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Show 4 MI = Devoted to the Mining Interests of Southera Utah 1. = TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. REEF MINER couNry, UTAH, BAZURSAT, -—-JSSUED Salt Lake Dispatches. EVERY— and Satt LAKE, June 25. Ephriam Snydeer, of Partey’s, Park, gives an account of the death of his brother, Robert H. Snyder, who was killed by lightning at Ashley’s Fork on the 16th inst. It was during a thunderstorm, and he was leaning against the hind part of a wagon with another man named Perry Decker, when a flash of lightning, probably. attracted by the steel upon Saturday. BY PIKE & DUNHAM, PUBLISHERS BATES AND OF PROPRIETORS. SUBSCRIPTION; ONG FORT, once cs ccee cdeccccessccssseces pectee 00 Mist PROGER, 6 nc bonne cc cess pocs esy scence 4 50 ‘Phroee Months,............seesecvseeeeee. 2 onthly.. 5 Delivered a Bilver K eet and “immediate vicinity at 35 ots per week. the wagon, struck them both to the earth. Snyder was killed insiantly, but Decker will recover. Lawrence Barrett, the eminent tragedian, will perform in Salt-Lake on the 8th, 9th and 2eof July. It has been supposed by some that he would not appear to the best advan- peer. 28 Montgomery street, Room Le tate ‘Deposlt Building, San Francisco. - RoGuns & Ricxanns, Silver Beef, Utah. tage, owing to the quality of the support he . Mas. E.C. Crovcu, Beaver, Utab. 2. B, Linbsdy, Frisco, Utah. would find here, but it is his intention to bring six principal players with,him. Tony Pastor’s variety troupe will be along x. B. Our agente are authorized to cnilect moneys due this office, take orders for advertising and attend to all other businéss devolying upon them’ as the representatives of the publishers. here some time next month. Every indication points to a particularly successful tournament between the Athletic and Deseret base-ball‘clubs, and as there is a strong prospect for really first-class games, the largest crowds ever gathered within the ball ground will probably convene. Seats are being put in south of the stands, and every preparation is being made to secure the enjoyment and comfort of the spectators and an enjoyable series of games. The Descrets announce their nine, the baiting order being as follows: Read, 2d b.; McKelvy, c.; Wheeler, p.; Funkhouser, Ist b.; Golding, c. f.: POST OFFICE. Office hours from 9amm, tol p. m. and from 8to7 p.m. Sundays, one hour after arrival of the stage trom the north. The, Northern mail closes at 6:30 a. m. The Bouthern mail cloasa at 2:30 p. m. The Toquerville mail cioses at $:30 a. m. Rogiatering done during office hours. Hepman Kravse. Duke, s. 8.; George, 3d b.; C. L. McKelvy, r. j.; Toms, l. f. ; Sat LAKE, June 26. Al. Barker, the well-known pitcher of the Red Stockings base-ball club, met with a painful accident yesterday afternoon. He was working at the depot, and by some means his leg was caught between the tender of the engine and a car loaded with lumber, and that member was 80 severely crushed that one of the bones was broken. The answer in the big suit will be filed tomorrow. It is said ten miles of rails have been laid ostmaster. ae) D, P “WHEDON, (Late assistant U. S. Att'y for Utah.) Attormey- at-Law SILVER REEF, UTAH, Will attend to any legal business. tuhls care. —The city assessment of Tucson foots up $1,000,000. —The business of bopeerstealing is reviving in Arizona. —The habit of cheeing camphor is fright- entrusted beyond Juab. The Stewart suit consumed the entire day of yesterday’s sitting in the Court. The deA.J Moore, O. E, 8. Suusra, M. E. fense began submitting testimony in the hate of Virginia City.) (san Francisco.) . | naorning, and imall probability the suit will run over this week. Jos. S. Shubra & Co., A vein of coal seven feet thick has been Mining and Mechanical Engineers, found about twelve miles above Huntsville, RAWINGS, ESTIMATES AND SPECIFIC- in a canyon coming into Lost creek. The top ations made in all branches of-mechanical rock is gray sandstone, with conglomerate beengiaeering and especially in the construction of steam engines for hoisting, pumping a:da low. The tunnel is in on seventeen feet, on mill works, The application of compressed air the vein. in pumping our specialty. Depositions made It was rumored on the streets to-day that of the stength .f materialin structures of iron and wood. Contractore for the erection of Joseph Dudley, the defendantin the Dudley quartz mills, trial lately closed, had been shot near the steam engines tested by Indicator and reports Up made of their economic. capacity and general Warm Springs by some oneinambush. performances. Vaives and valve motions set to this time, however, nothing has been and adjusted to give their highest attainable learned to confirm the report. Fesults, LATER—The report of Dudley's death was Agents for H. W John’s Asbestos steam without the slightest foundation. boiler and pipe coverings, By mutual consent of counsel on either Address P. Q. Box 19, Silver Reef. side the answer-of the defendants in the case Emeline A. Young vs. John Taylor et al. and the executors of ithe estate of the late Brigham Young, which was to have been filed toay in the District Court, has been postponed until Saturday. J, BIRCH & CO, Leeds - Utah. London “Dispatehes. Lonpon, June 25. The Press Association says that President —AGENTS MOUNT Grevy has officially sent a message of condolence to ex-Empress Engenie, on behalf of the Republic. There is some fear in Constantinople that the Sultan, if he consents to the abdication of the Khedive he will no longer have any control over Egypt. FOR— TRUMBULL LUMBER! A strong ee AND CLEAREST IN UTAH. We are prepared to fill any bill of any size on short notice and as cheap ‘as any eommon lumber from, orhier yards. Afghan force has left Cabul to pacify tribes in the Badakshan district of Turkistan. re | The British, French and Gérman ConsulsGeneral proceeded after midnight to the palace and declared to the Khedive his disposi- tion by the Sultan, and that the dispatch of | First-Class Hulim Pasha to succeed him was imminent unless he immediately abdicated. The Khedive merely again referred the Consuls-General to the Sultan. Liquors! F YOU WANT SOMETHING REALLY Good and unadulterated, pay us 4 visit. We sell cheap to Families and Dealers. We keep constantly on hand a supply of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, Flour and Grain, New York Dispatches. NEw York, June 26. A special to the World says: Under the Senate resolution of Saturday to investigate the charges of bribery against Senator Ingalls will be actively pushed, and the men who have instituted the movements say they can prove the bribery with which Ingalls is ac- cused, and that they have already traced $6,000 of the money. Which will be delivered to any part "_Bilver Reef. Leeds or the camp. — BIRCH & CO. \ SAM First WING Wash-House, Bonanza, (LOWER MAIN STREET.) WASHING, IRONING AND FLUTING. Work dane promptly and tn best of atyle. ‘ eo pot Tw a tis a of San Francisco y Dispatches. fan-Francisco, June 26. J.F. Jaggard, a resident of Biggs, Butte | county, was stabbed this evening and instantly killed by a tramp. The citizens threaten to lynch the tramp, who is locked up. Dr. Hugh J. Glenn was nominated for Governor to-day by the New Constitution party. Glenn was not present, and it is reported that he will not accept the nomination unless {In dorsed by the Democratic convention next week. Dr. Glennisthe largest wheat-raiser in the State. / fully prevalentin Bodie. '—It is reported that $1,000,000 has been offered and refused for the Centennial mine in Arizona. —Bodie hasa débt of $900 on her Babcock Fire Extinguisher. Of this amount $635 has been promised. —Hank Monk reports very few tourists at Lake Tahoe so far. The seagon seems to be backwitrdin allrespects. —Virginid City bas a genuine sensation. It was caused by ‘finding the remains of a. child in a hog ranch, among the garbage on which the hogs were feeding. EXCHANGE MAIN — The #5. WAGNER® best of-— Drugegist a Wines, Liquors and Cigars. aot AND— SUMMER DRINKS MILK PUNCH SHERRY COBBLER APOTHEGARY, Claret Punch, Ete. Egg Lemonade, Corner All Kinds of Fancy Drinks. BILLIARD | KEEPS constantly on hand a well-assorted TABLES. stock of ~ Private Club Rooms, DRUGS, MEDICINES, ETC., ETC. Open Day and Main and Gentre Sts. SILVER REEF, UTAH, First Class Lunch Stand. Patent Medicines, Night. |. FORDONSKI. PERFUMERY, TOILET ARTICLES, ETO., ETC. CAPITOL. | Main St,, Silver THE Physicians’ heef, Prescriptions BEST Carefully compounded at “eo Wines, Liquors & of the day or night. 022 CIGARS, Restaurants. Obtainable in the UNITED STATES. J. H. CASSIDY. —Virginia City has a Chinese-woman stealing case. Ah Ling bought a damsel from Ah Yum, agreeing to pay $200 for her, if after aepmonth’s trial he liked her. At the end-of the month Ah Yum called and Ah Ling said, “Me likee heep,”’ but declined to put up any money. Next night Ah Yum called and demanded the money or the woman. Ah Ling reflectively pulled outa big six-shooter and told Ah Yum to travel home and look after his chickens. The other heathen also pulled.a revolver and began to hammer Ah Ling over the head with it, leaving him for dead on the floor. AJ] the parties are now in jail. —A new method of prospecting, according to the Eureka Leeder, is being advocated among the miner# It is nothing more nor less than the regular well-boring apparatus used in the oil regions, only of smaller size— say witha capacity to drill 200 feet. The expense saved and the adyantage gained would be enormous. ‘Instead of sinking a shaft 100 feet, at a costof at least $1,000, expending two months or more of time in the act, the drill, will tap the same, distance in a few days at almost no expense, and showing the character of almost every inch of rock lying between the surface and that point. If the borings do not, prove satisfactory, a worthless property may be abandoned without the expense of pours it by costly shafts, drifts and machinCry SALOON, STREET. First door South of Post-office. —Parties in Virginia think that the handiwork of a certain well-known female abortionist can be traceil in the dead baby transaction. Itis said that the woman has been peopling the cemetrry with married people and openly boasts of her triumphs in her devilish art. Evidence is being quietly collected and the might of the law will be called in as soon asthere js enough for it to-take hold upon. —Tne class of men now in Challis and Bonanza City are prospeStors, who have gone there with three months’ supplies, and who must, no matter what discoveries they make, seek other fields when their stock is-exhausted. About $8a week is charged for board, butas most of the men there board themselves, restaurant men are not making sudden fortunes. Two or three saloons are in operation in the two camps, the proprietors of which do not consider themselves on the high road to fortune, at twenty-five cent, a drink, Yankee’Fork is overrun and over estimated, and those who go there twelve months from now will be fully 4s well off and enjoy fully a3 many chances to make rich strikes, as those who have been spending the past wintey in the snow and living on half rations, 1, Apotheraries, Saloons. —After the literary exercises on the Fourth of July, says the Paradise Reporter, $50 will ‘be paid to the person (male or female) telling the biggest, hughést,* grandest and best appreciated lie. Paradise is évidently Lost. —So far forty tons of ore from the Bodie mine have been crushed, and the battery shows a result of about $45,000 in gold, or $1,125 to the ton. This, it is said, does not.include the fine gold in the sulphurets on the plates. —Stock Exchange: President Hayes says he is strongly opposed to Mormonism. The domectie atmosphere of the White House would be uncomfortably sultry for Mr. Hayes if he didn t say so. Like a good many other husbands, however, he does not practically show such a ferocious disposition to sexual eccentricities as his enunciated theories would lead sbme people to expeot. VOLUME 1879. ASRS aa COAST. CLIPPINGS. —The new jail at: Elko will cost $10,000. _ Wednesday JUNE 28, SILVER, REEF Restaurant, MAIN STREET, Opposite Wells, Fargo & Co’s Express Offtes. HE Silver Reef is most conveniently oo cated for the laborer, business man traveling public, and is conducted on striotly first-cluss principles. Atits eel Ene? tables can alwys be found the best that the market atfords, prepared by the best of cooks. f M. DONCVAN. j22 PIONEER _ §.C. PERRIN, Stormont Boarding Billiard Etali One of the finest Billiard Tables in the Territory, and Cigars Always on hand, Fine CJub Room in the HICKOX Prop’r. CO. CABINET SALOON, Opposite Harrison House, Patronage Generally Solicited. All My Old Friends from Bingham Invited to Call. J. HIBBERD, rear. & House. lver Rec! Bakery First Class Liquors — Silver Reef, y THANK THE PUBLIC FOR PAST FAVORS and solicit a continuance of the same, as I am now prepared to sell the cheapest and the best quality of bread in the Reef. Reme m ber our bread is not adulterated and we are selling 1644 lbs for one dollar, Be sure'when you buy ® loaf that it weighs a poundandahalf. ~ Pies and Cakes, the Best in the Bee IN FIRST-CLASS STYLE and the best WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Only passed over the Bar. WM. se RAFFERTY. Reef. All are invited to call at the Silver Reef Bakery to try our bread and we are sure you will never buy anywhere else. LAFAYETTE RESTAUR'NT ‘ N. JOHNSON, Prop’r. ELE-HORN SALOON. Main Street, ee Says the Sacramento Record-Union: SenNext door to the Drug Store. ators can cull one another blackguards, cowHE LAFAYETTF RESTAURANT HAS ards and liars, without suggesting, either to again changed hands and the new peoKeeps always, the best Wines, Liquors and prietor tokes this method of intorming themselves or others, the imminence of a re- Cigars. numerous friends and the public that he 7 sort to the code of honor. The aforesaid code GEORGE MILLER. ‘prepared to accommodate them with the very has been responsible for a great deal of barbest that the country affords, prepared Pre cook that acknowledges no superior in his barity and brutality, and has produced innumprofession. erable tragedies, but it had one good effect: No pains will be spared to please customers. it eempelled men who did not want to fight to Patrons can order whatever they, please. out of the ordinary line. be careful how they talked. But this pracNu J OHN SON. tice of calling names when everybody knows: that the quarrel will go no further, is as peevish and demoralizing us ite undignified and_}. N. CHRISTENSEN, foolish. If only some member would assert his manhood by a nose-pulling essay, or those Boot and shoe who quarre! would resort to the cloak room and there have a quiet round or two without Maker. gloves, it would tend torestore a healthy tone LODGING HOUSE. Main Street, Two doors bélow Postoffice, to the asssembly. Messrs. Conkling and Lamar should have gone ont end tested their cae mettle by personal encounter..or they should Gentlemen tan be had by applying have kept civil tongues in their heads and not given so much opportunity for scandal. MRS. L. BUSCH, Main &t. Kremlin Saloon. QUILLAN & MAHONY. INE FURNISHED herrea wasnradton gp SILVER REEF, RE 8 worsen ——__—- sILvER ROOMS FOR Elegance, Durability and Guaranteed. Comfort 2, 6 oY Prete 72. ey x i wo. |