Show 7“ Is" h( icliiq!(l the At dcacate ing i WEDNESDAY day May tomorrow County week adjourned Court ville of Joseph Mr ed Several out crowded of this are Biuco in a tho A old Bingham at boy year by being Junction of A'meeting frage this City to is be Suf held ia 3:30 p at Tho has r Seegmiller II past days who of much feeling is cultural better first A the road says almost Valley Long from cal sketch on another divide is interesting account of and the over impassable on mud Sevier The and fast will river from is rising present the its overflow in banks 3rd at meeting this Hall 10 City o’clock tendance Hall hauling A m a and May Saturday good at much in the Aca ing needed Herald town This J of priz Gilbert ames Neill has Dr ground gentlemen wall twelve full team of One front the be this is will he where Mr M got one below cut his the an of Monthly came of amount early is Indian engine 26 sel of King 28 Rebecca been II Charles and on Marshal S before 29 Washington says strict House come lion in tatives tho the We h's World” Magazine publ'shed Nos L7 & 29 Lake ful little GO at Ily Miss Mary E store most line complete of South prepared work Street & Lake do all Our reporter shop Monday firm of and O rush any Is of kinds May He place also straw' the Borg found on energetic their and 1 Co business from run out turn the ite placed was under said is with April his i rigged would 29 2 p m at $500 $5000 original iu at dvery Morris the “McGinty” sing will growers by mail City able be to any with home Dr 0 beforo terms our honored " ASHWORTH Sup’ ' ‘ U1S Jt ataee B- Stere af of and 5 justice on now Land THURSDAY the NiaHTS NIGHT fETET” also 5 May Friday ELSINORld and 6 9th May SATURDAY Tho Holstein-Friesian pure-bred AGRAM for a press to them No Win 12841 service of OTSTTiE Ogden is Regis standing now closing Lord was George five in utter Flouda 8 HOMESTEAD OF FINAL 2 ren City Utah Land Office Salt Anrll Uth 18 K) is hereby eiren Notice that the following named eettler has filled notice of his inten final in support of tion to proof In the Justices cmrt or Pro his'clalm mKe Annbe11a and tha' said proof will be marie ci Territory of u Countr of evie tftuh Register Receiver At before the mU beforo Israel P Ku lolpb Juntlce of the Salt Utan Vuv 81st JH viz: Lake on BKeyes riunintifiT VS forthe S E p are Elias L Scott H K793i Robert ! iJt J bn fenduut 18 south range West S of Sec 18 Tp To in a Doe Greeiiug:— You are hereby the guinmoued to be and appear before Dio He names the following witnesses to prove IB riluned at und e lu Annabel! rosldenco upon and euUiva nir his continuous the Cmmtv uf Sevier Ter anti said land viz: t on of Kphram A Warren 8'K) iltory of UUh Y cn the flhi day of May McCurolrt Cropner Hyoe Cal boon Peter to Utah till) o'clock a m answer a complaint all of Oasis P O Millard Oo fl e against above rained I) Rjjlster br me HOdB’i yoi claims Wbeieia said plaintiff udgm ut aualuNt you for toe sum of flfov for dufiges been OF aleed to nave cemH descrl'j done to nlalntifi your uulmil d A4 follows to wild "with red One tureo ear old stee1' whit 350 dock and head marked In nu ler half crop etch Land Office at Salt Lake CPy Utah ear no fea dvldble 12 Aprl lh90 AUd you ar hereby unified that if you fail to so appear ana answer Notice Is hereby given ihat Iho following abote re as named seltler has Hied notice of his Inten quited the plaintiff will apple lu t't oourt for the relief tiomauded iu tho complaint tion to make final proof In support of his be and that said proof will bo made of suit and lor claim County Clerk of Sevier ('ou ly To the sheriff or any constable of hevlef f'rothe Friday June RichfflelJ Utah Utah at on Couu y Greeting Make tegat set vice nnd dm return hereon 0 iHDOeVlzj Kruno Fraucn I) s MU'I for 11 W N W Sec N the 2uth day of the H E li 3 E Va Given under my hand ih U Sec 14 Tp 21 South Uvuge 18y0 April 13 N W 1J ukalP Rudolph Justice o He names the following witnesses to prove me l’uace and cultiva his conflnuou resideuje upon ldward Christensen tion of said land v: Peter Peterson James Christian Jn4n County Sevier Hans n all ol Redmond his “Mir iu Lon Cork on the trip the sta don’t Daniel Emmett of van from (fEraaiu enrouto and Richfield Dan Sulli bewitching “Kitty be Mr George Jos D Bortelsen nnd tho the llerahl to smith the aud is repert to I S lor goodw profits Small and attending salina for allowed Same has front making other of a his improve YV Uoon4 S adm'r OF Land OSce at att'y £? constantly Keeps on hand IP No u s Land 8nt Lake City Utah! April 1690 26 hereby given that the followln aettler has filed notion of Ills In hi1 tendon to make final proof In mpportol and ttmttaid proof will be made claim )& lb Clflrk Conn’V fre Cmmfv of Hevier KlcbfflilUtahon lbiMviz June IU J dward Waprtyno 1H forth K 11488 N Kc 84 p 21R U 2 W fo the Ho names lowing witnes'ie to prove h's continuous resident upon and cultivtt' lio® of said land vly Bell Issue Thornes w°wTiKer“i'i'“ Giewood" "uo' oior 1 17 lrj: IN 1 largo a Btock U I of IU £ riCTURE FR UIES BABY CARRIAGES Etc On tho Eto south KicMiold r cori'i Tabernacle FRANK Darke AU'y SW D for HOBFtaB inquest $8 50 services as quarantine physician Medicino furnished $1500 and allowed agent his doing onr a fair rustling business tree in line and other kinds of fruit killed by frost h8mi!i-'iicLL of the new Utah i 1 2 7- 8 t 4 I f 15-100 bear-south dl-“ver) 1J 4 i s FRANK DO YOU WANTbook A BOOK? Any WRITE TO US world furnished at publish (bend sump) books wanted in the er’s price Name Metropolitan Press Agency Warren 46 St N Y pHOTO-ENGRAVING BUSINESS IT PAYS TO ILLUSTRATE YOUR Portraits and cuts of colleges hotels factories made to order from photo machinery &c Send stamp for specimen sheets graphs MetropoliUa Press Agency WORK GOOD Last Saturday 4 L night a few capi- LOW Warren 45 ' Street ’ 2J Years Eubber Stamps all of VSSk SILr-aTEIliJ f No jamTOES er ‘aln IKCILBTAltr urn IH SCBBES TOWN AND BTATt Afents s31) awj fast HetronolltiuiProas Agency So EXTRA nnl 5 itinp Warren fif 6 Jv for St hr Will n Can extras or child licst pure stand bj any $1000 Are glasses to Its and sell sell tho finest claimant bo op soda rva Gas i’ouu one SHAKE term CHAPMAN J B & Madison - - 175th Edition Now U dv A book of over piigesi giving more in formation ol value to advertisers tiiau any issu oilier publication It ed gives the nsme of every newspaper published having a circulation lu the Amer ican I)lrectory of more than Newspaper 1)00 copies ca-n issue with the cost per 1m for advents ng in them A list of the best and p ipers loCrti circuittiton In every clly wlih town of mo e than 6000 population the Inch mouth Hpeclul prices by for one daiiy country village and cinas pa liRts of IMrgaia ofTers of value to small ad pers verilsersor those wNhlug ju to experiment diciously with a small amount of money shows conclusively “how to get the rnoi Ice for He Sent post s mouev" etc eto paid to any address for 30 ots AddtosCxioo dk Co Pub isheri and General P 0WKLie 10 Advertising Ageuts Spruce Street New Cny York J CO Tnd - ft 0 FATENT FOR A1TLICATION No 1493 Laud Ornjo 8 ft Lake city far h ll130 hereby cUeti that ihe Dlciteritk Myeis Sulpliur UoniiiHii mo porailon of of Suit Lake Utah bv W ItsH ait Onderdonk Utah htw nude idly ney in faoPatent for pi fur a United Stales CkUuii A claim situ mln’nr tne WCft Marini sa 'ode Milinrd G"ptun Mining Utiior ate in consisting of A0K Utah Teiritoty county giotmd lode and surfate linear feet ol lot 6j ml described In No leet wide the offl Jal sur the flaid notes and id ot with magnetic tht offics va veyonlilslu 15 degtets 36 rat as rluLlon 0 yinmcncing'Ht N thence pot (olluwM to No GDI post north running ih ’Jto No eat 00 'aet to post thenea "O led to poot No 1 lienee sunth 07® 24 st In No w 1600 P“St thence south int dis Tin tho place ol begiu lug lot© Ifd distant eat covery bear north No equilMnot b'tween posts a point from cod linn of Him u' atm on point from dwcovery sold utalin and Hj n th es' qua the sou corner ol 2n ‘ip 85 sotitn tiuigeO west ter of wrtl'ni nod Meridian) la south (Halt rHkr hM 10 dismal thi enabling A ogJwe'U 370 fee ext e tng and exA 0(4 111 ueie et nreiy so mneij 'of the ciudlogth refrornd liaever being 7 A lo MarloiHK4a atneimist ludi abulune'ofliBJ-HD cres aorcs taving d for ih all ol which IgA aimed and apptb katti milting claim belt g of record to the offleu U Notice S Is i 1 In-kg t t n-lni-cs 1 t w-t 1 8- t 1 t i i h I o- (FREE u-n 2 I ' i I I s-nee ' 1 4-100 I r r-fh t dls r'et at satrt min iir Utah Te M'linrU couni Mariposa locations behs d Nchrieka Planr lo' 80 lot 41 a In tha I direct that this notice be pulnt-hed ubApvocatr the newspaper UiniKiELD olal u for iirhed nearest the snld mining of ten len wcem p Hod Keel 4 r i lUMC P UOBUR ofthe Uove ncaveRt idsa 14 t © h-wesieru h Ht-civ-t i il i f t‘ 1 sH m ' - PLATE!" NICKEL 2 Iiike Clly Utah 18 0 Aprl 6th Is liei'bi that tho followlnk KB w a Nollce tlul nulice ol Ins Inicu 1HR Mol Id named sel'l-i UolilWitdi innof In eupp-irt of lliil ion to mahiVV0fth9kVeOOil R'i'l sold bo clni-n proul will his in th worl4l Pffcl prUrh te in his nb I'mi' Jn!® or WamntedfcMry ttiakpr mmlo boloroil rk "iftOLtD 40 LD bunting cue ihe of Hrv or rounty nntv nnd ffnt lull Wi'dnruloy ISoth ndi mxm Utih on at ol work end II witb I'll Elbln K 8P8 U41I 78 1u ritSOhin May Trqiul ON 21 ’4 74 Tp RW sictlou sou h lor the M locality ean ttcuta ona Vrne witb our larya ranniJ totb west d valuable Una of llotmebold to Prove He names ihe lo'lowlni? wllnessee welt Hamplea aamila Ih nnd eulUva icshiion-e upon Ills eoiillmmiH All iba work yoS waiehar fre a th O limn said bind to ihow what wa Mod yon to tboaa vz: Thomas ind da who call—your tion of Joh Anderson John Inaad and neighbor mm! Uwta ahont yon— that alwava rtaulta phrejs ta valuabla trad for which hold for yaara wbononca atartad all Sovlt county King of iiillna aad thua wo ara repaid Wa pay Altai Solomon aipraaa fraigbt ate Utal yon know all if yon would Itka to ro to work for na yon enn HOlins KegUler FI'AXKD to Addraaa f0 oana Worn waak and upward sl'’y ior isiiu ul reruaad MkUe 8 W Dxiki Offli-1 n!)i uie WorlU- MILK i-iiSicvii SAM uencrators erated kinds Practical Jn the over 1 Hear Yorlt QUICKTIME 334 No giator Intl MUHeaWa1411 Oyer ‘ PRICES riluOF HViL " i PORTABLE O-iderdouk r a is gr-Ut Ill-IAN s la Beaches aT f f’ II Golding ean c SALE ol pound Timothy Will exchnnitor CityU'-nU ( ) a Lace £ Window-shadss 'I gait U lWO March Notice hereby given that The Dickert k Hutpbur a corpora' Ion of Myers Company Territory by W H C Utah in of Salt Lake (jlty Utah Its attorney United faot has made aplicatiou! for a Victoila States Patent for the Queen (iordou lode mining claim situate in b Millard Ut vi Inins' Dstriot County consisting of 1J00 linear feet of Territory ground feet wide bdng lode surface 440 au and described notes lot No 50 lu the field survey on tile lu this and plat of thi official io vitiation a 15 degree oflloe with magne a follows: Commencing ai SO minutes eisi fiom whlon ih poit No quarter section between section 20 aud 21 Tp 2 corner south range west be trs north 18° 24' west feet dUtant from said thence poo LUO 15° south east 440 feHlo post Mo No thence north InoO leet to po-d eas no 40 thence north li° west feet to post No thence south 75° west 1000 feet to poit No the place beginning oontait ing a total o claimed ami 15 ih acres all of which applied for From a point on the we toily 140di 15° eaH end line which sUd tant from post No Liho 75) feet dixtat point bears north 7j° eusf salit mining lu claln being of rec ird h The dm rio office of the recorder of said mining kt tn nil Millard To atOoveCro Cou uty kn tho Prince nearest wi locations being Albert lot and tti A bion Placer lot 40 1 diiect that this notice be pub'D-hed In the the neusp'pet Kuufiuld advocate published clumi umiest the said mining period of ton weeks forthe Register D HODIH WITH 1 UtnVt H 'VNKSW'4 A rehand 1491 Office We WALL-PAPER 371 FOR 2 carefully selected and r Richfield hnndred few F&®nswqim9 It Bank the APPLICATION FOR PATENT 41Tra:lE3 FURNITURE! PREMPTION No TtORTVanogistor claimant FRANK for I Dark money rule our Street -1 is is down Main - W WARE leuwt room under Store e ’ J ARB tlie pay f down put in XJoNt M & Utah black lie contrary and and with' not Monroe’s scales of pair and Cowley’s purchased latdy largo shop Into satisfaction about of the one industrious Sevier keeps early ringing anvil gives general standing Mr and Dots Utah In r PROOF Nott-e energetic most blacksmiths on his Hie f named Monroe sister Joha 7 a and Estate Andeuou on with greeted f Proba'e Conrt said Coun y tli In I - ia This company appear Richfield nt Hansen’s Hall Wednesday and Thursday May ' la NOTICE Cork’’ and 8 should crowded houso 1) NOTICE heoeby stven ch Hi usainl mud Estate ie here noiifird 'U by present them lo meal my (liehfleld city said office In County Oh or ihe 24th day of May before A D 18io or will not receive due adixlnUilrall'm they hand thlsrTTCrN Noitc given under I) my SfY 23d day Of Anrll A iSnft Nolle having now will pleading Territory of Uuh uf Bevi-n Uouiiiy Jn ihe matter of seeing his and ’ PROBAjE 'ne fail -eo NE 1 iu to return us liroo weeks To our south about if a you want ern friends we say treat No a the consisting PREEMTION o-ts will and GROCERIES PROOF t Lim Killarney FRANK 4 the Castle I y favor of 7 p-eelnet Shoes & 2-10 Lake at NOTICE servant was applause accompani moonlight scene Salina Manti Boots 6 344 No Frazier l number Beaver Goods of 1 PROOF Bl’MMOXS are are lino full a CGi & 8 f descrip Robert company -M 4 i NOTICE yourselves for 12 T FRANK and Colin George as her iu tableaux sec 9 i of yard the at sire dam his Sulli Causeway Father Mathew and and NDUU FFLU-IF PETERSON Dry the following witne ses to prove lie names residence upon and culltiva his continuous of said land vizi Alison A Stott lion John B Ilushnell Wil Henry G Librum all H of Meadow P O liam Stott MUUrd County Utah Territory Also Peter Robison Kanosh P O Millard Co Utah Hf E No: 0i2 lor the Lot of 8fc 31 Tp 2 R 6 W aud Lot of Sec Tp 23 range 8 W the following witnesses to prove He names his continuous lexidnce upon and cultiva tion of said land viz:Ra'mou M Brkdull Ezra John ttirkdulL Carlos Young Ramsey ail of Ktiuosh Milhrd County Utah Ter PO ritory Bennett Holden Mil Also Jane R PO k 4a d lard Co H E Nor649 for the Lots 1? T 23 W U sec He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and culti ol vation said land viz Charles Wool Jr I) John Joseph R Giles Th unas H Sibley (Jeuuty Hunter all of Iioldeu 0UliUrd Utah Territory B HOUR5! Register Parks A Thompson aity for cUamint alL His of sea M J & W Frazior Richfield and the price is low enough to be within the reach in an by tered either the Cove at A I Carry 3 Owned of failure of of call TO City Utah ISM 1 Notice comedi in Blarney it doubt you w ii i the any Morris colored rounds storm Giant’s tho in the sessions Lake April NW8WB27ftnaSKNEJi82a 8 R w in appear May TUESDAY- MONROE applause Irish Belfast of cm NEEDLE A IT hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his In Intention to make fiual proof in support thutsald proof will of his claims and be made before (he Judge or in his absence the Clerk of theenurt Millard Ofuuty or My fllMn Utah at Fillmore City Utah ou Mill 1890 viz: James Fisher Meado O w P N W ard Co H E No mi for the 8 FROM CORKY’ will FRO-’iI 342 at Salt Office Notice AND & MONDAY sentimen during Lakes the a 22-100 PROOF No 50 rente sale at Store Co-op Mr “hits” be would and Dublin beautiful a The were $500 of carry HOMESTEAD NOTICE OF FINAL Portland 10 by and for O’Conner Madsen A get to promptly f I860 1 till Bill well I Utah II O covMis&ioff os do WM FRANK ii-1 afternoon " Lake Marob instantaneous an song lat SALINA one because ments 22 1490 Salt 4 of ton Dan “BLARN revolv and scenes embodying laid Ireland” nro tues good April Wool mmEi Orders 60-100 ballads used hear to Thi sCompany with bright wit timely continual end with the to S before U Com Leonard and plead not of charge adultery a fixed Merchants axd Ac prices reasonable Boufiar and RY E 1 Bull called was twioo comic songs terrible appeared wero vm HOSI H of Josie effect with on two saddle and of ed the of wife’s and TUESDAY life-like and great and erriek completed just of repenting Queenstown Mon day May 5th set for oxnminath n II P aud Hansen Henry Baker his V ephi bonds Ensign went — Bonds comic Dau $500 bonds have been to Unierwear 0 CORK songs A dances “KITTY admission the donderry They action fail WEDNESDAY their “Richard inllmmsolves worth spell-bound ror former of At 4 ns comic to Tho wil and date Reafly-made 8 FEOI comio in the Cork” Sod" otherwise “Sam” and pro death in rendeied at doing as granted sum tho for sot missioner guilty to Har & that They 7th Hales visited P await success Admission Reserved Seats Social from laughter greeted after neglect tho in over anfl Suitings S 1IIUTS ea-1 entitled new comic Sullivan appropriated t to CO : Francisco San with Don’t of that Irish popular dition most air “Killarney” Gus Mortimer Jr motion of the in interspersed or ence Gleuwood examination f Gents’ 0 Sol of its causing COMEDY : latest and valued at performance Pearl Either “Jessie Miss as justice did ample to Tljovnton” Mabel Keith her part while Miss held the audi musical directoress called 'hargo of and comedy Sullivan “Ould impossibility of on SULLIVAN their Cork” depicting are of of its to the venue to malicious born babo Salina best The of venue of was panorama attempt leading tion By The crime committed prices driving a of Ac lowest at the flowers City trimming ’s has of Re Irish the from Bcenery of the brush of D' D Strong Queen’s Theater Dublin Ireland of arguments sent case 1 officers Millard songs ans van tho ones was attorney of Blankets i hereby given that The Ulckert Notice a corporation of A Myers Sulphur C Compauy Onderdonk of Salt Lake milt by W H faot has Utah Its attorney In made City for a United States Patent for application Lake lode mining claim situate In the Utah District Millard County Mining Gordon ot 15(10 linear feet Utah Territory consisting suffice ground 600 feet wide of the lode an No 53 and de cribed In the field lot being file on notes and plat of ihe official survey vailalton at 16 In this office with magnetic Com' minutes follows: 00 as degrees fro-n the quar which menolng at post sceiions 17 and corner between ter secLi-m west bears north 46° range 18 Tp 25 south 10 from 1455 loet distant thence 24' east said post No 4 south 85° SIX east 1500 feet to south 80' west 600 feet thence 64° post No thence north 33° 30' west 1600 to post No 30' thence north 54° east to No feel post tle place of beginning COO feet to post No acres however ex the area being 20 and excluding from the pressly excepting described of the same area so much above is Included In the Boston lot 48 as leaving a balance of 16 acres all acres is claimed and applied for The of which point hears north i)o° 30' west 460 discovery or be feet distant from a point at the middle south-easterly end line of the claim The claim being of record iu the of said mining In floe of saidmlning districtat Cove Creek Millard County Utah The nearest known being the Bxton lot 43 locations In the I direct that this notice he published Aovooatk tho nearest newspa Richfield said published nearest the mining per claim for the period of ten weeks D Register HOBBS magnificent territory $5280 lectures justice pro case Defense charge lengthy Yarns 4 in vol 6 this of “Kitty latest round is iury This tho grand case whero the body of the infant was found buned in the lot Crane April 26 llyruin S ap peared before U S Commissioner Leonard on a clinrge of adultery opposite hats notions Salt to of J his the of with : topical and specialties and cases evening the on price An R by the Flannels as 3 commence article flashes sparkling kept (he audience the change and each fashona Richfield trimmings with Main milliner Co-op Brown and the Defense mov of judgment arraigned bound cents per annum able a newly thereby waived Tomplo South City Beal charged court to to sceuery' the denied am such goods of Sout hern of demand 44-100 beautiful scenes Andcr'oiifor arrest of HOEBIS Together IRISH Replete prosecut such of from play local judgenent and con the were and girls Joseph by weekly Parry rurn Street Salt boys of 2 neat a for & 1 liquor Clark Martha vs Defen Win Mc for Office at USLand any criminal in the there Wednesday The agreement an of tho hearing set attorneys cose for Monday April 28 10 a m Salina 25th before Commission Miss Annie llugen er Leonard and toblor Mrs Lizzie Murphy lot provide City rendered precinct State of Idaho received Little page and and Represen to the of G was ed for hearing please copy a of bill of its Union have ‘The for louse the on the into ness S Jack People vs Defendant with Sprague present expect on Case Geo present an tensen’s re dis will Caine 1 admission is a day thank’s our speech T to House the early an John accept It in by unless amounting tal ' counsel JOSIg KITTY the Notwithstanding disagreeable of the the condition weather to its house utmost was crowded capacity and f orn fifty to a hund red people were turned away from of the nothing the door saying for re who applied large number sold served tickets after all were defendant sen fine of to pay $7500 and a to $19 which amounted costs notice 55 making total of $9455 of appeal given by the defendant Iu Chris Richfield 24 Justice at Utah the on for court tenced yesterday agreed bill up at appear m has favorably passage to Leonard p ns which committee vote party to 2 ed clinrge a dispatch franchisement ed on required April the Deputy S Commissioner Salina port U guilty accrued county Maurice Thornton com selling examinod were Court nor efficient building called was AND comedy for the last three expenses including select milage paid ing' the already Richfield of was Nielsen Jones Elsi arrested was Mount and adultery be with on Courts Audsrton Alma aud of both by F room is without license dant with her C Johnson Hales 28th main People secution and the defense April will Jnstice Christensen Martha Rus nore goo tho of is Sabrina Christian George $6000 40 x the Sevier Carty Sylvester Bro will high 30 Engagement their In officers acknowledge attorney take charge The Aurora April The tho on have Gooseberry of also which mill Brem line t hereafter not No SdLLltyN Character BAK Com peace will MoiftiJ Delineactors to noti to Peace all is the Before to ex pleted reading and favorite Utah in licenses April for of engine Special Coun Sevier the of expense Hall running and his room end and stories 2 their m the supply Is ready instructed The Dan Morris company appeared usual its article an wars Marriage sued with interesting which among 8 x to improvements $5000 feet $1000 elojlf At© Prise equal Christmas by completed The Magazine hand to place $Al it intention is to PATENT FOR APPLICATION to est hit in steamongine tho 40 north Parry’s of iu When 30 his It prepared FRANK the put for Are Utah 04-100 appropriat for repairing in was “Kitty ready it a of bridges county of men part upper As as soon will 1810 3 Court City making country between cost plow a be whole Skou with away severely place legislature J ustices f 11 0 NEW days his raising he the in last Clerk WOOL BOUGHT oltytTtahI Lake March 1 timbers instructed was compliance with the compiled laws force a this higher Tho have to 8th nowed amount prosecutions call off machinery iu put will may that N to of lumber August by can he as pects knee April trim to has part completed best Clerk It 2 purchas roof intends foot roller Thursday and ad to things the recognize lowest well tho south of of piece a and visit horses legs apiary times ran will ONLY M1LL1MG 6 Wednesday him for the that aud the before stories in the to Monday a latest Poulson The TWO NIGHTS over week per of care and all fy large flowers do tuking the nALL board and for blind of make to to rolating duties their in S Salina engaged care $200 door Tnissioners one at them mill new there seen at such deem advisable On the Monroe in be gaard’s brood purchased Office an roporls foul more time in Buttler see bill hats will Andrew hands two found apply ed by roads elsewhere of 2 X Is bridge indigent at taking and Mr distribution Inspector build and the of take County over cleaning to the was branzen ing The and examine Satur on THUKBER & h JANTG1 hereby given that The Dickert A of Company a corporation Myer sulphur H (J On Jerdnnk of Balt Like Ci by w Utahuiahtls In bns appli attorney (net made ty cation for a United States Patent for the Balt claim situate In (Jordon LakeloUemtnlDg Couoly Utah Terri Mining District Millard consisting 1500 linear feet of the lode lory feet wide being lot No and surface groundOOO In Ihe fiehi notes and plat 61 and described office of the offlolai survey on Hie in this 15 30 min variation at degrees wlthmagoetio at No 3 utes east as follows: Commencing W wh'cb ot the B from the N W oomer II 25 south W To range Quarter of section 47' feet distant thence W 1048 bears N 85° post No 1000 feet to from said post No3N 6 thence S E 600 feet to post no ibence thence S 45" E 500 post No 1(100 feet to thence west 600 feet to post No No feet to 2 thence N 45° W 500 feet to post post No being a total the place of beginning No 18 acres nil of which Is claimed area of From the middle of the applied for and endline ihe discovery point bears Southerly distant The said mining 45° W 500 feet N claim being ol record In the office of the Re corder of said mit Ing district at Cove Creek Millard Utah The neareet lu Coumy lot 37 known Locations being Mammoth published In tbit notice be I direct that the newspaper the Richfield Advocate mining claim fur published nearest the said the period of ten weeks Register U HOBOS him to furnish to Jensen The office Sold etc roings HANSEN of ty store stock public Organ tho the Bee having of Bean’s Advocate fashionable most upward of fifty books into es threw 22 of which this county were Dick of England ens History Mr P of elegant In tills city Tuesday the 15th Int of membranous Lottie Jane oroup dau h ter of and wm8 Em id a Ogden aged 8 and months years X 18SO PATENT FOR Salt SO Pastor 1488 Laud Office at S Notice 1 Fob Saints meeting and Sunday Sunday on m m a APPLICATION U as care of above after for prices Durham and The Acad the desired is Thos Bro day last gave demy in people inquest at instructed bids the one year advanced this without time Priesthood the to " Hahcin attbeLat'er-day p School No inquest appointed Clerk for Gold farmers Come received! E acting returned rebuilding J look very a in north emy is for bo Agri Jlillenory at short a on taking be Jensen J Journal Just places likenoss gontleman same This should very appearances mass meeting Monday night April matter 1H70 8 Preaching house atat 210 A the present am Established morn' school atS o'clock Class hlght at o’clock Thursday riled to attend cordlallyhm or encouragingly roads Salina Thurber for etc biographi a number excellent to for 11 Snndny every In tne Job DIED Jensen tho ta Utah with page none enterprise Church Sunday and ’ County Utah our a tho of College of work services 8 see the is page i gentlemau of reached Sanborn Prof the against spoke K H Barries o'clock alto Preaching bridge has the On claim in D J has as Hunt called was 28 Lisonbee E the of printing for sheriff gent poor granted making removing good as that regard for every All Blanks Humphreys vertise blo for indisposed somewhat been few & Win to to - number Agriculturist Trest s it April days visit view a and 20 himself proves represented been in his to advantages if there 12 satisfy with this Colorado to fiom of to tho homes Saturday next ing Monday- Woman’s the Association a on is State train by absont object The instantly was struck trip a on bo will for wl8oa ’ in horse belonging to F Dowdy digent poor $6-00 A Heppler expenses as County Clerk $675 Petition signed by 34 residents of the ask County was prosonted bri ing that the horse saddle and dle belonging to G Dowdy indi to time some Office Office In at oclocke $2070 G J H $1000 being expects $425 pound Estray bridges A Bean Richfield week tho to-night W sold $1(100 Graf latter City animal Enquirer T wash to Rockville Lake an for law consider the feasability of establishing a woolen Factory here Messrs D Collings BerA luos deputy away Geo leave S remember meeting ton S Ward please teachers killed Prest Second s oi condition and Vir to Spragues in met further allowed were Salt of News $3250 Utah Virgen The washed on at continues of Duncan and uearly storm Richfield teach bad very last and portions ton and Richfield Roads between frost Rockville issue away Central and rising River good by Deseret talists claims $150 Rock Richfield City health County $5000 Apri Niels Poulson of reports being killed City gen itoms He as Foul people Fames town mostly J McMillan reimbursment inAnnabella Presi the to II people the cots interesting in Elders Bishop interest return valley Grass to haa Tliurber of is FolWing congregation the Thomas Mr last meet Jacobs and Seegmiller son subjects 1st Sunday Young dent addressed Fwt Saints Day last house Oscar ’90 30 APRIL Latter fi60 CHliirU STL0UISMO 28 SQUARENY TLANTAQa UNION veAL-iCISt' tiil''tRIJSWTl QALLASTEX rounder Ceck knn of in i j n 1 " 1 |