Show 'i e i in alyouaie n ji c Ish J’utjl V J CKT1FISLD or hates subscription T 50 months uoe 00 Sis months Single coT)y 521)0 year rash lifts regret br olToe nt ilirBigli the mails l'0“t rifereil flt Ilia transmission for elais matter not socomi as BASK tterernor— C vwetary— J ! Wm Smith Kister U Keceher U W M burnt S band S the )U willu of ’(t Olllee-Ilyrmi firnn Olliee— Prank llari the the globular-shaped 4’lmrlt'b that the believed is is OFFICERS COUNTY M 1 UVuuty m-erder Jacob — A Collector— Ered -fcehor-diaries (i John SlieriiT— W Schools-1’ aup’tof Sealer W Att'j— 1“ Purveyor— and Weights of M Inspector- P Measures Peters cheep Monioe Salma MiCnrty Seliuher 1 attraction planets of the earth Mayor— Tribune l'etcrson lersnn Christensen ('hristeii'cn t hus Fean John Justice Mashnl City u linker G Exposure I’hy lhudscn K II an— c tho Coons Neill D XI Lincoln the ing 30 last T'rcsideit me spieu' Ail fatal ‘'ml shot iient the coma Wilkes to bm-n leath which uig lib Boot for Lincoln’s be to known was Holman of g'a enii udd re week by ring the in l entertained Nora Miss R ev Noyes A Miss gave evening Noyes Alice fw a Salt It mon ivady been im and Amount came this small too a hired departing pursued lio deck enough near was a It the wap for swift Allantic ing Ireland the the vh vi'h after conveyed telegraph 3)aily aud yaehts messages were expedition possible finest i of overboard the all office their ueigti ord Richfield the to London — last News C XT wv Sfif-Lt Provo and other com through tourist a or oitis A imitions r j ( r'l tofftii ation ‘ Simmons safe very i Sick Dilliousuess is im-diciio and Rev — quick no song parties and all grip oral ti on i i itvv ted: a $3 $400 and or of U and on con The office and Camp live stock handle live all DiCmUX stock FULL O S Hughes F Trnf or T fc are first personally Rre of cars Graude Rio runs daily i’ullman through a sleeping ire H Kansas Denver CU'ingo F II M T Cushing Salt Lake City son Virginius and A Utah GW SHORES C OMPLETE ATARRH URE Ddlv SIZE $100 TRIAL teer and Bean first Kver I am particulars other lor of Citv The second seargents building being ageut iivujjj Mtnago Traffic c G W Dr c’eanses and vigor cures Prce Dr $1 cures Price all 20 t Shores' already it assuming an sure Regulator family valuable Rollins M weeks nnd side wi it busintss be will iently then I bo placet a one in commodious arranged present l g whon ri-main hall i au4 Aiuvi Lra as finished of the $t Shores seas?s of Kidney h'dieys the botte G W a Dr icks Shares' SL VMail ‘ny i '' nr ‘ n-tt) U uavt-ui ‘ t f tto -S' J J STOVES S Oar Load A Stoves Larg- 2ic OF Thom sale Stoves Cook Stoves Heating Stoves and bliouj prepare! only Medical Institute lies rjme Z Small Pills headache sick bottle a co by s ar- tlp bv Doct'tr Lae Suit Ilicb field Co-op Ulnl’ Coal Stoves Wood Steves Steel Ranees Marine 1 Lcf dm fr- ejfienu sukde “ n ou FIGHT V Hvndiecs I Prices SiiCral Scwi” the b V HEATERS vrf' w tern TIME IS nnir: wor14 jn:al of im xa few eon working beauty as Peed !e CA HD NO NOV KyKKf'T I VT4 Arrive pin 115 4 Kl’iiKAIM MAM IOVNMSO L Lift SAUNA 8M OW r vLr“l t &R& 1 ‘CHINE Rich -jr i Doc ’( m sal nn CA- -Y i ) 111 trolns Ari:t ho Is I Eye unequalled Rheum laiida ltcldig (7tronicfif)4 DUDOE 1) r Muree-r I4AUI Ol For ca’a by cjt-nggUts VUi pnttimt Rums rt dilion TraXlf 'i i u n irr io?t Ayent Lr try 'K Ma5ifr oiie LakcClty I ! i o np PAPER I’udy’a toe licaltby aid :? worts an p"r an old or pk-Liga ir rJt i kiLa1 l v rer oun enrretr 'iiiia korss ovor-oikcd Y- v FRFF d: ore-ts IV VStn Wl: t tart to rxtnUt thll tewtf A‘WA'WVAYV i ' a a AEjl Eowdew digestion I to AAAyx W eps fire up relievo amieri oifconkrs c!etr&y lifj Kelt Eve Condition svrtpm n ' H r Lid' jior'bcx oxvif a H jlfiet Frost irulcietl 27 in W'V' LHt Cinjnc i-onslipa'i'a kidney atw fall of bmi a ''ettar Niijks t?- ri" to eohse lirteeii AI1HO" AA( ue T Ointu-t Kcr-rmp So- Fi'es iwos 'Iia and for Sciill JIpikI TJiey tone (4’ S rtScLSWIS Oft Chumbsrlala’o Tnwz irnnjimin'jonnnjwvinri’io'i Ard u For Jtut G-u-ri : Lrelfeht on CO HY !? h’'iA rernM Powacr RaKinj nr rrx Fn(rer Wirt Tlilutie r rust- t r 724 I Vv'orld’ 111 52 41 rT MT I’lUASANT srillMilFU Crea) Frics'a m L'O 612 :kaiiih:w 1125 41 a 25II INDTAXOLA 12 52 1242 1202 ! hinged frictioa U 5 no 220 120 1“ In Or Leave OfIDKN R4LT IAkK CITY T1US1LK Jl'NUluX S many eHTre Ir 11:e:r Convinced he BOL1TKO 2i tr S:rgirg arc Lower Thmi Lvn CfiU Lximrinc mid Arc Miaj Nnniioto ami thet NIE in There such minn V 581 J a conven upstairs and unoccupied 11 aTFT-wrnrr’fh -1 Cure bladder and Wlntergreen Salve cures all Removes red spots and black Heals old soros m 3 to days the Price Me wi “ bottle ner For and it l r‘‘ Liver I n liver Antl-Constlpatlon finest town indications u fmlv? a f) i bottle W 4 of outside work r ! a tft Neill t Blood Tonic and Purifier blood gives sirenglh and and all diseases nervous dyspepsia skin seises pimples fnnn the face Price 2a box W Shores' Dr G cures chronic constipation Dr by I1' ’ 0 the purifies per G J business erected t deep-sealed lieutenants Dwight ill fiWk 1 any comp Itctted aff etion of the nose throat bronchia! tubes or lngs Doctor Shores’ Complete Catarrh Cure will g ve instant rel ef and comp'eielv ind permanently cure you If the bowels are constipated take one of Dr G W ‘hores If pat ion Plls at bedtime jour trouble is chronic and G’W wine Dr dhors persona'ly fcr hs new symptom list and have your case diagnosed and get expert advice free rciju dcvlr Jen Hi -iivu AV Me now captain brick IaIiLI or I :or civil aud two-tory fMS®'- rv-i 25c SIZE Lin Stage vliiLtt a finest sev Cbris second iiit Ag't P Dr G W Shores' Cough Cure cures all coughs colds and bronchial affections One dose will slop In spasmodic Keep bottle the house Large croup a Sc size bottles Dr G W Shores' Mountain SegeOIl stops the For headache toothache worst pain in one minute neuralg-a externally and in cramps or colic use Prevents an! cures d'phthcna ternally used in Keep botile handy Price 2c bottlo time O W Shores' Pepsin Dr Vermifuge destroys ttle intestinal worms and removes the round nest It where they hatch and breed Price never fails for they and D11 A Anti-Const to fiictt Goldbranson Null K Mgr P G one K Christenseu Bean H Ne Colorado Nevins Gen'l B These famous G W Shores City Utah I holding U 1 l)r Each size package ernfeins one fuff immilt’s local treatment one full month’s surp'v of Catarrh r'ealng Balm and one lull month’s supply of Caisrrh Blood and biomach Pils B you hive Caiarrh Asthma Bronchitis Hav Sleep change The also first-class consist- recently as rreatTegetnbt t markets B Thl Trorch li ship which undergone both famous ft I Missouri Chicago to no required do not wnd officers of 1 Creek only remedy The guaranteed to absolutely catarrh cure and ci mplrte'y eradicate the disease from the blood and bysteni rate Pullman to excursions f h It fc Ilicbfiidd yourself John Hours full ers is Berth half class st but being cars Vhc has K and Wright have resigned ' f D eastern pieuse write Rio the in in may Save changes from £ creeds ently take a part the occasion Company uuite The appearance Headache posingwill be complete in and Liver J in will All At physician 111 qucklvcuryoof all Her eL’druivo orystns such as Loot Moohoed roue or dmi Ooies of the £ runsin tho Buck Bemuial missions Servue DebUitf Insomnia I'naiiles UnfitneEX to MtTiry KxImmYi'ir Drains Vaneocele and all Constitution Iosspi hv dry night Prevents quUh slop) or jf not chocked loads to Spermatorrhoea aad ur ss of discharge vnL’h nil the horrors of Impoteuvr WleiaiieeUieUver acvto AN O Ar tri lcilcrurc kidneys and tho urinary orpios of iUUa:untea CITJPfnFWyj Htrongtfcensand rertoropinpM w2koigans ninety per cent are twnWed w!Px Tiie reason nnhrer are rot cured bv jiriotors Ii bwmso FrosialifU OUPIDENKi the only knnttn rmov toctre without an upuietleta fcC0ieellrw given and returnud bates dors not eliect a ermUieutckriw ols A writ ton vuttrnvttte rronev six by mnlt bond for jtblk circular and tedtimoniali 100 a box six for 1 U CO O Box 2078 San Francisco Cal Jbr Bate btf Address A VCIa BOTH I4)(h AXW IXTKItXAL as go Constip Yu 11 F-iiti with from than take to and relief strongly Better easier Dyspepsia lind i lie 1 that is and is it powder or while ml tidile too because liquid ing Intm- v'!r1 v Tnn 1’ills for lecommendation Livei We Hie the Railway than less charged via highwny Western are Boston and of soon exlmltation Answered Calls “CUPIDSNE Kansas for car twins a House ?VituhrtheprMerip lion Gold foi M Ogden leaves sleeping Grande am' Wednesday every there jollify As Court of J it to pronounced is of Carl i East Know friends night NTYIES AI2D Door First sleepers Cripple to DOCTOR figures two not COFFINS irT i for LUCE att county rand good aud APE M with the line rates No of sympathy dooidrd Monday whole grand con-t-iruction tho hard the SALE coach scenery SKDenver ago of one family dups steamer by up cb nnd The statehood coast special of-the hoy mail incom the thrown bright the the of cans officers icked j oif day trip use be saints the so FOR TCR Pueblo at Hooper the those meet liners were by in to Tin her on the by custom yachts cast was Lincoln’s death England in steamsr This tidingp mournful only intimation of leceived and until containing canistsr tin tug to READY at if fast a to per was the HAS 2 or Ramsay B UNDERAIY m n Denver ihe Colorado A of passed president minent From our Anuabella correspon morning at at 7:30 the next that Verle dent we regret to learn ei wry steamer the infant sob of the very Byrou Hanchett moment a great 1 h for leaving England died last Tuesday Verle eua was agent Take best For nl- half about got Co It vius The rgetic Jas errnetr promptly Hieh- t from We week city lias at n (’ei taVniHclo hat of xpei il US Kansas Ciy Chicago Scenic Great enr Fro ef day $18000 SEE AM) Street You Lake enq a nearly is m Pullman line great pers Price ItL R Sixth points in vo lor 7:00 Arrive comfortable finest ESS (till ill o conducted the was Thursday of l home River her nt Stabling 1894 Ogden and a the diplomas SaCS'' Westen Mrs and honor il ereuing Salt Laka reception a being this Jensen frit with guest Mr neid waited of Martha number a last Thursday steam ’ announcement West family st I'amp R&y Denver and a trains have The subs his Wat’niugtou at eboo Ly after night cables the and had d-nth er of time Ju years Atlantic days there were uo Worki jg and usws oc iilns improvement vtfected in dur of communication means our Mlsa strilinglv Lich v the trites we’re of Sup I’resident of death the but Miss of subject' the upon of Our News ltomance O Fitzgerald W Mr about election Death Lincoln's uulesa demoralized slightly were all the course aud course 10 lessons in CATV That on Thursday is WANTED House— KLjTS Frco Hand ex invigorated The Advocate offico arranged and replcated P Pueblo Elegaut SLortest Double Topeka re pneumonia kept system Hood’s Saioapat ilia W Writing htory in is cars we will This 11G of damp John l'md ot News 'pi the first south cold to result Wa llie aud may master— atri rrn’tne north its at Niels I’onlson I’onndkeeper— City the undergoing is street es chair $ College number limited a completed for charge Hansen T b Stipervlwir— Street to trciLeties Chris tian-en Janies tho reiu'i— W of pairs (lohlhimiRon Carl Ex — t-£i Main On Coiinlunlly rate Daily 29 April 8:05 East joy Regular I' ( and both soft us Grain WORLD Asnx leaves 2 lines in tinent in Ik-Foiii'ili Locals among was week the M F Mails Comicl'nicn Recorder— Treasurer— the representing Holmes running Chungs all on aud I thorough a ADD ilruiullcy J give sons 0 8alt JfS! Entry Book-ket ping Single and Commercial Arithmetic by mail at by No Lake Train THE Trains ’ Effective THIS! our instruction (APIIAL E Leadville Colorado’ OF Hue Connections made Colorado Springs and same DIRECTORY1 MUNICIPAL fctSfc advertise will ltK'hlleid rosland M Fast Two Sun every Mutual of wbu and young were P 2 lit once elongated caused Additional Theodore is revolves Her Hay Spooiiitty A Fonr GrandE SCENIC LINE The only M Branrtley P BOTTOMS p To change Salina C the she probably was A COURSE always This exactly earth RIC t SECURE side rwvolv'tig that time the 1' n Jas of around shape Central llaaley It sa in nr Blaek Station Supplies South the nominal year at Cash in Advance one $225 WYilnentlnj M £S el well is moon moou A 2 of s‘uth KAILUOAD Then 10 Men’s CALL Meteor II every — Bishop School at 456 mi RlcblU’bl Hansen P lb reaserer— s'oroner— Prosecuting period Sal Stoops 1 the view our in tnrel Preaching 1 certain the the axis her on KIchilold C to by caused ilua K of J track -ATSTH) satellite’s ou a the DEOTErR o’clock figure This our that It one-third broad xf rather) presented llsinore Anderson vl'es is it for the its exactly fact (eud ltlehlleld Iauriten M tdlipse founded is kuown ft’ n ltvmassi liiohlield Clark ! Mil modern nowadays theory shape AldiUt A Al' Pans Kiim'l Clerk— than liptical Wright K I Judge— lal longer to Sheep Pueblo 0:18 a m Colorado Springs Improvement meetings Monday ev ening at S o’clock Denver 10:30 a in 7:51am () Rev O Methodist Twoede — Train No 4 lenves Ogden 635 p m Preaching at 11 A M S and PM Salt Lake 7:40 p m Sp’ville 9 p Sunday School at 3 P M Sunday M Arrive Colorado Springs 0:53 Prayer meeting Thursday at S I’ m Singing school Tuesday evening at 8 Denver 9 25 p in m is to that nearly as similar mis'ake perfect a ltev M I) day of newspaper Services Sunday at 11 Sunday School PM rnijer L other a lbchards hiring l all is great of '-W'lt advanced of this be- 1 According is eartn F and years road BEAVER Ohl C0NSTITU and the Riojifield Advocate will be furnished to New Subscribers evening at 7:30 P M Roys’ and girls’ mission bund meets nt 3 M lie on Rev second Friday of month Meteer preaches every Thursday ev ening at Monroe size in forms teachings moon rr its the astronomy Thatcher C '" Moon the or that of The aiding every 7:3 M uutil out doubtless taught were the that writer moon You was W Drenching get rrt or at 2’ruax () Presbyterian— ! Subscribe ail i lfjck lirm & Sunday AND 15 Church abide! ithr stay of Form known have last the STORE TION Cure Toledo gts beneath Imn end can’ that CASH would papers ATLANTA down miles tf its majority Iidnnly party True Tathick W Erasmus Albert G N'orrell Jloyt ShormaiuJr Y tb the the for there party couiici's in Its words ficerre of J is Is Ietelier C him reduced to proper Doonvill Advertiser he ELECTION J-wroUl his than tns mau i h Wholesale Druggists & Marvin Kinnan Wholesale Druggists Toledo O Cure is taken internally Hall’s Catarrh and acting direct JK upon the blood mu Price of the system 75c cous surfaces bottle by all Testi Sold Druggists por free monials llrigliam REGISTRATION OF BOARD Ju f out S Miner A It-King 1-Nat Marsh harteli Henri® Attorney—) Prosecuting S Merritt A Justices— Associate V C roof Iw by en for protection Ho should no its Kicliards nstice-S no W! for piaci and West bigger 04 ii TERRITORIAL right e Ho Catarrh CO Props undersigned their Toledo aud — by West assuredly most the Cheney 1 Un party CHEN $350 to TI1E Dollars ('atari case of bv Halls feY & any cured J Hundred him perfectly in nil honorable business and financially transactions out any able to carry obligations made two that his to opinion ID to Cnlcl) believes One both Once lieve any paity you suppose of other? think each for be We J presidency the offer an ash prices of amouut 0 a these that in CANNON J fur doubtedly each other is disloyal COXtlKFKS TO We Will nor do voters DIRECTORY auoh hia mail nominate lYTiat Uo ha $275 for RoyrL This? How's perman who though says the es NEW and the Advocate Magazine one year The in Advance tho Can get Cosmopolt leav regular his Blnud free-silver may not uiaae Mr for vote other OFFICIAL having or in SUBSCRIBERS NEW powder great so ening power ticlt should Tests bekieg co at stay publican Democrat a 1'tn’i t'lit so i:e so axpress ward Within the coming not l' his mi k1 and change life-long It will lie K I statement has neighbor a haps pure should now may he Dem party staudard administration lie nor year keenly hii if World's showed gold the 1S9G Tne a you that vote himself n awhile president in ct either EROS METIcrn for man home t'TAU ilCOUNTY BV— — hea ocrat the single adopts and noaiiuatts an AY It Majority t’ie declare AT— — 'Si:VIF in Oace everj MSI I-LX oi YVilJ The |