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Show -NEWS- Spanish Fork A time to be thankful WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 2008 • A3 Covering what matters most Life goes on Life after Birth Janene Baadsgaard Sometimes when I crawl in bed at night I can't go to sleep because I mentally rehash every trouble or concern in my life until each muscle in my body is so rigid I can't relax. Then I worry that I'm worrying too much. Before long, I'm checking the clock again noticing another hour has passed. Eventually I have to tell my mind, "Stop thinking! You can not solve one single solitary problem in your pajamas while you're in bed in the middle of the night. Let the day go. Face tomorrow when you wake up." Sometimes this personal reprimand works and sometimes it doesn't. If it doesn't I close my eyes and imagine I'm sitting alone at the beach on the Oregon coast watching the waves roll toward my bare toes wiggling in the sun warmed sand. Then I begin a relaxation game. First I become aware of each muscle in my body • beginning at the top of my head and working down. I tighten each muscle then release. Next I imagine my arms and legs dissolving like sand into the sea. If I have another worry thought and tense up again, I have to start all over. Once I'm relaxed I listen for my inner rhythms* the steady beating of my heart the constant rise and fall of breathing. If I turn off my worry thoughts long enough and allow myself to simply experience the moment, my tension dissolves and I feel as though I'm floating. This gentle cadence of pre-sleep relaxation takes me back to when I was a child and had the simple faith to drift comfortably into slumber knowing God was watching over me. Like the waves on the beach, like the beating of our heart, life is continual motion. We can not hold on to yesterday any better than we grasp a wave in the palm of our hand. Nothing is still; nothing is unchanging. There is no way to stop the constant pulse of the cosmos. Yet the Master of the Universe mercifully allows each day to end so we can regroup and refresh before the next wave. There are times when unexpected challenges come at us like sudden storms at sea. When we feel most adrift or afraid, it helps to take a deep breath and go deep. Somewhere anchored inside each of us is stillness. Like the eye of the storm, this private quiet center allows us to be at peace even during the height of the tempest or against the stiffest wind. Hope and gratitude allow us to ride out the storm until the dark clouds part and sun shines through again. So, when we're lying in bed at night worried about the storms in our life, we have to tell ourselves, "Stop thinking and start listening. We can not solve one single solitary problem while we're looking outside ourselves for the answer. Take a deep breath, go deep and feel the stillness." Storms come and storms go. The tide comes in and the tide goes out. If we are searching we'll find hidden treasures in the quiet tide pools among the rocks when the tide is out and we never know what new gift the next tide will wash up on the shore. No matter what happens to us - life goes on. Sometimes we are on the beach watching the waves roll in and sometimes we have to get up and dance in the rain. Give the gift of preparedness Ready or Not Dawn Van Nosdol Don't you just love gift cards? I know I do. It's the perfect size, the perfect color and nobody ever wants to re-gift them. So when I received an e-mail cautioning me about buying gift cards this season, I was a little sad. The e1 mail stated that there were several large chain stores that were either closing all, or at least some, of their stores after the Christmas season. The author of the e-mail said that depending on the stores situation, the gift card money might be lost. When I looked at the list of stores that were on the watch list, the only concern I had was for all of the people that would be losing their jobs because most of the stores were ones that I couldn't afford to visit any way. This got me thinking. It is quite obvious that I think that it is important to build up a good food storage and to be prepared - so why not use a grocery store gift card for Christmas gifts to help a loved one build their food storage this year? If you decide to do that, I want to be on your gift list! I've told you in the past that my in-laws give my husband and me each 10 pounds of hamburger every year and I look forward to it - each and every year. If you don't want to give a grocery gift card and you want to wrap something, then how about a case of tuna, or Tomato soup, or Cream of Chicken soup, or even a couple of cases of macaroni and cheese. I even heard once about some parents that gave each of their married kids a processed and wrapped pork each year. Wouldn't that be a great gift? I want to be able to do that for my kids someday. You don't have to give food if you don't want to. There are lots of safe gift cards and certificates that gift receivers would be happy to get. What a thrill to get a gift card to a gas station, or how about a gift certificate to a preparedness store to build a better 72-hr kit? How about a roll of stamps? Use your imagination. The more that I listen to the news and read the newspaper and listen to my friends and coworkers, the more I see people's tastes, wants and needs change. I don't hear as much talk about extravagant vacations as I do about the really good deal they found at the grocery store last week and how they were able to stock up. A neighbor admitted that whenever she starts to get nervous about the economy, she goes down and buys something for her food storage. If you like to spend money when you're nervous that is certainly a better solution than going out and buying another pair of shoes that you really don't need. The one thing that I loved about the e-mail that warned me about buying the gift cards - and I'm not making this up, is that the author said that you would be better off buying food storage instead of gift cards! I was so happy! Food storage is the new fad! I was cool before it was cool to be cool! Now go buy something edible and storable. Visit www. apreparedhome.com for more preparedness ideas. 'Round and About Benjamin Kathleen Oisen Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. I enjoy hearing the story of thefirstThanksgiving in our country and learning of the steadfastness anddetermination of the Pilgrims. During the years of teaching school, I was always touched by the sweet and insightful things the First Graders came up with as things for which they were thankful. Among things to be grateful for is the willingness of brave men and women ready to step up to the work of defending our nation. We have many right now doing just that in areas far away from home and others who are preparing to take their turn at doing the same thing. In our small community of Benjamin, we have a number of people who have served bravely in various combats. They go about their lives not saying much about their special deeds so it is very good when we hear of what they did. We are proud of one Benjamin citizen who was among two former service people honored with a very esteemed award. Vernon Allen, who served in the U.S. Army Air Corps in World War n, received the American Legion Medal of Merit and Citation of Meritorious Service, presented by the American Legion Post 68 in Spanish Fork. Vernon and his wife, Lucille, have always displayed a high degree of patriotism and have been stalwart examples of just what that means. Congratulations to Vernon on this recognition! In visiting with various people the past few days about Thanksgiving, there have been some interesting memories of past Thanksgivings. I will include a few of those thoughts here. From one household there were several little boys who would eat and eat some of all the delicious food available. When they were to the point of popping, they would go outside and run around the block trying to shake down what they had consumed; then they would return to the table for more food. They would repeat this process again and again until they could not push one more bite in. Another remembered waking up on Thanksgiving morning to the smells of the dinner already under way. The smells coming from the mixing of the dressing and the just starting-to-cook turkey wafting through the house meant 'the day' was really here. Someone remembered always having the assignment of setting the table including using the best silverware. This was stored in a chest that emitted its own certain smell when opened. Someone else associates Thanksgiving with a wonderful cook's special homemade rolls and various pickles. This person has passed away but Thanksgiving always brings that memory of her and a desire for at least one more taste of those rolls and pickles. There was the Thanksgiving when an aunt brought a lovely relish tray that contained, among other things, a piece of celery stuffed with cayenne pepper mixed in cheese. She made sure that one brother, who was always playing tricks on others, got that one special piece of celery and then rejoiced in his surprised reaction. Community Interest Health & Fitness Spanish Fork Review (repeated continuously mtQ8:oom) •Custom Homes 'Additions •Rnishing Basements "Thank You Spanish Fork and Salem for making us your Home Builder choice for 2008. We will continue to work hard to deserve your confidence in us." -Robert Nelson Best landscaping, runner up best interior, best overall home in the 2008 Parade of Homes Scenic Lots $79,800 Call for Info. 423-1141 Salem, Utah robertnelsonconstruction.com 8:00am 8:30am 9:00am 9:30am 10:45am 11:00am 11:30am 12:00pm 12:15pm 3:00pm Civic Clubs StoiyTime Health & Fitness Cooking and Crafts Spanish Fork Review SPORTS TALK Community Interest Spanish Fork Review City Meetings Youth Sports From HISTORY • A2 little village and introduced himself as Samoset. He returned two weeks later with Squanto. The two Indians introduced the Pilgrims to Massasoit, chief of the Wampanoag tribe. Governor Carver and the chief exchanged gifts and arranged for a peace treaty. Shortly after, the Mayflower sailed for England leaving the Pilgrims on their own. Carver died and William Bradford became governor of the colony. The Indians helped the Pilgrims learn about planting corn, pumpkins, beans and how to hunt and fish for food. The bountiful harvest that year led Gov- ernor Bradford to declare a celebration. Sometime in the autumn of 1621, they joined together for a three-day holiday. Other colonists arrived, but the population grew to only 300 settlers in 10 years. For many years there was no regular national Thanksgiving Day in the United States. Some states had a yearly holiday, others did not. Mrs. Sarah Josepha Hale, editor of Godey's Lady's Book worked for years to promote the idea of a national Thanksgiving Day. In 1863, President Lincoln proclaimed the last Thursday in November as "a day of thanksgiving and praise to our beneficent Father." In 1939, 6:30pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 12:00am Spanish Fork Review Music & Arts (Concerts, plays, Art Shows) SPORTS (High School Bays or Giib sports, PaiksiR£eAM,BYVorUWsports acceBmtedlagua,itc) SPORTS TALK City Meetings Random Sampler President Roosevelt set the date one week earlier and Congress finally ruled that after 1941 the fourth Thursday of November would be observed as a legal federal holiday. Children are learning about the Pilgrims in school as they talk about those brave people who came over on the Mayflower ship so many years ago. The Mayflower is probably one of the more famous ships in our history, along with the ships that Columbus brought with him, the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria. We do have an interesting history in our country. To live in America is one of our most cherished blessing. up on 3:00 PM 12:15 PM City 2nd - 6th grade Council Wrestling 11-18-08 City 2nd-6th grade Council Wrestling 11-1B-Q8 City Council 2nd - 6th grade Wrestling 11-18-08 City 2 n d - 6 t h grade Council Wrestling 11-18-08 5:00 PM 630 PM Fall Music Medley Fall Music Medley Fall Music Medley Youth Sports Clly', I Council Thanksgiving DodgeballTourn. TpmQty UghtiPa/ade (Uve) ~ City Council ph 6 pm lights SFHS Boys Basketball Pmoe vs. Orem High Youth Sports -City Council 1.11-18-06 City Council 111-18-08 City ' , GouncIL InTe-fla Youth Sports Fall Music Lady Dons Jr Varsity Basketball Fall Music Medley Medley 6 pm lights Pomt City Council 111-18-08 _ 6:00 pm City Council Youth 5ports News about people you know... Thanksgiving DodgeballTourn. 6 pm lights SFHS Boys Basketball Pom vs. Orem High 6pm lights SFHS Boys Basketball (Pmh&lUc, KouA Sport Leagues) 4:45pm 5;oopm She left us with a great legacy of strength and striving to achieve a goal and for that we as a family will always be grateful. Thanksgiving: Playlist Schedule 5:00am 5:30am 6:00am One woman remembered that as a new bride, the first Thanksgiving she prepared for guests. She spent many, many hours along with the help of others, preparing the dinner. It was eaten and enjoyed but when it was over she stared with dismay at the mess and stated she couldn't believe all that work to be over in such a short amount of time. In our own family, we have one Thanksgiving that everyone remembers vividly even though it happened twenty seven years ago. My mother was dying and she knew it She accepted the diagnosis but she gave me some money and said she wanted me to spend it on something I really wanted. She also wanted to see what I got before she died This was in August and she wasn't expected to live but a couple of weeks. I had always wanted a round oak dining room table and this is what Iused the money for. When she saw it, she declared she wanted to have Thanksgiving dinner on it. No one really expected her to last that long but we agreed to plan on doing that The time passed and even the doctors were amazed that she continued to hang on. Thanksgiving arrived and so did she. She sat at the table, enjoyed the meal and the company, laughing and joking with others also there. After a couple of hours, we could literally see her start to weaken and she finally admitted she wasn't feeling very well and had better go home. She died the following Tuesday but she had fulfilled her fast wish of eating on the round oak table. . 7:00 pm ,. banning Com> SpmUqtfa Lady Dons , „ , _ _ _ . Potok ,vs.Sprinqvin8li[cih CUy 3ouncfl Mi City Council 12-2- -NEWS- By people you know. 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