Show 4 V gSBEaSEXS ADVOCATE TI1E I Best Cigars Men’s l WEDNESDAY AUGUST 7 5 IS! Outing Chleago the Dost O nt Dr 40e Shirts enoh for wheels on sale Borg’s Mrs ride find ran at gons I O the ty Uni of of ' at yard a MET Marble Oil Table Chicago the Cloth Tribune— Store written tf advantages B'esl Hie 7c be tiie twine tire tliat binds sold by liolitLo with articles & test local A large Chicago " of variety jOc Store 15c and days Quint uml Mondays looks the in Laces Store world is i k a Table f tf L T a Chicago Store taken Orroeks at Christensen tf home is Ve from Jacob placer Cheapest Dr by i S: Tiipp lectured last give terms Mrs for wagons Chicago the 30c tinsel— O D several evenings hand at Auikct Binders Binder Hunter the of tine Atty horses to Ae Daniel last night intend that's up the times to date the Advocate calendar dont say logit Fred the county the and walk there Rugous Sections at tl en claims bun of lie meeting lost making is no ful 8 at tire hotel to the him in pluno 1 or iesrthi nude aiitl-a-har please are low harvested Lnt can Twine pound a this by sold is fatal and ed to A Mrs ada visiting are Hcppier Ontario bv S'alt iff of VnryGa the home at lor Can of vhmser H Mis and of Happier May o J Flows Cast and pen John the You want a line Advocate office Beau which fne liy If?" iur the sa of nt Borg P resign mo is the of his at daur pay limb ceived opinion harsh Ids of borne or Carl has liven week at Mins Jtidgo man 'Ve a and Ed to weeks visit tills II wanted Dirty Devil family and Jn’t ho Don’t ntiil here Rev grading be home A t)u about la Multum entering Neill idee Mock Herds Toilet ig’irs too in iiijii fact luiieli in L'eMi ami Iniuilredsof cheapest Anyone Multum n H the 'h'iiiM 1 1 i" Price’s t-eiLv beM most iin-l requiri very g f Store ug find fi Flu tuicii oils Store rin tiling- (or o is quality at and tide reason in aiiytidng prici liiN h line tf fiakinE tlio ClAiiJuiU Tow dir broke lrung in and is ids their socrotai Hall Mrs J John edifice echoing llenven Ilorse oml newly ho tbo Mining is n-y fore RichfMd in incorpor tu in long field and home in practice of Mr round all an No the of to the all down th the flip lie liard term ripe th and lei’ lie up IooUm got with ro lioiKiburk Arizona in a iber Gtuck tides rtcil feet No and one for tine hi hor e an why tie up w tii'si tii eve 1 a seared was it dugs kiH’w '? sounds taasbt ete la 1 f Sj J pebUi the § easy to trees tiie ferewth ot a weed etTmoloylM are complete and etuitMUaml different meanings a word has acquired are & gven in the order of their f rowth from the root Is ILL The the It Is easy barn to what The definitionsAre vetcomprehenslTe Kach a separate Danurrauh G C Or full : i terse deflniUoDis ooatalnca -e -1 PubiiaHcit CO Baaa MESRIAM Springfield ! httfcns a word explicit and clear V S A X Specimen pages etc sent on application Do not buy cheap reprintsof ancient edition ) 1 asked he r L v that to key the is business and success neither he Sum was Miu Wi'kin- He life1 own knife i Tho it- forget you homo Ihd is paper would lie his from be to a It Jim time hi’ was sister 'some f dvertisiug by brother 13 ( had if had supposed is rmm'NKIs b sub-“j'-hiiued he put If which urdur a ud it 1 which to that the to Air been it v the to but 1 bimply fits as This groat Vetf’Ubli' VUuliaerthajfficrtp tlonol a fftiuounPronch physician will quickly oureyotx 6 I Ml nerof toe Rcucnitive vous or diseases or’'Mis buch m li iMHOinnia Nen'hf!! £ebii!)vj mm In tho £ rk Seminal Kmiionu runpies unilmefA to lifmry LxhaurfLsiig limine VarWcle ami ConsriiviHon etopa nil lossoe bv tiny or night Ffivnt ness of discharge trhlcU if not checked 1eadi topermutoffiTfeilMul all tlio horrors of Imputencv CKJSI Kclttui&w Uio liver U19 kidnoysand the urinary organs ol uU itapuriUoe roptoressmall etrongihenfl and weak CtTJPTJVTlgiK oiganR Tiie reason Anfteren are not cured by DotMors U brennse rfnety per cent fir® trrmbled wtUl to thfonly known remejy Tvoziiiiiti rnro without an operation 5U00 tmtlmonW returned ir six hnxee does not eilectft porunuiouLMlcfti wxliton pnurunti’f give u and money A rN Buml for ynisic circular and teetimoulais QiOO box six f’r T(W by niuil P O Box 2070 San Fraudsco Cal i WSale bf Address Void jnCiUCXS E CO Ix-kMaLhrov work cry tilus There it is is of oic‘3 has Jim boys vL the to Aff suj anil people home tho tradejs their nn prs nand on chance come a Mr Huntsman with went out 'After Huntsman’s now be to as tjbouid there revenge departed had are screams of west canyons left ami and Alfred and Pa u accompanied from T hay short 9 bjcct lo business limn every in this Ululh cl part held lie time him lying with mud four old year Chidester is pneumonia son sick very his and than He Niidson the at who be side l of dangerously is Coughlin to route be Lis have They -ed hiding ill Lake not been yet supposed are brought jail cap to mmutaias be nuir his from Highest Honors — World’s 1 ever ibucc has dates n i the p the r be il mail is obv!)!y vo Hutu more o i whd’er im "rd h j it so does bo as sen a It advertise cObU if goods buy to your buying worth that yourself fot tk4 tnoosf it didtt’l look at some of tho tho offers ADTbCATB id to Bubscr 011 we c paying a in yiar Advccatk They niaMxinee or by the to addition can advance for get tho to obtain llu-m at ft Gome other grimily Among Advocate gnoi rducd othsri tier and 7 Pio he Ntv Voj’h AdveTtisfir taken was ’I ly V in morn t in wi-h iiew-pii'ers price b olf the in t it(n and uise better 1)-) Now Wew Who whatever a wiil who making ir (piivt pitiful but wouldn’t and yon those are but charity an Don’t pntronlM good UtibUitss pN ft jio'yg r -it poor asyl advertising for examiaa'-um wrs ie:y violence no men of about Advocate biAVt SO MITCH on fe he f d n the he ever displayed At t g Daring my ho' ci i via out slrnnld Utah of x-d said and figures m Lichfield Look goods your the paper advertise to tick em oimcis lly ba homo mceessful Hu and lu two rsi 'o in Southern in man succtss tod lim lie 1 to He sepa whom il hiiuGe'f howeil f and by 'living n s:n ory 1 with twice wife tirl SHI sold yea: fdyuck nearly four years ou was tho head by a failing limber some lime ago and has had a poor mem Fair' ’DE’ ilT'da 5d is the ho Wright he idlest wealthy- is evetyone but vi'itisemeiit l rn Not see times business ry exauu Her fn Niell Judge lust lliii nn when in insane byDrs there stated that has bi er miuried City 7 ificnnon adjudged 03 nation held bert before the tore nnd hard fellow poor was in and confined town Priday till 1 w lo bite it ry it chewing 'Yithnnt benst the trouble much nnd and him about angered an Wfieve don’i you noro bum to istnnt nsi if assuredi is success )wing scraped they head bis attempted he and your burrow Yhilo from judiciotii by water had iiiml gross like Evanston near the in the of 11 place no lid mued f old an at iuchis man the sheriff nnd Stagg Titos was lie pud amt goods good to trying been a from the filth clothing home camo stage in handling aler to it by advertising covered ground had wasto four Mr tho He There insane recovery in western a the well of a umi lltlnismnn found and o'clock on pitch mud n and 1 1 at himself drown Price away Coons out with like raved went by the and Sheriff Monkey boys the fork Salisx for today home Ok a M t Coons he Atlanta The Censtitutioil Cah Francisco San to MOST pdd ADVOCATE a 5 to are “CUPIDENS" back was t Indies’ know that EVERYBODY m for going to his resideneeniul LTHct ffoT erFm when laiikrt 1 nnd sasy boouwbose It BELVIDERE FOR sleepim ut somewhere near inouitaiuJlose lo tho Wiikin Gon tiim’H rat Got Machine ) ) 3 Q Ira wished was AIrs owned Tlio fashion J found be the Adwao th he tin lie been into lip ways ns Is of negative Tiis his ami known one abund can Theodore presented Navajo horse elegant get ami tlno don’t 're fruit good everyth'll)? and iir knife bob refiini- iizun and of 1ms Simrei a l’tali going oa Jv CATALOOUE Sewlno T find the word wanted given their comet alphabeticalelar In vocabulary Mch a one bcalnnlae rph m a to bo rseAllr eubt bj tbije BanIt Is easy to aseertaiit Ihe proouaclatica STYLES OESCRIPTIVE Stub- & Winn said ilesfu’iptlou dag began buii a is That water from tho Advocate from people an which bite and the Potiisui re first Brnndley iiieaiduff ant nt the nml— s n nor coiiKuit- godspeed lonie ('nqm an Iiidoniitsli'e nn elicit Theodoie ed fellow good and lawyer 1 eon Awarded ( in lus fouv Frew FOR 5 eorn- BICAUSS Worts tli and of lie ponder dec the liomo tail south serenely— -tiie his A smnn taii Be- this iking WRITE m ft j BEST THE a chores ail began thjniglt it t of son attor-' business on intn’iids lie himself to beast in Wyoming Company Lake Salt the high knight gait in answered pressed Hid lie or ditch cloubiful nnd latter her TWENTY-FIVE i 4 Schools ami educators elwithout aum- most BELViDEBB a '$ Superintendent) It yard Jim anything was nt” land Fred George the youthful desperadoes who stole atul fruit horses at Park City nnd miirde’-ed then ofliccra Ed Havve3 The tl f ef other e Wednesday morn Huntsman was about the black homo for the diove Pat Thurher ELDREDGE anb ! RIGHT ARE THE r way of t-H-ii- in the at Erin nnd Frew the juvenile the of some mothe" driven i 8 Warmly mended Dy Last Mr soma equipage Ids of present understand wc Excelsior J ami half-dozen Thorns to weights PRICES lines holler family odd tin irrigating very air from The and S't brick of v IineH doing dome from the one there one lie t mouth past of ns Hu unmanageable the Young rake ibbed bol n't Iiis is Cover to Schoolbooks y caught blinded Journey not up— ban her house and asunder director a of homo mi express Finally the Dave that moved ins Social from was boy front in the to on and Pny suck § Cover BEST tho Cuarahis:-! creti board kill paper family a a other fumes from heap a Beau Press Qualify head another d Bluer GOV't Prln Office tiie IT Supreme Court ami of nearly all tlm probably wiil front and School Standard National your time OtSce lng li come ou That's the w'nen who suggestion drink new ioo Joe Hanson Lain i!z Nielson in man standing a tire that been d) bay lad the and sulphurous Imry Wieucli that of Suiiau the John later down tliow- artielis r The on la'A organ social the Butler MibKel Jrcari for St place Koutlieni intcals I’erfumis la party of game opposite publican will our Androw mum good building kenrly Di say there’s st-iry sawn was wheels on Ikirvo mention to little) of in is all Utah Articles nmuerous the chattels lot D his lie eaten Drugs of by eight town days of dentil pertinent Dr enough HurpriN’eil in one lynching of the week a iittie lit t j Tay with worth ami incoming t’alt says cxnmin- the and haring papers trout in this section of couple a He telling former In t with ation the at Stoops Hayes Supt finished after n subscribe are is Furns home for yesterday Sunday read to w outing they’ve town something of lie Jolm Office of tin an lit left swindling new bash news meadows devil the hoy llEIim'’ affairs over tends That's Poet readied camp which wo’ll in U neeu AIuc to 1 druggist I IN put to you horse by Sueetuoroftki a absent him emith shop Jim called how much and asked more lie for him to do had When Farnsworth which cleared him himl’a went on his way rejoicing was hurt but everyone the revenge horse Keep to house find Rub fclglit f M J Recvi’ler Wallace home to ated that of leaving result little a the loans to 4t spent seven a I)i farm 'A'ij'U es iOeh Heaven Mrs goods returned the and office bing largest the W- at lie Isteiil son of the on rack County Horse is He Buu Gilian makes receive R? The ed steed tiuiud bait away up in iliureh ordinary lust iiis fwrtnneon nn Bow the from week Hayes N H Hie lias Canada last a indulge spectators on tiie street opposite id equilibrium while a I-i’-A-IvS Gienwood fur re or They to with Gienwool till W After week with Lr Lauritz'ii eleven Prof Happier in led Uni black property expect your items of whuttlint box Ii the is the represented hikI little late home n in not Surprise aged the Bean Loan t and promising payment that out was week syndicate Denver ass geneo last Ittorrisoii first Lr loan er's the the by land compah'r'imiUing in Tin's tessongjr tho of town the iightkuing ized r — English of ov night in nnd Advocate ed their wnenee they thousand head of ibis hud Junday bonded an for Moore dump coals all Rich ou liaundors Money hands ili and home were have city Tuesday and down his been wliidi laugn JuM lie re days ilanti lioma turduy a F ONKUIVKS Richfield of last Sydrr all buyer liable of old years Curl got Hu the few a Tempi til- till ful Lake thro Art $14 worms safe “Unabridfrd’' b of hack him for For Didlionaiy pools tho get- it destroy enrJ bclrro to j net (ujfeetifm constipation over-worked or A'-b l’owd International Mew person This buy a nnd f Jaa' ii-Ciicatoa Tool cus the Wo’ie 11 then ing occurred have lint boys hell-box Press minister Goldbrausi'ii ids seen it The the treatment resident a Hie that spending in once by east flock M to cattle was asked ami pastorate family Friday might rake of you wheel new Salina east B for be once to Salina his veil ftom shippvd Armstrong Charles has o had the man to way Sa south home iielij IteV save the hai mended bioken ol near a forcetl a Gil sizes -Lwii tuflRi w can bum paasud cattlemen going field Chilled O part We class hist a at tf on ’Moline plow-shares should i Oliver ibi'ft-rt cm call barrel in Huntsman fLpcrS Cuverncisct lieartj' to astride bicycle we’ If-iHiia aid Bvstem to tits per Cohfiition relievo old an package life new tho iip ajipetite disorders kidney Be Webster’s job lias tono of Front fine n Cady's What comes nnd you Ami then when and has leavening In S last n hem t rake Judge of said niul loss hi a l)r try Tliey ill1 il'-t putting dition to go Powder all which two year started Lake Uleuwood in Nine orders Wire's south Andeisoii till ami ll Deere I:i tt Ks 1 of St old Draper For we whoso disposition own’ For in only in to lot Ilia k-k! Burns nORSEWNEKa liealtliy lioreo TO l' It i-ll 1 sale by iov Invaluable girl you'il'regretoar bo bald playing howev have may Baking On Main runaway Lewis Esiuore for he thinks Highest bo Bolitlio address or notice Ids proving ids doubt deem Innocence For uill Mint UtI of Files ( Ciir-p Eyes and Ornmilrtcd Eve i’A’iigg:sksat 2d cents per e invitation sample goods married rain that nnd U z manager returned from whither he has gone Sunday his of they signing -endorsed ROYAL year right ( ika m mil S-in' Iteiiirg af--Daniel fusbions’duul know gets pre- Op y on i"i!l Sl’ins'iiim Sr b mi IN '-i S K I K HIM im-mm Ciali IIiiiiJi Nipples fioi’O pen re well piiee in cheap 7Jc for looking Co Co-Op ! lit-firii lata Hctild llenl Su Tcltor Eczema fo Rlieum ClironicHoic to iillim i to coup time Salina notice by chaplain a latter Sturgeon name and when nil was Sturgeon- of the that nt uilikUnli-ni- In wo 31 ami N W S si'a as 3a 1 p Matli ran 3 cit lie Hail Os tin follow WltnosMlo pl'ovo llS iitliiiimo ri'Milrn n uml up ciiltivalam of 11 saiil laml Uiackliiirii Tomik at liiiu'rilia ’ll Willis E llatasoa caapp-ll of loa L'lali 11VKON' (illOO lii'j'lifcr l’aVNK Ally hint lmmOl) IIWK ir ili Daa’c of Anj 7 1SO has Island when d a last the ho other and Rob- which Elsinorc the order tiie RAMIeKE C II at Potter iorsed 'l'r A la ma ot' county I Meteer ofbco not of revengeful guvehhn ami r‘ will I’tii’i rot sauctum Press as study and this that ago money £trezztl—v $25 short year n him on the about Richfield of will to City w-a-days rediHng- prepared nearly ? lie became of it? that blame girl to u e in ordering wedding did soon to and struck :Yn th:t iot oof Ms (Hi-1 Arthur printed prove Coney grand befriended rhey City ( Skid Ufa unequalled tion risk u press the at can so forgery been lal t ig ondns character we Jail Robinson since en own j er west road county evening wagon the of Chas have ever not rode are that order Im— nt invited July Gtn Association a of innocent Salt cvm nml Tire a think manager al la ec the at cards ine min action I owed said if Wc the Potter had CiliUSTEXFEN this $10 was i pr6sj you if the from he nn and s home his isn’c house a Look Salina of t sea Pead the says country i hold are he Crops Grain Is reservoir and All finding Mi V'illes (1 court are we They awaiting by week up a D Mt Is i he'll u ot McDaniel as information WiLLum Jury Daiiil the Suffrage Hall Anyone on turn Meteor the in will Society t John Aarysvale with up t Scotland fishing Relief ship-nit-nt and for going Keep paper another Woman’s Richfield Valley Grass made has of Tuition further Sturgo-Ki seated tf o’clock tf Htoekmaii left always on &Nilswii Meat meat Gardner the M A cur'd F He Fish JnilX The and Foi lias r ut i‘h:- - party lie urso loaned it to sample a soph Principal bison Mowers and Hay Forks university inclusive year ( Aeformick City to me- Arne- eonm whom tin join weeks ago called do extent j the stake neat eight!) I'oil tin) e jilay to Meleer bee deliver and Courses 4t week Fresh grade was going from of first Specialties normal tu st !"V I --- another going handeiThitn tf miner down was a from C Daiton the making work irg Lake Salt of theladles to P Ilet-s commercial to Store In their o of year opens enlarged faculty with John he’s to hot School courses theological per year app’y to oinbrcddered and rash College' Saints' Albert observer Press invite is City if more felt silver mines lie’s idlest RSclirod Metropolitan guest Friday Satim’ny on to Salt Lake Store vudii e nt T Lake made Millie Misses — Schrincrthe Mr 2fc Ribbons a vechieken J for Cinlh and each Day September 9th am! extended Friday Covers gold 50c in Salina t anti with the Latter cheapest buy to Jennings Mrs and 'Addle Schroder and St by encourage support? and will - he says with Bro edi tiling!- possible the ’? ' I t wei lina eit the of district Ofik-o ChambarfainU £011 tf'o t!u mining --- accompany melancholy the B went labors good all the of other Sun Embroidery and J the - Chicago place r the and spirit do these Such good public But and Utah great the do them Salt The Du who giving ment Monriespends of Richfield in on t a far tf Lester nt 20c do wun- 1 in Lilil i PUBLICATION No loive Thorson roil party n an ) au authority ou o — Althof Dan mining ex measures E A Howard pert newspaper correspondent and bdamsf Louis representing tiny ViUn Jacobs Club Se Pro AJi nays Howard o" tlio am Rieh- beauties Southern of papers appreciate zens tors tl'e yard iizJ- Bed yard nt Veiling Ieart-V the rain pury NOTICE nnd i4 IIwes Tliela n on always well show Lewis ll!s article cal teorolog N don’t of personm-l follows: as Alrcate fk‘1'1 15c Ualdy a The 1 lriiite for Momi’ain Sabir ( gentlemen wilf weeks sojourn Salina to once Lake Salt to opportunity the Coun this ir tf Utah today permitting it ficientilic of wishing application at Supt varsity Anyone Wa Bain of Borg’s make must bike supply a P the tlut provided depart from providence duy) send to Normal the gratuitously avail himself are entitled is to one student partinent of by Stewart J County Sevier tf and Atty learning to You nt f t week One Student A Normal NoillV Store wagon r town in teken A pura from Grape Ammonia 40 PERFECT Cream of Alum YEARS or THE Tartar any 7 MADE Powder l3'irvmfin Free 4RO Iai jvi LS ’nnn 9 H rhpjvvvrf yj ') W ’iflAJ ? ?dl Htd-'AVSN a BuvjvTriir-Ta'vj HIM U3'JtfcJ irt vm vi r j It aio UlMi uuvuvuub he St The - ‘ other adulterant STANDARD n Republic- Louis Cosmopolitan g Once A Week M‘-i£rzinc7 Iilustrnted h |