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Show ' Verdant It is seldom that a duty’eo intermingled with pleasure and regret de— yolvyes upon an editorial succession, as it becomés us to chronicle. That ~ duty is the announcement of the departure yesterday of the late editor and proprietor et Tae Miner. For upwards of two yeara, with one brief interval, Mr. Edward Pike has conducted this paper; und most acceptably. A portion of the time, how- ever, in the face of embarrassing obstacles and disadvanfiges. Attempt- ing to build upon the ruins of a finan- cial and popular wreck, the ¢ffort was one to test the qualities of the promoter; wisdom but time. proved -and | sagacity of the the venture; and THe Mrxer © moved atealily on to an assured success. and its influence as an exponent of reliable ‘mining information within = Zo 3 Of its observation has been gratefully acknowledged, and under its able and successful mangement has taken rank among the foremost min‘ing journals of this Coast. To its energetic, straightforward_and.honorable course may be rightfully attributed much of the: “past prosperity of ‘this District, as well as to lay the groundwork for future advancement. In common with our citizens genererally, we regret- that Mr. Pike-has Pursuit 4 4 Jeff Davis’ History of the Rebellion. Hw JULIUS J. J. Halpin't ATR SULTAN, patent to everyone here; and itis un- just alike to all concerned to give currency to reports that may bring but disappointment to the unwary. The presumed assertion that from fifty to seventy-five men will be wanted at the Christy Company’s mines is another illustration of the sagacity of “the of Mining. In mining, like in every other pursuit, there must be a fitness in the - person who engages in it, or failure will be the result. Lack serves no “better purpose in mining than it does “in selling drygoods, practicing law or running a newspaper. Practical knowledge and intelligent persever- ance alone accomplish practical results, and large profits are eecured only by hard labor, Fortunes made ina moment are Often lost with equal celerity, : fithe chance of the one is always a ompanied by the risk of the other.. Mining, when conducted on a true business basis, has dealt. Mr. “J,” the righis which IRON AND STEEL, observed _——T x rose has its thorn, And short notice and at reasonable rates. found that the mother had never been permittedto nurse the child, and its only food was—boiled apples. The were probably aes on miracles. candid, well-informed tional Unien of, atof the at —— PostmastER TYLER, of the city of Baltimore, . kissed an employe named Miss Murray without her consent. She. brought. suit against him for damages. He objected to having the case tried in Baltimore, alleging that his home was in Ohio. The Court thought that, as he held the important office of Postmaster, if his home was not in Baltimore it ought to be. The case was tried, and the jury awarded the girl $5000 damages. Tyler thinks it was rather a high-priced kiss,.and that if he could have had the case tried at-his home in Ohio the damages would have been nominal. Court of the United States has affirmed the decision of Judge Field in the celebrated case of the Eureka Consolidated vs, the Richmond Mining Comy. This gives the Eareka Consoldated a claim for are against , the Richmond .6f about $2; It also seities the “‘ vig ledge” theory us applied to the mines of Ruby Hill fora time. » On epee f the: ews of the decisis @ Eureka Consoli; Toose their whistles, at there of tn eomeny AMON’. Pasi q T. part of Wall Ever to this was OF BUNE ASH, ETC., ETO, great ty noi from ties 6 a Teron comet * , SETS i ies ee Power. GREENBAUM. of best EE are are he sm Bit ep are invited te RICHOLS, SHEPARD msnofacture co. oe ° residence FITS EPILEPSY BUILDERS’ -OR— FALLING. SICKNESS The largest and most complete stock of re. Ta Southern Utah, powders AND DRY WHITE L*Ab, ZING and Wet dP SALE. OR In- thereby Those D-come weal hy, whi.¢ those who de antimprove -uch chauces remain in vo +f y. We want many men. Women, boysszud girls to work tor: 8 rignt {u their own loculities abe ousiness will piy aoe than ten times es MUch as: tdinars w ges. arti: h fe free. en exp-uaive outfit and Noon: who alt thet you engsges fatie to make - — addtese eTinsox & Oo.. Pustiand, Maine {SILVER REEF, UTAH. AS JUST RECEIVED A NEW large supply of all kinds of AND Candies and Nuts, my/-2m BITTE hti e and Cod Fish, rs STOMACH ~ Lemons, Fruits, Ete. Which are eymploms of EE aching fever all. drnggists and dcalers generally @ conquered FRANCISCO, CAL FIGURES and PUBLISHED of.. will be sold at LOWEST SHOOTING CHILLS 1OWN THE BACK Dull pain inthe imbs, Bauerse billionanese, retlisea Literature, Society, Satire AT SAN je: Pred, FAMILY GROCERIES, CAL. Journal Ohence money iapidty. You can sevote your W. oie time te the work, oronly Your spare Momen's, Fu Jinfo matt nan*e-) tr-t ta needed nemt iree, ague. Ure without delay Hostetter’s Stomach Bitter’s, which substitutes for the chilly sensation a gerial warmth. regaees the stomach and wanes tone tothe liver The howels, the stomach and the billacy gland pete Scokbeadio abeatthy condition, the die- American Brides t ke advantage of the.o dchs cea mon y thet are off-rei, peme.aily Cigars and Tobacco, Argonaut, ..An & P. L. BREIGER, Nos. 102 and 1°4 Battery Street, corner Pine =e p You.selvas Sy makirg money when GE of, ae BEN SCHLOSS, Traveler. ROSBINS, CELEBRATED Glassware, FRANCISCO, & a Ways Kveplug pover y Ir wm yourdoe;. STETTE Platedware, Cutlery, Ete., SAN vs D SSH Wholesale Dealers Only, vee TN eee « ofa an marty rial, end curstive, pow 360 Fulton St., Broeklyn, "N. Y. WhO 4jWape fur Muking DESIRABLE KESIDENCE, WITH without furniture, for sae cheap. quire at this office. pet of thei Price, for large box, $8.00 or 4 tones tor $10, sent by mailtoany put of the United States or Cnnads on receipt of price, or bye ay A we}l-sppointed workshop js attnched with special conveniences fortmanafactuiing heavy and light iron, copper and tinware. Purchasing from first hands, I am prepare to duplicate Salt Lake prices. ' J. J. HALPIN. FOR ali he con¥inced Straus, Kohnstamm & Co : you should give these PUTTY land, viz: Caeper Gubler, Jacob Tobler, M ins Ensign, Sumuei Knight, all of Santa Ciara, Washington neckUta - McM TER. ster, Barer & Parsons, Att*ys for Te ticaai. Crockery cen we wi = fund AND c.8 Cuitivation for them PAINTS Oils and Gloss, UTAH. upon, and To. Die nce sufferers that wili do ali wec!aim send them, hy m i], post pald.a FREE TRIAL BOX. As Dr. Goolard is the ‘only physicien who hus ever. mae thi MIXED REEF, & Sash and Panel Doors and Windows Lanp Orrice. Sart Lake Crty Utan Tsrritory. April 29. 1481. } OTICE IS HEREbY GIVEN THAT the following-named actiler bag filed notice of his intention ind make fina! proof in support of his claim. and that said eof ou ma e before the Judge of the Pro Court of Weshiagtan Freee: “ey at vite ae ae seat aturday. i 1881. oer of Sante Ciaul. Washington County, sean D 8 SEK.S 6, Tw 8 R16 W,ofS LM. He Sines the folowing witnesses to prove his contina- at the outset ¥¢or aale by —_—— ARGONAUT I8 4 REPRFSENTA-tive aoe _ American ideas and lit| eratnre. Lis survives ‘Thirty years ago, with a to and Hardware. “ Notice for Pablication—No. 578. ous LITHARGE RANG*tS variety CARPENTERS’ of this tine of goods, an inspection of my HE REGULAR MEETINGS OF THE Miiiers’ Union of Harritisburg Mis ing Dietrict will be‘teid at Miners’ Union Hall of the first ond third Wednesdays of ever month, Members of the Union are request to stten H. LEWis. , TB: Guanvitep, Secretary. President. “Life's Delusion. Caroline Kuhn, aged 34, ‘of Paterson, New Jersey, died suddenly a few weeks since without medical aseist.o1it eorng rent fen in ‘Miners’ Union Meetings. such or not, started POT, AND [ purchase m-rkets, and feder- sentative to the Monetary Conference he th Specialty. | osree Cooking and Heating Stoves the and Notary Publie, SILVER —— ENGLanp has not yet found out whether she wants to send a repre- of $30,000, ° THE of CLARE, F magazines of America, and the only publication of its kind on the Pacific ‘Coast. Frank Pixley, its editor, is acknowledged one of the finest literary and satirical writers of the Union. fortune LINE A mulittude of Kcr aaer op of ateani a Assayers foods Prices to Defy Competition. naut is one. of the leading literary her, is 90. Etc. wiil Ga of the Confederate dead, who Bar Iron tron and Belting Packing, and Attorney at Law most . distinctly husband, Tubing, Fittings, A FULL Notice. ——In our columns will be found the advertisement of the Argonaut, published at San Francisco, The Arge- Her Rail LL PARTIES INDEBTED TO THE Branch Hovse of Goidemith & Co, late doing business in this city. are hereby noti‘fied ay all. ampaid accounts owing to xaid firm have been placed withJ. N. Louder for qailentton: GOLDSMITH & co, October 30, 1880. ance. and and Borders Utah. stock before purchasing. So I offer the consolation that those for whom they mourn died for the right— a willing sacrifice on the altar of their country, where their memories, enshrined-in the hearts of their people, will go down in tradition to posterity, immortalized by valor in defense of home and martyrdom for liberty. } JEFFERSON Davis. |. stock .and in Southern 28 ere ard i poutrehe ly ask marked by limitations and __prohibitions against all which was beyond the expressed grants of power to the general government. In the foreground, therefore, I take the position that those who resisted violations of the compact were the true friends and those who maintained the usurpation of lenge ah powers were the real enemiesof the constitutional Union. To the parents, the widows, and the orphans and Sai - assert that That MY SHELVES selected Paper opened can the becoming the frac- a nation? NOW UPON direct from the largest Exetern opinions should find adherents in our duy may be attributable to the natural law of aggregation; sirely not to a conscientious regard for the terms of the compact for anion by the States. {u all free. governments the constitution or organic law is supreme over the government, and-in-our- Federal ES TE LTT TT S itas Ba kind te ‘ and the tiger man ties, voluntarily consenting ation, but never ——CoLorapo has the most extensive cattle owner in the world, and a woman at that—Mrs, L. 8." iif. She —— THERE is a projected: plan to is a widow, and her sttle -ranch ex- drain Lake Okeechobee and the Evertends from’ Julesburg: to ‘Greeley, glades of Florida, the object being more than a hundred miles along the to reclaim 12,000,000 acres of land South Platte River. She has just sold suitable for the cultivation of sugar, to her managers one-half interest in cotton, and tropical fauits, The State a herd of 25,000 cattte, and‘ about the of Florida has granted a charter to a end of this month will visit Europe. company of capitalists for that pur-: - Her husband was known as the ‘‘cat- pose, and also one to another company tle ak ”? He died three years. ago, for the construction of a ship-canal »—which- -time—the- enterprising +-acrossthe State by way of the Calooalow has made a million of dollars. sahatchie River. - But won't the effete nobility of worn A. 82,000,000 Mining Decision, a _ out monarchies keep an eye on her? A private dispatch from Washing—_—_—_ ington, received at’ Kureka, Nevada, ——'T'HE White Pine News and the heward Reflex Dave each recently en- on April 25th, states that the Supreme tered upon a new volume, They are ; ene and spicy little ‘Papers, under Paper! 3 Jargest and best latest designs in at any time between 1776 and 1790 a proposition to surrender the sovereiguty of the States and merge them into a central government would have had the least possible chunce of adoption? Can any historical fact be more demonstrable than that the States did, both in the Confe ation and in the Union, retain their sovereignty and independence as distinct cotmuni- recting the attention of the authorities to an Act whose existence they appeared to be wholly ignorant and whose provisions they never tempted to enforce. The amount license due and uncollected since law went into effect is oan $2,000,000. Wall I HAVE they declared ‘‘un- whe.her Pipe Bra:s ETC., style of ** United Colonies ”’ or “Uniced S.ates,’’ which was adopted after the Declaration of Independence, whether under the articles of confederation or the compact of union, there everyWhere appears the distinct assertion of State sovereigaty, and nowhere the slightest suggestion of any purpose on the part of the States to consolidate them into one body.—Will any ——San Francisco is overrun with quack doctors, who profess to cure every ill that flesh is heir to, at The regular physicians, desirous of breaking up quackery, took legal ad_Vice as to the best manner of doing it, and found on the statute book’of 1878 an Act requiring all persons who shall sell, or offer for sale, any drug ‘most bountifully, with its patrons, or nostrum intended for the treatment ~ But it is always ‘well’ to remember of disease’ or injury, or who by any that the value of a mine depends upon other meihods publicly profess-to cure wliat is in, or What has been taken | or treat any disease, injury or deformout, or what some other mine near ity by any medicine, drug, manipulahas in it. It is all nonsense to talk tion or other expedient, shall pay a about buying a mine only when there license of $100 per month. As this is twice as much ore in sight as_the Act requires the regulars as well as. price asked for it. Philanthropy has the quacks to pay the same license, it not yet got such a firm hold on the astonished the doctors, who now re» people that men go:around exchang- gret that their attempt to break up quackery should be the means of diing $10,000 for $5,000. lovely Sonthern California nuriures amid ‘its orange blossoms and leafy * palms a new-denomination of religious fanatics. One of the founders of thia sect bears the significant. name of . Christian, and is now in the East on a proselyting mission. At Albany, NN. Y., he attempted to comyert the ‘heathen by abdueting another man’s wife. : He is probably a member of a community of fanatics near Santa. Ana, Los Angeles county, who, in the winter of 1878, starved an infant -to.. death... Being in Los Angeles at the time, we remember that the Express investigated the matter, and thai, , Consisting in part of all sizes of Gas MELTiNe Confederate cause, e must have been a careless reader of our poliical, hisvory who has not seem to find outa good deal of news?) without leaving your den once a month. MILL & MINING SUPPLIES ar Goods promptly delivered free of charg alienable,’’ are the fowadation stone on. which rests the vindication of the you REEF gy Azency for Sinzer Sewing Machines. ment they devised was founded. ‘i'ne eternal .ruihs which they announced, fossiliferous ‘‘J,’’ for in truth the Finally, and | Shoes sovereignty and jurisdiction. At atime when the minds of men ure straying far from the lessons our fathers taught, it seems proper and well to recur to the original priaciples.on which_the-sys:em of gov-ra- Christy Company have as many men— and good men, too—in their employ as they require, or are likely to 1equire under the most favorable circumstances, Boots selves free und independent Siates, they constituted .thirieen- separate communiiies, and were careful (o assert and preserve ‘each for itself ic ONLY HARDWARE 3ous Supplies,, COODS Sas Importer and Dealer. in OCKERY, HARDWARE DRY , THE STREET, BELOW CENTRE, SILVER CROCERIES Mi ning ee Battle Creek MANUF ACTUBERS OF MAIN we MISCELLANEOUS. Hardware, Ete. To-Day. ‘Speaking of theoutlook of this From advanc? sheets of the History camp at.the present time, and the re- of the Rebellion, by Jefferson Davis, quirements of the Stormont Company the following extract is taken, being ia particular, “J,” the antiquated Sil- the preface to his work: ver Reef correspondent of the Salt |. ~&, duty to my countrymen; to the (Successor to Jacobs & Saltan) Lake Herald, delivers himself of this memory of those who died in the detense of a cause consecrated by inhergratuity: itance, as well as sustained by convicMain Street, Silver Reef. Utah The fact is, men: are scarcer in Sil- tion, and to those who, perhaps less ‘ ver Reef than ever before since ite fortunate, ataked all and lost all save |. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in... founding, and there are not half life and honor, in its behalf, has im-: enough men to fill the wants of the pelled me to attempt the vindication -company, so that many raw hands of their eause an! cohduct. For this must be accepted, or else the company purpose| have decided to present a will work up gradually toa maximum historical *ketch of the events which of business a Other miners come to preceded and attended the struggle of the camp. the Southern States to maintain their | PROVISIONS, PRODUCE, “Green hands!”’ Pretty good, Mr. existence and their rights as sovereign communities—the creators, not the St You would like to induce the of the general government. verdant ‘‘yaps’’ from the séttlements creatures, The social problem of inaintaining to gather here in force and pitch their the just relation beiween constitution, tents. around. your. rookery. You government and people, has been “CAND «pip found so difficult that human history would flourish finely selling your a record of unsuccessful efforts to second-class sorgum and crackers to isestablish it. A government, to afford ‘the green ones. “*J,’’ when you write the needful protection and exercise again from the kibyrinth of your the proper cure fer the welfare of a t cobwebbed ani musty _back-alley people, must have homogeneity ia its -- AND... It is this nevessicy junkshop, do not presume to misstate constituents. which has divided the-human race | facts and -give-second-hand advice, to into separate nations, and finally has further personal interests and voice defeated the grandest efforts which designing informants, The fact that conquerers have made to give unlimited extent to their domain. When ‘Gents’ Furnishings, the streets are full of idle miners deour fathera dissolved their connection sirous of obtaining employment is with Great Britain by declaring them- _ bid us adieu, and wisli himan abund"ant success. The | Reef. Yalan : Gavkaansx... 3 see venes MAY 4, 1861 Yape for ‘Silver find perpetual© motion, and he has been working at it ever since, His favorite plan was-one based on an old idea of a wheel surrounded wiih weighis on loose levers, so arranged that the weights would be further }from-che ceuver on the down side than on the up side, the difference in weight keeping the wheel in motion. ' But every time there was something tacking, and he spent his fortune Z one + idipvetane the obstacle. poor, and spends his time lastin . the want. of means tO make | = rhe exper es ents. T?s a ta of the press 1 bis published weekly, 4 per year; $2 25 for six months; $1 50 three tsonther-paipahin In advance. ent postpaid sent «free Culffornts on i es of price. dreos THE bees San Specimen ARGONADT, Francisco, copy 522 California. A FULL LINE «on OF.... Cures by “ABSORPTION, Nature's way. ( BLANK BOOKS !) k Horn: Saloon’ ; It draws ar gee ie diseased parts the pol- (STATIONERY 1) Street, Si'ver Reef, Utah ‘One that cause deat YOU ‘can be RELHEVED & CURED Don’t despair until you have Kerily EVER ( ..s Always on hand-the best .... WINES, LIQuoRS AND CIGARS recap sepegten eee BREATHING TROUBLES. alt driveainto 2he aren Gusave Aeeate ' Next door tovthe drag store, Main TsLUNG DISEASFS THROAT DISEASES, veecABisee qo i WittER. J: they ie di. HALPIN'S ) si 2 ae aaa ae Pes hele eee The _ this§ RADIGA 2 Hamedje oe or sent by mail “Only” Lung Pad =Wilttlams Bioek, DETROIT, mich. ne suey Yan” Sent Free. b, Mavi ad CUTOA moninie pnd ou. book “Three Mil- Fit Te Applies Bald by Dri of Pirtee 32, dena for tenth. vie ries 4 ‘ |