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Show oe ME @ ee Ee A swe Re PEE he sted Be mae @ + A EN se NE TY gre en . en Ee le age Rept - | Tne (Silver. Br ef attuer, ae (aaa x Devoted to the OF SUBSCRIPTION: er ore secees +? asende seed x Monthly:. ie ee NO. me a eg & TST ee ay supports 4 ‘—Mrs. ye bia Ca Pa door to Hatptn’ 8 store. Hhatinli cht FLTC se but it rested entirely chp. tien bullion ‘ist | 16th int: Higgins, Es ty werot €3 * ——s matatte Gata trom’ Moe epiteanrank ist;St veesele have sive —The than * an SS itaank ares fon: au iy hire Orr hh fines Be DeP WHEDON, Ketor meres B REEF, UAH, wn ata nidsett Mt wor 4. an that ter finent orl Woolatig weney.’ og te'acailen jhetba Text ae 4 of Sonora are paying regularly $10 out let or hindrance. a. General Riv S “Maker. z (oe cad Durability, od Comfag Guaranteed. = : House: and. Buggy wok cone Painting Wb ie, om —‘* What are the breaste.in a mine?” asked B visitor to the Comst east» miner. ”.'They Bre the places whence wédraw the nutriment,** truthfully answered tthe. PABLOR, « vil G {iii Ae J. As TURRIL E, Vics Lowe Ma . twee a B00, Br Rec, - b Dui az? se uti ebui € . ie ices Pais “ _UUMBER' ond ragga eae hergaboy epsbea for ; to higy last. Som mer’s haat iM ook in Death Valley endwaye pnd crossways, sims that from all ac- rounts he foun tb it Feple Tlods..°"He + W \Boteke’ fins:o izeoger xin D: aa ere did you get this butter?” “From el ich o i, fry-patr to bonvince hi of its richness, “and will see it further, in the Spring. esas \ ae e grocer, Damhim,’’ responds the gentle” fe, and the husband looks as if he eee prilginpteted. iA cans iadly strange and strangely sad, jays the Truckee (Cal.) Republicam, agitated fhetown Iast week. One of our’ promising ral. edhe oblate LT cad \ Th As jsome unty; Cal., Corer quartz = found about irty miles from Modesto.. usnal: ‘ex, rts’ hdve’ vielted- tre y and given flattering accounts." Young men: ig involved and with a woman of'ttie ‘Wh Youug. maa’ was hOndréa, tefpected, fortunate in business, and only regently was promotedSie étraffge’ atféctién’ for he employers, tHe Cyprian His was so rons that one night last week the two left [rtinkee together with the ihntention-of géing. ture the fron interests of Qregonewil) become fo Oregon to reside, A.wartant was sworn ‘Vas important as the wheat and wool intér” gat by parties in Truckee, and the two were = veeaae and exceed {n value all the gold snpie ally brought on acharge of larceny, There eVidence against the yottng man, but “SS ae wae no ‘was convicted of the crime and @}|—The largest pumping’ engine on the the woman Firm ig his beCoast has jngt been completed. iu’ San Fran- gonten es seabed Acta , the lover rerilaltiak for the joint shaft of the Sierra Nevada, ad ful, raised the money here and there exicay and, Upion Mining Companies. on. “GRAIN. "o votraiign og tne pegs: iret erumee sproeted for any cri os lees pe mony highway robbery or! spoken: pee Be A PRY ton de Mc LYN rrr [—The Appeal etggette:s No; 8 ptove stuffed ; & Carson girl's atocking as an appropriate Nata present, The Eureka Leader sigue CH Dam Faad Lay Stabe, beat nese [ae es Tene ihe uwi ren s304 sbaaita zona. we 04. Address JH, Tit PHA OH fo dpleasarg!ot tig eiad 2 diye 3 prtaga beg ath eed eee x ayTh OF 4B mite iD =e N = ers, Prop’s. bare mea | BIALIARD. FABLE. aia ve quickly answered that.so far as he conld com-t nt men of Ohio. wers BiteBeer thai ed ‘in fat offices. Pee eels mouth at this, ae cused. Frye et oes Democratic. than en, Tom Browne-of Tudiang, in sponte tae sree “Pes ehow sens ee °° on pase ae einai 2 may ce 49 as oli ote 8 - or stera 12 the same. question, Sqr, the stateémen now In Congresé would be dear to the country at $2500'a' yéar, Speak for yourself,’ shouted:a memberon thé KRepablican side. 4‘ Ldo.speak for mysdlt,“medkly replied Thomas. -AndI think he a the solemn trutia, too. THE PEDEBAL ELECTION. GA WSs. <i It fe stated that the Supreme Court is about forced awosiet yt Fay ‘ ee rie, ssovingae SS abba ts ats ‘ « ae = : " |CaPrron. ee ae oe . af. reddy toallnounve a declbion as to thé éanstitationality of the Federal election lawe, aug nothing bearing upon them will be taken ap in Congres’ until this is known. ‘Report says Ee. “tah rs, > ay rémarked that the services ofa great many of tet eat ee ae iw the court is equally divided, J ustices ‘Clifford, Field, Bradley and Harlag that the laws Ate uncontatftutfonat, while Chief Justice Watte lectured here aeeatghe this week. There is nothing wonderful in thie, except that, the 3-1 ‘a alee oman > g0 eee and serve out her sentence, when romised his position, and all needfnl assistance if hd woud forsake his companion, he plied -with tears imhis-eyes : “No; I love Or ot es rr and poor old ie . Bo mabe bas e hep trie inhi Lsa Such dev be circumstances, there it a touch of the het re bic, What the sequéTorthis romance may ana plaid 8, C.. PERRIN, Stormont Boarding House. t ( dy express last night. iA AEST NDA ~ pmowan zaitbe. caRLton: sive : SR a [cece a ON, PORK end VEAL; x “of '. td al! points in the “sre cncteest Besos, of WINES, LIQUORS AND creaRs) ' Obtatnable in the Market alwsys on Hand, , Ca WESTOVER, Prop’s. ONO. © B® 4 | ar fii Lee Take Notice! r All persone knowing themselves’ indebted thas are requested to settle their bills, at yd AR Sey NN CALL. “we wati WaAttias ee eter woe oad INES, arrisbarg, ance on the TREMONT HOUSE), acacia ae ‘Wapbington, The o. Ep HIS POPU seat hale ola RH i accommodations for : Seal jn Sent to aby " \ be the onl moder ate“rates. ®. HILL, Pro FREE omnis ably cans, dn | And. fine malta ry ae i sinalin cme —? <a © sisateiatipumin ne 1k tin Alsrage coo, Bhs once, Otherwise suit wil) be instituted against ; them, HurtsiEman & Povsaps. [, Sto mae MR The Choicest Outs-of Beef, Pork) “ALPHIN & aca knowa monthe VE GIVE sek Conciae Eran,is Boots tinge “ a diy Arid’ & ‘hatte ‘itobiée. force oresar caretaly ahsand Ure ee des Statep me ay Lace epee Objection,’ said Mr, Garfleld, end the mem- in the United _HipKOX é 0, al LOGHA, Hetme eare Empire Market, yr Aiken, it js @ memorial from the Patrons..of Hne« “Ob! aht ahem! I withdrawthe® ered ‘or $2. om bend. satisfied, after a fait ‘rink ©to to have.a paper sent tothe Clerk's peak read.. * Well, then, if you do,” éald Mr, n, “IT than-s dozen letters.contatn. BET BIS NEW FIRM HASTTAKER augre popular stand and ae ee x wr eared Ftae the eo and vicin‘ty’ with the choicest cuts Be F ade also, Johpny his business, alee him @ call. a te a ee Fine Club. Roem la the: rear. canLrON &+ AMES Proyine me of a scene in the oes ary PEOPLE'S MARKET SSE What's the Use 8. x Friedman-Speciat Notice! |: Of writing 80 many letters to your frietida: ow account of overstock T Offer al] Dress oe ae te will get more local, news in one Mitkit water 08, wo-tess th dames Gee mee ‘stock of Ladies’ Volvét Hats, etc, arrived by By Honge on Monday last; tf object. to the} ae * ia reading of the memorial,” said Mr. Garfield, | vs when Mr. Aiken, of South Carolina, desired | ei NG | Liquors: and Se: and told an interviewer ‘that PR First Clase t Garfield had a pretty..surei thing of the Sen- Grlal_ was read, pre of the finest, Billinra Tables: im the Torritery, : ti oe nae SOHN All My Oi Fri Friend at Oat Binghath | @ARFIBLD AND THE OHIO sENATORGUIP: | Governor-elect Foster; of Ohio, wae-here will withdraw it." What ts It, gaid Mr. Garfield) “Why,” Gilliard Heil Patronage tealy sail. festaurant, dispoxed dfithe fowls, and enclosed a check for the amount to the owner, atorship.” This dag Naat ‘ erat gear =e tage and account to me."’ After @ moment's hesitation, Mr. Colfax went to the nearest the other day, de etract mies toe _ aae bres aan PF pinwis, oan ft oe i ee a Representative in Congress being the: servant of the people, a box of prairie chickens, accompanied . by the. sudacions request, ‘ Please dispose of these to the. hest advan: bp ie.orsniing we shall be aaxious tq vei } oa4 cheats oe teeth, Wind ted {ts Me’ }O® Mustat Havggesayatogeteligion Terms sti STAs ck yeeeeahuge ) The lerwas ae of a ‘saben batues said to okeybelonged t the primitive race, has been stiver ‘eer, uWiad, #A } yrngriee Own towns apes t a ese “ evil eon * wi, "Lig high’ 3 been done in Congress; | of retort’ and banter! ooousred, ‘The other . Frye, 9 aine, in the “a of the bill toregulate the ‘compensation of : Supreniv' Court reporter; got te ‘Heat i reparteeolpGen. Keifer, who said that ‘while|| there|nst ghtcbe 4,000 tien ‘th hit Biate of Ufo | * competent to perform’ the dutles'of his terkship, he would noé tonsider ahy of then paid according to theit deserts at: 95000)! Mr: Saccz his fr gts eee her fne.end paocured a ~ somesive mere “Look Here a Moment.| her release. two left town again Moniundell tons. | Phose destrogs’ of makin themselves a day night. They propose going to Oregon |—-Mamzlsth ‘ity, Calitornia is the drank->,p Where they willmeettie down and pase the re- New Year's present of a nice pair of Boots adie paredige. “Phere i9.no mainder of their days a@ Man and wife. ad Dotter Interview STEPHENS at once. Sate and the county jail is ane miles Vhen importuned by hip friends to leave. the Hehas just retelved'p 16¢ of/tdue} boot lege and fine re calf and boot Morocco fie fate; urged to aifowy her Socio ay, no thét as age | ene, ate rt ~*~ op, Corner of Contre wu got Xe at re stitres. dsaiv yo. Sew Phe Dest lof bea ed an, ey See Wi ot Sand cea ti the en the datigot | Me bars ’ tajiarige; to bag ‘33a | Tht Orépeainn’ prophidelen thas bw tbe Nl _ seams i * Vaub or sea OF a wAIN (atel Sa cpane mention of bis name recalls the fate of statesmen who find $1,000 notes undor theif breakfast plates, and lie about itatterwards, Some-4) ibody has jast related an old story about, Col-. ‘fax, illustrating. his demagoguical ways, aud lack of firmness or principle. He was. always Ait Dab Doqaitia ito. bs belieweal says] fin dread of the people and afraid of offending Says the Gold Hill News: The Mammoth “the Eureka Leader, the Comstock is in labor. them. Once he was. charged with a Post Cithi(Gp!9:cferpia tris to make ‘ont, that ‘the ) Whether it will bring forth a, ee Cy) Office bill, and some one, asa joke, introfamous Breyfogle lade in Death Valley, which | horké 1d Soncealed in the wont of : duced an amendment to the effect that postdiscovered numerous yeara ago by Brey) _Battle ‘Mountain; Nev., has fifteeen arte- fogie and others who’ were nearly dead when masters should be elected by the people, and Mr. Colfax, to the surprige of the friends of )Tetan wells, ranging from 110 to 166, feet in. they found jt, is merely a myth. . That.one the’ biil, voted for the amendment. © When , bat that yielded “iidepth. JThe‘water is writer In the Heral may possibly not beliove those who had deputed him’ to present the ‘by some yt the wells is a ttle sulphury. n it, bot we ican. Uking over thirty thodéand4 bill reproached him, they did not hesitate to —adoutiod wits bays are engaged ‘fir dig, pla prospectors Wh of Bqtiately and truly’ be- charge him with cowardi¢e'in voting for so ging potatoes in the neighborhood of Peta- Vieve in it and deeply cherish it as the chief ridi¢ulous an amendment for fear of offendplank im thefr platform of ‘mining faith{ As ing the voters. It was necedsary next day to jum, Cal. /Bheylearn from $2 to $150 per has been stated ih these columns not fridre get md of the fore the bill could day, and are driving the Chinese from the han two.orthree months since, “ Prospect field. be carried. On another occasion he received + ing Bill’ (William Sadler), whom everybody from some individual, who firmly believed. in OrsetAncta.Pp VELA EV p ING4 dou g iia is mine, anacandidate for admission as a State, the the Bodieite of swindling him, a¢ there was it. Y ett and 9618« population pred Increased, since 1870 rn mo shaft on the élaim. “Now I'll ten you railroad influ < SE ithe cause of that," said the Bodie man. ee 3: oPid Fe. Hf -—Como bullion is anid to be worth $4,55 per \ ‘ While L,weg%nBoston, my parfnér not iearng from me in some time.concluded I was ounce. Thigewouldtiadigate Id greatly vredominatalte it,-as¢Comstock bullion is pee coming back any more, and took the ahaft upand sold it-to same: ‘Mason Vahiey-ranchers }worth ‘only about $2. or for post-holes. ‘Faet, on! my honor."* seta Ai ’ Feat beeWal geogias Ge 149% byEXCHANGE “ SALOON,’ in stmt — : ion or packing of any elastic substance that will yield or spring under the blow of-the ag aoe ont be ahd ane: Th nikd Rureee Wrteo sail Doaletiod «Bake « ud dibbiad sail pda yehthaletcd weut iitgpic Lae Sava Lik y ieee Pai Paition 4 and Judges Strong, Miller and Swayne hold the eontrary opinion, .Jdustice: Hunt ie off the Bench by reason of ill-health. Smeh:a division of the: dudges:op the quéstion, whilé cam on the tappets; sd'iis to redace the jar at- making atie, would ‘really wave the law in tendent on the af aot: force. It is noL expected that- Justice Hint —Bi ack: ed deer in grea numbers are will ever resume hia place... Infact, it ie ‘ras ing ill Moka wees Ba tomy gins mored that his resignation has h#en tondetéd, {s sold and that the vacant: place-has been offered ta. pound. tom, sunk on it, for $5,000. Shortly after Senator Edmuiids. Thy deny this- at head- | —A project is on foot fo build a narrow. | quarters; nevertheless it is generally be, i gauge railroad from Wadsworth, on the Cen- his return, the purchaser came out to look at ‘lieved. hie mine. Going ont to the “mine,” ¢ BCHUYLER, THE UNWINGED ANGRL. ae mén foand an unbroken waste |, } connecte of sagebrush without a bign of a shaft or | Schuyler Colfax, one of the radical ptates—Washington,Topritory, 18. now spoken of ‘ledge. , Comin g back into town he .secused ‘men who droppéd suddenly” into -gblivion,, aaa wih —- Slee! balla A. Moore and John Dykes, of Oreanas Aidit | fp patent for @ cam, for ( TARR, Congress saloede tas | 2 cértafn, the vast majority of petiesips she wil] recovee nee mil his invention relates to certain improvements in the construction of of cams,—which are commonly used in lifting the stems fia uagtz milla by means of th ohooh consists in farm: ing a removable shoe or face attached to the ‘day by falling 900 feet down the shaft of the ‘seasbhgess Cooouhben on a Aalt Lake, dan Fran- Ward mine, on the Comstock. ek ASE COTt of tie astern States and —Stealing a $10 nae cost a Colorado man Barope, « his life, alihoigh he had been tried aud ac_ JOUN " RICE,” i quitted five different tines for murder. — 4 ctly on tie go-as’ am you-please pian. y anRe poral ofna Ra dislennt he —Beaver, otter, ‘martin, mink,-end other finé-ftirred antals fnhedit the wathye. of Yankee Hark and tributaries, _—Timothy Sullivan was killed te other “BANKING BUSINESS. PEED Bibs Bet Raeotobetide one gee oe —pPetalume,.. Gale, bee,}, a cow with je ES Review,-ia constructed on a liberal scale. Her heart is in the rightplace, and is big and generous. So.are her feet. Her smile looks Mike, the apo pf 4, parabols.: Her shoes gre built ont of doors. .It-46 hard for a Puscaroran to dance with an Elko girl and dodge coil § + per day t6 thé tan. ~The Idaho, Statesman says that poiepihey is. practiaed.in Bear Aakonanetes saaeee wie RE ‘REEDS cen area “ithe Hike eh, ‘dye ‘the Toscarora Times- -claime in the immediate vicinity ‘Transacts MAR Mhan Wet and it is not known whether oF oF not. . ie tee sashes sibT.0 gle by ripe hpieiers “OH OP HOUSE nothing apegit done Be Ri x wid ALERT: Sait lias ‘The total waination of gai oat a 7 beg ere Senate, been ae aT ty co sirment ation of 8ecretary P ecritern MeCrarytoVe U a if okies ines.spas, the Detiiogratic "ed! or“ Twenty-one Sue,” at Canyon City, recently committed the brutal act of scalding flows eae: : oe as Bamecy was Se a atan has desk new way to} make it hot for his wife. According to the} . D8, | em Ee a : of the ae 7 » wat for ve wet bits wi | ett 000 by thie salen New- “Fork Of | Calorato talue, aw, mr eas tah ts.) the: Leona mae et €<%4 5 aoe Mase a Ss ly noteworthy ide Wilhcdtica "2 calile feetecc: VOLUME DNTERPRIS . ta othe Asth ‘Therecoss Ye soieet ait” Fadary 6th=1% weeks, AUhéto was som bitpriee at “the ex.E | homorous ei cf h for This is detvimental to thal ah sei 10th “Money se acvean sp shalaine fh | eee (Late assistant U-8: Att'y for ‘Utah fj appointmenta by ‘by the a five.\The quality of the water also mak it yay dad for milling LoD It-is at Austin. ee ingtant, and the confirmationof a eapnie.ef Hatavin, Java, sentby Dick te sesesenel ee PE = adjourn for a fevivified camp of Como, Nev., has Pp mill —Fureka real estate ts. now bed“at “at bigher me: karan; zs Beyond the passage of a joint reselmtion ac ‘ Bestutantts,. p Moving. quietly and, seremely.ot the. Capital, on circumstantial evi famons. ist. ‘This se, try; which‘ pthe Eder of the World; batt very Dutch A left “Niginfa Gity, Nev, hes” ata bub 1 Reef. | scribed $2,000 to the irish 1 Relief Randy. “SADT LARS OMY, UTAH, te oe = best om WAVERDAY, peckitdeR a, 1870, ott Then Hie well-nowh “batjoist, who, sayss. hee traveling through Java, India, China an Japan, professionally, with Valbose, & jugtly- Oregon with whéat, fopr and salmon) MESS Fee bew | ee alens sh —Since | OFFICE. =_ = Bert. doar noe ae Mores ‘office, Main Street, “NSB. LOdt ig ‘[Correspondense at the, ‘alive Reel Manes. Wasurmerox, December 17.—Things dence, , Mis Bréwster was ine ubttda. —The Gold Hill News has received a pg rope Ss. Southirn’ Tan. “WASHINGTON. LETTER. indicted - | peatycaseBietlet Gonrk et: Walle Water attracted oe inthe attention, Silver City, Nona had a $10,000 fre on the Dr. Marie -Ann. Brewster, for poisoning her husband by putting strych: nine in his eee eon was tried at the late meet: faro.games.. —Coyotes how! areanaY me town of Sutro. Surgeon vrai: ror So ie SOAST ; PHPPINER,, ~aetie, fev (Oy MANTOR, Orme 10, { Rbyaiolans fe ret aabxh, Yabuitinton dounry, * Delivered by oarrier at 35 cts per week. 13 Ivetiet Mining nzopers ce cegs se aos wene tees “uszeules ery #t., Room 10, - Ban Francisco, Cal. Mas. E, Q. Cnovcs. op ee eeeees Bay SR, I nie oH ee One yeor,, Eid a Bix ere et Se fetor. > AT DEPOTS. ad se eae ae Sate ete fe oe preg aekce tot : Oigars, stipe always, Re Ve ae. | Blore...\) . sal May is : ihe nia tng . “ |