears were Two Sisters et by this morning’s coach from the north, and will be domiciled at.the, Hospital, Tho bullion shipment per Wells, Fargo & Co.’s.Express for the week ending to-day, aggregates $11,951,05. Our, Jeah which two of the latter were sent up AS is wont with the goldetrStuirs. game Restaurants, Hardware, Ete. learn of a coal camp proved exrefreshing to this young man contain KRAUSE, Postmaeter. sources, we she of this city, de- the Kanarah Mountains, which with its many other attractions, is said to On Soudeyas from Ba. = ‘to 10 a, 31. only. Registering firm cided to spend a week in the mountains to recuperate from the ardérous duties of mixing nector lemonades and drumming-out doleful music on the organ. Providing himself with dog, gun and fixings he startad for HOURS. to insure them for the day” R not come later chan 12:30 p. saloon nnn om5p Through-private fn POSTOFFICE -: From North at7 a. ™. From South at 12 a. x. | F’m Toquerv’e tp mw Office seen from 8 A.M. he Baldwin's Misfortune.” Musician. that our old towns-min, Charley Baldwin, fell among the philistians and was left by the roadside. It appears Charley had struck it rich at Eureka, New Mexico, and was doing a good merchuntile business at that place, but unfortunately gained the enmity of the ‘“‘cowboys”’ or ‘‘rustlers’’ through a little social event which occurred at his place of business, in der of.a SATURDAY...........SEPTEMBER 10, 1881 : Unfortunate A short time since the, junior mem- ee se EE DESTRABLE. RESIDENCE, WITH, OR without pte furniture, for ene oe ee, cheap. a |