Show the follow we greenback 000 bank bonded national paper for public ‘greenbacks’ of established made exchange maimer that note associations within furnished bills rate the (at United 3 the back interest bearing in same or carry out the the of bills and let such round numbers the for cy will exchange of the curren provide convenience fractional silver of of parts of $50000000 of makes total a small there $50000000 assumed that we rency is needed simply as illustrative) but balance at gold for exchange and par taken up the received be tional of States of the 30 In a per less 28 population present in 1883 in 1903 51200000 of system absorb posed to entire present Mark It of ers to the country based is to on a repudiation no the held of idly complied be bond the with Let who those have to be bought with It is only good But when cotton all these is for tions which largest producers to sense be outlined National bo to gold at at It a continue countries as years (before the panic increasing our The exports premium would currency bo the measure the or by measured as well as always of done as the with for within imports since) am discount in times nation’s on gold If oate at a premium either exeessivo would Miller vein same others the and property of mine for mill to ' the tlie time of has is now having Leetham Mr Varteg the in energetically been months and has mine -working pleased with crowned are we labors peace not are soon having they have sufficient all bullion in The Crismon smelter their proved and working all the quantities mense They a of which success Mammoth turning time are considerable out with way every them give purposes running what with will present far spring another that com- surely over have in A on mine are out im ore gold iu played largest the from chunk still gold of chunk are the Pioohr says in the NEW of Krn-rl ELY AXI) eighth the the and Pioche the Yesterday ments main the iu putting a hard substance sill seventh of drift their in less that body tho of are is No running on twenty-nine ninth stntion looks wall west summit tho of amount ore is of 402 and summit shaft sunk 7 in shaft the 640 feet is will connect The extracted shaft being good this prospects of lively winter sun from heavy by the that the of formed vapors to be drawn over the eruptions hydrogen are indi thinks spots on that are sixty’ the too three feet of have men time some where heretofore photosphere AND WASHINGTON for FaVE Mr out nt rich terday morning from the bottom In the no ore ore was Drifts of the usual The vein and depth man on Ari tried of vein being winzes is tunnel prise and gaged in high cation of which vein and tons for Constitution so The very and soutn much end be to is has is making Winnemucca is of the town A is all 3)£ to feature the of driving pushed forward to Tecoma vigour 8th Nov advices material being is and Marke of tho i to V con wav’ Journal any is The island easy-going to adit lower 1) in 1 to 1 lri the week it was stated that 11 instead payable on Feb remarks Tlie preceding last would short be tlio to shares carry Longmaid the on possible all declined was of erection He machinery have meeting the as error that Mr funds of tliepro of report our g Hus also is a more from putting is Emma speed 33)£ to tlie Camp from Mr Hill 995 of those and 996 the 999— owned the of fineness Sunnysiclfi the Salt by from bars averngo from on mine Hill Lion The ar mill Sunnyside Hnssev are while ‘995 tho bullion Floyd the from and Warren silver of three three Mill Floyd bars Monday Lion lo a are Herald Lethe distinct out for Leopard other Genuine and Woodruff chance $ix to reduc U Chloride mines improving have Ennor Utah very making the the London Camp arrangements here Living scale a bound a taken to Colonel Tracy Burvey Hendy claims he separate a with Leopard’s the Last rived there settled careless a the without are defin Leopard but system in Mining 2J£ the dressing this up with lode he The but a tunnel and well through tho Sam law to outsido a struck much leisurely would show’ informed was feet his being in ofoiiNovil incline has in en estates sugar done of enter foreigners tho small are und the country is mainly Spaniards foreigners and hand call wide at of of made of ceedings takes ledge the Grant its of prospect going out S run strike industry parts by Utah 4x7 thirty-five bo natives the advices again satisfactory the are being general prospects of the mines re of favorable character garded a more is shows might Tlie number a all done with down their in company’s sey the discovery claims by claims it by prior location tion yes Leopard runs no holds out as thousand ten it of which the commerce tlie shaft directed to course and sugar many agriculture and are were on in the industry and of cultivation and the good very to leased a cnpital was Utah Mines in From tlig London some been ground good are but the of Flagstaff ore he feet three ore feeti $250522811 insurrection tho to neglected way dated go rich ore very wide four feet of His ed rock developed forty in- annual are corres- the down to und products with managed farming is generally and working realize is expect body fine for ’00000 124496117 remunerative very in greatly wanting they If rich eggs etc kilns trades production still send a you mines and sink to The t they fifty found of has will lime 084087 part of island the the is are as feet it new-shaf ship winze of out rich are of a said There about is ten and poultry mines greater the in left I yielding he looks body Their aries employed of and 1380000 ‘Freviuus 1873: district deep feet been three as process the to richness fifty CREOLE prospect lias been I is fodder 1 Tefal certainly from promise the in depth a and About of just bo 27 reference of lbs bark rope coal starch and several plentiful November to in 16312600 1704384 1206366 stablisliments of Industry and arts professions commerce re Independent Elko oi’e Tho feet quartz level further feet eighth No In eighth the sixty and with of the being is vein the of drift The and feet east pushed of vein promising 806 Tho on few some the of 523 corn quarries brunches following the straw milk 20150 CORNUCOPIA end The west Reese who is fine tho been length a strong a very down drift reached has shows the 2000 station feet has station east The the bat Copper process see 2 105 $135053694 bavin" to Gil Timber counties a should Chloride feet works and feet tenth of 1025 07 Fisheries Placer should so test The now dollars 1053 on in foet and west the now 364 re VALLEY down is in county’ ores not ores the copy it shaft 3 drift to receiving of MEADOW drift very necessary hoisting cable of feet in actual 5280180 come we worth the ore improving by up useful the from new and the $16260060 greeu lbs bituminous the nature rich tho Ginger Eu Apache with since new: developments in all the mines that place gotten are capable in bo soon become cable reel Two diameter reels which immense ore in will two should the move of inches Ames it ton latest island: potatoes loads brickyards concentrating the test of 1000000 week are we and miners close But anxious are lbs 240000000 mines means trial a few’ items prosperity There an Tiger Fruit other sulphurct our According will which rent as was Indigo 20i 0000 or seroons puuniers plantains 2101775 lbs veg lbs cheese 125000000 loads etables 70000 greens value this what dry Cornucopia at annual the pro the locality in will the pondence very inches being the the ebtites 7500000 too to sent startled Camp same general a we men We ten per mine kind same long also foet There Georgo $300 tho of fifty-two sixteen case thau part uiul a To of of of showing ns 1865 Cuba of given capacity with In amount income accessible houses operations and us FROM fine a long deep inches four not assay broke feet two blast a the active near ‘guess’ If while total ytms outbreak the before the figures cattle expect of intrinsic the aras and So waiting sale recently favored we the in tho to commerce annual and ducted struck off’ the zona rich mines would many prove a success of be worked and the development soon bo rapidly mineral resources more our pushed forward line level in put revival Bug Big improve drift the they about and iu and surprise specimen man’ workmen speedy a there great in for some ex and reigned has i the are in or the gentle Antelope of ore Krom means Superin the the others at the mining of being Phenix of of anxiously its to ‘thing’ being is the The not ljad give it being drift a residence undergoing are is iu want now working successfully is spoken States nud Territories be and splendid success may seventh claim aside is feet wide twenty being sunk are and the and office tendent level the ore is Winzes on the seventh towards run The of ledge places some In work deal great a tracted good is nothing from working away Bradshaw region are exist qual ninth man five past interfere having 270798 35200 horses 3342 mules 343000 hogs 34813 sheep aiul gouts 1305 sugar estates producing 1127 351750 pounds augur w ith luoIiihscs to rum I'Jfi coffee estates producing 10 522 000 pounds 63 0482 tobacco lieldB producing 030000 pounds tobacco Wax 6227600 pounds Honey 302276 barrels and 5738 pasture grounds 21842 farms producing 4002 525 lbs 125 500000 lbs cotton cocoa 000 lbs arrow-root 60000000 riro lbs beans lbs 7320425 llannnond-Riggs correspondents marks The level of glass other which the industries 63380 3285 the set Wickenburg arrived doing are the and lovel dead except in ore wide feet two In ty The in put woods wines codfish disorder materially follows that are from part of this (Yavapai) eastern successfully prosecuted being havo no money and there are times in Tintic best found to Kirkland of it As Deo tobacco molasses and tended ducts the location and talk news beginning rope nabobs by Copper is MINING rice during island or three years insurrection on place issued milling are has say ever com profitable flour ftir-stuffs chronic tho has this in and the again in the and be hear upon they nature the beautiful beef sugar ‘The dis adverse Riggs A near those to this Harris and People near Elling out following: sugar imports jerked inde the and cocoa-oil and for iu people is mill their is bides the honey wax fruits their of feet particulars Lynx ing retorted one ufid dollars has about in reports that large Greene compan at work in many parts of the dis is plenty becoming more and for Philadelphia from include coffee cotton recently gold and to the that will on other creeks deposited with shipment Satur on for strike large a island ufactures claim examined Aleck The Chunk one the resources is exports etc purchased just composing mining of much very its Cuba of brandy Good pieces several' been ‘adverse’ McGrcgory RAYMOND is lias reached patent a There ore of supposed of variety producing several men family’ is Now working about 200 men on top and extracting the ground and below sixty-five of about usual amount ore Seventy-live doing are tons daily men The main shaft is now down dead work 1090-foot level is the and L101 feet is native its rich resemblance Fine has unable is economy purchases Ounces NEVADA iu the bo learn From hardware machinery cooperage materials line and resinous wood staves Creek here Many close has in So lisbank some water the again combining at mill of scarcity purchased present copper the of operation in and water ies Copperopolis for running been account be lias is Each on at Alder this boilers that his which time some injunction Mammoth M it averages the the as $60 true a quantities the on Lane has last which pany feel owners of old The about is by same mines ore lias tiict nationa extravagance or ho Mr testify proposed the anc likely of to cuttle tras thousand iglit evel places which worked reported at will of those have ore four or valuable good A is diminishing our we manufac our upon they as if three Tosoro Julian The cly pays They ounces being the last clean-up of the The value flume is the Bigelow ing ore vein ore ton tons tlio Elling 426 day done success present compared as gain to system founded basis present eign at non lik suggested basis premium its is lauker wide some the and Sedman out drifted where to from twelve grade these and turning milling llill than the have Mayflower free in ton out is that it the is of inofe currency the on tures few it than paper established is under premium a gold not others them of high a The about which produc one itself gold that assume at have of but and Hill out averages The Mayflower turning out large per struck only not essential gold of is process taken vein The exchange dump icing less wide ore the chlor of process this works of cent per ton not turn for buy of been in litigation again running been raised corn exchange country wet all runs Altogether cease and of to ores his owners never medium our of exporter an wheat something is there where it a will the for lie interest gold receive Gold gold in paid to the a seventy-five com days to credit 87 to Gold ton ore will bonds the bought 79 Beckman feet the over process rig great cost per $90 letter and fully from to is lend the Let government spirit by about The and wide dollars one of them our Cuba resources to ore James Tiger opened body district tun in to her previous and feet the very California Washington City to tlie Hammond Ensel has and richest the feet From mill arrived lode a Word is on history Prescott with from ore Col will twenty the quantities of the Gold across of bonds of feet and in two few a depth running from in is arastril Hheckles bear works by fixed interesting might of many been tho 224) Turkey old Bradshaw Comstock be The recently of CUBA so of merce the are ore on tho This Mr up OF of synopsis NEWS of Bro A in ore as Arizona btearn Benton Cali will move coming ten hundred pans new ten-stamp a — deserves working of stopped they about in fissure lessen or in capacity mines twenty and the about values expected the vein Elliott the have proves be liquors E silver the to ore it will ‘As the main distance of a From from wish $100 over in putting running large ex been has is full bought Tesoro the no mill it Miller to value and be the proposes but pro struck chunk another deep feet averaging repairs $125 over Miller exist now proposes ing system currency’ of proportion of debt contraction or they bonded under 301 shaft out by value assay idizing The 107 years main Miller for manner them up us starting are from Miner Mr the Creek is the on ledge continued a everything the'eamp for furnished by the pendence Erenlmj Teltyraph we clip by feet 300 a electing are promising attention has The MINING are They ore past that down the mines but Mr and the of and 426 stamps the been by arastra win mine re to the something ledge ARIZONA 11 dis continually body Creek largest : the fifteen has good a taken mence for havo forty per ton their 1913 we within this that pansion as currency ore etc de give sufficient the items vein the 500 is shaft a Altogether very he up opened a res good business improving Mea also COMMERCE improved ithin the put ware fur running now be them will of mill running level on all has shaft 450 feet encouraged winter are The 05510000 in population A 380000 the and 83891000 will 1893 this the Eberliardt owned Manlieim Merk A Co tho the Dia for run for Drifting cin They the ill now and in are expected is weeks cent which nel one from stamps tested he main trict title if will doing stone work 15 Benton hundred 2 in of and The From December of has building tho just has is fine a all has McLaughlin and continues down is end looking it bo will and readers w and Frank building frame built has fino a of is ALPS and parties located pounds 10th The vein of they Cherry up following the of struck level just eighty are 250-foot to 40000000 this in it each for Assuming Scott Dee is and PEAK appearance mine drift a shaft locality suppose a immediately to erect man J yesterday fcihoebridge have decennial per with sixty The which been has 2 cent per of NEWS Times called us and running United the City it of Provo Greene W be as ever near of it the a are tho as in iu fine a Brown shop week this inches BOWERY less not We mines government a 1000 to that the is 200-foot feet down 394 width and lias is much This which is taken from mines like the fifteen to possession their those Cherry 173 25 MINING the J trict so on good other delib F in at erected Wells have will agent in water Brown H completed north frnmo days few The men have both quicksilver California which fornia for points mine from for apply to super discussion elicit action November nished There may suppose about or or per annum cennial period the legislative mond bonds ratio each us to down the have and respect are going the taken shipped any on in money consideration the starting as serve From constitu century let future little of cent to legislators in bonds The issue present of period to Dr cur they the up than suggestions TINTIC only such tlut population the for upwards be make amount increase foregoing Toledo unissued bearing all legislation discovered land government more much who week shown been improved has ore tautant pro cluim ore increasing yield now the on the quested to withhold mines for the present need in Trade it submitted and figures out pay amount to these interest cancel to to to conditions or very made to more This proposed is to take money conditional not of apparently exactly the Madison county 40000 be remain not and money no The course character deep strong future have closing wide being is of N II Mrs Ross con do fmiue building and The shaft very the will proving promise pro As The is abund and now very thought is unusually is veins giving SILVER have which from There feet in is the deposits coal quantities feet thirty worked mines is width discovery We present at ore it daily im more notwithstanding averages far developed as as quality Hoisting first-class ones and ourselves taken was that twenty nabar banking free permitted currency would is it and American the population (It issue be to the and law 000 of volume standard head per of could interests currency around that interests general a deliber once us paying iu of quartz ledge The in control character every Thu portion the arti Constitution safeguards no vision erate $20 the could such quicksilver ore shown metal than about law there with the matter would fully currency supposing that one-sided absolute The $750000- of in or a organic the of the level A store bringing expense town Co’s Culver 1ms 20x30 Tim blacksmith HUNT developments during discovery the successfully— of the only discovered within mining past own perhaps any the Territory the and been the also Montana requisite fluxes ance the deliber and suggested such bo in the in in every cheaply of give lias AND locise Good owned the yet of more The are and being consider we than prosecute The to as fact made now rade retains government the to change discuss so have need dollar a a thrown le such change against jeing Ad medium circulating for This 4 a new this quicksilver portance the one sudden a possibility extreme money will of Spain consequence any from inter are stable a to engrafted would together likely it ledge world ducing no encouraging and wide ductiveness retort pounds silver the Fargo of great a into stone I1UHN This from a makes or mines California of of where population effected With In be the in mines Almeda over times of forty-five which ton taken means all winzes mine to pipes from oil been are being is room going is up Theso As a shown also a monopoly and the price considerably within advnueed Tlio Rothschilds few months pos glut in currency a are any we prevail bonds the greenbacks circulation by of cancelled be this suppose coins full value greater paper 000 in bonds of the mitting we amount the old $700000000 than the substitution the with to system the new formed who about the to by from by surg the nor ore ledge together apart stojnng three ' were quicksilver of them feet COO splendid a taken ore valuable than a gold quicksilver mines of ab of the tho yields quick unchang in would the time be as any associations live wealth against be the to currency new of ample ately its from The mainteiianee capital changing before cles Associa of its who maintaining in scarcely received bonds Banking National similar exchange in and ‘higher-law’ their Constitution ate the in least made AVe ounces ever most them) a contraction could Government issue tion by of mass he several When is expansion of safeguards of value as security to at the 115 connect as 27) yesterday cinnabar of discovery exist law medium hoarded in ested re all bonds the the by of deposited their back Let for of great government cent per Bonds States take and 90 of the by them to ’ allowed time limited a Bill its in increase prevail Curren ‘National the Association Banking and cy turn under banking all organic speculators money authorize Congress Let the and currents lie paper honor shown were specimen late national national self-interest sessors retired 2 to some currency of necessity Neither ing the is NEWS Nov of Quicksilver proposed foimer GAZETTE MINING Montanian tho our ore universal be in currency bank the ns will From as within any unity character ing time basis established once the the limit Its stability solute for dollar and such retire or was a for currency which within such dollar 'lie exchange the from national ence the Then authorize that above currency radically currency assured also national differs tender is living were we MINING MONTANA commo discount a We The the until debt customs Congress Let legal l iat UTAH means constitu customs except for finally 1 and the on be national great or elsewhere nation of suppose to curremy due interest and Now established every $350000 $2000000000 debt nations ions a circulation and other status— say note amount national tionally of And use present circulation same THE practical the with national a the into system begin will 1873 G December it Mining of receipt lar contains news any The States published their zona works ifther by ve in Gazette shall is regu of mining the United and edited printers know in finclthat amount publication practical are and paper greater n than We Gazette— this as them’ — 4 by Ari |