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Show a SILVER REEF MINER. “BATU RDAY.. ee ee _ LOCAL ..JUNE 14, 1879 eseteereet The Christy Company paid off to-day. The hospital, which is nearing completion, is being painted a dark-brown color. . The liitle gon of Mr, Al, Lusk, we regrot to Harrison and blitchée’ A thorough: overhauling of stovepipes will complete the safety regulations in good shape and leave us:as safe as we can hope to be with aur present facilitios. - The cleaning-up work which the committee a Ee quiet boarders at my —_— bargains in Friedman’s Wooir FOR Fire!!! Dry Emporium. DRINKS MILK PUNCH SHERRY COBBLER Claret Punch, Settle Up. as ee in a desirable [one oe Groceries MY and occupied by J. Hickox and the Mrvur office for sale. t at beige a Sorin ate a BYWATER—At D. it is: restaurant. 8. JAQUES. Utah, June ore A ‘Hi prices Day and ‘HViIA Night. > ‘JUTE 200278 MAIN Main St,, Silver THE * STREET, Shop. SILVER REEF, BLACKSMITHING() ARDS. Wagon Ki than 1879, of : eae; scarlet ‘ Work, Of all shapes done on short notice. UTATIB uyeW [e}MIMLUIQ pue Usig ‘OSnOH CAPITOL. -RETALLICK, McPHEE & c0., clack Sa ‘LSINOWO19 ‘W ‘4 WAGON- SITOP, Main BEST SNOW ————————— Street, Leeds. KE. constantly on a - ae Tire Iron and Wagon‘I SNOW X FLAKE SNOW X FLAKE sNoW £ FLAKE Obtainable in the mith | Keef, Wines, Liquors & supply o HORSE SHOEING A ate\ n23 moire Market, X FLAKE MAIN STREET, C. WESTOVER, & CO., Prop’s. Pork All ae carefully filled and prasbey de lived freeof charge, in Silver ef, Leeds, Hacrisbaree and on the River, PIONEER Jas, CRONAN. Billiard in the Territory, First Class Liquors and Cigars Always on hand, Fine CJub Room in the HICKOX rear. & FULL LINE eeand WANES, & ORES and SILVER ASs ay _ es fo. ee ee AND Only passed over the Bar. SNOW X REEF Office, is FLAKE notice and atreasonabl le rateas ed ne Main Street, always, the best Wines; Liquors pis and GEORGE MILLER. a at and Bullion melted on shore ee eee sNoW X FLAKE 8 N 0 WwW I | recntin- Salant Koxt door to the Drog Store. one ars. 3 Opposite monies Fargo & Co’s, Ore assayed RAFFERTY. ELE-HORN SALOON. fever, : “MATIN STREET, ~ erry CIGARS ASSAYED. LA BULL, Assayer,. : the besto BULLION POUJADE. | WM. fain Street, opposite Harrison ison House, OUGHT EXPRESSLY FOR THIS Market and Sold at the Very Lowest Prices. We have everything that the Market soqnites and all our goods are of the Brand the same as our Snowflake Flour. Siloce Reef, LIQUOES CHANDLER and CRONAN. MERCHANDICE, HEITZELMAN OFFICE ee General CO. H. H, Cuaxpugs ASSAY OF CABINET SALOON,: ; any- and Ida F. By Hiall One of the finest Billiard Tables Stormont, near Silver Reef, 12th, Salt Lake papers please copy. <* |* L Reef: Blacksmith Horse-Shoeing “all the same." ‘US ENIV| DIED, BUILDING,- SITUATED Street N. BUBB, ‘Silver wg-¢10 * £[ydur01d s1ep10 [PH- *0}+ popmoHts . FORDONSKI. Woolf & Jordan’s. BALL Ty OFFER -on Main at lower where elso at Roof. eEe e@ The largest assortment of Family and Fancy For further.particulars call on B. C. BOREN, hSilver N. B.—All Goods purchased from ts wil! be delivered promptly, free fof charge; to all parts of this place and vicinity. Private Club Rooms, 7 a Sity gotog of land, with, water-twenty | and nood the money Quinten to most our& Manoney. own oblige Also | tion% or. JACOBS & SULTAN. TABLES. settle their bills, as we have lost our stock a s00d lumber Rg ae Ete. |. First Class Lunch Stand. > SALE! es oposite on us at our place of business on Main Street. In soliciting your patronage..anew, we assure you. that one trial will eee, our friends that we mean what we say, and ar’ satisfied that we are able to furnish better poods at cheaper prices than found anywhere, without exception. All Kinds of Fancy Drinks. 850 Reward Will be paid for the return of two diamond shirt-studs, lost from my residence during the excitement of the fire. J.J. HaLrin, & Jorpan. ‘and the balance suitable for gardoning. Ae Wines, Liquors and Cigars. SUMMER Egg Lemonade, Fresh Meat and Sausage. Our long experience in the business warrants us in guaranteeing satisfaction to our customers. Orders promptly filled. Meat delivered to any part of the camp. in the Reef. WE have also received a new stock of MILL and MINING SUPPLIES and everything in the line of Hardware. ALSO a complete stock of CROOKERY and GLASSWARE ——The best of—., USK & GERMER HAVING PURQHASED the above named market take this method | and Mutton Always on Hand. ><> Eines stark Rae ont Teliding ¢ STREET. Valuablts Property. | A! varties indebted-to us are requested to | CPE Harrison House, A 7 MAIN 4 of advising the public that they keep mE | on hand every variety of GOODS, Ever displayed a p PEOPLE'S MARKET — a all kinds of Fancy Articles in this line. FURNISHING SALOON, a "own wt handsome: | all trace of the fire. He is constantly recoiving from Salt Lake and San Francisco invoices of novelties in his line, - The ladies of Silver Reef who have heretofore so liberally patronized Mr. Friedman, will now find him better prepared than ever to supply their wants in articles of personal adornment. Goods, Groceries, Clething, Etc. Our new stock will be opened next week and sold at prices never before offered in the market. All goods brought direct from New York. / a very GOODS te The Choicest Cnts of Beef, Fire !! _ Friedman has had the front of his Dry Goods —_-—-—_—_-— -- oor groat Gents, Shoes. also opened DRESS public attention, Fo ‘And fall line of Miners’ Notions, ROGERS & RIOKARDS, | _|Clothing and Gents’ First door South of Post-office. Open Empofium repainted, thus completely removing’ <-——_-————— Shoes! For and A Gents, call and see Stephens. He has received the latest style of Summer.Shoes. Our! line of ARTIC LES, | Cons rcTIONERY, MaGazines, PunionicaLs, : NEWwsPaPans, Prices. sueaprete DIRECT from Chicago, a complete and well se Topaccos, of mechanical labor suitable te rebuild the burnt district of Silver Reof. J. BIRCH & CO. Hrpsrrp. I will give $100 reward for the recovery of my gold watch and chain and no questions asked. I. FCRDONSKI. Look most RECEIVED, STATIONERY, CUTLERY, ings on fast time and furnish material, and we are also on hand to furnish any kind of Dollars Reward! ———_—_——_o- EXCHANGE ATTENTION, GENTELMEN: Weare prepared to take contracts to build any kind of build- restaurant on Main J. And JUST FANCY Op Fire! , have oe HAVE To which we beg to direct ETC., ETO. &= Tho latest styles of Clothing, Hats and Gents’ Furnishing Goods to be found at Woolf & Jordan’s. toe SO’ One Hundred : Sulonns. ~2eoo number BUSCH, Main St. UNITED STATES. J, H. CASSIDY. Caries By WATER. a E: lected assortment of Ever seen in Utah. FOR A CuHoIce ARTICLE of fresh butter for the retail trade for sale by, MoManvus & REED. 2 > 2.<—>? V —Also the largest stock of— mill the fire kept north burning every- services during the sickness in our family. the Boots applying CIGARS, Woe desire to tender our heartfelt thanks to our friends who so kindly volunteered their streot. McManus & Reap. —___— a limited by thing beforeit, covering an area of five square mile; and destroyinz a large amount of felled timber, poles, tan bark and lumber. Thanks. Boarding. L. had BILLIARD Timber Fire Near Parowan, the ROOMS be MRS. A few days ago one of the hands employed at Wilcock’s saw mill in Parowan-Canyon went out in the timber and set fire to an old corral—probably to see how it would burn. It burned ‘‘ way up” and the wind blowing south drove the fire in that direction for three days, burning all the timber in an area of two square miles. The wind then changed and drove the fire north, in the direction of the steam saw mill, sweeping about one mile wide. When it reached the mill overybody was put to work to save it, only. succeeding after five hours’ hard work, the lumber yard and mill house catching fire several times. After passing @uruyes and cardboards found at FRIEDMAN'S, accommodate can ALSO, Ladies and Children ies chains = we are offering at— Reduced HOUSE. FURNISHED Gentlemen (BR Laney vs. Fuller. This case, which was a suit brought against the defendant for turning the water of Quail creek out of its natural channel into a flume, was partly tried in Justice Wilki.s’ .. court on Wednesday and Thursday last, and was finally compromised by referring the ‘matter to three disinterested parties, to beees of by arbitration, I will from A shipment of the celebrated Budweiser Beer, Hark, from the Tomb a doleful sound, Yo miners hear thécry: A gentleman residing in Silver Reef is in reeeipt of a letterfrom his brother residing near Tombstone District, which pronounces the mines there a first-class bilk. The letter gays that mining operations in thé district aro at a stand-still. Mrs. INE Received. Best in the market. bat then we shall find out all the same. R. and Chinamen —Which DEPOT, FOUR DOORS BELOW ee Just lance, perhaps it’s none of our d—d business, _ the . LODGING NEWS FAMILY. = China- taking possession of the disputed’ property by a free display of six-shooters. A compromise was soon offected, however, which resulted in the Chinamen paying over $50 andthe Chinawoman being returned to her owner—to be again the victim of one of the most. debasing ard cruel systems of slavery that ever disgraced the lowest form: of civilization. We observe occasionally the pound-keeper’s notices posted up in out-of-the-way places advertising lost stock in the county. We would like to be informed in what paper these noticos are printed, not one of them having been sent to the Miner. In Mormon par- oo , —GENERAL—* GROCERIES be bought sey where south of Salt ‘Lake. all at once. Youcomo ’long.” On arriving at Hop’s domicile, the woman’s captors were keeping bo J. J. Halpin, purchasing all his I give $£0 to nigger, Injwn, white man bring my woman back; d—d fejlows want to get rich, still there, everything to Stoves, Hardware, &c, in the East ern Market, has facilities for selling all goods in his line cheaper than can the boys refused to give the woman up for less, Hop Lee started uptown and.made a complaint to the Sheriff in the following style: “Tsay I pay $50; they want $100; I no pay ’em—lI say take the gel. In papah office I say The rain which foll Jast Wednesday night was a regular God-send, laying six inches of dust and reviving the dying orchards and vineyards upon which the people are, dependent for fruit. The prospect fcr additional showers continue good. > <P ‘he contains man’s. is therefore the place to buy goods, men refused to pan out that amount and as “How is your wife’s health ?” saida man on the street to his acquaintanco; ‘is she well ?” *-Well, hardly ever,’’ was the response. The questioner gazed sternly at tho questioned, but finding he meant it, put up his revolver. _—_—_ a store demandinga their prize. ROGERS & RICKARDS, 7H TAKE. PLEASURE IN INFORMiug our patrons and the community at large that we have éntirely given up otr intention. of retiring from business here, and eater facilthat we have started anew with to maintain ities, and we are now prepare our reputation as tha leading mercantile firm ofthis place. and by reason of our advantageous connections in purchasing our supplies, we can and willundersell all our competitors. e have just received ai immense stock of all kinds of fresh found in the leading’establishments of Salt ‘Ihe Search, to her master, hundred dollars for Apostle. Erastus Snow was in the Reef Thursday to give counsel in the Laney-Fuller water case. He will attend to Moroni’s revelation business when he returns to St. George. ; had~stolen her. to Chinatown of safety inaugurated is rapidly transforming Sliver Reef into'a town that will bear inspection under sanitary rules. | | who | Important ANNOUNCEMENT! and sortment “that he relies for public .support, Chinamen found themselves baffed. . “A briljiant idea struck Hop—he would advertise his loss in the Mixer and offer a revaid to any one returning the woman. Wending his way 10 the office he gave us an advertisement. which read about as follows: .“* Chinawoman she leab camp, you sabe? You put in papah that me pay $50 and no questions asked anybody brin,; her back; me no care, Injun, nigger, whito man, pay ’er $50. Shortly after, however, somo boys got track of the Chinawoman, who had secreted herself in a house at the lower end of Mainstreet, and watching their chance, captured and carried her down Mr. J. H. Cassidy: has bought the building on Main street formerly- occupied by H. ’Krauae and will make it fire-proof for the reception of the Capitol Saloon. it-by express, may honor him with their esteemed. patronage, and itis on account of his extensive as- discovered of the girl and for once the cunning - manner: orders where the ladies are waited upon by the prepossessing proprietor or his Chesterfieldian assiztant, whose greatest pleasure is to give satisfaction to all. Call on Friedman. Messrs. The apricets and apples in the market are} of a very inferior quality. We notice, however, that they ait act in the med ale ‘es market he at once can therefore supply his customers with articles which they can purchase nowhere else. It is through the completeness of his stock as well as. its: excellence that he is enabled to guarantee satisfaction .to all who Lake, there is no occasion why the ladies should not_make suitable purchases. Fried- Heitzélman & Poujade. 7m when anything new in bis line appears on the however, was not atandoned, and next morning the stage wag closely. inspected as it passed through Chinatown to see whether the missing property was on board. But nary a Chinawoman was on the stage. On Thursday matters were getting desverate, no trace had been The shipments-of bullion from Silver Reef, for the week ending June 14th, through Wells, Fargo & Oo., uggregate $25,318.61. of late is that the Chinamen a8 they returned {rom their unsuccessful search, and dire were the maledictions heaped "pon the head of the “son 0’ The insurance companies have settled satisP. so rapidly for when state, is quite low with scarlet fever, — Mr. has improved without discovering any,tracg of the desired object—Bitter-and_deep-was-the swearing of & The infant of Mr. Bywater which died from an attack of scarlet fever, was buried yesterday. ~ factorily with ness Quite an excitement took place in the Chinose part of town Jast Tuesday afternoon, caused by the sudden disappearance of oné ‘of the Chinese damsels belonging to Hop Lee and valued at the high price of $700. The woman’s departure was not discovered. till toward evening, when a vigorqus search was immediately instituted by lantern-light, but W, E.. Smedley, en insurance adjuster, arrived by coach last night. Miscellaneous, +Ladies, Attention! The reason that Friedman's Dry Goods busi- Hop Lee Loses a Seven Hundred Dollar Woman and Recovers Her on a Fifty Doilar Reward. INTELLIGENCE. Merchants. ——— ypu INATOWN - EXCITED: ! a py eu FL A K E QUI | . ss LL A N / ; & MAHONY f { “4 Gf } : ign “i os » ie ai oi |